No One Supports Amnesty, But Everyone Supports Amnesty


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

No One Supports Amnesty, But Everyone Supports Amnesty

March 19, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

Amnesty is bad. Everyone agrees on that. Even the senators who support amnesty claim not to support it. Instead they support “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” with “A Path to Citizenship”. They support a comprehensive solution that will be compassionate and work as an immigration policy for the 21st century.

But they don’t support amnesty. Except that they do.

No one uses the term “amnesty” anymore except opponents of amnesty for illegal aliens and their more vociferous advocates. This makes for some confusing speeches and press conferences.

That’s what happened today with Rand Paul, who is absolutely against amnesty. His Senate campaign website says so. But he is for a path to citizenship.

Rubio is also against amnesty. He repeatedly emphasizes that his plan is not amnesty. Except it is. It’s just amnesty renamed as a path to citizenship and with a lot of talk about border security. That’s the same old amnesty.


No One Supports Amnesty, But Everyone Supports Amnesty

Pro-Amnesty Liberals in Evangelicals’ Clothing

May 9, 2013 By Ann Coulter


Every few months since at least 2006, The New York Times takes time out from brow-beating Evangelicals to praise them for supporting amnesty for illegal aliens.

Most of the “Evangelicals” the Times cites are liberal frauds, far from “unlikely allies” in amnesty, as alleged. It is a specialty of the left to pose as something they’re not in order to create the impression of a zeitgeist. The only one I haven’t seen quoted yet is the ACLU’s minister, Barry Lynn.


And why can’t Jesus love them if they’re back in Mexico? Does the Bible say that Christ died only for U.S. legal residents? Maybe that passage is buried in the Book of Malachi. (I never read that one carefully!)

Adopting a classic liberal trait, these Christians incapable of abstract thinking seem to believe that true compassion consists of giving away something that isn’t theirs. They repeatedly cite the biblical passage about treating the stranger as you would yourself. But I note that they don’t invite strangers to move into their houses, sleep in their beds, eat their food and have sex with their wives.

No, they demand that we transform our country into a bankrupt, Third World hellhole so that they can feel good about themselves. But every American has an interest in what kind of country this is. America isn’t theirs to give away out of phony “Christian” compassion.

Pro-Amnesty Liberals in Evangelicals? Clothing | FrontPage Magazine
Will 2014 Be the Year of Amnesty?

January 3, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert


House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) seems determined to undo the political advantage the GOP has gained from the disastrous implementation of ObamaCare. According to the New York Times, Boehner “has signaled he may embrace a series of limited changes to the nation’s immigration laws in the coming months,” bringing up a series of bills to advance that agenda. Apparently Boehner is holding firm to the belief that the need for some kind of “reform” outweighs the risks of alienating his core constituency.

According to the Boehner’s aides, the Speaker is considering a “step by step” process, though they did not identify these steps in specificity. The Times, no doubt in an effort to be “helpful,” suggested that such an agenda might include fast-tracking legalization for agricultural workers, increasing the number of visas for high-tech workers, or embracing citizenship for young illegals whose parents brought them across the border.

Unsurprisingly, gaining control of the border failed to make the list.

Immigration activists were ostensibly buoyed by two recent indications that Boehner is becoming more attuned to their concerns. First, in an effort to push what he called a “common sense” overhaul of the system, Boehner hired Rebecca Tallent. Tallent is a former staffer for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and former House member James Kolbe, a Republican who represented Arizona’s 8th congressional district. Tallent is a pro-amnesty advocate who has been involved in the creation of broad legalization bills for McCain and Kolbe over the last decade. “Tallent’s hiring suggests [Boehner] really does still want to push an amnesty through the House, which to me suggests that the immigration hawks still have their work cut out for them,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies. “She is a professional amnesty advocate.”


If that’s still not enough for the GOP, they should consider one more reality. A Gallup poll released last May asked Americans what the most pressing priorities of the nation are. Of the twelve separate categories, reforming immigration finished dead last. Creating jobs and growing the economy finished one and two. In light of a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) report released last June, predicting the Senate immigration bill would drive down wages and make it harder for Americans to find jobs — not to mention a Heritage Foundation report asserting reform would cost taxpayers $6.3 trillion in new spending on entitlements and social programs over a 50 year period –Republicans might want to reorder their own priorities. A viable opposition party is a terrible thing to waste.

Will 2014 Be the Year of Amnesty? | FrontPage Magazine
The United States Chamber of Commerce supports immigration reform, so you can bet that some of their political stooges will toe the line.
I would have preferred Bush putting a couple hundred thousand troops on our borders with orders to shoot than sending them to Iraq. We would have been safer, our economy would be better, and we would not have wasted good lives in the ME to accomplish nothing worthwhile for the average American citizen!
Stupid Americans that keep voting for politicians that support amnesty, based on some PAC giving them money under the table for their votes, don't realize they are supporting their own demise in the long run in jobs, education, public safety, medical coverage.

Imagine millions of illegals given access to our medical system paid for by Americans....
I"m not worried about people coming to America to live, legally or "illegally" .

I would rather live in America too, if I didn't already.

We need another amnesty, Reagan-style.

The opponents of loose immigration laws are mostly conservative slopeheads with twangy accents and deep irrational racial & ethnic anxieties.
Similar arguments about America becoming a 3rd world country were made when Irish & Italian immigrants were coming too. You need to get over your ethnic anxieties.
Stupid fuck....back then the US needed bodies.

We have over 300 million people living here and about 90 million out of work.

So you think we need more people? Especially people that openly violate our laws.

The Europeans got clearance to get on a ship and enter the US, nobody gave illegals from south of the border the ok to walk across the border and the private properties of Americans near the border.

I doubt trailer trash like you would like millions of illegals walking through your trailer park over the years.

Similar arguments about America becoming a 3rd world country were made when Irish & Italian immigrants were coming too. You need to get over your ethnic anxieties.
The United States Chamber of Commerce supports immigration reform, so you can bet that some of their political stooges will toe the line.

The Chamber of Commerce supports immigration "reform" because Big Business that support them do.

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