"No politician....has been treated worse or more unfairly."


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
"No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly."
-- Donald Trump


Trump is whining about being treated unfairly, and has just helped pass a bill which could see 24 million people lose healthcare coverage, and he's talking about unfair. This guy has not fucking sense of perspective, does he?
"No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly."
-- Donald Trump


Trump is whining about being treated unfairly, and has just helped pass a bill which could see 24 million people lose healthcare coverage, and he's talking about unfair. This guy has not fucking sense of perspective, does he?
That poor, white man of privilege -- he's always the victim.
"No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly."
-- Donald Trump


Trump is whining about being treated unfairly, and has just helped pass a bill which could see 24 million people lose healthcare coverage, and he's talking about unfair. This guy has not fucking sense of perspective, does he?

When Liberals complain about injustice the Right says they're 'playing the victim card'.

When Trump complains, that admonition is long forgotten.

Weird the way those pesky Conservatives think, ain't it?

Er..... what? When you attacked Obama, you attacked "us, we the people"????
You don't understand. 36% of the people want to own the iconography you see. The bald eagle, the flag, the constitution. It's a security blanket. They wrap themselves up nice and cozy, believe they are the exclusive owners of America and seek to exclude everyone else.

A shallow sentiment for shallow thinkers.
It’s unfortunate more people don’t notice how quickly liberal universal democracy-mongers become Jim Crow the instant those middle-class heartland ******* make a deplorable choice. Of course the sole point of installing an Infinite Franchise is to assure the imperium of its selection through a high-low coalition against the middle. It’s a pernicious strategy, but one that works. Soros has money and malevolence, while BLM/antifa have ganglions attached to nerve endings.
But in his defense, none of us can comprehend the barometric pressure of his position. The presidency is several Earth gravity’s to begin with. Though much fewer when the press fawningly carries you about in a sedan-chair. But that was Obama. Trump has practically the entire political, bureaucratic, and judicial firmaments arrayed against him. This fact speaks far more grossly of our rotted institutions than of any choice of the people they unanimously despise. And Trump doesn’t even find respite in his own residence; the White House being a viper’s nest of leaks and lies. Work Done in Daylight
Mortality rates rose under Obamacase, so, if anything, Trump has saved lives.
Wow ! A bald faced lie and a totally illogical comment in one short sentence.
Funny it's a typical orange clown sentence too.

Well it actually did.

Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people) | Data

2008 was 8.1 and 2015 was 8.2, with a drop in 2009.

Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) | Data

Mortality among babies went down from 6.5 to 5.6

Life expectancy at birth, total (years) | Data

Life expectancy at birth increased too.

US Death Rate Rises for First Time in a Decade

"The rise was seen across several categories, including deaths due to Alzheimer's disease, drug overdoses, and liver disease."

"Deaths due to firearms, drug overdoses, accidental injuries, suicides, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, and stroke all increased."

There's a curious case of when more crime happens. It happens when the economy is going well but people still haven't got jobs yet. So, when the recession first happens, people aren't spending as much money, therefore there's less to steal. Once the economy starts again, people are buying new stuff, and criminals are more likely to find what they want.

Though how many of these could you blame on the President? Not many. Suicides? Not really, but maybe the struggling economy for certain people would take it's toll. Hardly Obama's fault, the recession started before he took office. Alzheimer's? Well this is due to an aging population. Hypertension, strokes etc, possibly due to stress, over working etc, hardly the President's fault either.

Firearm deaths. Well, policy exists, but Obama wanted to get rid of firearms, so is it his fault? Drug overdoses, well the war on drugs has been going on for a long time, and it's been a problem for a long time, but again, the economy does better, more money, more drugs.

Grim data: Death rate increases for first time in decades; overdoses, car crashes, gun deaths rise

"U.S. death rate increases for first time in two decades, as overdoses, car crashes, gun deaths rise"

Car crashes? President's fault? No, not that either. That's usually a state issue.


US unemployment peaked in 2010 and death rates got to their low in 2009.

US unemployment peaked in 1992 and death rates got to its low in 1992.

US unemployment peaked in 1983 and death rates got to a low in 1983.

Us unemployment peaked in 1975 and death rates were dropping massively in the period before this.

There's a link here. As soon as the recession kicks in, deaths go down. Less people on the roads driving their cars, less people eating crap, less crime, less problems, more people staying at home. This leads to less deaths. It's got nothing to do with the president.

"No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly."
-- Donald Trump


Trump is whining about being treated unfairly, and has just helped pass a bill which could see 24 million people lose healthcare coverage, and he's talking about unfair. This guy has not fucking sense of perspective, does he?

All the people and businesses he has fucked over in his lifetime, yeah Donnie, life Is a bitch isn't it?
The difference is now that Trump is on the Big Stage, where the public eye is always on him, his screw ups are there for everyone to see.
Cry me a river Donnie, cry me a river.

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