No New Trump Threads

Get counting, Mr. Moderate. We're going to expect to see proof.

(POOF! Mac1958 disappears)

On the first page of the Current Events forum there are two Trump threads. One started by a Trumper one by a neutral poster.

On the first page of the Politics forum there are 6, 2 by Trumpers, 2 by neutral and two by Libs
Yes, I was so ashamed of having:
  1. A true pro-American leader.
  2. Best economy ever.
  3. Low crime.
  4. No wars.
  5. Secure borders.
  6. Good jobs.
  7. Low regulations and taxes.
  8. Most popular/most votes ever by any sitting president to STAY in office.
  9. And a DC leader who wasn't a career Washington tool who actually related to and understood the average person.
That must be why half the world is laughing at Biden now while the other half grimaces, shakes their head and crosses their fingers hoping for the best.
That Trump’s an embarrassment to you and others on the right isn’t ‘justification’ for wanting an end to topics about Trump.

It’s the right’s continued support for Trump that merits discussion.

Conservatives have only themselves to blame.
Let’s see…Trump’s a twice impeached under investigation his businesses subject to numerous scandals, subject to various civil and criminal investigations

Everything you just listed, idiot, was all initiated by the democrat party to keep Trump from uncovering their crimes and corruption, butthole!
Conservatives have only themselves to blame.

No we only have idiot troll useful idiot liars like you to blame.

Morons like you took us from the best ever of everything and dumped us right smack dab in the middle of the Brandon Depression and Communist Takeover of America.

You have to be a foreign country or an illegal alien to even get noticed by Joe.
View attachment 705085Everything you just listed, idiot, was all initiated by the democrat party to keep Trump from uncovering their crimes and corruption, butthole!
Had Trump gracefully accepted defeat and the will of the people and retired from politics, there’d be few – if any – Trump threads.

But no, Trump’s arrogance and contempt for the will of the people and our democratic institutions compelled him to continue his war on America’s democracy, and as a consequence Trump remains an appropriate topic of political discussion – which was always his intent.
That Trump’s an embarrassment to you and others on the right
I don't know anyone on the Right embarrassed by Trump! Someone has been blowing BS up your skirt!

isn’t ‘justification’ for wanting an end to topics about Trump.
I never said I wanted an end, idiot, it is YOU GUYS who can't put him down because you haven't anything GOOD to say about the clown in the WH!

It’s the right’s continued support for Trump that merits discussion.
Naturally, since we support the constitution, liberty, and a lawful, free republic of the people. That merits continued concern by you leftist idiots.
Let’s see…

Trump’s a twice impeached ex-president voted out of office who incited a coup attempt and terrorist attack against America’s democracy in a lawless effort to remain in power.

He’s under warranted investigation by Justice for misappropriating and being in unlawful possession of national security and military intelligence documents.

Trump is the head of the GOP, endorses and condemns Republican candidates and office holders who seek his endorsement, and is planning on running for president again in 2024.

Trump and his businesses are subject to numerous scandals, subject to various civil and criminal investigations, and is clearly in ongoing legal jeopardy.

And this just scratches the surface.

Yeah, threads about Trump are perfectly appropriate.
You call that game? :laughing0301:
There haven't been any real 'new' Trump threads in 6+ years.

Democrats and snowflakes pretty much continue doing the same things with a slight twist,accuse him of the same things, use the same insults, still claim, 'We've got him this time', and recycle the same old threads / comments.

SSDD already, as you can see above ...and below soon....

Trump constantly repeats himself, and it's always the same bullshit over and over. He never brings anything new to his rallies, just the same old bullshit.
High unemployment,
You mean large numbers of people laid off and businesses closed by democrat mandates to shut down everything over Covid.

hundreds of thousands of dead.
No one knows the real numbers, but more died under Joe Biden than while Trump was in office, not that anyone could have stopped a global pandemic, so why even bring that up?

Deficits out the ass.
Have you looked at Biden's spending? And on what???
Trump constantly repeats himself, and it's always the same bullshit over and over. He never brings anything new to his rallies, just the same old bullshit.
You must be watching A LOT of rallies to have this opinion. I mean, otherwise, how would you know how repetitive he's being?

Somebody's got a crush.

Bet you got a big old poster of Trump on the ceiling over your bed!
You must be watching A LOT of rallies to have this opinion. I mean, otherwise, how would you know how repetitive he's being?

Somebody's got a crush.

Bet you got a big old poster of Trump on the ceiling over your bed!

Nope. Used to watch his rallies at one time, but quit after the third time when I figured out he had nothing new to say.

After he left office, tuned in to one or two just to see if his rhetoric and bullshit had changed, but again, nope, still the same old same old.

All he does is tell you how great he is and that he's got all the solutions, but never specifies what he's great at, nor does he ever give a solution. Mainly, it's a bitch session about how people are so unfair to him.

Don't have any posters of him anywhere in the place that I live, but if they ever came out with toilet paper with his picture on it, I might buy some, but it would probably turn out to be cheap, irritating, and not fit for the job.
Had Trump gracefully accepted defeat
Why should he when every poll had him winning, every rally was massive, and he was way ahead of Biden until 4AM when suddenly, democrats found millions of ballots in boxes all marked for Biden and nothing else with no chain of custody despite Trump getting 11 million more votes in 2020 than 2016 and more than any sitting president ever, who when he tried to contest the result, was met with Twitter bans, Facebook bans, court blockages, unrealistic legal timelines, and social media everywhere blocking discussion of the election all paid for by democrats in Washington?

But no, Trump’s arrogance and contempt for the will of the people
You mean contempt for the desires of Leftists.

Trump remains an appropriate topic of political discussion – which was always his intent.
Naturally as he is very likely going to be your next president.

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