Non-Essential Government Employees...Question du Jour...

The T

George S. Patton Party
May 24, 2009
Before the debate, the scare tactics...the scare of the Great Gubmint Shutdown of 2011 was decided in the 11th hour, the 59th minute, the 59th second on Friday...?

We were treated to politicians and Media types stating that government would still run...but ..."only non essential employees would be furloughed..."...and with back pay I might add when gubmint regained it's composure...

If they are so 'non essential' to the Function of Government as stated in the Constitution...WHY are they there?

Before the debate, the scare tactics...the scare of the Great Gubmint Shutdown of 2011 was decided in the 11th hour, the 59th minute, the 59th second on Friday...?

We were treated to politicians and Media types stating that government would still run...but ..."only non essential employees would be furloughed..."...and with back pay I might add when gubmint regained it's composure...

If they are so 'non essential' to the Function of Government as stated in the Constitution...WHY are they there?


The first question should be "What essential role" do you play in the great scheme and why should you be allowed to consume essential nutrients?
Before the debate, the scare tactics...the scare of the Great Gubmint Shutdown of 2011 was decided in the 11th hour, the 59th minute, the 59th second on Friday...?

We were treated to politicians and Media types stating that government would still run...but ..."only non essential employees would be furloughed..."...and with back pay I might add when gubmint regained it's composure...

If they are so 'non essential' to the Function of Government as stated in the Constitution...WHY are they there?


The first question should be "What essential role" do you play in the great scheme and why should you be allowed to consume essential nutrients?

Not what *I* asked...and *I* will not allow *YOU* to reframe *MY* thread.
It's a very simple question. I have already referenced the answer.
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In other words? You have NO ANSWER.

Have a nice day.

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