No Proof Joe Biden Is a Crook

Ask tRump and his over 500 shell companies. Lemme guess all shell companies but his are illegitimate!
You have no clue as to what makes up a shell company, do you?

shell com·pa·ny
[ˈSHel ˌkəmp(ə)nē]

  1. an inactive company used as a vehicle for various financial maneuvers or kept dormant for future use in some other capacity.
So...President Trump is making money from 500 inactive companies?
You have no clue as to what makes up a shell company, do you?

shell com·pa·ny
[ˈSHel ˌkəmp(ə)nē]

  1. an inactive company used as a vehicle for various financial maneuvers or kept dormant for future use in some other capacity.
So...President Trump is making money from 500 inactive companies?

Don't know but he has had over 500 of them. It has been talked about many times on this board, many.
But I am sure his are the only legitimate ones. All others, not so much AMIRIGHT!!!!!

Former US Attorney Testifies to House Judiciary Committee That He Had Enough Evidence to Open Up Formal Investigation into the Bidens' Bribery Schemes, But Was Blocked by All of Biden's Politiical Appointees​

What a surprise.

He didn't even know about the Hunter Biden laptop. His evidence was independent of that.

Had he known about the laptop, he'd have had an even stronger case.

So they kept that secret from him.

Why should the FBI tell the prosecutor looking into the Bidens about critical evidence about the Bidens' bribery schemes?

In bombshell testimony, the federal prosecutor who initially probed the Biden family's dealings in Ukraine told Congress his team had corroborated enough of an FBI informant's claim of an alleged bribery scheme involving Joe Biden to merit further investigation but he encountered unprecedented foot-dragging and "reluctance" inside both the FBI and the Delaware U.S. Attorney's office that took over the case, Just the News has learned.

Former Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney Scott Brady revealed to the House Judiciary Committee that his team found enough credible evidence in its initial review of Hunter Biden's dealings with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings and possible corruption by Joe Biden to refer criminal matters to three separate U.S. Attorney's offices in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Delaware for further investigation.

But almost immediately after he was assigned by the Justice Department in 2020 to review Biden family matters in Ukraine, Brady said he encountered resistance at both the FBI and the Delaware U.S. Attorney's office that at times required him to escalate to his bosses in the deputy attorney general's office.

"It was a challenging working relationship," Brady said of the FBI in testimony earlier this week that was reviewed by Just the News. "I think there was reluctance on the part of the FBI to really do any tasking related to our assignment from DAG Rosen and looking into allegations of Ukrainian corruption broadly and then specifically anything that intersected with Hunter Biden and his role in Burisma. It was very challenging."

Brady's testimony emerged the same day that Sen. Chuck Grassley revealed that the FBI had more than 40 informants providing evidence of possible criminality by the Biden family dating back years but that most leaders were shut down, particularly by the FBI's Washington field office or its New York counter-intelligence office.

Brady was critical of the FBI, noting the bureau never told his office it had Hunter Biden's laptop and had corroborated its contents even as DOJ prosecutors investigated the Ukraine allegations.

"I would have thought that would be something, especially as has been publicly reported, there's information relating to Hunter Biden's activities on the board of Burisma in Ukraine, that might have been helpful in our assessment of the information that we were receiving about him. I would have expected that be shared," he said.

Brady said he encountered similar resistance and skepticism as he tried to hand off evidence and investigative leads to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss and his deputy Lesley Wolf in fall 2020, corroborating similar testimony provided to the House Ways and Means Committee earlier this summer by IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler.
Don't know but he has had over 500 of them. It has been talked about many times on this board, many.
But I am sure his are the only legitimate ones. All others, not so much AMIRIGHT!!!!!
MAGA committee investigating its own?! Let’s see the bank records and the bona fides of every company the Trump organization dealt with. I’d be willing to bet there are some Hamas connections in there somewhere. It’s Saudi money. Just put two and two together, but MAGA seems to always come up with five!

LOL Maloney and Pelosi are Maggots now? Who is not a Maggot in your world?
Wow...just when I think your level of ignorance can't get any higher, post something like THAT!

SARS are NOT filed automatically on all funds coming from outside of the US! That is a flat out lie! SARS are filed when banks suspect criminal activity.

"Financial institutions should be vigilant for the following indicators of suspicious activities:

  • Unusual transaction patterns or volumes

  • Inconsistent customer behavior with their profile or expected activity

  • Transactions lacking economic or business rationale

  • Evasion of reporting requirements, such as structuring transactions to avoid thresholds

  • Use of complex or multiple accounts to obscure the origin or destination of funds"

The Biden family overseas "dealings" are literally the epitome of all of the above which is why banks filed 170 SARS reports on what they were doing!

A SAR report is filed on EVERY transaction over a set by amount regardless of any other criteria and I say this as both a long time banker and someone with 30+ years of international legal experience.

Banks don’t want the risk of scrutinizing transactions and deciding what’s suspicious and what isn’t. That’s the government’s job.

And if you’d ever worked in either banking of law, you’d know that.

Former US Attorney Testifies to House Judiciary Committee That He Had Enough Evidence to Open Up Formal Investigation into the Bidens' Bribery Schemes, But Was Blocked by All of Biden's Politiical Appointees​

What a surprise.

He didn't even know about the Hunter Biden laptop. His evidence was independent of that.

Had he known about the laptop, he'd have had an even stronger case.

So they kept that secret from him.

Why should the FBI tell the prosecutor looking into the Bidens about critical evidence about the Bidens' bribery schemes?

What US attorney was working on the Biden case didn’t know about the laptop? Was he living under a rock and missed all of the news in the NY Post, on FOX in October of 2020, all of which came out BEFORE the election?

And if this guy had this supposed evidence before news of Hunter’s laptop became public, then it was Trump administration DOJ employees who were blocking the investigation of Hunter Biden, not Biden DOJ employees, because Biden wasn’t president.

Just like it was Barr’s DOJ, which was blocking the IRS investigation of Hunter Biden in April of 2020, not the Biden DOJ.

It appears that Donald Trump knew there was nothing to find, with either the laptop or the bribery investigation, and it was just like the phone call to the Ukraine: you don’t need to actually investigate, you just need to announce an investigation and let the White House look after the rest.

Last but not least, your source is “Just the News” - a conspiracy theory website.

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Trolling no content.

Right wing media mocks you and laughs seeing your faces at how easy it is to convince that Democrats are crooks without a shred golf evidence.

Just like you believe that the election was stolen, despite all of the evidence that it wasn’t, and a total lack of evidence that it was.
Sorry. Didn't mean to trigger you.

It’s a standard trick you use regularly in these discussions: twisting another poster’s words into something they did not say.

For example, criticism of some of the policies of the Israeli government is NOT anti-semitism.

Over 1000 Jews were brutally murdered on October 7th, but since then the government of Israel have slaughtered over 5000 Palestinians, more than 1000 women and children among them.

These are civilians. Families, just trying to live their lives, just like the people that Hamas slaughtered. How is one set of murders righteous or justified?

An eye for an eye makes everyone blind.
A SAR report is filed on EVERY transaction over a set by amount regardless of any other criteria and I say this as both a long time banker and someone with 30+ years of international legal experience.

Banks don’t want the risk of scrutinizing transactions and deciding what’s suspicious and what isn’t. That’s the government’s job.

And if you’d ever worked in either banking of law, you’d know that.
Your claim that a SARS report is "filed on EVERY transaction over a set amount regardless of any other criteria" is bullshit, Dragonlady!
Did you notice how your source switched midstream from "Joe Biden" to "The Bidens"?

There's a clue you are being gaslighted.
No different than describing the Gotti, or Gambino crime families..

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