Noam Chomsky: Why Does US Consider Iran Greatest Threat To Peace? Rest Of World Agrees It's The US

"Chomsky was also impressed with socialism as practiced in Vietnam. In a speech given in Hanoi on April 13, 1970, and broadcast by Radio Hanoi the next day, Chomsky spoke of his "admiration for the people of Vietnam who have been able to defend themselves against the ferocious attack, and at the same time take great strides forward toward the socialist society." Chomsky praised the North Vietnamese for their efforts in building material prosperity, social justice, and cultural progress. He also went on to discuss and support the political writing of Lê Duẩn."

Vietnam is now a capitalist nation because like everyone else, figured out socialism and communism do not work.
The rest of the world can be glad I'm not in charge because we would be bombing a bunch of those assholes into the stone age. Starting with these fuckers flooding drugs into our country, Mexico, Dominican Republic. I'd roll tanks and gunships in there and clean up those shitholes. A couple nukes would straighten out Iran, fly straight or we'll turn half your country to glass you fuckers. North Korea would be a smoldering pile of rubble.

Spoken like a true ignorant ugly American. Nice job. :thup:
The rest of the world can be glad I'm not in charge because we would be bombing a bunch of those assholes into the stone age. Starting with these fuckers flooding drugs into our country, Mexico, Dominican Republic. I'd roll tanks and gunships in there and clean up those shitholes. A couple nukes would straighten out Iran, fly straight or we'll turn half your country to glass you fuckers. North Korea would be a smoldering pile of rubble.

Spoken like a true ignorant ugly American. Nice job. :thup:

We have plenty of bombs for you too, shut it.
The rest of the world can be glad I'm not in charge because we would be bombing a bunch of those assholes into the stone age. Starting with these fuckers flooding drugs into our country, Mexico, Dominican Republic. I'd roll tanks and gunships in there and clean up those shitholes. A couple nukes would straighten out Iran, fly straight or we'll turn half your country to glass you fuckers. North Korea would be a smoldering pile of rubble.

Spoken like a true ignorant ugly American. Nice job. :thup:
Why are you hiding behind the American flag too, dufus?

The greatest threat to peace is the Republican party.

And the Democratic Party. Both Parties fully support aggressive foreign interventionism. Permanent War rolls on regardless of which Party is in power.
Seriously, throughout history the big dog keeping the rest of the world in line has always been the way things are. Humans are animals, murderous evil animals who unchecked have, and will commit unimaginable atrocities. We can live in a world where we let this happen or clean house when needed your choice.
The rest of the world can be glad I'm not in charge because we would be bombing a bunch of those assholes into the stone age. Starting with these fuckers flooding drugs into our country, Mexico, Dominican Republic. I'd roll tanks and gunships in there and clean up those shitholes. A couple nukes would straighten out Iran, fly straight or we'll turn half your country to glass you fuckers. North Korea would be a smoldering pile of rubble.

Spoken like a true ignorant ugly American. Nice job. :thup:

We have plenty of bombs for you too, shut it.

Just remember, all these wars are incredibly costly. I read an article today that stated, after the US is done decimating Mosul, American Taxpayers will be forced to pay to rebuild it. The costs are estimated to be several $Billions. So hey, enjoy your wars dummy. You're paying through the nose to fund em.
The greatest threat to peace is the Republican party.

And the Democratic Party. Both Parties fully support aggressive foreign interventionism. Permanent War rolls on regardless of which Party is in power.

My comment was just a flippant joke, but the reality is that we have to sort of flex our muscles as a country and "intimidate" our rivals on a constant basis. Think of our country as a bully, taunting the other countries who may pose a threat. This is an unfortunate necessity, because maintaining the perception that we are the strongest country that won't hesitate to throw down and stomp any enemy into the ground is essential to the preservation of our country. As soon as weakness is detected by a rival, (Russia, China, etc) we become vulnerable to invasion and attempted hostile takeover. It is what it is.

Thinking in these terms helped me to accept the way both parties approach foreign policy.
Noam Chomsky is like a political version of Bob Ross. They put you to sleep after you listen to them for a while. Not saying they are equivocal or hacks, they just ...sort...of....lull you...sleep. ZZZZZZZ.
The rest of the world can be glad I'm not in charge because we would be bombing a bunch of those assholes into the stone age. Starting with these fuckers flooding drugs into our country, Mexico, Dominican Republic. I'd roll tanks and gunships in there and clean up those shitholes. A couple nukes would straighten out Iran, fly straight or we'll turn half your country to glass you fuckers. North Korea would be a smoldering pile of rubble.

Spoken like a true ignorant ugly American. Nice job. :thup:

We have plenty of bombs for you too, shut it.

Just remember, all these wars are incredibly costly. I read an article today that stated, after the US is done decimating Mosul, American Taxpayers will be forced to pay to rebuild it. The costs are estimated to be several $Billions. So hey, enjoy your wars dummy. You're paying through the nose to fund em.
Thank you for supporting war.
Noam Chomsky has a multi-decades long history of hatred for the United States.

I am guessing it revolves around potty training.
Noam Chomsky is like a political version of Bob Ross. They put you to sleep after you listen to them for a while. Not saying they are equivocal or hacks, they just ...sort...of....lull you...sleep. ZZZZZZZ.

You definitely have to take your anti-tard and anti-ADD pills before listening to Chomsky.
The rest of the world can be glad I'm not in charge because we would be bombing a bunch of those assholes into the stone age. Starting with these fuckers flooding drugs into our country, Mexico, Dominican Republic. I'd roll tanks and gunships in there and clean up those shitholes. A couple nukes would straighten out Iran, fly straight or we'll turn half your country to glass you fuckers. North Korea would be a smoldering pile of rubble.

Spoken like a true ignorant ugly American. Nice job. :thup:

We have plenty of bombs for you too, shut it.

Just remember, all these wars are incredibly costly. I read an article today that stated, after the US is done decimating Mosul, American Taxpayers will be forced to pay to rebuild it. The costs are estimated to be several $Billions. So hey, enjoy your wars dummy. You're paying through the nose to fund em.
Thank you for supporting war.

I don't have a choice. Y'all Warmongers really are so lost. Most of you love preaching about 'Small Government' lower taxes, and no Debt. Yet you're supporting endless wars that are costing $Trillions. Every bomb dropped comes with a hefty price tag. They ain't cheap.

Wait till we get the bill for Mosul alone. American Taxpayers will be paying to rebuild it. It's such an ugly mess over there. Y'all Warmongers really should reconsider your stance on war. We're $20 Trillion in Debt. And every bomb your Government drops, just adds to it.
I don't find myself agreeing with Chomsky very often, but he did nail this Spot On.


Whew! That argument really blew us away there! Take ya long to come up with that extended response?

Chomsky move from the evil Empire America to Tehran yet?

He's just expressing truth. Most in the world do feel the US is the greatest threat to world peace.

One more reason to ignore their opinions.
I don't find myself agreeing with Chomsky very often, but he did nail this Spot On.


Whew! That argument really blew us away there! Take ya long to come up with that extended response?

Chomsky move from the evil Empire America to Tehran yet?

He's just expressing truth. Most in the world do feel the US is the greatest threat to world peace.

One more reason to ignore their opinions.

The US is by far, doing most of the invading and killing in the world. That's just fact. At this point, it is the greatest threat to world peace.

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