Nonbelievers Should Be Denied Obamacare


Diabetes is a disease caused by a variety of factors, the biggest factor being genetics. Your Mom had diabetes? You have a 96% chance of being pre-disposed to diabetes.

Funny though, the "medical community" rarely links diabetes to anything but "obesity", which is hogwash. I personally have a friend who was in the 3rd Special Forces Group. 170 pounds all his life. Ran marathons and competed in Iron Man competitions. I have never seen an individual that takes better care of himself.

He is now 62 and has suddenly developed type II diabetes (adult onset) and is on pills and insulin and is also taking medication for high blood pressure.

On the other hand, I have a brother-in-law that is 6'7" and 320 pounds. Eats like a pig (Burger King, Wendy's etc) and is as healthy as a horse. Never been sick a day in his life.

No. this isn't about "disease" - rather "money". When Uncle Sugar has to shell out X amount of dollars for the treatment of diabetics - rather than "social welfare programs" for potential voters, Diabetics will be told "sorry". The same applies to most every other "debilitating" diseases out there today.

It will ALWAYS come down to the bottom line on a spreadsheet for Uncle Sugar. You're old - you won't be much of a voting concern in 5-10 years - or you belong to the "wrong" party..go ahead and die. We're not going to "invest" any more cash on you.

I saw this hundreds of times in the USSR. You're a young Kommisar? Well, come right in, Comrade!! You're a 70 year old Babushka? Sorry, go home and die.

It is not. adipose tissue has hormonal activity. Obese people have hypertension 100% and diabetes 90% - if they don't lose weight. I am talking about BMI > 30

Diabetes is not genetics only and not obesity only.
It is an autoimmune process and the trigger might differ in different people.
However, we weren't designed to be whales and our organs are not equipped to serve 350 lbs of adipose. Just to pump blood through that mass the poor heart has to increase almost twice and that is why blood pressure rises ( there are other factors, but that is the main one).

Human body is extremely nicely and really effectively designed mechanism.
When it is normal.

You skew the features too much in one direction - you have broken the mechanism.

Meh, high blood pressure and cholesterol is not just attributable to weight. You might have slightly high bp if you're fat...but if it's dangerous it would be dangerous regardless. And there are lots and lots of people who stroke/heart attack out with high blood pressure who never eat an ounce of fat, run 5 miles a day and play racquetball. And there are lots and lots of fat people who live long and prosper.

Each person needs to walk their own walk with weight/diet and not worry about ways to control the caloric intake of others.

My mother is by no means fat (she's a size 6, and no longer fits into her HS prom dress because it's too big), her mother was a toothpick who never topped 100lbs in her life, and a vegetarian most of her life...both with high cholesterol. It's genetic, in large part!
well, those 400 pounds are mostly muscle mass, not adipose tissue ( fat). which a totally different animal here.

Horse manure! The only word for this 325lb dude is beer gut!

I think it's getting high time to start looking for other places to live or drop out entirely and life off the radar here.

I'm giving serious thought to going full-on parasite...SSDI, Section 8, EBT, everything I can manage, and make it a double! Why the hell do I bust my ass 50+ hours a week?

You're not the first person I've heard say the exact same thing. Unfortunately, that's EXACTLY what Barry is hoping for. Destroy the system from within and then rebuild it into some banana republic. I truly believe that this "man" had these intentions when he made his remarks: "We are three days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America".

He is a communist through and through.

Keep fighting the good fight. He will be gone in good time and can take his place on the irrelevant shelf next to Jimmy Carter and that misogynist Bill Clinton.
I'm not joking either. I mean, why should I continue to bust my ass, work and go to school, and sacrifice just so I can be vilified for earning money and then have that money take out of my pocket to pay for someone else without so much as a thank you?

Then Go Galt. Scale back your lifestyle to the minimum requirements, and find a simple part time job to cover it. And preserve your self respect.
I think it's getting high time to start looking for other places to live or drop out entirely and life off the radar here.

I'm giving serious thought to going full-on parasite...SSDI, Section 8, EBT, everything I can manage, and make it a double! Why the hell do I bust my ass 50+ hours a week?

You're not the first person I've heard say the exact same thing. Unfortunately, that's EXACTLY what Barry is hoping for. Destroy the system from within and then rebuild it into some banana republic. I truly believe that this "man" had these intentions when he made his remarks: "We are three days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America".

He is a communist through and through.

Keep fighting the good fight. He will be gone in good time and can take his place on the irrelevant shelf next to Jimmy Carter and that misogynist Bill Clinton.

I believe recovery may not be possible. If the amnesty goes through, we're totally fucked.
I'm not joking either. I mean, why should I continue to bust my ass, work and go to school, and sacrifice just so I can be vilified for earning money and then have that money take out of my pocket to pay for someone else without so much as a thank you?

Then Go Galt. Scale back your lifestyle to the minimum requirements, and find a simple part time job to cover it. And preserve your self respect.

Self respect doesn't pay bills. Time to start leeching...I give up.
well, those 400 pounds are mostly muscle mass, not adipose tissue ( fat). which a totally different animal here.

Horse manure! The only word for this 325lb dude is beer gut!


this is what I attempted to point out to someone who apparently isn't involved in "contact sports". Hell, Wilfork is only one example. There are probably 40 more just like him. They call them "bulldozers".
yep. and his twin brother Hitler was actively eliminating the sick and mentally ill as well ( albeit in a more expensive fashion - bolshevik's just shot a hole in the person's head and that's it. But Germans are Germans - have to have order even in murder.

Ja, es ist einen Minderwertigkeitskomplex, den Deutschen haben.

Germans have an inferiority complex. It stems from the domination of the French and Prussians for so many centuries, with the demand that Germans are "barbarians." Germans strive to prove they are the equal to other Europeans.

Minderwertigkeitskomplex gibt es in jeder Nation :)

I believe any nation can be found to have such a complex :)

But Germans started their third attempt at building the IV Reich last century ( at the very end of it) and so far it is working for them - they are dominating the continent now.
well, those 400 pounds are mostly muscle mass, not adipose tissue ( fat). which a totally different animal here.

Horse manure! The only word for this 325lb dude is beer gut!

this is what I attempted to point out to someone who apparently isn't involved in "contact sports". Hell, Wilfork is only one example. There are probably 40 more just like him. They call them "bulldozers".

No, I don't even watch that :D

you have to be born and raised here to .... enjoy it.

Either way 325 lbs is a whale and we weren't designed to be whales, so consequences will ensue albeit not immediately
Horse manure! The only word for this 325lb dude is beer gut!

this is what I attempted to point out to someone who apparently isn't involved in "contact sports". Hell, Wilfork is only one example. There are probably 40 more just like him. They call them "bulldozers".

No, I don't even watch that :D

you have to be born and raised here to .... enjoy it.

Either way 325 lbs is a whale and we weren't designed to be whales, so consequences will ensue albeit not immediately

Don't worry. He won't live long enough to become a drain on ObamaCare.

The average lifespan for an NFL player who retires after four years of play is only 55. And it gets lower the longer his NFL career.

NFL is killing its players, and league doesn't care - NFL - News, Rumors, Scores, Stats, Fantasy
That is the exact reason my wife is currently receiving her Master's certificate in Informatics. She is a NP and figured out in short order what is coming down the pike and wants no part of it.

What the vast majority of these Obamaites fail to understand is that when you dump 15-20 million new bodies into the healthcare system and reduce payments for services - (1) Ther will NOT be enough Physicians to take up the slack and (2) The number of Physicians leaving practice is expected to double.

My Wife has been an RN for 30 years and a NP for 15 of those years. She will tell you immediately that she is NOT a Doctor. She can diagnose common maladies, but not much more - the law will not allow it.

Once this mess is implemented fully, don't expect to see a Doctor very often, if at all. Congratulations!

A good professional is a good professional - knowing your limits is also a part of it. Nurses, NPs ,ARNPS and PAs are trained to do a very important part of the job of taking care of the patient - doctors alone would never be able to accomplish that and we would never have the level of medical care in this country we have if not of those professions.
But it is the doctors who make the decision and guide the ship. They have the necessary training to do that. And it is a good training.
But it is very difficult physically, emotionally and financially.
So let's not be stupid here - if the income will fail - so will the level of care _ I can't see anybody being stupid enough ( and people entering medical school are not stupid) whi would lke to go through 2 colleges ending up with a half a million loan to repay and then through the most grilling training possible at least for 3 years ( it is called residency) and end up with reimbursement which will not cover even their ability to repay the loan plus work basically 24/7/365.

Not going to happen. Look for fools elsewhere ;)

and if the shortage of doctors increases ( it is already huge) and the levels of standards will decrease - say bye-bye to the best medical care on the planet.
No, I don't even watch that :D

you have to be born and raised here to .... enjoy it.

Either way 325 lbs is a whale and we weren't designed to be whales, so consequences will ensue albeit not immediately

Don't worry. He won't live long enough to become a drain on ObamaCare.

The average lifespan for an NFL player who retires after four years of play is only 55. And it gets lower the longer his NFL career.

NFL is killing its players, and league doesn't care - NFL - News, Rumors, Scores, Stats, Fantasy

Oh, I know.

Anybody in professional sports does not live long - unless the sport is not requiring the total makeover of the body
I stand by my statement. Diabetes is caused BY A VARIETY OF FACTORS - THE BIGGEST BEING GENETICS.

How the hell can you account for a 3 year old with childhood diabetes if NOT genetics? What? You eat a Quarter Pounder with cheese and you're suddenly a diabetic? BS. If that were the case, I would have contracted Type II YEARS ago.

agree by highlighted portion, don't agree with the genetic factor, because diabetes is not caused by the defect in one of the genes and if you have the defect - you are going to be sick or have the tendency. It is much more variable ( like breast cancer - there is a genetic form Brca gene, but there are also many others as well)

a 3 yo with diabetes is NOT genetics. It is an autoimmune process and often after a viral illness which kills the islets cells.

Lifestyle choices are often the same in families. there are some forms with predisposition but it is not a genetic disease. It is a multifactorial disease and genetic predisposition does not account even for the majority of cases.

there is no "sudden onset" - there can be "sudden manifestation" and disease has been insidiously causing harm without a person noticing it.

Adult onset diabetes can be caused by severe stress, for example. has absolutely nothing to do with genetics or obesity. But a prolonged stress. which changes a hormonal picture of the body. Insulin is one of the major hormones the body produces. They all are interrelated - if there is a major shift in some - that can produce diabetes.

There are a lot of medications which can cause diabetes - and combinations of medications - do you hear it often? I bet, you don't. But that is well known fact which medical students learn while mastering pharmacology. For some reason it is never highlighted later, in clinical medicine.
And how many medications a standard American takes if he/she is 45+? I can tell you - at least 2. 5-10 is not rare. >15 - and you don't have even to see the patient - one can list the problems they are going to have ( because it is standard)

My uncle is in his 60's, and the only daily medication he takes is an aspirin with breakfast. When he forgets he's not 25 anymore & works in his shop all day, he'll usually take a couple Advil (after his body reminds him he's not 25 anymore)...he takes one Claritin a day for about 3 weeks every spring because of his hay fever...that's it. At 94, all my grandmother takes is blood pressure medication...she'll take an anti-inflammatory (basically, higher-dose Advil) in cold, damp weather when her arthritis flares up, or when she forgets she's 94 and goes skeet shooting.

By all means - we should ALL get more exercise. Hell, I'm completely in favor of that. I see too damned many fat-assed kids running around. The majority of those kids "grow out" of their fat-assedness over time. However, in lieu of "government re-education camps for the weight challenged", What is the answer for our illustrious "government"? Let them die?

Just like I said.

No disagreement here.

but the main issue is - DON'T EAT THAT MUCH, AMERICANS!!!! nobody needs more than 1500 cal per day with a typical American lifestyle, unless they are Amish ;)

Now, calculate how much is it going it be in amount of food per day ;)

kids need even much less than that.

My wife needs 3000-3500 calories/day just to not lose muscle tone...a combination of being incredibly fit and having a metabolism like a furnace.

you do realize those examples are exceptions and neither your grandmother ( God bless her heart and I wish her many more healthy years to enjoy) nor your wife or uncle are the typical examples in terms typical examples of the people who are in touch with medicine often.
So they are not the ones draining the system.
My mother is by no means fat (she's a size 6, and no longer fits into her HS prom dress because it's too big), her mother was a toothpick who never topped 100lbs in her life, and a vegetarian most of her life...both with high cholesterol. It's genetic, in large part!

the biggest misconception in general public about cholesterol is that 1) we get it from food 2) it is always high only in fat people.

we produce cholesterol 24/7/365 - it is essential for our body to function. And the cholesterol level which is measured - is a cholesterol level of our own produce.

it is also not one factor which increases the level and there are many forms of genetic problems with synthesis and metabolism of cholesterol.
Two liberal douchebags outed in this thread, the moonbat who tweeted that nonsense and wry catcher.......

I'm not a "liberal douchebag" and no one outed me in this thread. What this thread is, is no different than dozens of dozens of others, a circle jerk wherein bigoted callous conservatives all please each other without one lick of rational discourse but a plethora of drumbeats echoing each other.

Not one of the fools on the right have ever - on this threat or hundreds of others - posted a concise and credible critique of the ACA. Not one! The right wing in our country is filled with greedy bigots who fail to understand - willfully or otherwise - that health care in America needed reform and such reform has been stonewalled by the power elite who profit from human misery.

Critical thinking requires thinking, first, Parrots do not think, nor do those who posted above.
Two liberal douchebags outed in this thread, the moonbat who tweeted that nonsense and wry catcher.......

I'm not a "liberal douchebag" and no one outed me in this thread. What this thread is, is no different than dozens of dozens of others, a circle jerk wherein bigoted callous conservatives all please each other without one lick of rational discourse but a plethora of drumbeats echoing each other.

Not one of the fools on the right have ever - on this threat or hundreds of others - posted a concise and credible critique of the ACA. Not one! The right wing in our country is filled with greedy bigots who fail to understand - willfully or otherwise - that health care in America needed reform and such reform has been stonewalled by the power elite who profit from human misery.

Critical thinking requires thinking, first, Parrots do not think, nor do those who posted above.

If anyone was looking for the epitome of a selfish, pretentious, self righteous, self serving liberal douchebag, look no further......
Not one of the fools on the right have ever - on this threat or hundreds of others - posted a concise and credible critique of the ACA. Not one! .

don't LIE.

when the concise critique is posted all you, leftards, do - is screaming either about the source or the content, which you don't even bother to read, just scream with the talking points and parroting what the dimocraps had to tell you about obamacare.
usually just screaming as the vast majority won't even check the provided link.
Maybe not YOU personally. I'll give you that.

But just today I encountered two from your camp who did not check the links, just engaged in the same screeching game as usual.

One of them was the link to NYT where today was the explanation why some premiums in some states were kept relatively low - by decreasing the availability both of services and providers.

This is HUGE problem for obamacare and it was warned about before.
Nobody listened.
Today, when the flagship of left-wing media, The New York Times publishes a critical article all your soulmates did was typical leftard reaction - with franco and fakey outward lying in the post next to the link that there is no links.
and all other schticks which the "all the president's men" do all the time

No, I did not see you there.
But you are welcome to join
OK, I can repeat it here.

Federal officials often say that health insurance will cost consumers less than expected under President Obama’s health care law. But they rarely mention one big reason: many insurers are significantly limiting the choices of doctors and hospitals available to consumers.

Decades of experience with Medicaid, the program for low-income people, show that having an insurance card does not guarantee access to specialists or other providers.

Consumers should be prepared for “much tighter, narrower networks” of doctors and hospitals
, said Adam M. Linker, a health policy analyst at the North Carolina Justice Center, a statewide advocacy group.

In a new study, the Health Research Institute of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the consulting company, says that “insurers passed over major medical centers” when selecting providers in California, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, among other states.

LOL. So, if you need targeted treatment at a tertiary care center - NO, YOU CAN'T. It is not for the "masses"

You get what you vote fo
r ;)
They will take the money and refuse care !!
The NHS Have been doing it for decades in the UK!!

Again - BINGO!

Great example - the USPS. They are currently on the verge of bankruptcy. Why? is it because of the internet? Yes. However, no one ever questions why the Federal Government TAKES the vast majority of their yearly budget for "other" programs. They are actually being ran out of business by the government that mandates that they "be in business".

Social Security is yet another program. Every year, without fail, Congress robs from the SSA , and they have been doing this for the last 45-50 years. Got to rob "Peter to pay Paul" don't you know.

Hell, we ALL know that Washington DC is nothing more than a giant shell-game - a ponzy scheme that would make Bernie Madoff look like a angel. Why the hell would it surprise ANYONE that a program like Obarrycare (who Nancy Pelosi claimed would be completely funded - another dip-stick liar) doesn't have enough money to operate NOW, let alone 10 years from now.

Folks, we are digging our own graves here.

I'm not sure the USPS was ever intended to be a for-profit organization.

IMHO, not a good example of what you're (correctly) trying to point up.
It was never intended that the USPS make a profit. However, they were suppose to break even. It is virtually impossible for the post office to run a profit and perform all the services that they do, 6 day a week home delivery, rural free delivery, post offices in underpopulated areas, over 160,000 corner mail box, etc... Many countries such as Australia and Canada do not delivery mail on Saturday. In some countries home delivery is available for a fee. Most of Africa and Asia have no home delivery. As long as congress makes the decisions, the USPS will lose money.
OK, I can repeat it here.

Federal officials often say that health insurance will cost consumers less than expected under President Obama’s health care law. But they rarely mention one big reason: many insurers are significantly limiting the choices of doctors and hospitals available to consumers.

Decades of experience with Medicaid, the program for low-income people, show that having an insurance card does not guarantee access to specialists or other providers.

Consumers should be prepared for “much tighter, narrower networks” of doctors and hospitals
, said Adam M. Linker, a health policy analyst at the North Carolina Justice Center, a statewide advocacy group.

In a new study, the Health Research Institute of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the consulting company, says that “insurers passed over major medical centers” when selecting providers in California, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, among other states.

LOL. So, if you need targeted treatment at a tertiary care center - NO, YOU CAN'T. It is not for the "masses"

You get what you vote fo
r ;)
How large a selection of doctors and hospitals does one need? I just saw the provider list for my insurance for 2014. Within 10 miles of my home there are at least 1,000 doctors and 4 large hospitals. In my state there will be about 35 plans listed on the exchanges and about the same number available through brokers. There are so many different plans finding one with the desired combination of healthcare providers won't be problem. Of course if you get insurance through your employer, then it depends on who your employer contracts with.
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