Nobel Peace Prize for Trump?

According to recent standards, President Trump's historic trip to North Korea should easily win him the Nobel Peace Prize. Is there any doubt that Obama would have been awarded a second Peace Prize if he had done the same thing?

Maybe the Nobel Committee is afraid Trump would tell them to shove it up their asses?
------------------------------------------- That's what i'd do , i'd tell the 'elites' to shove it .
Want a bit of irony someone who got the Nobel Peace prize after they got it keep us in one war pulled all our troops out of another then had to go back when that didn't work out and involved us in military action in Libya and Syria.
You seriously think he would turn it down?
The one person that talks most about Trump getting it is...Trump.

Maybe he could get a fake medal made up to go next to his fake Time cover.

He'd toss it in a box with the thousands of other awards he's gotten over the years......I mean, what's it worth after Barry the Fairy got it before he took his first shit in the Rose Garden?
pbo even new it was a joke...

Nobel chief regrets Obama peace prize

He also reveals that Mr Obama considered not going to pick up the award in Norway's capital, Oslo.

His staff enquired whether other winners had skipped the ceremony but found this has happened only on rare occasions, such as when dissidents were held back by their governments.

"In the White House they quickly realised that they needed to travel to Oslo," Mr Lundestad wrote.

Mr Lundestad served as the committee's influential, but non-voting, secretary from 1990 to 2015.

He has broken with the tradition of the secretive committee, whose members rarely discuss proceedings.
According to recent standards, President Trump's historic trip to North Korea should easily win him the Nobel Peace Prize. Is there any doubt that Obama would have been awarded a second Peace Prize if he had done the same thing?

Maybe the Nobel Committee is afraid Trump would tell them to shove it up their asses?
You seriously think he would turn it down?
The one person that talks most about Trump getting it is...Trump.

Maybe he could get a fake medal made up to go next to his fake Time cover.
Oh, you mean like...Obama?
I'm not sure what you mean.
Can you imagine Obama walking on NK soil
No. He would never legitimize a murderous dictator like trump did.
That is the issue isn't it? Do we promote our Democracy come hell or high water or do we let them live the way they want in those nations? Before Khadaffi was killed, he was actually putting money into the nation and building a modern water system for the people. He lied low after the Reagan attack and kept power. We destabilized whole swaths of middle east territory under Obama to potentially set up more wars. Tens of millions of refugees were created also. Anyway if you are young it is your ball of wax. Or from what I read in your future attacks in protests... a balloon, some wax and acid. When put together to be thrown at those who do not agree who are protesting also.
Trump is a bigot and racist who has exhibited nothing but contempt for peace.

Indeed, his failed, wrongheaded agenda has made the world less secure.

The only thing Trump deserves is to be voted out of office.
We destabilized whole swaths of middle east territory under Obama to potentially set up more wars.

Wow. Just wow.

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention

"As the United States finds itself in the aftermath of another crisis in the Middle East, it is worth the risk of opprobrium to ask why there should be hostility toward America in that region. Some insight can be gained by surveying official U.S. conduct in the Middle East since the end of World War II. Acknowledged herein is a fundamental, yet deplorably overlooked, distinction between understanding and excusing. The purpose of this survey is not to pardon acts of violence against innocent people but to understand the reasons that drive people to violent political acts.[2] The stubborn and often self-serving notion that the historical record is irrelevant because political violence is inexcusable ensures that Americans will be caught in crises in the Middle East and elsewhere for many years to come."

"After 70 years of broken Western promises regarding Arab independence, it should not be surprising that the West is viewed with suspicion and hostility by the populations (as opposed to some of the political regimes) of the Middle East.[3] The United States, as the heir to British imperialism in the region, has been a frequent object of suspicion. Since the end of World War II, the United States, like the European colonial powers before it, has been unable to resist becoming entangled in the region’s political conflicts. Driven by a desire to keep the vast oil reserves in hands friendly to the United States, a wish to keep out potential rivals (such as the Soviet Union), opposition to neutrality in the cold war, and domestic political considerations, the United States has compiled a record of tragedy in the Middle East. The most recent part of that record, which includes U.S. alliances with Iraq to counter Iran and then with Iran and Syria to counter Iraq, illustrates a theme that has been played in Washington for the last 45 years."
the typical Trump voter is the forgotten man whose skill set isn't valuable in modern America

Trump stopped America from going into a civil war, and for that, he deserves the Peace Prize, my friends!

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