No surprise, Shawn Hannity has been silenced for speaking the probable truth!


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Stinks but here we go again with the double standards that liberals are allowed to claim any number of lies against Trump while conservatives who are trying to expose the lefts nefarious criminal behavior is constantly being silenced.

Case and point, before being silenced, Shawn Hannity was reporting about the murder of Seth Rich who worked for the DNC in Washington DC who was shot several times in the back. Instead of thoroughly investigating it, authorities listed is as robbery gone bad and then swept the incidence under the rug although nothing was reportedly taken off his body. Also details emerged stating there were 19 cameras at the location of the incident that happened just outside Seth's door in an affluent section of the city. Where is that footage now? And where is Seth's computer that had evidence he was talking to Wiki Leaks which made him the probable link that Hillary was so eager and determined to find?

Thank God for people like Shawn Hannity who was using his voice to expose this crap which they, the powers that be, have since silenced.

So instead of letting this die, everyone needs to pass this on until the issue is addressed and cannot stay hidden any longer. Then if brought out and investigated properly, by no means should those from the deep state of the FBI who were handpicked by Obama be allowed to do the investigation. I mean what could go wrong there? Especially when considering the facts that emails were deleted and blackberries were smashed to hide evidence in the past?

Therefore to keep the crime scene from being compromised any further, a special team of prosecutors should be employed to look into Seth's death and also Hillary's email debacle which the past administration let slide.
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He was spouting untruths, and the family wanted it to stop. Sean Hannity has a big mouth and is hard up for stories.
"Probably Truth" ROFL! What the heck is that?

Is he telling the probable truth using alternative facts?

That's one hell of an enigma
probable truth, lol

No, and he has no right to talk about it. Hannity, Rush, and Gingrich all the same. Big mouths. And Gingrich has not been speaker for years, and he left with tail between his legs so he should not be addressed as such on Hannity's show.
Breaking Update!

From American patriot Sean Hannity


Sean Hannity @seanhannity

Ok TO BE CLEAR, I am closer to the TRUTH than ever. Not only am I not stopping, I am working harder. Updates when available. Stay tuned!
Breaking Update!

From American patriot Sean Hannity


Sean Hannity @seanhannity

Ok TO BE CLEAR, I am closer to the TRUTH than ever. Not only am I not stopping, I am working harder. Updates when available. Stay tuned!
my investigators cannot believe what they find. tune in tuesday, or thursday.
Stinks but here we go again with the double standards that liberals are allowed to claim any number of lies against Trump while conservatives who are trying to expose the lefts nefarious criminal behavior is constantly being silenced.

Case and point, before being silenced, Shawn Hannity was reporting about the murder of Seth Rich who worked for the DNC in Washington DC who was shot several times in the back. Instead of thoroughly investigating it, authorities listed is as robbery gone bad and then swept the incidence under the rug although nothing was reportedly taken off his body. Also details emerged stating there were 19 cameras at the location of the incident that happened just outside Seth's door in an affluent section of the city. Where is that footage now? And where is Seth's computer that had evidence he was talking to Wiki Leaks which made him the probable link that Hillary was so eager and determined to find?

Thank God for people like Shawn Hannity who was using his voice to expose this crap which they, the powers that be, have since silenced.

So instead of letting this die, everyone needs to pass this on until the issue is addressed and cannot stay hidden any longer. Then if brought out and investigated properly, by no means should those from the deep state of the FBI who were handpicked by Obama be allowed to do the investigation. I mean what could go wrong there? Especially when considering the facts that emails were deleted and blackberries were smashed to hide evidence in the past?

Therefore to keep the crime scene from being compromised any further, a special team of prosecutors should be employed to look into Seth's death and also Hillary's email debacle which the past administration let slide.

who the fuck is Shawn Hannity?
So you guys (liberals) think instead of forcing an investigation which could very well expose serious corruption should just go away? REALLY? Bet you're all frothing at the mouth hoping to find something ANYTHING on Trump though right?

Well take a look in the mirror and realize YOU are the reason this country is in the toilet and being flushed further away with each day. Don't give a rat's ass about you, but sadly your idiotic mindset will cause your children and all generations going forward to suffer form your moronic mentality.
Stinks but here we go again with the double standards that liberals are allowed to claim any number of lies against Trump while conservatives who are trying to expose the lefts nefarious criminal behavior is constantly being silenced.

Case and point, before being silenced, Shawn Hannity was reporting about the murder of Seth Rich who worked for the DNC in Washington DC who was shot several times in the back. Instead of thoroughly investigating it, authorities listed is as robbery gone bad and then swept the incidence under the rug although nothing was reportedly taken off his body. Also details emerged stating there were 19 cameras at the location of the incident that happened just outside Seth's door in an affluent section of the city. Where is that footage now? And where is Seth's computer that had evidence he was talking to Wiki Leaks which made him the probable link that Hillary was so eager and determined to find?

Thank God for people like Shawn Hannity who was using his voice to expose this crap which they, the powers that be, have since silenced.

So instead of letting this die, everyone needs to pass this on until the issue is addressed and cannot stay hidden any longer. Then if brought out and investigated properly, by no means should those from the deep state of the FBI who were handpicked by Obama be allowed to do the investigation. I mean what could go wrong there? Especially when considering the facts that emails were deleted and blackberries were smashed to hide evidence in the past?

Therefore to keep the crime scene from being compromised any further, a special team of prosecutors should be employed to look into Seth's death and also Hillary's email debacle which the past administration let slide.

who the fuck is Shawn Hannity?

Some guy not worth listening to.
So you guys (liberals) think instead of forcing an investigation which could very well expose serious corruption should just go away? REALLY? Bet you're all frothing at the mouth hoping to find something ANYTHING on Trump though right?

Well take a look in the mirror and realize YOU are the reason this country is in the toilet and being flushed further away with each day. Don't give a rat's ass about you, but sadly your idiotic mindset will cause your children and all generations going forward to suffer form your moronic mentality.

Yes I think that an investigation that very well expose corruption should not go away. Thats why I support the Russia Investigation 100% and it sounds like you do too!

Or is this where you pretend to only care about corruption when Trumps name isnt in the mix to add to your incredibly credible reputation?

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