No One Needs Traditional Fossils To Prove Evolution Because We Have Living Proof

you're using evolution in the place of adaptation.

It's a common error among the more hateful and ignorant of humans.
Another Evidence of Evolution.
Just part of an Overwhelming body of such.
Life can traced to a continuum, with many creatures, including us, having anatomical vestiges of our evolutionary ancestors.
An immaculate 'creation' event wouldn't leave useless organs/etc.

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 2
Douglas Theobald, Ph.D.
Prediction 2.1: Anatomical vestiges

Some of the most renowned Evidence for evolution are the various nonfunctional or rudimentary vestigial characters, both anatomical and molecular, that are found throughout biology. A vestige is defined, independently of evolutionary theory, as a reduced and rudimentary structure compared to the same complex structure in other organisms. Vestigial characters, if functional, perform relatively simple, minor, or inessential functions using structures that were clearly designed for other complex purposes. Though many vestigial organs have no function, complete non-functionality is not a requirement for vestigiality...
Geoffroy was at a loss for why exactly nature "always leaves vestiges of an organ", yet he could not deny his empirical observations. Ten years later, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) identified several vestigial structures in his Zoological Philosophy
[.......]...these "Hypocritical" structures profess something that they do Not do—they clearly appear designed for a certain function which they do Not perform. However, Common Descent provides a scientific explanation for these peculiar structures.Existing species have different structures and perform different functions. If all living organisms descended from a common ancestor, then both functions and structures necessarily have been gained and lost in each lineage during macroevolutionary history. Therefore, from Common Descent and the constraint of gradualism, we predict that many organisms should retain vestigial structures as structural remnants of lost functions. Note that the exact evolutionary mechanism which created a vestigial structure is irrelevant as long as the mechanism is a gradual one.

There are Many examples of rudimentary and Nonfunctional vestigial characters carried by organisms, and these can very often be explained in terms of evolutionary histories. For example, from independent phylogenetic evidence, snakes are known to be the descendants of four-legged reptiles. Most Pythons (which are legless snakes) carry Vestigial Pelvises hidden beneath their skin.. The Vestigial pelvis in Pythons is Not attached to vertebrae (as is the normal case in most vertebrates), and it simply floats in the abdominal cavity. Some lizards carry rudimentary, Vestigial Legs underneath their skin, undetectable from the outside...
Many cave dwelling animals, such as the fish Astyanax mexicanus (the Mexican tetra) and the salamander species Typhlotriton spelaeus and Proteus anguinus, are blind yet have rudimentary, Vestigial eyes....
The ancestors of Humans are known to have been herbivorous, and molar teeth are required for chewing and grinding plant material.Over 90% of all adult humans develop third molars (otherwise known as Wisdom Teeth).
Usually these teeth never erupt from the gums, and in one Third of all individuals they are Malformed and Impacted (Notes).These Useless teeth can cause significant pain, increased risk for injury, and may result in illness and even death[footnotes]

Another Vestige of our herbivorous ancestry is the vermiform appendix.
While this intestinal structure may retain a function of some sort, perhaps in the development of the immune system, it is a rudimentary version of the much larger caecum that is essential for digestion of plants in other mammals..."

Yet another human Vestigial structure is the coccyx,
the four fused caudal vertebrae found at the base of the spine, exactly where most mammals and many other primates have external Tails protruding from the back. Humans and other apes are some of the only vertebrates that lack an external tail as an adult. The coccyx is a developmental Remnant of the embryonic tail that forms in humans and then is degraded and eaten by our immune system ... Our internal tail is Unnecessary for sitting, walking, and elimination (all of which are functions attributed to the coccyx by many anti-evolutionists). The caudal vertebrae of the coccyx can cause extreme and unnecessary chronic pain in some unfortunate people, a condition called coccydynia. The entire coccyx can be surgically removed without any ill effects (besides surgical complications)...
how did rodents, small mammals evolve into spiders?
how did rodents, small mammals evolve into spiders?
1. You did NOT answer me.
Why do animals, including us, Have useLess anatomical remnants of our evolutionary ancestors?
(Incl Wisdom teeth, Coccyx/TAIL, appendix, etc)
Are these sloppy 'god' Mistakes or more strong evidence of evolution?

2. Your question is breathtakingly Ignorant.
The usual Kweationist Nonsense.
Asking wise-guy questions like "how did an elephant evolve into a guppy" only shows Blinding Ignorance.
Evolution is a tree with branches.
Everything does not evolve into everything else, But we do have common ancestors.
Branches of evolution continue outward in different directions.
Some Visuals:

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One more lame attempt to pretend adaptation is proof of evolution.

You freaks can't even prove where life came from, let alone prove all living things magically evolved into all the different species. Talk about believing in magic... you people are bat shit crazy.
One more lame attempt to pretend adaptation is proof of evolution.
You freaks can't even prove where life came from, let alone prove all living things magically evolved into all the different species. Talk about believing in magic... you people are bat shit crazy.
You ALSO could not reply to me Meaty posts, showing that life/evolution is NOT "magic" but a sloppy continuum with evidence right on your body.

Second, I/we don't claim to know what started life/the spark, (tho we have a some idea) and that is NOT "evolution", this is 'abiogenesis.'
(look it up Goofy)
Evolution starts AFTER the first life and explains, with EXTENSIVE EVIDENCE, how it evolved.

Your post is a Stupid strawman/"Oh yeah!". Like I said "2+2=4" and you said, "You don't even know how many home runs Babe Ruth hit".
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One more lame attempt to pretend adaptation is proof of evolution.
You freaks can't even prove where life came from, let alone prove all living things magically evolved into all the different species. Talk about believing in magic... you people are bat shit crazy.
You ALSO could not reply to me Meaty posts, showing that life/evolution is NOT "magic" but a sloppy continuum with evidence right on your body.

Second, I/we don't claim to know what started life/the spark, (tho we have a some idea) and that is NOT "evolution", this is 'abiogenesis.'
(look it up Goofy)
Evolution starts AFTER the first life and explains, with EXTENSIVE EVIDENCE, how it evolved.

Your post is a Stupid strawman/"Oh yeah!". Like I said "2+2=4" and you said, "You don't even know how many home runs Babe Ruth hit".
I see a lot of BLAH, BLAH, BLAH... your OPINION and no PROOF.

Evolution is a THEORY, and you TWITS trying to convince people that ADAPTATION is EVOLUTION is PATHETIC.

Now go fuck your goat, ass wipe.
I see a lot of BLAH, BLAH, BLAH... your OPINION and no PROOF.
Evolution is a THEORY, and you TWITS trying to convince people that ADAPTATION is EVOLUTION is PATHETIC.
Now go fuck your goat, ass wipe.
Your posts have NO content.
They are ALL stupid TROLLING wise-cracks.
You are too stupid to debate, so lets Humiliate you again Voodoo7

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense - Scientific American
By John Rennie (Editor-in-Chief)
June 17, 2002
1. Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law.

Many people learned in Elementary school that a theory falls in the middle of a hierarchy of certainty--above a mere hypothesis but below a law. Scientists do Not use the terms that way, however.
According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), a scientific theory is "a Well-Substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses." No amount of Validation changes a Theory into a Law, which is a descriptive generalization about nature. So when scientists talk about the theory of evolution--or the atomic theory or the theory of relativity, for that matter--they are NOT expressing reservations about its truth.

In addition to the Theory of evolution, meaning the idea of descent with modification, one may also speak of the FACT of evolution.

SQOOOOOOSH again you contentLESS TROLL.
I don't mind if you piss and stink, But you are just Plain STOOOPID with NO content.

It's a shame your ZERO rebuttal Garbage appears on any message board.
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how did rodents, small mammals evolve into spiders?
1. You did NOT answer me.
Why do animals, including us, Have useLess anatomical remnants of our evolutionary ancestors?
(Incl Wisdom teeth, Coccyx/TAIL, appendix, etc)
Are these sloppy 'god' Mistakes or more strong evidence of evolution?

2. Your question is breathtakingly Ignorant.
The usual Kweationist Nonsense.
Asking wise-guy questions like "how did an elephant evolve into a guppy" only shows Blinding Ignorance.
Evolution is a tree with branches.
Everything does not evolve into everything else, But we do have common ancestors.
Branches of evolution continue outward in different directions.
Some Visuals:

Wow, that's the worst answer I have ever gotten.

hands down,

you win
One more lame attempt to pretend adaptation is proof of evolution.
You freaks can't even prove where life came from, let alone prove all living things magically evolved into all the different species. Talk about believing in magic... you people are bat shit crazy.
You ALSO could not reply to me Meaty posts, showing that life/evolution is NOT "magic" but a sloppy continuum with evidence right on your body.

Second, I/we don't claim to know what started life/the spark, (tho we have a some idea) and that is NOT "evolution", this is 'abiogenesis.'
(look it up Goofy)
Evolution starts AFTER the first life and explains, with EXTENSIVE EVIDENCE, how it evolved.

Your post is a Stupid strawman/"Oh yeah!". Like I said "2+2=4" and you said, "You don't even know how many home runs Babe Ruth hit".
I see a lot of BLAH, BLAH, BLAH... your OPINION and no PROOF.

Evolution is a THEORY, and you TWITS trying to convince people that ADAPTATION is EVOLUTION is PATHETIC.

Now go fuck your goat, ass wipe.
My goodness, are you running for the stupidest 'Conservative' of the year? Posts like that certainly make it look that way. Well, that is a very competitive race. But you are doing well.

Evolution is the accepted theory for explaining the variety of life on earth. It is supported by the fossil record, and by the DNA in every cell in your body. That you cannot see the logic is only an indication of your lack of intellect.
how did rodents, small mammals evolve into spiders?
1. You did NOT answer me.
Why do animals, including us, Have useLess anatomical remnants of our evolutionary ancestors?
(Incl Wisdom teeth, Coccyx/TAIL, appendix, etc)
Are these sloppy 'god' Mistakes or more strong evidence of evolution?

2. Your question is breathtakingly Ignorant.
The usual Kweationist Nonsense.
Asking wise-guy questions like "how did an elephant evolve into a guppy" only shows Blinding Ignorance.
Evolution is a tree with branches.
Everything does not evolve into everything else, But we do have common ancestors.
Branches of evolution continue outward in different directions.
Some Visuals:

Wow, that's the worst answer I have ever gotten.

hands down,

you win
Definately in competition with Sarge.
Just another 'fundie'. Been around those all my life, irrelevant what religion, they are unable to face reality. Must have a crutch for their willful ignorance. After all, learning takes effort, much easier to be a lazy ignorant bastard.
Belief in the theory of evolution requires much more "Faith" than belief in religion. ........ :cool:
Belief in the theory of evolution requires much more "Faith" than belief in religion. ........ :cool:
The usual Stupid/Vacuous pronouncement of Sunni man. Conspicuously Not quoting or refuting anyone who showed otherwise in the string.
Belief in the theory of evolution requires much more "Faith" than belief in religion. ........ :cool:

That is why I share facts that back my claims on the foundation of primary issues I address. Belief is falsified or verified by fact as are theories of which I share the very factual evidence which has proven the theory of evolution as no longer theory but fact.

Here try reading the very composition beginning this very thread.

No One Needs Traditional Fossils To Prove Evolution Because We Have Living Proof

Another living examples of evolution other than humans are elephants of which we have elephants which have evolved into the largest land animals on the planet in Africa where as we have a much smaller version of elephant which evolved into what we call pygmy elephants in Borneo.

They are both elephants but because they had evolved in different environments, one variation of elephant has "evolved" much larger than the other quite obviously.

Asians, Indians, Africans and Caucasians as example are proof of different variations of human evolution.

The evolved variation of human known as Asians for example (aside from identical twins or triplets etc.) all look different from one another as individuals but as a whole have quite obviously evolved as humans quite differently than Indians, Africans an Caucasians. Same goes for the Indians, Africans and Caucasians. Same goes for the Indians, Africans and Caucasians. No matter how much the religious continue to exemplify deliberate ignorance towards the fact that humans have evolved into different racial variations of human, we have differently evolved variations of human living presently as proof of evolution. It is a fact which proves that the religious attempting to dictate that we need fossils to prove what living proof already reveals is quite obviously a weak pathetic cheap stereotypical religious lie because they are not able to contest with so much as a shred of validity that we have living proof of evolution.

Piece of cake and my pleasure.


It Was Never Religion Vs. Science, Fact Falsifies Religion / Proves Evolution

The religious fooled themselves and perhaps others in thinking that it ever was religion vs. science, they even created a religion to force ore rhetoric upon society called Scientology of which the facts I share prove that the big bang theory is not even a possibility as the beginning of the universe. Proof that the universe and everything throughout the universe always existed, and always will exist is that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness which proves an endless duration of constant change because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. The universe never was and will never be exactly as we recognize it now for again it undergoes and infinite of constant change. Scientology is a fine example that the religious attempt to make everything that threatens religion out to be a religion by even referring to the non religious as religious by claiming that them not believing religious lies makes them religious.

Science is the process that determines recognition of fact. Once it is a fact, it is no longer a science because for example the formula for recognizing the fact has been complete = no longer a science but a recognized fact. Through the process of science, humans at one time didn't have computers or nuclear power for example. Through the process of science, it has become recognized as fact that we have computers and nuclear power where at one time it was likely laughed at or frowned upon just like harnessing electricity.

It was never religion vs. science that matters, because what falsifies religion is fact, and yes the very fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter is the very factual evidence which proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies (the foundation of a religion is the ridiculous story of how we / everything came into existence) and for some religions it is the factually proven lie that they refer to as god.

The reason that the religious can't do with fact as they did with science is because science is a process based upon belief which are referred to as such as theories, synopsis, hypothesis etc. what have you.

Facts are what falsify theories and beliefs etc. Not the other way around. Religions are based upon beliefs that are falsified by fact. The destruction of religion is inevitable no matter how much ignorance the selfish and the greedy who quite obviously value filthy religious lies more than they value human life exemplify religions only cheap pathetic defence which is ignorance towards what facts has already so very easily revealed and the facts in this instance have revealed that there is no such thing as a god, that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies and that the big bang theory as proof of our universes origin are all proven false / have been falsified by fact and it is my pleasure to have done this with the greatest of ease.

Which is why I (A Primary Factual Fundamentalist who has proven that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies, that there is no such thing a a god and that the big bang theory as proof of our universes origin is not even a possibility of which I am by far not an atheist of which who merely believes that the foundation of religion is based upon lies) keep throwing the following facts which prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies, that there is no such thing as a god and that the big bang theory as the beginning of the universe is not even a possibility in their face of which not one of them will ever be able to contest with so much as a shred of validity:

Many religious for example are those who claim that this lie that they refer to as god is the creator of everything. They also claim that it has intelligence hence they pray to / worship this lie. Yet the fact remains that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. Not anything can develop and intelligence out of nothingness let alone make anything go poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter an time to re create energy and matter. Otherwise just share even just one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. You / no one ever will share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness which proves that even the most remote possibility of there be a god does not exist! Not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness and not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Everything always was, is and always will be enduring an endless duration of constant change and the simple factual evidence which proves it is the fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Of which proves evolution and evolution only happens where life occurs. A life forms ability to adapt in order to survive along with striving to increase awareness of life's environment to better assure survival and quality of life given the circumstances of the environment the life has to work with. To spread out and grow in population no matter the species unless until it's adaptation becomes obsolete within the changing or change of environment thus no longer successful thus dies off in many cases. The purpose of life is to survive and expand in awareness of ones environment which leads to adaptation thus evolution. Just look at how many different variations of human being we have, of which are all different in reflection of the environments which differ that each type of human have evolved in including, elevation, food sources, the land scape, dangers present etc.

It is also my pleasure to remind everyone why the destruction of religion is of the up most importance for the well being of the future of the life on this planet:

Religion is the largest hate crime against humanity that ever existed!

Thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people over factually proven foundations of religious lies along with the factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is the most genuine reason to rid the world of religion for the well being of the future of the life on this planet. The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is quite simply as follows. First the foundation of a religion is some ridiculous story about how we / everything came to be. If it is not based upon some ridiculous story of how we / everything came to be then it is not a religion. I notice that the religious in days of now attempt to call everything a religion in attempt to fail safe their lies buried in a manifest of yet more lies and deceptions by attempting to try and drag everyone else / everything else down to the level of their religion in attempt to use to give a false sense of justification for following any religion.

If you are religious and you want to exemplify that you value life more than you value already "factually proven" foundations of religious lies, then simply throw your religion in the garbage where every religion belongs and walk away from religion for good.

Join me in the good fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations, for the well being of the future of the life on this planet!



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
you're using evolution in the place of adaptation.

It's a common error among the more hateful and ignorant of humans.
Another Evidence of Evolution.
Just part of an Overwhelming body of such.
Life can traced to a continuum, with many creatures, including us, having anatomical vestiges of our evolutionary ancestors.
An immaculate 'creation' event wouldn't leave useless organs/etc.

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 2
Douglas Theobald, Ph.D.
Prediction 2.1: Anatomical vestiges

Some of the most renowned Evidence for evolution are the various nonfunctional or rudimentary vestigial characters, both anatomical and molecular, that are found throughout biology. A vestige is defined, independently of evolutionary theory, as a reduced and rudimentary structure compared to the same complex structure in other organisms. Vestigial characters, if functional, perform relatively simple, minor, or inessential functions using structures that were clearly designed for other complex purposes. Though many vestigial organs have no function, complete non-functionality is not a requirement for vestigiality...
Geoffroy was at a loss for why exactly nature "always leaves vestiges of an organ", yet he could not deny his empirical observations. Ten years later, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) identified several vestigial structures in his Zoological Philosophy
[.......]...these "Hypocritical" structures profess something that they do Not do—they clearly appear designed for a certain function which they do Not perform. However, Common Descent provides a scientific explanation for these peculiar structures.Existing species have different structures and perform different functions. If all living organisms descended from a common ancestor, then both functions and structures necessarily have been gained and lost in each lineage during macroevolutionary history. Therefore, from Common Descent and the constraint of gradualism, we predict that many organisms should retain vestigial structures as structural remnants of lost functions. Note that the exact evolutionary mechanism which created a vestigial structure is irrelevant as long as the mechanism is a gradual one.

There are Many examples of rudimentary and Nonfunctional vestigial characters carried by organisms, and these can very often be explained in terms of evolutionary histories. For example, from independent phylogenetic evidence, snakes are known to be the descendants of four-legged reptiles. Most Pythons (which are legless snakes) carry Vestigial Pelvises hidden beneath their skin.. The Vestigial pelvis in Pythons is Not attached to vertebrae (as is the normal case in most vertebrates), and it simply floats in the abdominal cavity. Some lizards carry rudimentary, Vestigial Legs underneath their skin, undetectable from the outside...
Many cave dwelling animals, such as the fish Astyanax mexicanus (the Mexican tetra) and the salamander species Typhlotriton spelaeus and Proteus anguinus, are blind yet have rudimentary, Vestigial eyes....
The ancestors of Humans are known to have been herbivorous, and molar teeth are required for chewing and grinding plant material.Over 90% of all adult humans develop third molars (otherwise known as Wisdom Teeth).
Usually these teeth never erupt from the gums, and in one Third of all individuals they are Malformed and Impacted (Notes).These Useless teeth can cause significant pain, increased risk for injury, and may result in illness and even death[footnotes]

Another Vestige of our herbivorous ancestry is the vermiform appendix.
While this intestinal structure may retain a function of some sort, perhaps in the development of the immune system, it is a rudimentary version of the much larger caecum that is essential for digestion of plants in other mammals..."

Yet another human Vestigial structure is the coccyx,
the four fused caudal vertebrae found at the base of the spine, exactly where most mammals and many other primates have external Tails protruding from the back. Humans and other apes are some of the only vertebrates that lack an external tail as an adult. The coccyx is a developmental Remnant of the embryonic tail that forms in humans and then is degraded and eaten by our immune system ... Our internal tail is Unnecessary for sitting, walking, and elimination (all of which are functions attributed to the coccyx by many anti-evolutionists). The caudal vertebrae of the coccyx can cause extreme and unnecessary chronic pain in some unfortunate people, a condition called coccydynia. The entire coccyx can be surgically removed without any ill effects (besides surgical complications)...

That appears to be viable secondary support after the fact.

The primary information that proves evolution is in bold within the following. Everything else I share is to help people understand different proofs of evolution.

Evolution for life such as the life we recognize on this planet for example is the developmental stages of life throughout generations from the first spark of life of a single cell which begins the chain of ever changing bloodlines in reflection of gathering information from the environment and adapting in order to survive. Evolution only occurs where life happens. Again, not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness, develops an intelligence out of nothingness because for anything to become alive it first takes takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter under suitable circumstances to initiate the beginnings of life and sustain life coming into existence in reflection of the environment and evolve to develop over time such things as an intellect, tolerances and even immunities as well evolve to consume different things depending upon what food sources are or are not available from environment to environment. Otherwise you you go right ahead share even just one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothing?!! You never will.

It is that simple.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
how did rodents, small mammals evolve into spiders?
1. You did NOT answer me.
Why do animals, including us, Have useLess anatomical remnants of our evolutionary ancestors?
(Incl Wisdom teeth, Coccyx/TAIL, appendix, etc)
Are these sloppy 'god' Mistakes or more strong evidence of evolution?

2. Your question is breathtakingly Ignorant.
The usual Kweationist Nonsense.
Asking wise-guy questions like "how did an elephant evolve into a guppy" only shows Blinding Ignorance.
Evolution is a tree with branches.
Everything does not evolve into everything else, But we do have common ancestors.
Branches of evolution continue outward in different directions.
Some Visuals:


lol, yes the religious pride themselves on ignorance much like homosexual activists when it comes to the foundation of an issue to do with their religion or homosexual activist bias agenda.

Very weak minded cowardly people.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
One more lame attempt to pretend adaptation is proof of evolution.

You freaks can't even prove where life came from, let alone prove all living things magically evolved into all the different species. Talk about believing in magic... you people are bat shit crazy.

For anything to first come into existence let alone develop an intelligence etc. it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Fact: Life comes from energy matter and time re creating energy and matter.

The primary information that proves evolution is in bold within the following. Everything else I share is to help people understand different proofs of evolution.

Evolution for life such as the life we recognize on this planet for example is the developmental stages of life throughout generations from the first spark of life of a single cell which begins the chain of ever changing bloodlines in reflection of gathering information from the environment and adapting in order to survive. Evolution only occurs where life happens. Again, not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness, develops an intelligence out of nothingness because for anything to become alive it first takes takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter under suitable circumstances to initiate the beginnings of life and sustain life coming into existence in reflection of the environment and evolve to develop over time such things as an intellect, tolerances and even immunities as well evolve to consume different things depending upon what food sources are or are not available from environment to environment. Otherwise you you go right ahead share even just one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothing?!! You never will.

It is that simple.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Evolution is a religion. Oh, it isn't the worship of GOD, but it is the a structured belief that embraces "nature" as the foundation upon which all life is a result. So, in fact evolutionists worship nature and see various natural occurrences as the result of man "sin" against nature. The reality is that nature doesn't react to man's abuse of nature. Nature reacts to man's ignorance of GOD, and the evils/abuses man inflicts upon himself as the direct result of such ignorance.
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Evolution is a religion. Oh, it isn't the worship of GOD, but it is the a structured belief that embraces "nature" as the foundation upon which all life is a result.
That is NOT "structured" as a religion then.
Religions have places of Worship, Holy Books, Priests, etc.
Eliminating the voodoo/religionS only leaves Natural/Real explanations.

LittleNipper said:
So, in fact evolutionists worship nature and see various natural occurrences as the result of man "sin" against nature.
NO, that's Pat Roberston.

LittleNipper" said:
The reality is that nature doesn't react to man's abuse of nature.
Nature reacts to man's ignorance of GOD, and the evils/abuses man inflicts upon himself as the direct result of such ignorance.
There is NO evidence of any "god", including WHICHever one you believe in.
Evolution is a religion. Oh, it isn't the worship of GOD, but it is the a structured belief that embraces "nature" as the foundation upon which all life is a result. So, in fact evolutionists worship nature and see various natural occurrences as the result of man "sin" against nature. The reality is that nature doesn't react to man's abuse of nature. Nature reacts to man's ignorance of GOD, and the evils/abuses man inflicts upon himself as the direct result of such ignorance.

Evolution is proven as fact as clearly revealed within the composition beginning this very thread. Other wise go right ahead and share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness.

Again, not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness, develops an intelligence out of nothingness because for anything to become alive it first takes takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter under suitable circumstances to initiate the beginnings of life and sustain life coming into existence in reflection of the environment and evolve to develop over time such things as an intellect, tolerances and even immunities as well evolve to consume different things depending upon what food sources are or are not available from environment to environment. Otherwise you go right ahead share even just one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothing?!! You never will.

.Many religious for example are those who claim that this lie that they refer to as god is the creator of everything. They also claim that it has intelligence hence they pray to / worship this lie.

Yet the fact remains that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. Not anything can develop and intelligence out of nothingness let alone make anything go poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter an time to re create energy and matter. Otherwise just share even just one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. You / no one ever will share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness which proves that even the most remote possibility of there be a god does not exist! Not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness and not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Everything always was, is and always will be enduring an endless duration of constant change and the simple factual evidence which proves it is the fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Evolution is a religion. Oh, it isn't the worship of GOD, but it is the a structured belief that embraces "nature" as the foundation upon which all life is a result. So, in fact evolutionists worship nature and see various natural occurrences as the result of man "sin" against nature. The reality is that nature doesn't react to man's abuse of nature. Nature reacts to man's ignorance of GOD, and the evils/abuses man inflicts upon himself as the direct result of such ignorance.

Evolution is proven as fact as clearly revealed within the composition beginning this very thread. Other wise go right ahead and share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness.

Again, not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness, develops an intelligence out of nothingness because for anything to become alive it first takes takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter under suitable circumstances to initiate the beginnings of life and sustain life coming into existence in reflection of the environment and evolve to develop over time such things as an intellect, tolerances and even immunities as well evolve to consume different things depending upon what food sources are or are not available from environment to environment. Otherwise you go right ahead share even just one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothing?!! You never will.

.Many religious for example are those who claim that this lie that they refer to as god is the creator of everything. They also claim that it has intelligence hence they pray to / worship this lie.

Yet the fact remains that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. Not anything can develop and intelligence out of nothingness let alone make anything go poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter an time to re create energy and matter. Otherwise just share even just one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. You / no one ever will share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness which proves that even the most remote possibility of there be a god does not exist! Not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness and not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Everything always was, is and always will be enduring an endless duration of constant change and the simple factual evidence which proves it is the fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Define evolution! What does evolution mean to you exactly?

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