No Wonder Flake Can't Win

Flake finally found out how to get noticed. His political career up until Trump's election resembled a bowl of cold oatmeal. Now by being a Republican "bad boy", he is the Democrat and media darling. Will he flip parties and run as a Democrat in 2020?
Let’s hope so.
Flake's story that he and two female staffers were accosted by wild anti-Kavanaugh demonstrators in an elevator sounds made up for the media. I wonder if there are any investigative reporters left who are willing to follow up on the claim?
You have to be careful what you name your children. Under extreme circumstances, even a surname should be considered undesirable. Flake is a good example. He wears it in name and action.
He has nothing to lose. He isn’t running to get re elected and his balls have been long gone!
If Trump is denied this outstanding man, our influence in the Senate will only increase and we WILL have the votes next time despite these Dems running as Republicans

Yes and that next time forget about Moderate Republicans which is what Brett Kavanaugh is, if the Republicans keep The Senate and add a few seats then you will not have to worry about those two RINO women their votes won't matter, so The Donald then should nominate the Right-Wing Amy Comey Barrett, the Leftists HATE her, she is their NIGHTMARE choice, so FORCE Amy Coney Barrett aged 46 years in age down the Leftists throats for the next thirty years.

EVEN if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed he's a very Moderate Republican, he's a RINO, he cannot be guaranteed to always vote with the Conservatives to give you a 5-4 decision, he's another Anthony Kennedy, Amy Coney Barrett is another Antonin Scalia. I thought it was pretty shocking from day one that The Donald nominated the Moderate Republican Brett Kavanaugh, another Anthony Kennedy when you NEED another Antonin Scalia.
I think she's been on his short list. Maybe he's saving her to replace the Cadaver. She says she ain't goin' nowhere, but I think Trump will out last her. Expect WWIV when they replace her with a real Constitutionalist
DiFi has her knickers in a bunch because this lady, Amy Coney Barret is also a ...........Catholic :eek:
I wonder what allegations they’ve already been dreaming up, should they be needed?
DiFi has her knickers in a bunch because this lady, Amy Coney Barret is also a ...........Catholic :eek:
I wonder what allegations they’ve already been dreaming up, should they be needed?
I have no doubt the Dems have been cooking something up for everyone on Trumps short list. Remember, this is the party that paid for that fiction against Trump as "insurance" just in case he actually won. These people are industrious. Evil, but industrious.
Flake's story that he and two female staffers were accosted by wild anti-Kavanaugh demonstrators in an elevator sounds made up for the media. I wonder if there are any investigative reporters left who are willing to follow up on the claim?
It’s true. I watched it on the teeeveeeee.
A frothing at the mouth ?hispanic woman who seemed to think that because something bad happened to her, every other woman is always telling the truth, amd if Flake voted for Kav, he was crapping all over herself and every other woman who’s experienced any kind of sexual assault ever. etc etc etc
She was an extrembly aggressive rabid loony.
Flake didn’t know where to look and just took it like the man he isn’t.
Remember that guy in college that had the nice clothes and came from a wealthy family...was the star of the varsity baseball team but was as dumb as a rock?......That's Flake.....
This guy is such a tool of the Left. He thinks his middle of the road approach wins him allies. He's a fool. I predict Flake will flake and vote no despite his promise. Looks like he's looking for an excuse.

Jeff Flake Criticizes Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh - The Atlantic

He's of course been bought off with something shiny, as he's not running for re-election then you should keep watch on WHAT he does AFTER he leaves The Senate, what JOB he gets and WHO it's with.
He like so many who have left Congress, knows he has to suck up to the ruling class and the D party, if he wants to make millions in DC.
Jeff Flake Criticizes Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh - The Atlantic

Remember that guy in college that had the nice clothes and came from a wealthy family...was the star of the varsity baseball team but was as dumb as a rock?......That's Flake.....

damn, i was reading along and was so sure you were describing BK right there.

It’s true. I watched it on the teeeveeeee.
A frothing at the mouth ?hispanic woman who seemed to think that because something bad happened to her, every other woman is always telling the truth, amd if Flake voted for Kav, he was crapping all over herself and every other woman who’s experienced any kind of sexual assault ever. etc etc etc
She was an extrembly aggressive rabid loony.
Flake didn’t know where to look and just took it like the man he isn’t.
This is why I said Flake is a tool of the left.

Woman Who Ambushed Flake in Elevator Is Director of Soros-Funded Group

senator flake has a mind of his own. whoever she is, mr flake understood that woman was just one of millions figuratively making a similar plea.
damn, i was reading along and was so sure you were describing BK right there
Then you really are delusional...comparing Flake the slick dishonest politician to a top law graduate and awarded attorney and sitting judge? libs are clueless to how out of touch you are because the media agrees with you....but the people certainly do not....#walkaway.....
Id like to see the FBI investigate Mr Flake 7 times....

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