No one is talking about the debate tonight

I wonder if just one of them will concede that there is more to impeachment than solely the political desire to do so??
Run Mikey Run!

Then she can again be proud of America.

She is totally a man. There are multiple videos, and photos that clearly show she has the Frank and Beans.

The Obamas were frauds from the day Barry Sotoro was born in Kenya and Michele clung to "her" Gender Dysphoria like a security blanket and allowed Lib Tard professors to further confuse "her" about The Science of the XX and XY Chromosomes.

You think Mike would learn by now to always keep his junk taped down, but how awful would that be 24-7?

Can't blame him for letting Dem Nutz SWEEEEEEEEENNNNGGGG!
A bad sign for democrats. America has tuned the radical left out.
No one Actually Cares, Not even The LibPhuckistanians.
Given that 99% of Democrats will vote for - and 90% of the media will pull for - whoever the Dems nominate, you're right -- no one really cares about the debates.
Deep State will chose the victor
Like in 2016, the rank and file of the Democratic party will have little input.

Speaking of which... where is Donna Brazile working these days?
With a year too go & a dozen still running, little early to get excited about who will run against Trump. you think?
A bad sign for democrats. America has tuned the radical left out.
No one Actually Cares, Not even The LibPhuckistanians.
Given that 99% of Democrats will vote for - and 90% of the media will pull for - whoever the Dems nominate, you're right -- no one really cares about the debates.
Deep State will chose the victor

Chances are they already have.
I suspect it will go something like this the moderators will ask how much do you hate Trump and they will all do this.
A bad sign for democrats. America has tuned the radical left out.

That's what the Republican governor of Ohio isn't asking the DNC to provide a half million for security for the event tonight, like the libs in Minnesota demanded from their President.

No sense giving these libs any free publicity, or an excuse not to hold this embarrassment this evening.
No one on this forum at least.

I have quite a few friends on my FB feed that were commenting on it.

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