Zone1 Noah's Ark

those that claim their belief from a book -sumer is the same as what's in another book do so without the liest amount of verifiable proof - that one is a copy of the other.

or that both stories were spoken separately to be recorded in text would more prove the authenticity of an actual heavenly event - simply corrupted similarly by the authors of the two different documents than what is known today by most that have never read either book - the event did occur.

the location of the true event is not revealed as not having a geographic location to chose from at that time is the test of authenticity - the conclusion made by the doubter ...

proves their claim to be indisputably in error.
Lol. The flood sediment is 150 miles wide and 350 miles south towards the Persian gulf.

It was not a unique event. That's what built the delta south of Basra. Caused by snowmelt from the Zagros mountains and spring rains.

The river ran all the way to the Strait of Hormuz before emptying into the India ocean. Before there was a Persia gulf.

The geology has been studied.
I understand those aspects - and that's your opinion.

What I don't understand is that you have repeatedly stated that the heavens have nothing to do with anything on Earth involving communication with mankind, instruction for mankind, Prophets, messengers sent, etc. - if that's the case, how would their first "act" or "communication" with mankind involve retribution and retribution in the form of a near extinction event? Retribution for what?
their error's then obscure what truly is a heavenly event - passed down for 100k's years - the true heavenly event of retribution against humanity ...

you have a serious reading disorder ... your claim is a mirage made in your own mind.
2 million years.
We're you thinking the ice melted and caused a worldwide flood?

Which one of the ice ages?

Overall about 40 million years.

In human history, beyond the 7,000 years mark,
the 40,000 and 40 million make no essential difference.

There have been five or six major ice ages in the history of Earth over the past 3 billion years. The Late Cenozoic Ice Age began 34 million years ago, its latest phase being the Quaternary glaciation, in progress since 2.58 million years ago.
Lol. The flood sediment is 150 miles wide and 350 miles south towards the Persian gulf.

It was not a unique event. That's what built the delta south of Basra. Caused by snowmelt from the Zagros mountains and spring rains.

The river ran all the way to the Strait of Hormuz before emptying into the India ocean. Before there was a Persia gulf.

The geology has been studied.

has anyone ever read beyond kindergarten ...

the location of the true event is not revealed as not having a geographic location to chose from at that time is the test of authenticity - the conclusion made by the doubter ...

the event occurred while humanity was in its infancy 100k's years before sumer or even the 1st egyptian dynasty w/ only a single village for its setting.

prove otherwise.
you have a serious reading disorder ... your claim is a mirage made in your own mind.

This is what you wrote:

no heavenly relationship has ever existed for anyone rather in the corrupt minds of those that claim judaism a religion than the disguise they use for their own personal endeavors - is the true nature of their acrimonious history. abraham's claims are lies based on hereditary idolatry - judaism...
Which one of the ice ages?

Overall about 40 million years.

In human history, beyond the 7,000 years mark,
the 40,000 and 40 million make no essential difference.

Exactly. What does ice age have to do with the Noah myth?
It's the collective human memory of that period.

For an obvious reason every civilization sought to pass that record.

The fullest extant text of the Gilgamesh epic is on 12 incomplete Akkadian-language tablets found in the mid-19th century by the Turkish Assyriologist Hormuzd Rassam at Nineveh in the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (reigned 668–627 BCE). The gaps that occur in the tablets have been partly filled by various fragments found elsewhere in Mesopotamia and Anatolia.

In addition, five short poems in the Sumerian language are known from tablets that were written during the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE; the poems have been entitled “Gilgamesh and Huwawa,” “Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven,” “Gilgamesh and Agga of Kish,” “Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld,” and “The Death of Gilgamesh.”
This is what you wrote:

no heavenly relationship has ever existed for anyone rather in the corrupt minds of those that claim judaism a religion than the disguise they use for their own personal endeavors - is the true nature of their acrimonious history. abraham's claims are lies based on hereditary idolatry - judaism...

that is true, the liar moses and their false commandments and abraham's hereditary idolatry - are the basis for the religion of judaism, claims of heavenly personification that never existed and who exist in torment for their crimes.

the heavenly 1st century events and the itinerant jesus were the refutation of judaism - false commandments and hereditary idolatry they and those others during that time gave their lives for the true heavenly religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - the goal granted a&e as their own self determination than servitude and denial for admission to the everlasting.

the heavenly lesson made during the time of moses was reversed when jesus was crucified - to this day till the crucifiers are brought to justice.
that is true, the liar moses and their false commandments and abraham's hereditary idolatry - are the basis for the religion of judaism, claims of heavenly personification that never existed and who exist in torment for their crimes.

the heavenly 1st century events and the itinerant jesus were the refutation of judaism - false commandments and hereditary idolatry they and those others during that time gave their lives for the true heavenly religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - the goal granted a&e as their own self determination than servitude and denial for admission to the everlasting.

the heavenly lesson made during the time of moses was reversed when jesus was crucified - to this day till the crucifiers are brought to justice.

Are you familiar with the Gospels? Are you claiming that the Gospels in the Bible are false? All due respect - it's one thing to disagree with the interpretation of Jesus' ministry as written in the Gospels - but to state that all the Gospels of the New Testament are false is something completely different.
Was there really two of every animal in the whole entire world? Also, if all of creation was made in six days does that mean humans and dinosaurs lived together after all? I don't think that they meant literal twenty-four hour days there I was just wondering what the general consensus was for that question. Oh and why only promise to have one flood when the earth desperately needs it now?
Before argueing whether these myths are true or not try to read them.

People always get it wrong about the animals on the ark, It was not two of every animal. It was different numbers for different typres of animals,
That's somewhat of a trick question for many, as we are still currently in an Ice Age...

Maybe scientifically speaking, they may name this age using the similar terminology.
But it's not essential to our global human experience at this point in human history,
we actually call it the "global warming", or some other name.

We're discussing a significant enough period globally,
that all past civilizations described as a global flood.

Beside any agenda regarding the Bible,
this observation alone is scientifically
significant, when examining human
history as a whole it's quiet a
serious observation of our
ability to communicate
common experience.

Ancient people
were wise.
Two of each animal on the planet?

Isn’t that a bit far fetched?
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The fullest extant text of the Gilgamesh epic is on 12 incomplete Akkadian-language tablets found in the mid-19th century by the Turkish Assyriologist Hormuzd Rassam at Nineveh in the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (reigned 668–627 BCE). The gaps that occur in the tablets have been partly filled by various fragments found elsewhere in Mesopotamia and Anatolia.

In addition, five short poems in the Sumerian language are known from tablets that were written during the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE; the poems have been entitled “Gilgamesh and Huwawa,” “Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven,” “Gilgamesh and Agga of Kish,” “Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld,” and “The Death of Gilgamesh.”
Exactly the point -

what major civilization,

didn't record a global flood event?

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