Nobody died in Watergate, and we evicted that Pres..

Ahhh, you did admit to voices in your head...I doubt they will bother you in hell someday.:eusa_whistle:

Calling you names that fit is just telling the truth, another foreign concept to idiots like you.

You see, I don't like you and I will tell you that I don't like you. The only thing I have in common with you idiots on the left is that you are living in my country....a country I've defended unlike you.

You're not my equal and I don't consider you legit Americans. I could see you the backwoods of Nepal and I would blow you off, I don't give a shit you were born in the are not like me.

What do you expect for someone who starts his rebuttal like Dan Ackroyd and Jane Curtain........

Jane you Ignorant slut - YouTube

Well you got one thing correct. I am not like you. You are merely a disembodied voice in my head. And with your rambling lunictic style you come across like that evil villan with the high pitched voice in that Rodger Rabit Cartoon.
Yet.....all you do is following me around this board like a little puppy. :eusa_whistle:

I really don't give a shit if you don't listen to my advice, you will burn in hell in the end.:clap2:

The claim of stalking, always a classic sign of a fail coming to a crashing conclusion.

Ahhh, you did admit to voices in your head...I doubt they will bother you in hell someday.:eusa_whistle:

Calling you names that fit is just telling the truth, another foreign concept to idiots like you.

You see, I don't like you and I will tell you that I don't like you. The only thing I have in common with you idiots on the left is that you are living in my country....a country I've defended unlike you.

You're not my equal and I don't consider you legit Americans. I could see you the backwoods of Nepal and I would blow you off, I don't give a shit you were born in the are not like me.

Well you got one thing correct. I am not like you. You are merely a disembodied voice in my head. And with your rambling lunictic style you come across like that evil villan with the high pitched voice in that Rodger Rabit Cartoon.

Not very bright are you?
Obamination has done 10x worse things than tricky Dick.

Fast and Furious was criminal activity on an international level and an international incident.

The Top Secret leaks to left-wing media outlets is high treason against this country.

The Libyagate is a cover up and proof of incompetance, even criminal activity contibuting to the deaths of 4 Americans.

Solyndra is a cover up and criminal activity stealing taxpayer money then funneling it to Obamination's friends and political supporters lining their pockets in a recession.

Didn't republicans even say Obama wasn't involved in Fast and Furious?

Obamination claimed he didn't know shit about F&F until Holder asked him to hide documents under Executive Privilege, then Obamination acted like he knew what was going on since "he" said Congress didn't have the right to see the documents.

Strange....he never heard of the program one year but then the next year the F&F documents are really privileged correspondence between the DoJ and White House. :eusa_whistle:

Obamination has done 10x worse things than tricky Dick.

Fast and Furious was criminal activity on an international level and an international incident.

The Top Secret leaks to left-wing media outlets is high treason against this country.

The Libyagate is a cover up and proof of incompetance, even criminal activity contibuting to the deaths of 4 Americans.

Solyndra is a cover up and criminal activity stealing taxpayer money then funneling it to Obamination's friends and political supporters lining their pockets in a recession.

Didn't republicans even say Obama wasn't involved in Fast and Furious?
"Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied and because he covered some stuff up, I'm going to be blunt and tell you this -- nobody died in Watergate.

We have some people who are dead because of this, and there are some questions to be answered, and Americans ought to demand answers."

GOP 12: Huckabee: Benghazi could be worse than Watergate

Huckabee is now political-speak for 'has-been'...

People say, 'Oh, he's just another huckabee'.

You teatards post all this partisan hackery from Fox and Drudge and none of you can ever make a real argument or have an original POV.

You leach off others, taking their opinions and their thoughts, and having none of your own.
Yeah....because Huckabee stated the obvious, it must be wrong. :cuckoo:

In your world, having pretty much no security in Libya, a terrorist haven, for the US Ambassador on any day of the year but especially on no big deal.

It's also no big deal for Obamination and his idiots to lie to the American public for days about what happened.

The kicker is the FBI isn't being allowed to actually visit ground zero in Libya, most likely to give it time for the damning evidence to "leave the scene."

Yeah, it's no big deal to a fucking idiot like you.:eusa_whistle:

"Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied and because he covered some stuff up, I'm going to be blunt and tell you this -- nobody died in Watergate.

We have some people who are dead because of this, and there are some questions to be answered, and Americans ought to demand answers."

GOP 12: Huckabee: Benghazi could be worse than Watergate

Huckabee is now political-speak for 'has-been'...

People say, 'Oh, he's just another huckabee'.

You teatards post all this partisan hackery from Fox and Drudge and none of you can ever make a real argument or have an original POV.

You leach off others, taking their opinions and their thoughts, and having none of your own.

Obamination claimed he didn't know shit about F&F until Holder asked him to hide documents under Executive Privilege, then Obamination acted like he knew what was going on since "he" said Congress didn't have the right to see the documents.

Strange....he never heard of the program one year but then the next year the F&F documents are really privileged correspondence between the DoJ and White House. :eusa_whistle:

Obamination has done 10x worse things than tricky Dick.

Fast and Furious was criminal activity on an international level and an international incident.

The Top Secret leaks to left-wing media outlets is high treason against this country.

The Libyagate is a cover up and proof of incompetance, even criminal activity contibuting to the deaths of 4 Americans.

Solyndra is a cover up and criminal activity stealing taxpayer money then funneling it to Obamination's friends and political supporters lining their pockets in a recession.

Didn't republicans even say Obama wasn't involved in Fast and Furious?

I think you need to do a little more research. I will give you a clue google Issa and what he said about their being evidence the White House was involved. And wasn't Holder just cleared?
Why the need to lie?
If Republicans didn't believe Holder and Obamination are LIARS and knee deep in shit over F&F then they would drop their request for the "hidden" documents.

If someone is hiding documents they claim would clear them, they're a liar.

Why the need to be stupid?

Oh, the IG works for Obamination....


Obamination claimed he didn't know shit about F&F until Holder asked him to hide documents under Executive Privilege, then Obamination acted like he knew what was going on since "he" said Congress didn't have the right to see the documents.

Strange....he never heard of the program one year but then the next year the F&F documents are really privileged correspondence between the DoJ and White House. :eusa_whistle:

Didn't republicans even say Obama wasn't involved in Fast and Furious?

I think you need to do a little more research. I will give you a clue google Issa and what he said about their being evidence the White House was involved. And wasn't Holder just cleared?
Why the need to lie?
If Republicans didn't believe Holder and Obamination are LIARS and knee deep in shit over F&F then they would drop their request for the "hidden" documents.

If someone is hiding documents they claim would clear them, they're a liar.

Why the need to be stupid?

Oh, the IG works for Obamination....


Obamination claimed he didn't know shit about F&F until Holder asked him to hide documents under Executive Privilege, then Obamination acted like he knew what was going on since "he" said Congress didn't have the right to see the documents.

Strange....he never heard of the program one year but then the next year the F&F documents are really privileged correspondence between the DoJ and White House. :eusa_whistle:

I think you need to do a little more research. I will give you a clue google Issa and what he said about their being evidence the White House was involved. And wasn't Holder just cleared?
Why the need to lie?

I am not the one being stupid. Do a little more research.
When Obamination and Holder release all the documents, you might have a pot to pee in...if they're not liars. :eusa_whistle:

If Republicans didn't believe Holder and Obamination are LIARS and knee deep in shit over F&F then they would drop their request for the "hidden" documents.

If someone is hiding documents they claim would clear them, they're a liar.

Why the need to be stupid?

Oh, the IG works for Obamination....

I think you need to do a little more research. I will give you a clue google Issa and what he said about their being evidence the White House was involved. And wasn't Holder just cleared?
Why the need to lie?

I am not the one being stupid. Do a little more research.
It's laughable liberals believe some bogus IG report on F&F somehow clears Obamination and Holder hiding documents underneath Obamination's bed.

"nothing to see here people, the inside investigator says his boss is clean, nothing to see here."
It's laughable liberals believe some bogus IG report on F&F somehow clears Obamination and Holder hiding documents underneath Obamination's bed.

"nothing to see here people, the inside investigator says his boss is clean, nothing to see here."

Didn't Issa even say on Fox News there was no evidence linking the White House to a cover up?
That is called being polite and political, as well as staying out of hot water calling the POTUS a criminal without proof, yet.

He isn't going to make the claim Obamination is a criminal until he has the evidence.

A congressman without physical evidence, that is being hidden by Obamination, isn't going to make public claims about that evidence until he gets his hands on it.

If this is too deep for you....either you are playing stupid or you are stupid.

If someone tells you they want to see some documents, you hide those documents and they still demand those haven't been cleared yet.

It's laughable liberals believe some bogus IG report on F&F somehow clears Obamination and Holder hiding documents underneath Obamination's bed.

"nothing to see here people, the inside investigator says his boss is clean, nothing to see here."

Didn't Issa even say on Fox News there was no evidence linking the White House to a cover up?
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You stupid pile of shit....the FBI hasn't investigated shit in Libya because Obamination won't let them expose his mistakes. That is called a cover up, dumbfuck.

Libya not only exposed Obamination and his people are idiots not being ready for a 9-11 attack on (drumroll) 9-11, it shows he and his people have gone out of their way to downplay the terrorist threats out there which is slowly getting us right back to the danger levels of the original 9-11 that was also helped by inaction by another Democrap idiot, Bill Clinton....ever heard of him?

So shut the fuck up, idiot. Claiming spying on some political group is worse than getting a US Embassy and staff overrun is beyond the realm of stupid, especially when I gurantee Democraps spy on Republicans 10x more than any Watergate tapes.

Oh yeah, rants and name calling are going to intimidate me into silence. Nixon's people committed CRIMES. No one has shown squat in evidence that there have been ANY crimes associated with this except that of the terrorists - whom the US government is investigating and seeking to bring to justice. Facts matter far more than hyperbole, GoneBerzerk.

By the way, your chosen handle is truly apropos.
You're an idiot.

Obamination has broken Federal laws with F&F, Top Secret leaks, Solyndra and now with the Libya cover up.....the difference is the media doesn't feel the need to get Democraps impeached like Nixon.

Nixon is a saint and genius compared to Obamination.

Oh please tell us how Watergate was worse than AQ killing 4 Americans working for the State Department and (cough) CIA.

You stupid pile of shit....the FBI hasn't investigated shit in Libya because Obamination won't let them expose his mistakes. That is called a cover up, dumbfuck.

Libya not only exposed Obamination and his people are idiots not being ready for a 9-11 attack on (drumroll) 9-11, it shows he and his people have gone out of their way to downplay the terrorist threats out there which is slowly getting us right back to the danger levels of the original 9-11 that was also helped by inaction by another Democrap idiot, Bill Clinton....ever heard of him?

So shut the fuck up, idiot. Claiming spying on some political group is worse than getting a US Embassy and staff overrun is beyond the realm of stupid, especially when I gurantee Democraps spy on Republicans 10x more than any Watergate tapes.

Oh yeah, rants and name calling are going to intimidate me into silence. Nixon's people committed CRIMES. No one has shown squat in evidence that there have been ANY crimes associated with this except that of the terrorists - whom the US government is investigating and seeking to bring to justice. Facts matter far more than hyperbole, GoneBerzerk.

By the way, your chosen handle is truly apropos.
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"Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied and because he covered some stuff up, I'm going to be blunt and tell you this -- nobody died in Watergate.

We have some people who are dead because of this, and there are some questions to be answered, and Americans ought to demand answers."

GOP 12: Huckabee: Benghazi could be worse than Watergate
That criminal committed crimes. AND he tried to cover it up.

He got what he deserved.

What crimes have been committed?

Provide proof please.
"Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied and because he covered some stuff up, I'm going to be blunt and tell you this -- nobody died in Watergate.

We have some people who are dead because of this, and there are some questions to be answered, and Americans ought to demand answers."

GOP 12: Huckabee: Benghazi could be worse than Watergate
That criminal committed crimes. AND he tried to cover it up.

He got what he deserved.

What crimes have been committed?

Provide proof please.


No. No crimes committed.


Mr. Obama used our most sacred freedom....freedom of a scapegoat. He knew it was not the film that prompted the murder of four Americans...yet he allowed the rest of the world believe it was...and he, himself, continued to say it was...knowing it wasnt.

He should be ashamed of himself...anbd all those that support him should let him know he erred.

An American should NEVER use the first ammmendemnt as a scapegoat. One should protect it....not endanger it.

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