No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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Don't try to move the goal posts at this point by expanding on your erroneous claim that Islam is not a religion. If you understand that the Constitution is the Supreme law of the land then how is it that you fail to also understand that the First Amendment which is part of the U.S. Constitution protects "the people of the United States" from interference by the government with their right to worship [or not] as they see fit?

What you're advocating is using our government to interfer with what the First Amendment protects so that a select group of individuals, those of the Islamic religion, lose their Constitutional rights when this is strictly prohibited by the U.S. Constitution which is the Supreme law of the land.

I realize my comment contains a lot of redundencies but generally that's how you explain things to a child who is having difficulty grasping a concept.
WHAT "goalposts" ? This isn't football.

Muslims are not being interfered with by the government in a right to worship, because there is no worshiping, because Islam is not a religion, and only uses that façade to shield themselves from criticism, by getting dupes like you to believe that it's a religion. Get it ?

And what YOU fail to understand (or turn a blind eye to) is that Islam is in violation of the Constitution (Article 6, section 2, part 1), by virtue of its supremacy.

PS - the first amendment is a weak document that has many exceptions. The Supremacy Clause has NEVER had one.

Try making your argument without those two obvious lies, and see how well it works out for you.
I have a Master's degree, and a certificate for teaching this topic in school. What do you have? A lot of suppositions, bad judgements, and criminally incorrect facts!
Maybe your masters degree is one of your problems. Lots of people come out of universities (as the one I used to teach in) having been MISeducated about social affairs.

I cringe when I think about what they must be teaching kids about Islam these days. I'll bet the books they prescribe aren't by the authors they really need to read >> (Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, Andrew McCarthy, Paul Sperry, P. David Gaubatz)
LOL. Way to turn it around back on him but somehow I expect your comment to sail right over his head.
How could it sail over my head, when I was the one who introduced the notion (supremacy clause means the US Constitution is the law of the land) in this thread ? (and many others)

Secondly, dum dum still is trying to push the idea of Islam being a religion, despite it being saturated with vile immoralities. :rolleyes:
Don't try to move the goal posts at this point by expanding on your erroneous claim that Islam is not a religion. If you understand that the Constitution is the Supreme law of the land then how is it that you fail to also understand that the First Amendment which is part of the U.S. Constitution protects "the people of the United States" from interference by the government with their right to worship [or not] as they see fit?

What you're advocating is using our government to interfer with what the First Amendment protects so that a select group of individuals, those of the Islamic religion, lose their Constitutional rights when this is strictly prohibited by the U.S. Constitution which is the Supreme law of the land.

I realize my comment contains a lot of redundencies but generally that's how you explain things to a child who is having difficulty grasping a concept.
What part of compatibly don't you understand ??? It all hinges on that one word. If not compatible then it fails. Period.

The facts don't lie, and when those facts point out a serious problem, then we are fools to place our heads in the sand. Doing that very thing has caused us to lose family members over the years, and these are people we can't get back, and they ended up dying to early at the hands of ignorant people.
You're confused, probably because the terrorists have you all trained just like Pavlo's dog.
Being trained like Pavlov's dog is YOUR reason for YOUR confusion. Do you support murder, wife-beating, misogyny, rape, pedophilia, slavery, supremacism over the Constitution ? No ? Then why are you so accepting of Islam ?

Don't you know these are all fundamental principles of it, IN THE KORAN. Or maybe you've never picked one up, and tried reading it. You along with about a dozen other blockheads in this thread.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong again, dumbass!
Right, right, and right, imbecile. You need not keep showing how stupid you are. Everyone already knows.

I have a Master's degree, and a certificate for teaching this topic in school. What do you have? A lot of suppositions, bad judgements, and criminally incorrect facts!
Maybe your masters degree is one of your problems. Lots of people come out of universities (as the one I used to teach in) having been MISeducated about social affairs.

I cringe when I think about what they must be teaching kids about Islam these days. I'll bet the books they prescribe aren't by the authors they really need to read >> (Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, Andrew McCarthy, Paul Sperry, P. David Gaubatz)

I attended two of the most conservative universities in the south. I'm sorry that you were allowed to spread your ignorance. I pray it was not on this topic.

Kids don't read books on this topic. How fucking old are you? Maybe you should be checked for Alzheimer's.

Islam is taught for about 3 days in our middle school World Civilizations curriculum for 7th grade. Judaism and Christianity get about the same amount of time. The difference between my class and most is that about one-third of the students were Muslim. Fortunately, I was not as stupid as you seem to be and tell them they could never run for office.

I also taught high school American Government classes for many years, and I can guarantee you would have failed after reading the claptrap you posted as believing.
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
That's what you want to see American's doing ??
Because fear mongering is a tried and true method of getting elected. It goes hand in hand with the shift in news coverage from a service to the public to big business. And when do people watch the news? When they are afraid. Scare the public with news stories and they will watch more and more news, which boosts ratings even more, which makes more profits.

Even this thread is a product of the fear mongering. There are 3.45 million Muslims living in the US. But the news and talk shows make it sound as though every Muslim is a blood-thirsty terrorist. So the knee-jerk reaction is to ban them.
Has nothing to do with "every" Muslim (or MINO), as already explained repeatedly. Ho hum.


PS =- the liberal catchprase "fear mongering" has already fizzled out, along with white supremacist, Nazi, divisive, and tolerance.

LMAO!! Fizzled out? No. It is an accurate description of the tactics used by BOTH parties.

Oh, so not every Muslim. So how do you tell the difference between a Muslim you will allow to hold office (after applying a question that is blatantly unconstitutional) and Muslims you will not allow to hold office? It isn't the ones that have committed atrocities. They are either dead or in prison, so the chances of them winning an election are pretty slim.
And what do you do with those who are intent on committing atrocities, but just haven't gotten into the right position yet for maximum effect ?? How many planned attacks have been spolied by Homeland security (you know that thing AOC is wanting to end) ?

Yes we want all around the world to come here in order to enjoy the diversities of their culture's along with ours. The only thing though, is that they have to be compatible to American religion's as is practiced, our culture, our laws, and our way of government here. If can't then we don't need them here, and this includes any group or individual's from around the globe.

You don't get to decide.
No but the people as a whole do, so quit fighting it already.
You have refuted NOTHING!
I have not refuted that you are an idiot. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell me one statement I have made that is wrong. I have listed yours. You haven't done shit except act like a 3 year-old and scream, "Nuh-unh"!
Are you going to add or complain ?

Your post made about as much sense as your others. None!
Don't make me ask again. :)
Because fear mongering is a tried and true method of getting elected. It goes hand in hand with the shift in news coverage from a service to the public to big business. And when do people watch the news? When they are afraid. Scare the public with news stories and they will watch more and more news, which boosts ratings even more, which makes more profits.

Even this thread is a product of the fear mongering. There are 3.45 million Muslims living in the US. But the news and talk shows make it sound as though every Muslim is a blood-thirsty terrorist. So the knee-jerk reaction is to ban them.
Has nothing to do with "every" Muslim (or MINO), as already explained repeatedly. Ho hum.


PS =- the liberal catchprase "fear mongering" has already fizzled out, along with white supremacist, Nazi, divisive, and tolerance.

LMAO!! Fizzled out? No. It is an accurate description of the tactics used by BOTH parties.

Oh, so not every Muslim. So how do you tell the difference between a Muslim you will allow to hold office (after applying a question that is blatantly unconstitutional) and Muslims you will not allow to hold office? It isn't the ones that have committed atrocities. They are either dead or in prison, so the chances of them winning an election are pretty slim.
And what do you do with those who are intent on committing atrocities, but just haven't gotten into the right position yet for maximum effect ?? How many planned attacks have been spolied by Homeland security (you know that thing AOC is wanting to end) ?

Yes we want all around the world to come here in order to enjoy the diversities of their culture's along with ours. The only thing though, is that they have to be compatible to American religion's as is practiced, our culture, our laws, and our way of government here. If can't then we don't need them here, and this includes any group or individual's from around the globe.

You don't get to decide.
No but the people as a whole do, so quit fighting it already.

Fight the Constitution? Please avail yourself of the nearest exit, dumbass!
You have refuted NOTHING!
I have not refuted that you are an idiot. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell me one statement I have made that is wrong. I have listed yours. You haven't done shit except act like a 3 year-old and scream, "Nuh-unh"!
Are you going to add or complain ?

Your post made about as much sense as your others. None!
Don't make me ask again. :)

Yeah, we can't put up with any more stupid than this. The thread is saturated. I'll just ignore your stupidty.
I have not refuted that you are an idiot. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell me one statement I have made that is wrong. I have listed yours. You haven't done shit except act like a 3 year-old and scream, "Nuh-unh"!
Are you going to add or complain ?

Your post made about as much sense as your others. None!
Don't make me ask again. :)

Yeah, we can't put up with any more stupid than this. The thread is saturated. I'll just ignore your stupidty.
Thank you, because you sure aren't adding anything.
What part of compatibly don't you understand ??? It all hinges on that one word. If not compatible then it fails. Period.

The facts don't lie, and when those facts point out a serious problem, then we are fools to place our heads in the sand. Doing that very thing has caused us to lose family members over the years, and these are people we can't get back, and they ended up dying to early at the hands of ignorant people.







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