No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

So is Christianity. Even when Christ came he came for the new first, then the gentile. I give two shits about anyone deity. My constitution says I don't have to worry about that. What I'm sick of is hyper political retards using God, Jesus and Allah as nothing more then a vanity bash on Fox News to rile up the plebs.
Why would anyone, of any religion ask that the text of the original holy books be "changed"? You don't change historical documents, but you can change how they are applied as times change.

The other part of your comment though needs addressing. I am going to try to use an analogy, although I don't know how well it will come across, but I'm going to try anyway.

There are over 300 million people in the United States and there are allegedly more guns than there are people presently. There are over a billion Muslims in the world for whom the holy book is the Qur'an. Just like the proximity of a firearm does not cause people to become mass killers, having the Qur'an as one's holy book does not create terrorists. We know this to be true because only a small fraction of the total amount of both gun owners and Muslims commit mass murder, therefore your theory is incorrect.

Every group has it's criminals and the tendency has been to punish the entire group instead of the individuals involved in the criminal behavior.
1. You don't think that the Koran should be changed ? You're OK with leaving in the Koran >> mass genocidal murder, rape, misogyny on steroids, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, ? Are you nuts ?

2. Islam's immorality and criminality isn't just mass murder. It is also the things I just described in # 1 of this post. And of those things, we really don't know how much of it is going on. Do you go to Muslims' homes and stay there for months, seeing what happens inside behind closed doors, and shut blinds ? Maybe these crimes ARE happening, and all the time.

One thing is for sure. Muslims have proven that they will not renounce the Koran, or the Explanatory Memorandum, and to allow that into our governments, on all levels, is suicide and idiocy.

3. If you think the Koran does not create terrorists, ask yourself this. If the Koran had not existed, would all those innocent dead people in Post # 1400 be alive today ? You know the answer is YES, they would.

1400, how ironic. The same as the number of years of the existence of this horrific cancer known as Isam.

You are totally incorrect and do not at all understand the Quran.

First of all, the Quran never supports murder at all, much less mass murder. The Quran only support defensive violence, and even that only after the other have betrayed at least 2 attempts at peace negotiations,

The Quran does not support rape. What the Quran supports is that some women get less than full rights because they are prisoners who have committed crimes or enemies who have been captured in battle.

Not only is the Quran not misogynist, but the whole point of Islam was to reform Judaism in order to improve the rights of women.

The Quran does not at all support wife beating. The Quran supports the patriarch punishing anyone under his supervision, who has done things that are wrong.

The Quran does NOT at all support pedophelia. Under age marriages are not consummated. The legal age for sex under Islam is 18.

Slavery then is identical to prisons now. It is no worse or different. It is for criminals or POWs.

Islam has never cause any terrorism.
Terrorism is always caused by aggressive abuse that warrants terrorist retaliation.
Why would anyone, of any religion ask that the text of the original holy books be "changed"? You don't change historical documents, but you can change how they are applied as times change.

The other part of your comment though needs addressing. I am going to try to use an analogy, although I don't know how well it will come across, but I'm going to try anyway.

There are over 300 million people in the United States and there are allegedly more guns than there are people presently. There are over a billion Muslims in the world for whom the holy book is the Qur'an. Just like the proximity of a firearm does not cause people to become mass killers, having the Qur'an as one's holy book does not create terrorists. We know this to be true because only a small fraction of the total amount of both gun owners and Muslims commit mass murder, therefore your theory is incorrect.

Every group has it's criminals and the tendency has been to punish the entire group instead of the individuals involved in the criminal behavior.
1. You don't think that the Koran should be changed ? You're OK with leaving in the Koran >> mass genocidal murder, rape, misogyny on steroids, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, ? Are you nuts ?
Yeah well one of us is nuts but it's not me. I don't believe historical documents should be tampered with, espeically religious texts and that includes all religions.

2. Islam's immorality and criminality isn't just mass murder. It is also the things I just described in # 1 of this post. And of those things, we really don't know how much of it is going on. Do you go to Muslims' homes and stay there for months, seeing what happens inside behind closed doors, and shut blinds ? Maybe these crimes ARE happening, and all the time.

One thing is for sure. Muslims have proven that they will not renounce the Koran, or the Explanatory Memorandum, and to allow that into our governments, on all levels, is suicide and idiocy.
Many if not all of those things were legal right here in the United States within the last 100 - 150 years or so, committed by alleged white Christians. Slavery - check, misogyny - check (see the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to voite in 1920), rape - check (see irrovocable consent), wife-beating - legal in the U.S. until 1920 however certainly unlawful today, pedophilia - check (see child marriages),

You are insane if you believe that you can demand that anyone of any religious faith renounce their beliefs to satisfy your twisted need to control what others do. And it must REALLY disturb you that you cannot do anything about it. I personally think you should be in one of the government's databases since you've not only have become radicalized yourself, but are attempting to recruit others.

3. If you think the Koran does not create terrorists, ask yourself this. If the Koran had not existed, would all those innocent dead people in Post # 1400 be alive today ? You know the answer is YES, they would.

1400, how ironic. The same as the number of years of the existence of this horrific cancer known as Isam.
The Qur'an does not create terrorists anymore than a firearm in the hands of a lawful gun owner turns them into raging mass killers. The problem has always been with the individuals involved and their erroneous beliefs of what is right and what is just, not much different than your beliefs.

And Islam is 1,438 years old, not 1400 as you are hoping means something.
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Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

Just like many others on this message board Congrats on being racist.
Because of degrees of reform,and because not everyone becomes a soldier in a war. I gotta tell ya, that was a bit of a softball question. If they all took the texts literally and all acted on it, yes, they would all be terrorists to some degree.
'What reform? And no it wasn't a softball question, it illustrates the point that you all are attempting to paint all Muslims based on the acts of a relatively small number of individuals who claim to be adherents of Islam. If you're Christian, do the Westboro Baptists represent your Christian beliefs? How about the Klan? What you all are doing is no different.
If it were up to be, these muslim dung beetles wouldn't be allowed in this country. At the very, very least they put a big burden on our medical system due to their 60 generations of 1st-cousin-inbreeding (per Mohammed's example). We don't need muslim humanoid algae and no good has ever happened to any society from importing these non-humans who are too defective to control their own penises.
Fight the Constitution? Please avail yourself of the nearest exit, dumbass!
That's exactly what you're doing. Fighting the Constitution. Article 6, Section 2, part 1. Or do you want to add some more idiocy to this thread, and try to claim that Islam is not a supremacism ?

Go ahead. It wouldn't be much worse than most of the other wackadoodle stuff you've been throwing in here.

No. I agree with the Constitution. You are wrong.
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked
Wow, you just displayed your ignorance of Islam, human anatomy and female sexuality all in one feel swoop.
having the Qur'an as one's holy book does not create terrorists.
Of course it does, sometimes. But it doesn't happen in a vacuum. In happens in a culture. And that culture takes its cues from Islam.

Culture does not take its cues from religion. It's the other way around; religion FOLLOWS culture.

All that shit I posted about how Mary should have been stoned for adultery --- the Holey Babble didn't make that up, it took it from the existing culture.

Which is older --- Christmas trees, lights and holly .... or the idea that Jesus was born December 25?

Which is older -- nomadic tribes cutting adolescent girls' labia .... or the fact that some cultures who still do so are also Muslim?

We've done this over and over. You're not selling that shit. Culture is WAY more persuasive than any religion. A given religion either follows that culture or gets out of its way.
Why would anyone, of any religion ask that the text of the original holy books be "changed"? You don't change historical documents, but you can change how they are applied as times change.

The other part of your comment though needs addressing. I am going to try to use an analogy, although I don't know how well it will come across, but I'm going to try anyway.

There are over 300 million people in the United States and there are allegedly more guns than there are people presently. There are over a billion Muslims in the world for whom the holy book is the Qur'an. Just like the proximity of a firearm does not cause people to become mass killers, having the Qur'an as one's holy book does not create terrorists. We know this to be true because only a small fraction of the total amount of both gun owners and Muslims commit mass murder, therefore your theory is incorrect.

Every group has it's criminals and the tendency has been to punish the entire group instead of the individuals involved in the criminal behavior.
1. You don't think that the Koran should be changed ? You're OK with leaving in the Koran >> mass genocidal murder, rape, misogyny on steroids, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, ? Are you nuts ?

The poster is spot-on ... you CAN'T "change" ancient scripture and pretend it's something different. That's what you try to do with the Constitution but that ain't valid either.

And even if you COULD jump in a time machine and remove parts you don't like from the Bible, the Torah, the Quran, the Constitution or anything else -------------------------------- you'd just ignore it and go on trolling with your sanctimonious hallucinatory BULLSHIT anyway.

What would be the point? You've already demonstrated that given evidence that disproves your schmuckload of fake idiocy you'll just go :lalala: because it's inconvenient.
What part of compatibly don't you understand ??? It all hinges on that one word. If not compatible then it fails. Period.

The facts don't lie, and when those facts point out a serious problem, then we are fools to place our heads in the sand. Doing that very thing has caused us to lose family members over the years, and these are people we can't get back, and they ended up dying to early at the hands of ignorant people.







The vetting process must be strenuous. No just waltzing right on into these jobs anymore. By the way some of these people have been talking, it appears that the vetting job (the final hurdle), wasn't met in satisfaction of our system of government and our constitution. So the voters speak, and it's merely a done deal ?? No vetting by security ????
Again? Terrorists excuse terrorism? Once again the body count for the KKK is sadly lacking compared to Islam.

The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

Again? Terrorists excuse terrorism? Once again the body count for the KKK is sadly lacking compared to Islam.

The KKK at most killed 3,000 something Blacks, because that's how many Blacks were lynched in the matter of 80 years.

The Islamic 9/11 Hijackers killed nearly 3,000 something Whites, Blacks & others in a matter of minutes.

Yeah, sure it's even.

When you don't have the stats you think you need, just make 'em up right?

Number one, Spunkles, NOBODY KNOWS how many lynchings might be attributed to Klan elements versus how many by non-Klan elements. You DO NOT have those stats, I guarantee it*. Moreover this childish bullshit about limiting the Klan to "blacks" because that's all your tiny little mind can deal with is further dishonesty. The KKK went after blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drunks, philanderers, "loose women", gamblers, debtors and basically anybody who didn't play the white Euro Christian Protestant role. That's why I call 'em the American Taliban.

A.) I said at most for a reason.

B.) The KKK killed maybe a few thousand, Democrats killed at least several million & Republicans also killed a few million.

C.) The KKK only has a few thousand members, how can they be the main power & thus problem?

D.) You therefor are not making much sense, in terms of morality or logic.

I didn't bother to note it but your absurd poppycock that "Democrats and Republicans" kill people is as laughable as that dipshit who tried to tell us "Republicans" were a side fighting in the Civil War.

"Republicans" and "Democrats" exist as such when they're running for office. Government officials who wage wars are no longer "political parties". They are operatives of the System.'

Klanners going out to drag somebody behind a truck, or whipping a woman for not going to church, etc, are on the other hand STILL being Klanners, in fact that's when they're MOST being Klanners.

Your argument is dishonest.

Got anything else or are we done here?

The USA has killed then killed many millions, by people who represent Democrats, and Republicans.

So long as you can have all of these mass murdering, war mongering brutes.

I fail to see why the KKK is a bigger issue, it's NOT.

You're clearly very desperate, and dumb having these absurd fussy hysterical panic attacks, but never reaching a truly logical, or moral position.

I *never* represented that the "KKK is a bigger issue" or ANYTHING WHATSOEVER about "bigger issues". YOU did that.

I brought up the KKK as an example of a Christian terrorist group that is provably not derived from Christianism, i.e. correlation is not causation. Obviously that point hit a nerve since the Bigot Brigade has been trying to change that to "body counts". Doesn't change the point one fucking iota so don't sit here and insult everybody's intelligence, K?
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.

Oh and as far as your "good Musliim mothers", in Mecca the practice is considered barbarism. As it should be.
Of course it does, sometimes. But it doesn't happen in a vacuum. In happens in a culture. And that culture takes its cues from Islam.
Then why aren't all Muslims terrorists?
The same as all red necks aren't racist or all blacks aren't racist or all well you get the point. Ever heard of sleeper cells ? Do you not think that people are killers in their minds maybe, but they fear the consequences of such actions so much so that they will never bring those thoughts into the light of day ?? You never know who you have in your midst, but thank God for all the laws and punishments we have in place as somewhat of a deterrent.
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked
Wow, you just displayed your ignorance of Islam, human anatomy and female sexuality all in one feel swoop.
Nope when you remove the clitoris the woman can never orgasm, but since in Islam all women are the property of a man or stoned to death as lesbians there is no need for fun anyway. Have a good jihad of a life retard
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked

Amazingly, I anticipated this bit of ignorance already, having drowned it in anthropological facts many times on these pages.

The practice of FGM is millennia old, dating back to WAY before Islam, WAY before Christianism, WAY before Judaism, way before any of even the oldest religions still extant today with which it may be coindident. It is NOT a religious ritual, never has been, and is yet another example of how culture trumps religion in public behaviour. It is a SOCIAL ritual involving perceived social status, having ZERO to do with any religion in which it is coincident including various animist religions in Africa, including Christianity in e.g. Uganda. And if you expect to sell this as some kind of "Muslim" thing perhaps you can essplain to the class how it shows up in an isolated Native American tribe in South America called the Embera. What, did Mohammed dig some secret Mooooooslim tunnel all the way to Colombia?

Yeah I didn't think so.
Enjoy your jihad of ignorance, remember to stone a dyke today and throw a homo off the roof
Yes, Female Genital Mutilation happens in India; here's everything you need to know

Because of degrees of reform,and because not everyone becomes a soldier in a war. I gotta tell ya, that was a bit of a softball question. If they all took the texts literally and all acted on it, yes, they would all be terrorists to some degree.
'What reform? And no it wasn't a softball question, it illustrates the point that you all are attempting to paint all Muslims based on the acts of a relatively small number of individuals who claim to be adherents of Islam. If you're Christian, do the Westboro Baptists represent your Christian beliefs? How about the Klan? What you all are doing is no different.

Indeed, no different at all. Which reminds me, I forgot to cite Double Standard in my list of his fallacies. Way too many to remember them all.
Why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to serve hors d'oeuvres? Somebody has to serve, can't have Mexicans leaving the fields after all
American muslims have the same level of education as do Americans overall. Which means a below average guy like you should be the one serving them the appetizers. Dont forget to ask if they want another drink.
Good Muslim mothers cut off their daughters vaginas so they can never orgasm...……………..

Glad I never saw a Muslim chick naked
Wow, you just displayed your ignorance of Islam, human anatomy and female sexuality all in one feel swoop.

Not to mention basic Anthropology 101.
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