no way no Biden, no Bernie no Trump, no Trump's lapdogs: we better elect a moderate Republican like GOP Gov Charlie Baker as POTUS in 2024 to fix mess

no its not,, that proves youre not an american,,
whatever. i have a right to express an opinion whether you like it or not

you think by cursing at me and sending personal attacks at me you will win me over and convince me to change? i rarely attack others, but i do attacked a lot...well, bring it on, because i'm fighting to elect my bro Charlie Baker as POTUS, and i relish the fight. if i find a better candidate, don't get butthurt though
whatever. i have a right to express an opinion whether you like it or not

you think by cursing at me and sending personal attacks at me you will win me over and convince me to change? i rarely attack others, but i do attacked a lot...well, bring it on, because i'm fighting to elect my bro Charlie Baker as POTUS, and i relish the fight. if i find a better candidate, don't get butthurt though
You’re ‘fighting?’ According to Democrats, just uttering that word amounts to inciting violence!
you want a Trump lapdog like Pompeo or Pence or DeSantis as your POTUS? no thanks, i already have a pet dog at home

we need a proven moderate conservative to get us out of this Trump-Biden mess. my pick for our next president: CHARLIE BAKER!

please note: since the Trump fanboys have turned this into a Baker-bashing thread, as soon as i have nothing nice left to say about Baker, i'm turning this into a Trump-bashing thread, and making the case why he should not be POTUS but Baker should

fair is fair!
There is no such thing as a moderate conservative. To be a Conservative is an extremist ideology.

Charlie Baker is a worthless sack of shit. I live in the Commonwealth he’s been Governor of and I do t have a single good thing to say about hm except thst hell soon be gone.
At this point conservatism is a theory.
you want a Trump lapdog like Pompeo or Pence or DeSantis as your POTUS? no thanks, i already have a pet dog at home

we need a proven moderate conservative to get us out of this Trump-Biden mess. my pick for our next president: CHARLIE BAKER!

You mean elect someone who is down with The DemNazi 666 New World Order?
I vote for what candidate most opposes globalism, socialism, and big government regardless of party.
Show me a Democrat that is for America and against WHO, The UN, Climate Change and excessive regulations and taxes on people and businesses, and against open borders and I will vote for them.
Mass was the only state where women and minority-owned businesses grew in number, not to mention a rise in LGBT employment, as a direct result of the governor's policies

a governor for all his people, a president for all americans!
How can you be this delusional? No one has even heard of him.
400 thousand followers on twitter, and he's a GOP governor of a relatively small liberal state, not bad

how many followers does your favorite politician have?
headlines from The Boston Globe on how Charlie Baker rescued Bridgewater State Hospital, a mental health facility, which most of you Trump fanboys on this thread desperately need!

"Charlie Baker says he wants to see “a much needed culture change” at Bridgewater State Hospital "

"Governor Charlie Baker will propose spending $37m to improve care at Bridgewater State Hospital"

"Charlie Baker’s plan to reform Bridgewater State Hospital was a bright spot in his annual address"

"At Last, Decency At Bridgewater: The Facility Now Functions Like An Actual Hospital"
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that's a good thing! i don't agree with Trump on everything. on the wall and muslim ban, i praise him. on Jan 6 and the election being stolen, i condemn him

spoiler: Trump is not Jesus

this is why a moderate like Baker should be POTUS. because his voters are realistic and he's a realistic leader. now we're getting somewhere!
/---/ Knowing full well, a moderate doesn't have a chance at winning. Look at Gerry Ford, Mitt Romney, and John McCain as proof.
/---/ Knowing full well, a moderate doesn't have a chance at winning. Look at Gerry Ford, Mitt Romney, and John McCain as proof.
Gerald Ford was a moderate, as was Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater was an extremist and he lost in a landslide as did Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Orrin Hatch, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Pat Buchanan (off the top of my head)
At this point conservatism is a theory
No, it’s not. In the political world it’s a hollow title thrown on anyone who refuses to bow to the woke Left. In the real world it’s an insular ideology still maintained by a small group of true believers forced t hide in the shadows lest we be destroyed by the moderate and Progressive masses.
Gerald Ford was a moderate, as was Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater was an extremist and he lost in a landslide as did Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Orrin Hatch, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Pat Buchanan (off the top of my head)
/---/ I'm old enough to remember Goldwater (his campaign logo was AU H20 n 6T4) He wasn't an extremist. JBJ started that campaign lie, and it worked. The rest are fiscal and social conservatives, which in your libtard mind makes them extremists.
Baker improved internet access in rural towns in Western Mass, which border Vermont and NY, improving internet quality in rural areas in a policy politicians rarely implement

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