No Way Jose


Sep 23, 2010
[ame=]Obama Against Strikes - YouTube[/ame]​

I got the Youtube from John Hayward’s brief column. I enjoy the humor although I think Barack Taqiyya knew exactly what he was saying:

Hilarity ensues as a panicked Barack Obama – fresh off his defeat at the hands of elderly World War II veterans – grabs a microphone and makes a compelling case for firing every union worker who goes on strike:

The poor saps cheering him are almost as funny as Obama himself. The only thing that would make this clip better would be a quick reaction shot of an aide facepalming himself into a coma, or maybe a union boss beginning to applaud until he realizes what the President just said, at which point he slowly stops clapping.

Obama calls for striking union workers to be fired
By: John Hayward
10/3/2013 01:26 PM

Obama calls for striking union workers to be fired | Human Events

Ronald Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers and the Left went bonkers. Barack Taqiyya is talking about private sector union members. There is no way on God’s green Earth he wants to fire striking teachers, or any union member in the public sector —— federal or state.

In truth:

Public-sector workers had a union membership rate (35.9 percent) more than five times higher than that of private-sector workers (6.6 percent).


In 2012, 7.3 million employees in the public sector belonged to a union, compared with 7.0 million union workers in the private sector.

Democrats, as well as most union leaders, hate the 6.6 percent. Of that 7 million the Democrats only have to cater to a few powerful unions like the UAW. Union members with low-paying union jobs in the private sector are so far off the political radar screen they cease to exist in Democrat party thinking. It is the massive transfer of wealth going to government unions that funds Democrat candidates.

No matter how you slice it the workers cited in the following excerpt are government jobs because they are paid tax dollars; i.e., funded by the taxes levied on private sector incomes; hence, there is no sane reason for any private sector employee to vote for Democrats so they can send even more tax dollars to government unions:

Workers in education, training, and library occupations and in protective service occupations had the highest unionization rates, at 35.4 and 34.8 percent, respectively.

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