No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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Leftist Muslim ass-kissers perpetually try to push the idea that "the body of "Al Qaeda" does not equal the body of "Islam"

Yes it does. That's because the body of Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, Al Shabbab, Boko Haram, Hamas, and all the rest of these nutjob groups have Islam (the KORAN) in common. Causation ? The Koran is the causation.

1400 years old, and not one word of it has been changed. Do we hear the supposed "good guy Muslims" asking for changes to the Koran ? If anybody has any info on that, let's hear it.
Why would anyone, of any religion ask that the text of the original holy books be "changed"? You don't change historical documents, but you can change how they are applied as times change.

The other part of your comment though needs addressing. I am going to try to use an analogy, although I don't know how well it will come across, but I'm going to try anyway.

There are over 300 million people in the United States and there are allegedly more guns than there are people presently. There are over a billion Muslims in the world for whom the holy book is the Qur'an. Just like the proximity of a firearm does not cause people to become mass killers, having the Qur'an as one's holy book does not create terrorists. We know this to be true because only a small fraction of the total amount of both gun owners and Muslims commit mass murder, therefore your theory is incorrect.

Every group has it's criminals and the tendency has been to punish the entire group instead of the individuals involved in the criminal behavior.
Fight the Constitution? Please avail yourself of the nearest exit, dumbass!
That's exactly what you're doing. Fighting the Constitution. Article 6, Section 2, part 1. Or do you want to add some more idiocy to this thread, and try to claim that Islam is not a supremacism ?

Go ahead. It wouldn't be much worse than most of the other wackadoodle stuff you've been throwing in here.
Why would anyone, of any religion ask that the text of the original holy books be "changed"? You don't change historical documents, but you can change how they are applied as times change.

The other part of your comment though needs addressing. I am going to try to use an analogy, although I don't know how well it will come across, but I'm going to try anyway.

There are over 300 million people in the United States and there are allegedly more guns than there are people presently. There are over a billion Muslims in the world for whom the holy book is the Qur'an. Just like the proximity of a firearm does not cause people to become mass killers, having the Qur'an as one's holy book does not create terrorists. We know this to be true because only a small fraction of the total amount of both gun owners and Muslims commit mass murder, therefore your theory is incorrect.

Every group has it's criminals and the tendency has been to punish the entire group instead of the individuals involved in the criminal behavior.
1. You don't think that the Koran should be changed ? You're OK with leaving in the Koran >> mass genocidal murder, rape, misogyny on steroids, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, ? Are you nuts ?

2. Islam's immorality and criminality isn't just mass murder. It is also the things I just described in # 1 of this post. And of those things, we really don't know how much of it is going on. Do you go to Muslims' homes and stay there for months, seeing what happens inside behind closed doors, and shut blinds ? Maybe these crimes ARE happening, and all the time.

One thing is for sure. Muslims have proven that they will not renounce the Koran, or the Explanatory Memorandum, and to allow that into our governments, on all levels, is suicide and idiocy.

3. If you think the Koran does not create terrorists, ask yourself this. If the Koran had not existed, would all those innocent dead people in Post # 1400 be alive today ? You know the answer is YES, they would.

1400, how ironic. The same as the number of years of the existence of this horrific cancer known as Isam.
WHAT "goalposts" ? This isn't football.

Muslims are not being interfered with by the government in a right to worship, because there is no worshiping, because Islam is not a religion, and only uses that façade to shield themselves from criticism, by getting dupes like you to believe that it's a religion. Get it ?

And what YOU fail to understand (or turn a blind eye to) is that Islam is in violation of the Constitution (Article 6, section 2, part 1), by virtue of its supremacy.

PS - the first amendment is a weak document that has many exceptions. The Supremacy Clause has NEVER had one.
How do you reconcile the fact that you are citing the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land which it is, while simultaneously ignoring or downplaying the role of the First Amendment which is also the supreme law of the land, irrespective of your agreement with it, because it is a part of the U.S. Contsitution which is the supreme law of the land.

Can you answer just this part? And just FYI the First Amendment is not a separate document, it's part of the Bill of Rights.
Of course it does, sometimes. But it doesn't happen in a vacuum. In happens in a culture. And that culture takes its cues from Islam.
Then why aren't all Muslims terrorists?
Because of degrees of reform,and because not everyone becomes a soldier in a war. I gotta tell ya, that was a bit of a softball question. If they all took the texts literally and all acted on it, yes, they would all be terrorists to some degree.
It already did. It was reformed from without by a secular society, and the change was generational. One has only to monitor the support from american chritians of the klan over the last 100 years to see it in sharp relief.

You really couldn't have picked a finer, more salient illustration of my point. Will you be assisting me all weekend?
The klu Klux clan using or attempting to adopt Christianity in order to justify it's beliefs or disgusting activities, uh is a failed attempt by the left to use the klu Klux clan as a means to attack Christianity. Always remember that people aren't dumb about these things, and people know how to discern between the good and the bad within the world. One might think that all blacks are victim's in America, and that because of this thinking that any action taken by a black against his fellow man out of anger, might be justified or an excuse can be made for it, but people are smarter than this crazy notion as well. Doesn't stop the race card from being thrown willy nilly, but whose counting anymore right ??

Actually the Klan required that any incoming member be a Christian, and specifically a Protestant one.

The big Klan, the one we have all the pictures of, the one that spread nationwide, was founded by an ex-Methodist minister, using a bible, an unsheathed sword and an American flag. Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving 1915.

It's right here on the application forms.



"Christian terrorism" if you like. Their targets included Jews, Catholics, immigrants in general, labor unions, blacks, drunks (Klan were strongly pro-Prohibition) and adulterers, philanderers and "loose women". I call 'em a Christian Taliban.


Klanners would often walk into church services, in full regalia, and make donations.

There was at least one occasion they pulled a (white) woman out of her house and whipped her for the 'crime' of "not going to church". When her fifteen year old son came out to defend her, they whipped him too. They were heavy into the flagellation thing.
Again? Terrorists excuse terrorism? Once again the body count for the KKK is sadly lacking compared to Islam.

The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

It already did. It was reformed from without by a secular society, and the change was generational. One has only to monitor the support from american chritians of the klan over the last 100 years to see it in sharp relief.

You really couldn't have picked a finer, more salient illustration of my point. Will you be assisting me all weekend?
The klu Klux clan using or attempting to adopt Christianity in order to justify it's beliefs or disgusting activities, uh is a failed attempt by the left to use the klu Klux clan as a means to attack Christianity. Always remember that people aren't dumb about these things, and people know how to discern between the good and the bad within the world. One might think that all blacks are victim's in America, and that because of this thinking that any action taken by a black against his fellow man out of anger, might be justified or an excuse can be made for it, but people are smarter than this crazy notion as well. Doesn't stop the race card from being thrown willy nilly, but whose counting anymore right ??

Actually the Klan required that any incoming member be a Christian, and specifically a Protestant one.

The big Klan, the one we have all the pictures of, the one that spread nationwide, was founded by an ex-Methodist minister, using a bible, an unsheathed sword and an American flag. Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving 1915.

It's right here on the application forms.



"Christian terrorism" if you like. Their targets included Jews, Catholics, immigrants in general, labor unions, blacks, drunks (Klan were strongly pro-Prohibition) and adulterers, philanderers and "loose women". I call 'em a Christian Taliban.


Klanners would often walk into church services, in full regalia, and make donations.

There was at least one occasion they pulled a (white) woman out of her house and whipped her for the 'crime' of "not going to church". When her fifteen year old son came out to defend her, they whipped him too. They were heavy into the flagellation thing.
Again? Terrorists excuse terrorism? Once again the body count for the KKK is sadly lacking compared to Islam.

The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

A.) I said at most for a reason.

B.) The KKK killed maybe a few thousand, Democrats killed at least several million & Republicans also killed a few million.

C.) The KKK only has a few thousand members, how can they be the main power & thus problem?

D.) You therefor are not making much sense, in terms of morality or logic.
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Whelp, I never said my list of fallacies was complete. Thank you for pointing out that Tu Quoque is a player too.

As I said --- a fallacy hunter's wet dream.
Not as you "said"...but as you BABBLED, in your usual, indistinguishable gobbledegook. But then you're not trying to communicate. Your goal is self-aggrandizement, mixed with delusion.

Since you obviously can't (read: "won't) see what I did there, I noted a long list of fallacies that you built this fallacious thread upon, and you have no answer for them. You even sit here and try to pretend they don't exist.

Much like you try to pretend the First Amendment doesn't exist. :lalala:
Every time I think I've got an idea how fucking stupid you are, you show me that I underestimated.
You are the stupid one, for throwing a lot of worthless junk into the thread that people aren't familiar with, don't recognize, and couldn't care less. You're a very poor poster for a number of reasons, and putting form above content isn't the least of them.

It's not my doing that you're "not familiar" with the United States Constitution. That's ENTIRELY your failing.
You don't get to decide.
The founding fathers decided when they wrote the Supremacy Clause into the Constitution. And just like a lot of other nitwits in this thread, you're just too dumb to understand it.

That makes no sense at all.
Islam is almost identical to Judaism, and Judaism also says thing contrary to modern US law, like that homosexuality is a sin, adultry is a sin, etc.
But what you seem to fail to realize is that no religion says that you have to punish sins.
Sins can be left up to God to punish.
So there is no conflict between any religion and US law.
If some religion like Judaism were to say slavery was good, that would not conflict with US law because there is no religion that requires one to have a slave, only that slavery could be allowed.
Every discussion such as this becomes a battle between those who know what Islam is all about and those who don't know the first thing about it or especially its history of conquest.

The latter group invariably defends it through a number of fallacious means, most notably by pretending that those resisting it's totalitarian, supremacist nature are reacting to an ethnicity, not a political doctrine. They have been trained to do so through a simple conditioned response, and literally salivate every time the Islam dinner bell rings.

While I don't think a nominal Muslim should be prevented from serving office, I find all the bloviating p.c. leftist crap as irritating as it is ignorant. Shouldn't people be expected to know at least a LITTLE something about subject matter before holding forth with their prattle?

Not necessarily. When you see some fool prattling on and on spewing logical fallacy after logical fallacy after logical fallacy, it's child's play to simply call out the fallacy itself. I've made a whole career of it here. And I couldn't have done that if there weren't so many fallacious arguments flailing about expecting different results.

This thread has been a treasure trove. We've seen Strawmen, Special Pleading, Cherrypicking, Sweeping Generalizations for miles, endless Appeal to Emotion, No True Scotsman, and of course at the base of all of them the good ol' cum hoc ergo propter hoc. It's a fallacy hunter's wet dream up in here. If we could harness the fallacy energy from this thread alone Manhattan would never have gone dark last night.
So you admit that this is just an excersize in self-aggrandizing for you, and not one of true substance regarding the core issue ??

I admit that pointing out "your argument is complete bullshit" is grabbing low-hanging fruit. That's most of what I do here, because the argument is THAT bad. It's only when a valid argument is made than anybody learns anything, but that clearly was never the purpose of this thread, was it.
Says you ? Your arrogance is on display again, and you are typical of the Democrats these days. Defending the indefensible has become the Democrat parties position's of today, and you actually think that people believe that you are looking for credible debates or legitimate issues and/or arguments around here ?? Laughing now.

Observing obviously fatally flawed illogical arguments has nothing to do with "political parties", Hunior.
Fight the Constitution? Please avail yourself of the nearest exit, dumbass!
That's exactly what you're doing. Fighting the Constitution. Article 6, Section 2, part 1. Or do you want to add some more idiocy to this thread, and try to claim that Islam is not a supremacism ?

Go ahead. It wouldn't be much worse than most of the other wackadoodle stuff you've been throwing in here.

Of course Islam is not supremacist.
Islam specifically forbids trying to force anyone to convert to Islam.
Islam strictly forbids starting wars or invading other countries.

Islam says what you should do yourself in order to get to heaven, and it does not at all dictate what others should do or that you should do anything to anyone else.
And here is reform of bad religion by secular means, in action, today:

Like Americans overall, Muslims now more accepting of homosexuality

The Muslim holy texts spell out exactly what muslims should think and do about gays. And it's not pretty. But yet, in just ten years, the proportion of american muslims accepting of homosexuality has doubled.

Did the Quran change? Did the Hadiths change? Nope.

So, what changed?

Obvious answer.

This is a victory, why?
What's particularly great about Homosexuals, especially considering all Religions, even many Atheists too are basically anti-Homosexual?
You don't get to decide.
The founding fathers decided when they wrote the Supremacy Clause into the Constitution. And just like a lot of other nitwits in this thread, you're just too dumb to understand it.

That makes no sense at all.
Islam is almost identical to Judaism, and Judaism also says thing contrary to modern US law, like that homosexuality is a sin, adultry is a sin, etc.
But what you seem to fail to realize is that no religion says that you have to punish sins.
Sins can be left up to God to punish.
So there is no conflict between any religion and US law.
If some religion like Judaism were to say slavery was good, that would not conflict with US law because there is no religion that requires one to have a slave, only that slavery could be allowed.

Yes, it shows that why they're all anti-Christs, some actually support more, or less the religion before Jesus, presumably being Hasidim.
While, the very Liberal & greedy ones promoting LGBTQ, and Diversity, and who run Wall Street, Media, Hollywood, and even the Porn industry.
ONLY be the Synagogue of Satan, whether you believe or not, their behavior is very deviant, manipulative, and even evil.
Why would anyone, of any religion ask that the text of the original holy books be "changed"? You don't change historical documents, but you can change how they are applied as times change.

The other part of your comment though needs addressing. I am going to try to use an analogy, although I don't know how well it will come across, but I'm going to try anyway.

There are over 300 million people in the United States and there are allegedly more guns than there are people presently. There are over a billion Muslims in the world for whom the holy book is the Qur'an. Just like the proximity of a firearm does not cause people to become mass killers, having the Qur'an as one's holy book does not create terrorists. We know this to be true because only a small fraction of the total amount of both gun owners and Muslims commit mass murder, therefore your theory is incorrect.

Every group has it's criminals and the tendency has been to punish the entire group instead of the individuals involved in the criminal behavior.
1. You don't think that the Koran should be changed ? You're OK with leaving in the Koran >> mass genocidal murder, rape, misogyny on steroids, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, ? Are you nuts ?

2. Islam's immorality and criminality isn't just mass murder. It is also the things I just described in # 1 of this post. And of those things, we really don't know how much of it is going on. Do you go to Muslims' homes and stay there for months, seeing what happens inside behind closed doors, and shut blinds ? Maybe these crimes ARE happening, and all the time.

One thing is for sure. Muslims have proven that they will not renounce the Koran, or the Explanatory Memorandum, and to allow that into our governments, on all levels, is suicide and idiocy.

3. If you think the Koran does not create terrorists, ask yourself this. If the Koran had not existed, would all those innocent dead people in Post # 1400 be alive today ? You know the answer is YES, they would.

1400, how ironic. The same as the number of years of the existence of this horrific cancer known as Isam.

A.) They should really become Catholic.
B.) They shouldn't be changed by force, such strong force is genocidal, and thus wrong.
C.) They resemble Medieval Europe in some areas, not necessarily all areas.
The klu Klux clan using or attempting to adopt Christianity in order to justify it's beliefs or disgusting activities, uh is a failed attempt by the left to use the klu Klux clan as a means to attack Christianity. Always remember that people aren't dumb about these things, and people know how to discern between the good and the bad within the world. One might think that all blacks are victim's in America, and that because of this thinking that any action taken by a black against his fellow man out of anger, might be justified or an excuse can be made for it, but people are smarter than this crazy notion as well. Doesn't stop the race card from being thrown willy nilly, but whose counting anymore right ??

Actually the Klan required that any incoming member be a Christian, and specifically a Protestant one.

The big Klan, the one we have all the pictures of, the one that spread nationwide, was founded by an ex-Methodist minister, using a bible, an unsheathed sword and an American flag. Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving 1915.

It's right here on the application forms.



"Christian terrorism" if you like. Their targets included Jews, Catholics, immigrants in general, labor unions, blacks, drunks (Klan were strongly pro-Prohibition) and adulterers, philanderers and "loose women". I call 'em a Christian Taliban.


Klanners would often walk into church services, in full regalia, and make donations.

There was at least one occasion they pulled a (white) woman out of her house and whipped her for the 'crime' of "not going to church". When her fifteen year old son came out to defend her, they whipped him too. They were heavy into the flagellation thing.
Again? Terrorists excuse terrorism? Once again the body count for the KKK is sadly lacking compared to Islam.

The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

The klu Klux clan using or attempting to adopt Christianity in order to justify it's beliefs or disgusting activities, uh is a failed attempt by the left to use the klu Klux clan as a means to attack Christianity. Always remember that people aren't dumb about these things, and people know how to discern between the good and the bad within the world. One might think that all blacks are victim's in America, and that because of this thinking that any action taken by a black against his fellow man out of anger, might be justified or an excuse can be made for it, but people are smarter than this crazy notion as well. Doesn't stop the race card from being thrown willy nilly, but whose counting anymore right ??

Actually the Klan required that any incoming member be a Christian, and specifically a Protestant one.

The big Klan, the one we have all the pictures of, the one that spread nationwide, was founded by an ex-Methodist minister, using a bible, an unsheathed sword and an American flag. Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving 1915.

It's right here on the application forms.



"Christian terrorism" if you like. Their targets included Jews, Catholics, immigrants in general, labor unions, blacks, drunks (Klan were strongly pro-Prohibition) and adulterers, philanderers and "loose women". I call 'em a Christian Taliban.


Klanners would often walk into church services, in full regalia, and make donations.

There was at least one occasion they pulled a (white) woman out of her house and whipped her for the 'crime' of "not going to church". When her fifteen year old son came out to defend her, they whipped him too. They were heavy into the flagellation thing.
Again? Terrorists excuse terrorism? Once again the body count for the KKK is sadly lacking compared to Islam.

The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

A.) I said at most for a reason.

B.) The KKK killed maybe a few thousand, Democrats killed at least several million & Republicans also killed a few million.

C.) The KKK only has a few thousand members, how can they be the main power & thus problem?

D.) You therefor are not making much sense, in terms of morality or logic.

I didn't bother to note it but your absurd poppycock that "Democrats and Republicans" kill people is as laughable as that dipshit who tried to tell us "Republicans" were a side fighting in the Civil War.

"Republicans" and "Democrats" exist as such when they're running for office. Government officials who wage wars are no longer "political parties". They are operatives of the System.'

Klanners going out to drag somebody behind a truck, or whipping a woman for not going to church, etc, are on the other hand STILL being Klanners, in fact that's when they're MOST being Klanners.

Your argument is dishonest.

Got anything else or are we done here?
Not a dodge at all. Simply pointing out that your lunacy is not new.

Whats wrong? Don't you believe that the feds should take over MLB or that cops should shoot motorcyclists anymore?

I might accuse you of being looney, but actually you might be too dumb to be looney.

There's no need to point out what is new or old. That's just another of your many deflections, Mr DODGE.


View attachment 269338

Unless you have changed your beliefs on the matters, it still proves you a lunatic.
Actually the Klan required that any incoming member be a Christian, and specifically a Protestant one.

The big Klan, the one we have all the pictures of, the one that spread nationwide, was founded by an ex-Methodist minister, using a bible, an unsheathed sword and an American flag. Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving 1915.

It's right here on the application forms.



"Christian terrorism" if you like. Their targets included Jews, Catholics, immigrants in general, labor unions, blacks, drunks (Klan were strongly pro-Prohibition) and adulterers, philanderers and "loose women". I call 'em a Christian Taliban.


Klanners would often walk into church services, in full regalia, and make donations.

There was at least one occasion they pulled a (white) woman out of her house and whipped her for the 'crime' of "not going to church". When her fifteen year old son came out to defend her, they whipped him too. They were heavy into the flagellation thing.
Again? Terrorists excuse terrorism? Once again the body count for the KKK is sadly lacking compared to Islam.

The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

Actually the Klan required that any incoming member be a Christian, and specifically a Protestant one.

The big Klan, the one we have all the pictures of, the one that spread nationwide, was founded by an ex-Methodist minister, using a bible, an unsheathed sword and an American flag. Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving 1915.

It's right here on the application forms.



"Christian terrorism" if you like. Their targets included Jews, Catholics, immigrants in general, labor unions, blacks, drunks (Klan were strongly pro-Prohibition) and adulterers, philanderers and "loose women". I call 'em a Christian Taliban.


Klanners would often walk into church services, in full regalia, and make donations.

There was at least one occasion they pulled a (white) woman out of her house and whipped her for the 'crime' of "not going to church". When her fifteen year old son came out to defend her, they whipped him too. They were heavy into the flagellation thing.
Again? Terrorists excuse terrorism? Once again the body count for the KKK is sadly lacking compared to Islam.

The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

A.) I said at most for a reason.

B.) The KKK killed maybe a few thousand, Democrats killed at least several million & Republicans also killed a few million.

C.) The KKK only has a few thousand members, how can they be the main power & thus problem?

D.) You therefor are not making much sense, in terms of morality or logic.

I didn't bother to note it but your absurd poppycock that "Democrats and Republicans" kill people is as laughable as that dipshit who tried to tell us "Republicans" were a side fighting in the Civil War.

"Republicans" and "Democrats" exist as such when they're running for office. Government officials who wage wars are no longer "political parties". They are operatives of the System.'

Klanners going out to drag somebody behind a truck, or whipping a woman for not going to church, etc, are on the other hand STILL being Klanners, in fact that's when they're MOST being Klanners.

Your argument is dishonest.

Got anything else or are we done here?

The USA has killed then killed many millions, by people who represent Democrats, and Republicans.

So long as you can have all of these mass murdering, war mongering brutes.

I fail to see why the KKK is a bigger issue, it's NOT.

You're clearly very desperate, and dumb having these absurd fussy hysterical panic attacks, but never reaching a truly logical, or moral position.
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