No Wonder Flake Can't Win

damn, i was reading along and was so sure you were describing BK right there
Then you really are delusional...comparing Flake the slick dishonest politician to a top law graduate and awarded attorney and sitting judge? libs are clueless to how out of touch you are because the media agrees with you....but the people certainly do not....#walkaway.....

book smart back slapping bully boy and STILL dumb as a rock.

that's our embarrassing BK

it may not be "our job to impose sanctions on him, but it is our job to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear — piece by painful piece."
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This guy is such a tool of the Left. He thinks his middle of the road approach wins him allies. He's a fool. I predict Flake will flake and vote no despite his promise. Looks like he's looking for an excuse.

Jeff Flake Criticizes Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh - The Atlantic
The career politician Jeff Flake is simply childishly acting out because Trump endorsed his challenger in the Republican primary, Col. Martha McSally, the first US female combat pilot and first female commander of a USAF fighter squadron. Of course McSally's poll numbers went through the roof and Flake had to drop out of the race. In other words, Trump decided to drain him from the swamp.

Trump endorsing McSally was especially humiliating for Flake because he is a Mormon, and Mormon's believe that women should always be subservient to men.
It’s true. I watched it on the teeeveeeee.
A frothing at the mouth ?hispanic woman who seemed to think that because something bad happened to her, every other woman is always telling the truth, amd if Flake voted for Kav, he was crapping all over herself and every other woman who’s experienced any kind of sexual assault ever. etc etc etc
She was an extrembly aggressive rabid loony.
Flake didn’t know where to look and just took it like the man he isn’t.
This is why I said Flake is a tool of the left.

Woman Who Ambushed Flake in Elevator Is Director of Soros-Funded Group
Thanks. The plot thickens!

And read this from your link:

Gallagher hollered: "I was sexually assaulted and nobody believed me! I didn't tell anyone, and you're telling all women that they don't matter, that they should just stay quiet because if they tell you what happened to them you are going to ignore them. That's what happened to me, and that's what you are telling all women in America, that they don't matter!"

She says she was sexually assaulted and no one believed her.
Then she says ‘I didn’t tell anyone’

She must be a graduate of the Blasey Fraud School of Advanced Victimhood Devoid of Facts & Logic :uhoh3:

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