No Nads Nadler pisses on 3000 dead New Yorkers.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Asked about Ilhan Ben Al shish kabob's
Remarks that 9/11 is an overrated event No Nads Nadler said the following:

' I have had some problems with some of her other remarks, but not -- but not with that one,” he said

I think Nadler's district includes ground Zero. Good luck getting reelected you diluted, unpatriotic whore.

No Nads Nadler pisses on 3000 dead New Yorkers.

Trump is the one pissing on 3000 dead New Yorkers.

Nadler CIA piece of crap

Everybody knows what he is.
wakey wakey y'all....brothers and sisters

begin to understand all the crimes these people ....on the left.....Globlalist scum ...... have committed
Asked about Ilhan Ben Al shish kabob's
Remarks that 9/11 is an overrated event No Nads Nadler said the following:

' I have had some problems with some of her other remarks, but not -- but not with that one,” he said

I think Nadler's district includes ground Zero. Good luck getting reelected you diluted, unpatriotic whore.

^ actually despises evry New Yorker while Omar and Nadler do not
Don't you just love it when the commie bastards on the left paint themselves into a corner? LOL
let me tell ya all ya need to know about no nads motivations

anything he says or does

TODAY Hes scared shitless the progressives are going to knock him out and replace him with an AOC....he took on the taxes casue the collusion tin foil hat wearin morons still need something to cling to

trump and no nads never really got along anyway

Trump is billionaire archie bunker
ralphie boy is an establishment leftward elitist

Despite its many virtues, Queens today is often remembered primarily as the home of All in the Family’s Archie Bunker, the loudmouthed, blue-collar bigot invented by ultra-liberal Norman Lear. Bunker debuted during the Lindsay years, when the liberals looked with horror at how ordinary New Yorkers, especially from Queens’s ethnic neighborhoods, furiously resisted many of the progressive nostrums that Lindsay and his circle tried to force on them. Though Bunker evolved into a sort of genial, cartoonish figure, the show was part of a contemptuous assault against the ideals and values of the country’s blue-collar, family-oriented, ethnic middle class by the liberal elites of the time, who viewed resistance to their agenda as raw bigotry. But the citizens of Queens, for the most part, were not bigots, as Lear depicted them; and they were much wiser than John Lindsay, as the decline and revival of Queens—and of New York as a whole—makes clear. Let’s hope that the Manhattan elites don’t try to ride roughshod over the values and interests of the borough again. It won’t be just Queens that suffers.
Steven Malanga
Summer 2004

cucks have it in for ya to ...longer than yad thought eh:20:
fuck them all
vote democrat 2020
vote for trump

THE MAN who wanted to put a 150 story tower on the west side .....they wouldn't let him .

and HE wanted to rebuild the twin towers he was dead serious

every NYC neighborhood lost someone that day
no one was spared

add insult to injury they forced everyone to hold hands and fuckin cry about it for ten years before they finally put that ugly MIDGET sized piece of shit that you see today
Personally i think they were looking down on us and were YELLING YOU FUCKIN PUSSYS
where are my new towers

im with them :04:

I have so much contempt towards Nadler .....I can not even begin to tell you

They don't come more stained than that rat
Asked about Ilhan Ben Al shish kabob's
Remarks that 9/11 is an overrated event No Nads Nadler said the following:

' I have had some problems with some of her other remarks, but not -- but not with that one,” he said

I think Nadler's district includes ground Zero. Good luck getting reelected you diluted, unpatriotic whore.

^ actually despises evry New Yorker while Omar and Nadler do not

Stupid hipster says what? If the New Yorkers are white and American citizens, Nadler hates them. He is of one mind with the haji sisters.

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