Nobody doubts the M4 is an assault weapon. Are there any material differences between an M4 and an AR15?

I didn't receive any answers. Everybody kept repeating what was already noted in the OP. Did you expect me to not respond to so many posts directed directly to me? I didn't keep this thread going. Gun nuts who were too stupid to understand the OP did. I had one question, and didn't intend the thread to degenerate to unrelated crap. That's the way it's supposed to be, isn't it? I think we have finally determined that there are no substantial differences between the M4 and the AR15 other than select fire capability, unless someone cares to add something. Agreed?

We answered your question, and the answer never changed ... And you aren't going to get another accurate answer.
If there isn't anything else you would like to discuss, we will discuss whatever we may think is relevant.

We aren't asking for permission.


Well ... Considering that question has already been asked, comparisons made, and pretty much universally answered ...
If there is something you may actually want to discuss ... Get to it ... :auiqs.jpg:

If I care to discuss something else, then I will find a thread on that or start another. Again, I never pushed this thread beyond the first day. I only responded to the gun nuts trying to change the subject after that.

Is there anything you would like to discuss, other that what you don't want to discuss ... :auiqs.jpg:

I don't have to. The military took care of that for me.

Well ... If you were in the military, that might make a difference.
As far as the current Federal Statute (that's a law), the AR-15 is referred to as a Long-Arm.

Interesting, but I was being asked about the definition of an assault rifle. See what I mean when I say gun nuts keep trying to change the subject? Federal statutes have nothing to do with the definition of assault rifle
Auto fire from rifleman is for final fire in an emergency usually when being assaulted and the enemy has closed to danger close, as in in threat of being over run.
Yes. Rarely used.
which has nothing to do with the fact it has the ability and the AR15 does not making them critically different, there is no difference between an AR15 and any other semi automatic rifle especially those with detachable magazines.
Amusing but not surprising that after 400 posts, so many are struggling with the question in the OP, and the purpose of the thread. I'll type slowly so it will be easier for you to understand.

We all know the M4 is capable of select fire. We also know the AR15 is not.
Are there any other significant
(that means big) differences between the two rifles?
I guess youre to stupid to know thats the only difference,,

now why did it matter??
I assumed as much from the beginning. I just wanted to know how gun nuts would respond to the question.
so this whole thread was a troll and should have been in the rubber room,,
It was a straight forward question. I didn't make you look like fools by babbling about everything but the subject. You did that all on your own.
Auto fire from rifleman is for final fire in an emergency usually when being assaulted and the enemy has closed to danger close, as in in threat of being over run.
Yes. Rarely used.
which has nothing to do with the fact it has the ability and the AR15 does not making them critically different, there is no difference between an AR15 and any other semi automatic rifle especially those with detachable magazines.
Amusing but not surprising that after 400 posts, so many are struggling with the question in the OP, and the purpose of the thread. I'll type slowly so it will be easier for you to understand.

We all know the M4 is capable of select fire. We also know the AR15 is not.
Are there any other significant
(that means big) differences between the two rifles?
I guess youre to stupid to know thats the only difference,,

now why did it matter??
I assumed as much from the beginning. I just wanted to know how gun nuts would respond to the question.
If all you wanted was a simple answer while ignoring the glaring difference congratulations you succeed. If that was all you wanted why are you still here?
I didn't ignore the main difference. I noted it in the OP. You didn't notice that?
I'm still here to respond to your confusion.
Interesting, but I was being asked about the definition of an assault rifle. See what I mean when I say gun nuts keep trying to change the subject? Federal statutes have nothing to do with the definition of assault rifle

Oh ... I am fully aware you were approached about the definition of an Assault Rifle, and any misconceptions you may have there.

In fact there were a lot of people that gave you a plethora of answers that don't seem to always match.
I even went as far as telling you how insignificant anyone's definition may be within the context of the existing law.

But you see ... You weren't even interested in discussing that.
You just wanted to tell everyone you were satisfied with a definition that doesn't mean shit in the actual context of the existing law.

We can continue to discuss irrelevant crap, as you crawfish all over the place, if you feel like it.
But I have to admit ... I pretty much said that is what you were doing, in the first post I made in this thread.

Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.
I've answered your question, you ignorant fuck. You just don't like the answer because your only counter to it is to suggest that the ability to toggle from semi-auto fire (or what liberal dipshits call "multi fire") is a minor one when in fact, it's a monumental difference. I've fired both, little boy. I know the difference. You don't.

Look, it's not my fault that you're ignorant and stupid. I wish you were smarter, I really do. But you're not, so all that's left for intelligent people to do is mock your idiocy...
Of course it is a notable difference. That's why it was addressed in the OP, and excluded from the thread. I'm looking for differences other than the one main one. If you don't know of any other differences, then you are like every other poster here who had nothing else to add.
why does it matter??
Obviously it matters to you, or you wouldn't have such a high post count in this thread. It matters to me because I'm really curious as to what more differences there might be. So far, you as a group have nothing.
so you cant explain why it matters to you??

the differences have been explained to you so many times it boring to read,,,
Nobody has explained any differences other than select fire, which was noted in the OP.
so what? that is a CRITICAL and MASSIVE difference,
Not sure those are terms I brought into the conversation, but substantial is pretty much explanatory. The 2nd amendment poses no substantial difference between the two any more than what the stock is made of. Are you gonna start trying to nit pick now?
the law makes a difference between the M4 and the AR15 a law that I believe has been approved by the supreme court. So the law determines that while the AR15 is fine for civilian use the M4 requires a special license to own and keep and use. WHY, you ask? Because auto fire is covered by that law but NOT semiauto fire. Again there is NO difference between the functioning of the AR15 and any other semiauto rifle in civilian hands.
Auto fire from rifleman is for final fire in an emergency usually when being assaulted and the enemy has closed to danger close, as in in threat of being over run.
Yes. Rarely used.
which has nothing to do with the fact it has the ability and the AR15 does not making them critically different, there is no difference between an AR15 and any other semi automatic rifle especially those with detachable magazines.
Amusing but not surprising that after 400 posts, so many are struggling with the question in the OP, and the purpose of the thread. I'll type slowly so it will be easier for you to understand.

We all know the M4 is capable of select fire. We also know the AR15 is not.
Are there any other significant
(that means big) differences between the two rifles?
there doesn't have to be just like with ak47 semi auto rip offs.
Never said there had to be. I just asked if there were any.
and we answered numerous times and you ignored it why is that?
No. You didn't. As a group, you often mentioned select fire, to which I responded that was explicitly mentioned and excluded from the conversation in the OP. Many wanted to bring in the 2nd amendment, or state rulings, but that has nothing to do with the guns or their practical use. One even mentioned barrel length, and I was going to give that to you until another said it wasn't a substantial difference. You can get just about any barrel length for just about any rifle. Not sure why it was so hard for you to admit there are no substantial differences between the two rifles other than select fire, but that's for you to figure out.
Auto fire from rifleman is for final fire in an emergency usually when being assaulted and the enemy has closed to danger close, as in in threat of being over run.
Yes. Rarely used.
which has nothing to do with the fact it has the ability and the AR15 does not making them critically different, there is no difference between an AR15 and any other semi automatic rifle especially those with detachable magazines.
Amusing but not surprising that after 400 posts, so many are struggling with the question in the OP, and the purpose of the thread. I'll type slowly so it will be easier for you to understand.

We all know the M4 is capable of select fire. We also know the AR15 is not.
Are there any other significant
(that means big) differences between the two rifles?
there doesn't have to be just like with ak47 semi auto rip offs.
Never said there had to be. I just asked if there were any.
and we answered numerous times and you ignored it why is that?
I never ignored anything. I asked for other differences, and you kept claiming that. I didn't ignore your claim. I just said it wasn't a valid answer to the question, and explained why.
Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.
I've answered your question, you ignorant fuck. You just don't like the answer because your only counter to it is to suggest that the ability to toggle from semi-auto fire (or what liberal dipshits call "multi fire") is a minor one when in fact, it's a monumental difference. I've fired both, little boy. I know the difference. You don't.

Look, it's not my fault that you're ignorant and stupid. I wish you were smarter, I really do. But you're not, so all that's left for intelligent people to do is mock your idiocy...
Of course it is a notable difference. That's why it was addressed in the OP, and excluded from the thread. I'm looking for differences other than the one main one. If you don't know of any other differences, then you are like every other poster here who had nothing else to add.
why does it matter??
Obviously it matters to you, or you wouldn't have such a high post count in this thread. It matters to me because I'm really curious as to what more differences there might be. So far, you as a group have nothing.
so you cant explain why it matters to you??

the differences have been explained to you so many times it boring to read,,,
Nobody has explained any differences other than select fire, which was noted in the OP.
because there isnt any real differences,,

of course the military version is made with better materials but you cant see those,,

now why does it matter??
It matters because I wanted to know if there were any other differences. Seems we all agree that there aren't.
and now???

keep in mind the 2nd is specific for military weapons so choose your next words wisely,,
And now what? Are you still so confused that you think the 2nd has anything to do with this thread or the OP?
the law makes a difference between the M4 and the AR15 a law that I believe has been approved by the supreme court. So the law determines that while the AR15 is fine for civilian use the M4 requires a special license to own and keep and use. WHY, you ask? Because auto fire is covered by that law but NOT semiauto fire. Again there is NO difference between the functioning of the AR15 and any other semiauto rifle in civilian hands.

The Law limits the M4 by function, not necessarily nomenclature.
Any firearm with the full auto function is prohibited without a specific license, regardless of nomenclature, but civilians can still own them.

The Powers that Be, wouldn't give up their ability to own one if they wanted one.
Law-abiding citizens that can afford the cost of the license, and don't mind going through the hassle, can have them under current law.
Kind of like a Noble, with a horse and a decent sword in the olden days ... :auiqs.jpg:


the law makes a difference between the M4 and the AR15 a law that I believe has been approved by the supreme court. So the law determines that while the AR15 is fine for civilian use the M4 requires a special license to own and keep and use. WHY, you ask? Because auto fire is covered by that law but NOT semiauto fire. Again there is NO difference between the functioning of the AR15 and any other semiauto rifle in civilian hands.

The Law limits the M4 by function, not necessarily nomenclature.
Any firearm with the full auto function is prohibited without a specific license, regardless of nomenclature, but civilians can still own them.

The Powers that Be, wouldn't give up their ability to own one if they wanted one.
Law-abiding citizens that can afford the cost of the license, and don't mind going through the hassle, can have them under current law.
Kind of like a Noble, with a horse and a decent sword in the olden days ... :auiqs.jpg:


I believe that there are 13 States that outright ban automatic weapons
Please list those differences. We already know about the select fire.

It is a website where we discuss the issues and our ideas.

That being understood, how many people need to give you the same answer before you are satisfied?
How many times do you need to hear the same answer before you are willing to discuss anything even vaguely associated with the question or the answer given?

I didn't receive any answers. Everybody kept repeating what was already noted in the OP. Did you expect me to not respond to so many posts directed directly to me? I didn't keep this thread going. Gun nuts who were too stupid to understand the OP did. I had one question, and didn't intend the thread to degenerate to unrelated crap. That's the way it's supposed to be, isn't it? I think we have finally determined that there are no substantial differences between the M4 and the AR15 other than select fire capability, unless someone cares to add something. Agreed?
youre the one thats been slow to conclude that,,,
Really? Please point to all the places where anybody said there were no other differences. There was one that I noticed, but several other posters kept offering different opinions.
I didn't receive any answers. Everybody kept repeating what was already noted in the OP. Did you expect me to not respond to so many posts directed directly to me? I didn't keep this thread going. Gun nuts who were too stupid to understand the OP did. I had one question, and didn't intend the thread to degenerate to unrelated crap. That's the way it's supposed to be, isn't it? I think we have finally determined that there are no substantial differences between the M4 and the AR15 other than select fire capability, unless someone cares to add something. Agreed?

We answered your question, and the answer never changed ... And you aren't going to get another accurate answer.
If there isn't anything else you would like to discuss, we will discuss whatever we may think is relevant.

We aren't asking for permission.

Ok. Do you want me to salute now?

Is there anything you would like to discuss, other that what you don't want to discuss ... :auiqs.jpg:

Sure, but I don't think you would want to go make me a sammich and bring me a beer.
Interesting, but I was being asked about the definition of an assault rifle. See what I mean when I say gun nuts keep trying to change the subject? Federal statutes have nothing to do with the definition of assault rifle

Oh ... I am fully aware you were approached about the definition of an Assault Rifle, and any misconceptions you may have there.

In fact there were a lot of people that gave you a plethora of answers that don't seem to always match.
I even went as far as telling you how insignificant anyone's definition may be within the context of the existing law.

But you see ... You weren't even interested in discussing that.
You just wanted to tell everyone you were satisfied with a definition that doesn't mean shit in the actual context of the existing law.

We can continue to discuss irrelevant crap, as you crawfish all over the place, if you feel like it.
But I have to admit ... I pretty much said that is what you were doing, in the first post I made in this thread.

I don't think I saw those answers, but if you care to list them.
Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.
I've answered your question, you ignorant fuck. You just don't like the answer because your only counter to it is to suggest that the ability to toggle from semi-auto fire (or what liberal dipshits call "multi fire") is a minor one when in fact, it's a monumental difference. I've fired both, little boy. I know the difference. You don't.

Look, it's not my fault that you're ignorant and stupid. I wish you were smarter, I really do. But you're not, so all that's left for intelligent people to do is mock your idiocy...
Of course it is a notable difference. That's why it was addressed in the OP, and excluded from the thread. I'm looking for differences other than the one main one. If you don't know of any other differences, then you are like every other poster here who had nothing else to add.
why does it matter??
Obviously it matters to you, or you wouldn't have such a high post count in this thread. It matters to me because I'm really curious as to what more differences there might be. So far, you as a group have nothing.
so you cant explain why it matters to you??

the differences have been explained to you so many times it boring to read,,,
Nobody has explained any differences other than select fire, which was noted in the OP.
so what? that is a CRITICAL and MASSIVE difference,
Not sure those are terms I brought into the conversation, but substantial is pretty much explanatory. The 2nd amendment poses no substantial difference between the two any more than what the stock is made of. Are you gonna start trying to nit pick now?
the law makes a difference between the M4 and the AR15 a law that I believe has been approved by the supreme court. So the law determines that while the AR15 is fine for civilian use the M4 requires a special license to own and keep and use. WHY, you ask? Because auto fire is covered by that law but NOT semiauto fire. Again there is NO difference between the functioning of the AR15 and any other semiauto rifle in civilian hands.
Not sure what the law has to do with the actual functioning of any gun. That's more of a mechanical thing.

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