Nonbelievers Should Be Denied Obamacare

Hell. They won't deny anyone Obamacare.

They need everyone participating so they can pay for the damned thing.

Gonna be lots out there "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

They will need all those tax dollars to fund all those "subsidized" folks.

They will take the money and refuse care !!
The NHS Have been doing it for decades in the UK!!

Again - BINGO!

Great example - the USPS. They are currently on the verge of bankruptcy. Why? is it because of the internet? Yes. However, no one ever questions why the Federal Government TAKES the vast majority of their yearly budget for "other" programs. They are actually being ran out of business by the government that mandates that they "be in business".

Social Security is yet another program. Every year, without fail, Congress robs from the SSA , and they have been doing this for the last 45-50 years. Got to rob "Peter to pay Paul" don't you know.

Hell, we ALL know that Washington DC is nothing more than a giant shell-game - a ponzy scheme that would make Bernie Madoff look like a angel. Why the hell would it surprise ANYONE that a program like Obarrycare (who Nancy Pelosi claimed would be completely funded - another dip-stick liar) doesn't have enough money to operate NOW, let alone 10 years from now.

Folks, we are digging our own graves here.

I'm not sure the USPS was ever intended to be a for-profit organization.

IMHO, not a good example of what you're (correctly) trying to point up.
A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

Thank God there are no reactionaries on the right. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You know, that's my 11 y.o. daughter's favorite method of *argument* as well. Any time she gets in trouble, she points a finger at her brother and says "What about when he told a lie 15 months ago? You didn't get mad at HIM". It doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's the best way to stop the discussion of her bad behavior, and allows her to wiggle out of any accountability, while continuing to exhibit the same behavior.

Thank goodness, she's 11 and is already learning that she just looks childish, petulant and not a little dim witted when she does it. She is learning accountability, concurrent with learning "intelligent problem solving". Perhaps you need to return to 4th grade and pick up some of what she learned last year.

That behavior seems to go hand in hand with lack of character...character is also something she is developing. People aren't born with it. I have found my church and the bible is a huge asset when it comes to character development. The church has tried and true methods for instilling a sense of right, wrong, and the importance of steadfast honesty and a desire always to improve one's character. For that I direct you to the nearest Baptist Church, and I advise you to enroll in the Sunday school class that best suits you.
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WTF is a "non-believer"?? Someone who doesnt believe Obamcare exists? SOmeone who opposes Obamacare? Someone who think Obamacare will not deliver on its myriad promises?

But this is the Left for you: if you're not with us, you should die quickly.

Someone who does not believe Obama is the second coming of Christ?

Curious. I'm by no means well-versed in those things "medical". My Wife is a Nurse and I don't understand 90% of what she says.

Since you apparently are in the medical community, please answer (or riddle me) this: How do you explain men that are nearly 400 pounds playing football? There MAY be some with diabetes, but I can't honestly see how they could play in that condition.

well, those 400 pounds are mostly muscle mass, not adipose tissue ( fat). which a totally different animal here.
It is not healthy, BTW - because it is not normal. All those muscle-builders, if the go over certain limit ( and, provided, they don't use any "boosters") will have changes in their organs which do not make their life expectancy long and the life healthy.

The other part is - you expect the development of the disease to be instantaneous, which is not the case. Neither is a manifestation of one. One can be a diabetic for years and finally have it discovered after a severe viral illness - with decompensatin of all the defense mechanisms and finally ending ip in the ICU.
elevated glucose level does not have to be 300 immediately - it can sit at 120-130 for years until it hits with the symptoms.

Why does a man - that took care of himself - 6 feet tall, 171 pounds, suddenly come down with type II diabetes? The guy eats more damned salad than 5 men put together and RARELY eats red meat! Ran 7-10 miles per day EVERY day. The only relative factor is that his MOTHER had diabetes.

Not genetics, huh? You and I are going to have to agree to disagree here.

not necessarily. he could have the borderline diabetes for years already - and it could have developed after stress. it was the discovery of the condition which have come suddenly, not the disease.
The type II is insensitivity of the tissue receptor to the insulin the body produces or it is the decline of the amount of insulin the body is producing - you have two main mechanisms - and the whole plethora of factors which can cause i( what I am trying to say - one person can have one mechanism of development of the disease, the other - different one, the third can have the combination, and the fourth ccan have a genetic mutation in the receptor - and in the fourth it is genetic)
Could it have been a genetic predisposition in your friend? sure. But there is also a triggering factor to it as well - since it developed later in life.
There is also racial specifics in the prevalence of the diseases and in the way some diseases are treated. Diabetes is very prevalent among AA and HTN as well. It can not be explained by high prevalence of obesity only, but the latter one has it own chunk of cases as well.
Treatment of hypertension differs racially as well ( that is why I always laugh when somebody bitches too much about racial profiling - in medicine it is done all the time) - one of the drugs which is a first-lie treatment in whites and asians is not even close to be as effective in AAs. is it related to genetic compositions? yes, it is. we just don't know how.
there are many more interesting moments. anatomy and physiology of the human body is fascinating and so is the management of it's different functions :)
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Good. I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE for you to deny me Obamacare. I utterly detest it! I loathe it with a passion! I will openly blaspheme it's name from the roofs and mountaintops! I am freely a heretic. I don't not believe in Obamacare!

Well, to be completely accurate, she says you should be denied Health Care altogether.

But you must still pay the penalty for not complying.

1. (l)iberals today are not of one set, unlike the callous conservative echo chamber of which you are a card carrying member; legislation has created a path for minorities to get past institutional racism, sadly is has brought the individual racists out of the closet and onto bulletin boards and forums such as this.

oh, don't lie. the die hard leftards are all the same as if produced on the conveyer :lol:

Show me a thread where "leftards" echoed each other and I'll raise you 50 threads - this one included - wherein the callous conservative crowd engaged in a circle jerk echoing each other.
Meh, high blood pressure and cholesterol is not just attributable to weight. You might have slightly high bp if you're fat...but if it's dangerous it would be dangerous regardless. And there are lots and lots of people who stroke/heart attack out with high blood pressure who never eat an ounce of fat, run 5 miles a day and play racquetball. And there are lots and lots of fat people who live long and prosper.

Each person needs to walk their own walk with weight/diet and not worry about ways to control the caloric intake of others.

there are many combinations and variations of the combinations and the derivations of all of the above :D

if that would be that easy as an algorithm, then it won't need at least 8 years of training, a cave man would be able to do it.

well, they think nurses can do it. get ready to the obama medico-nursing care ;)

no disrespect to nurses, God forbid. Their job is very necessary and very needed. On their level of medical care.

but if one has limited options for medical care dictated by limited finances - there is no need in highly qualified and highly educated MD - therefore get ready for simplifications and algoritmisation of the medical care.

and the substantial decline in the quality of care and the life quality as a result. Not even speaking about life expectancy - that is obviously going to decline.
1. (l)iberals today are not of one set, unlike the callous conservative echo chamber of which you are a card carrying member; legislation has created a path for minorities to get past institutional racism, sadly is has brought the individual racists out of the closet and onto bulletin boards and forums such as this.

oh, don't lie. the die hard leftards are all the same as if produced on the conveyer :lol:

Show me a thread where "leftards" echoed each other and I'll raise you 50 threads - this one included - wherein the callous conservative crowd engaged in a circle jerk echoing each other.

any thread. you guys are so predictable, like table of multiplication :lol:
any thread on abortion/gun control/welfare/spending/taxes, debt and cuts/gay marriage/obamacare/AGW bullshit/ election fraud/lBush times/government role/anti-Christianity - you all sing in the same komsomol choir of talking points of the dimpocraps.

that started there - when the Democratic party changed from the party of different views and wings to a dimocrap monolith of left-wing nutters :D

the only moment you, guys, differed a bit in between yourselves is the attack on Syria.
But that is an exception in the rule.
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Communicable diseases are not specifically addressed in the law. However as a part of preventive care a number of healthcare procedures are available at no cost to the patient, for example inoculations for:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Herpes Zoster
Human Papillomavirus
Influenza (Flu Shot)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis

half of that is already available to anybody and the other half is not needed anyway. wash your hands, Americans, and wash the fresh produce you bring from the store :D
oh, don't lie. the die hard leftards are all the same as if produced on the conveyer :lol:

Show me a thread where "leftards" echoed each other and I'll raise you 50 threads - this one included - wherein the callous conservative crowd engaged in a circle jerk echoing each other.

any thread. you guys are so predictable, like table of multiplication :lol:
any thread on abortion/gun control/welfare/spending/taxes, debt and cuts/gay marriage/obamacare/AGW bullshit/ election fraud/lBush times/government role/anti-Christianity - you all sing in the same komsomol choir of talking points of the dimpocraps.

that started there - when the Democratic party changed from the party of different views and wings to a dimocrap monolith of left-wing nutters :D

the only moment you, guys, differed a bit in between yourselves is the attack on Syria.
But that is an exception in the rule.

Give him a link, then make him pull up 50.

He can't do it.
oh, don't lie. the die hard leftards are all the same as if produced on the conveyer :lol:

Show me a thread where "leftards" echoed each other and I'll raise you 50 threads - this one included - wherein the callous conservative crowd engaged in a circle jerk echoing each other.

any thread. you guys are so predictable, like table of multiplication :lol:
any thread on abortion/gun control/welfare/spending/taxes, debt and cuts/gay marriage/obamacare/AGW bullshit/ election fraud/lBush times/government role/anti-Christianity - you all sing in the same komsomol choir of talking points of the dimpocraps.

that started there - when the Democratic party changed from the party of different views and wings to a dimocrap monolith of left-wing nutters :D

the only moment you, guys, differed a bit in between yourselves is the attack on Syria.
But that is an exception in the rule.

libturdism isn't a philosophy, it's a pathology

Right now, as we speak, Republicans are trying to rip each other's heads off over the CR and obamacare.

That's what happens in a political party in which there exists individuals. Individuals tend to have individual thoughts.

libturdism is a disease in which the symptoms are always the same -- Group Think.

And stupidity. But group-think is mandatory. Stupidity is what ensues when a person stops thinking for him/herself.

Just read the typical responses from libturds in here every day.

I can't think of a single time one of them has gone outside the Hive Mentality and posted a cogent, intelligent, individual thought.

You could mix the names of every libturd in here together and then hand them out willy-nilly and you'd never be able to tell one from the other.

And not just here.... Everywhere. In the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM and on every Message Board in the world.

They're all the same...... Stupid
Show me a thread where "leftards" echoed each other and I'll raise you 50 threads - this one included - wherein the callous conservative crowd engaged in a circle jerk echoing each other.

any thread. you guys are so predictable, like table of multiplication :lol:
any thread on abortion/gun control/welfare/spending/taxes, debt and cuts/gay marriage/obamacare/AGW bullshit/ election fraud/lBush times/government role/anti-Christianity - you all sing in the same komsomol choir of talking points of the dimpocraps.

that started there - when the Democratic party changed from the party of different views and wings to a dimocrap monolith of left-wing nutters :D

the only moment you, guys, differed a bit in between yourselves is the attack on Syria.
But that is an exception in the rule.

Give him a link, then make him pull up 50.

He can't do it.

I gave him/her the subjects. There is NO difference in opinion in the leftard camp on those subjects at all. It is a monolith, which is amazing proof that Goebbels is alive and well :D
please exempt me from all provisions of obamacare. Let me keep the insurance and the doctors that I have today------just like obama promised (er, lied about)
yeah but you have to give him something tactile and well defined, so he can make himself look more foolish.
Show me a thread where "leftards" echoed each other and I'll raise you 50 threads - this one included - wherein the callous conservative crowd engaged in a circle jerk echoing each other.

any thread. you guys are so predictable, like table of multiplication :lol:
any thread on abortion/gun control/welfare/spending/taxes, debt and cuts/gay marriage/obamacare/AGW bullshit/ election fraud/lBush times/government role/anti-Christianity - you all sing in the same komsomol choir of talking points of the dimpocraps.

that started there - when the Democratic party changed from the party of different views and wings to a dimocrap monolith of left-wing nutters :D

the only moment you, guys, differed a bit in between yourselves is the attack on Syria.
But that is an exception in the rule.

libturdism isn't a philosophy, it's a pathology

Right now, as we speak, Republicans are trying to rip each other's heads off over the CR and obamacare.

That's what happens in a political party in which there exists individuals. Individuals tend to have individual thoughts.

libturdism is a disease in which the symptoms are always the same -- Group Think.

And stupidity. But group-think is mandatory. Stupidity is what ensues when a person stops thinking for him/herself.

Just read the typical responses from libturds in here every day.

I can't think of a single time one of them has gone outside the Hive Mentality and posted a cogent, intelligent, individual thought.

You could mix the names of every libturd in here together and then hand them out willy-nilly and you'd never be able to tell one from the other.

And not just here.... Everywhere. In the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM and on every Message Board in the world.

They're all the same...... Stupid

yep. that is true.

conservatives here on the board differ on a lot of issues - there are fiscal conservatives who are pro-choice and moderately pro-gun control, the ones who can be against the government but are also atheists, the ones who are anti-abortion but mildly pro-gay civil unions, and so on and so on.

but the left is a single bloc.
well, that is their nature - they spit out the people who THINK and eliminate them, then they spit out the people who DISAGREE, until the mass of intellectually lazy is 90% and they will repeat any talking points given today without any consideration what was given.

Being a single bloc with a highly effective brainwashing machine a.k.a. lame-stream media, makes them very dangerous, as the mass of people tend to be intellectually lazy.
They pay for that later, but it does not cure the stupidity.
boy, with this Obama regime in office we are seeing who the REAL hater of people in this country REALLY are...

I HOPE this opens up a lot of eyes

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