No Room Given to Destroy in Rich Democrat Beverly Hills


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Funny how that works.

Beverly Hills Police Deployed Tear Gas as Protesters Gathered Friday Night.

“Police officers with the Beverly Hills Police Department used tear gas and sponge-tipped grenades on protesters at around 11 p.m. on Friday night. The group of roughly 50, which identified itself as Occupy BLM, made its way down Santa Monica Boulevard before turning onto a residential street, where police formed a skirmish line and declared an unlawful assembly. . . . In a statement, BHPD said that protesters trespassed on private property, threw objects at officers, and pointed a laser at officers.” But no one was arrested.
We can't have protesting in white elite Liberal neighborhoods now can we? This stuff is supposed to take place in the hood far away. Tear gas suddenly is justified.
Can't offend all the rich white women who vote Democrat; the street vermin have to stick to the prole neighborhoods, where it is open season on working class whites and Asian convenience store owners. Some 'Community Organizer' is in for a scolding finger wagging at DNC HQ for this outrage.
I bet those Beverly Hills neighborhoods are full of "liberals" who constantly brag on TV how much they absolutely adore people from "underserved communities" -- until some of those people whom they adore come to their neighborhoods.
I bet those Beverly Hills neighborhoods are full of "liberals" who constantly brag on TV how much they absolutely adore people from "underserved communities" -- until some of those people whom they adore come to their neighborhoods.

thr reason all those rich hollywood types suck up to the trash is they think the scum will leave their houses alone if they come through there, is all. Their dope addled brains actually think the feral animals care about their 'support' when instead it will make the Sharon Tate murders look tame.
Funny how that works.

Beverly Hills Police Deployed Tear Gas as Protesters Gathered Friday Night.

“Police officers with the Beverly Hills Police Department used tear gas and sponge-tipped grenades on protesters at around 11 p.m. on Friday night. The group of roughly 50, which identified itself as Occupy BLM, made its way down Santa Monica Boulevard before turning onto a residential street, where police formed a skirmish line and declared an unlawful assembly. . . . In a statement, BHPD said that protesters trespassed on private property, threw objects at officers, and pointed a laser at officers.” But no one was arrested.
They need to go into West Hollywood and ravage that liberal shit hole. See how they like rioters then.
“We did comply,” said Krizia Berg, who was struck multiple times by sponge bullets and sustained a wound to her hand. “We complied the entire time. I was getting hit as we were moving back.”

Just comply and you won't get hurt.........or so the argument goes.

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