Nonbelievers Should Be Denied Obamacare

I don't think Democrats really understand why some of us are so worried about government taking over health care - but this is exactly why. Health care is now another way to beat up on people you don't like with government.

oh, they understand perfectly well, because that is their goal.

they just want to eliminate us in their takeover of the stupid "masses"
So conservatives tell us for months that there are no benefits to having Obamacare,

now conservatives are throwing a tantrum over some idiot's wiseass remark about denying people Obamacare.

lol, tell us conservatives, what do they lose if they don't get it?

Oh, and while we're on the subject, if the idea that some would be denied Obamacare is bad,

let's not forget that Republicans want to deny EVERYONE Obamacare.

That must then be even worse, eh?

What we've been telling you for months is that Obamacare is a ploy to subjugate and control the masses, and that medical will be granted or denied according to the whims of bureaucrats.

And guess what, your erstwhile leaders are actually saying that is exactly their intention.

obamacare was "Designed To Fail" from the get-go.

The reason that dimocrap scum don't want to fix it is simple -- They never wanted it to work in the first fucking place.

Once the ACA starts to shit the bed, and it will, there will be a hue and cry to replace it with a Single Payor program.

THINK about it.....

The ACA screws the pooch, it takes a few years for it to be declared a disaster, pleas will emerge for the Private Sector to come back in and take over, for the Non-Profits to come back and; they will all tell the gubmint to go fuck their dead aunts, and the only alternative will be.....

A Single Payor program.

I've ALWAYS wanted Health Care Reform. But I've ALWAYS opposed obamacare.

Why? Simple, if it comes from the diseased minds of dimocrap scum, it's fucked up.

Not complicated at all.

There were, and are, several ways to have a Universal Plan without socialized care and without putting the gubmint in charge.

But believe me when I tell you......

The ACA is designed to fail.

dimocraps never had the first intention of making it work.

Glad I'm on Medicare.

And -- Oh!!!

With socialized medicine? Guess what sports fans?

They'll fold the bankrupted Medicare program into that program as well. Count on it.

dimocraps.... They'd fuck up a one-car-funeral
We opposed your fascist scheme on the grounds that political considerations would be used to deny health care to enemies of your shameful party.

Now you of the Khmer Rouge want to deny all healthcare to the enemies of your shameful party.

This is why we didn't want you fascists in charge of health care - let's use a market approach.

Oh, they'll succeed in denying care to some based on certain factors...

If you're a smoker? Forget about receiving recuperative care. They're just gonna let you die.

If you're overweight? About the same.

If you're this or if you're that.... Decisions will be made based whether or not you followed their 'rules'.

These things are already a given.

Now, as to which party affiliation you have?

Yah, that will happen. It will be very hush-hush, but it will happen. Especially for party members at or near the top.

Certain care will be rationed out on an 'exception' basis. And you and I will never hear about it.

Well, I won't. I'll be gone by the time it all comes around to that.

But you younger people?

If this thing goes through...... You're fucked. Especially your children. But..... You don't care them anyway. :dunno:

Obviously. Just look at the debt you're gonna make them repay for you

yep. that what has been called the IV th Division of the medical departmen in the USSR ( or other name - they changed) - the special clinics, special treatment, special doctors, special hospitals for the "elite" .

The left is always hiding the better part for the "elite" and kicking a bare bone to the "masses"

That is their core essence.

They're all so arrogant and stupid they all think they are members of *the elite* so they're okay with it.

Moronic sheep. The majority of progressives, including the majority of the ones who post here, are in for a HUGE surprise. In fact, they're starting to be surprised already. And things are just getting rolling. By the time they wake up and realize how incredibly stupid they've been, it will be too late. They'll die bitter, and lonely (because that's the nature of progressives), and probably of something that would have been treated quickly and efficiently and with the best treatments the world has seen... prior to Obamacare.

I called my doc today to make an appointment for my daughter, who has a troublesome mole on her head. The soonest they can see her is the end of October. And when I first called, they said they were scheduling at the end of NOVEMBER. I asked if it was getting worse...and she said "No, we've been trying really hard to manage his appointments."

Managing appointments = telling a LOT of people to go to the walk in clinic. Just like they told me to go into the walk in clinic for a skin infection that needs antibiotics. And they told me to go at 6:45 in the morning, or I would have a good chance of waiting all day and being sent home when the clinic closed.

I talk to people daily who are having to drive 60+ miles to take their kids to their "assigned" physicians, and who are saying they can't find anyone local to take their medical.

It's so nice that progressives have knocked our country off the top of the heap. It's much better to writhe around in the mud with the rest of the world's underpriveleged citizens of countries under corrupt and tyrannical regimes.
I don't think Democrats really understand why some of us are so worried about government taking over health care - but this is exactly why. Health care is now another way to beat up on people you don't like with government.

oh, they understand perfectly well, because that is their goal.

they just want to eliminate us in their takeover of the stupid "masses"


Are you intimating that dimocraps would use gubmint to bully or punish their opponents and/or people they don't like?

How DARE you!!!!

Haven't you heard? The IRS dealio is a phony scandal and the NSA is just watching you for your own benefit.

And the FBI tapping the phone of James Rosen and even his Mother? Phony scandal.

Just like when the FBI tapped the calls of over 100 AP reporters. PHONY I TELL YOU!!!


Just keep repeating.....

"I believe in dimocrap scum. I believe in dimocrap scum. I believe in dimocrap scum"

If they are denied medical care based on their political beliefs, this has become a totalitarian society based on patronage. You get according to how loyal you are to the government. Medical care would not be universal, but depend on how much you contribute to the slavemaster government. If the unbeliever infidels are denied medical care, then they shouldn't have to pay for it. Unbelievers should not have to pay taxes.

Umm..not to be argumentative here, but you just figured that out? You either kiss Obarry's feet or you are the enemy. I'm an "infidel" and damned proud of it. :lol:
And as we get closer to election time, you will see more and more threads dumped in the Rubber Room and in Conspiracy Theories, if they challenge Obamacare or the One.
Care to dispute what I said? Declaring my comments babble, is just..... babble.

#2 You see what you want to see.

#3 I support health care reform, hence I support any effort to improve health care for all American citizens. The GOP an the echo chamber only say, "ain't it awful" sans any intelligent and thoughtful examples.

#4 If Pos Reps and Neg Reps mean anything I have a good deal of credibility. The few NR's I receive come from the same four or five people, all of whom are dumb as a box of rocks and post nothing but echoes.

#2. What about the twitter post indicates that the poster was intellectually capable of sarcasm?

#3. Effective health care reform IS needed. I've yet to see anything from the left that would be effective at anything other than forcing the productive support the nonproductive and increasing the size and reach of government.

#4. Sorry, but I don't feel that you are qualified to judge the intellectual capacity of a box of rocks.

#2 Nothing, nor did any evidence exist that the author wasn't bright and capable of using a rhetorical device.

#3 You see what you want to see. Anyone who uses public transportation, eats in a restaurant or rides in an elevator deserves protection from communicable disease. Universal health care protects all of us. Besides, all of us 'productives' already pay for the medical care of the diseased, many times at a cost much greater because the uninsured wait too long and then require longer and more expensive treatment.

#4 I'm well qualified. If and only if I comport the intelligence of a box rocks with the posts by CrusaderFrank, Stephanie, Willow Tree, or other proud and loud members of the echo chamber.
I totally agree, koshergirl and Edge.

I know what it is because I survived it.

And I have seen those stupid surprised eyes of the ones who had to wait - but still were "believers" - why do I have to wait and that woman in red skirt was already helped/served/taken to the operating room- well because she is a doctors/a teachers/an administrators wife, niece, daughter, whatever - and that is one of the other moments nobody never ever addresses in the leftard circles - enormous corruption in all the areas of life - to the point where corruption in Latin America seems nothing.
If you don't bribe or don't know "somebody" - you are not going to get medical help, education, services, whatever. If the government is everything - so is corruption.
BTW, if that mole is a cancerous tumor, a month is a death sentence.

Correct. Unfortunately, if you suffer from a cancerous tumor, by the time you are seen (and your treatment "approved") there is a 80-20 chance that it won't make any difference.

Problem solved.

Ask folks that live in England, Ireland, Scotland, or any other country that embraces this nonsense. You want service? You'd better have CASH.
Denying people Obamacare?? That makes no sense. Obamacare is basically health insurance regulation, not healthcare regulation.
I totally agree, koshergirl and Edge.

I know what it is because I survived it.

And I have seen those stupid surprised eyes of the ones who had to wait - but still were "believers" - why do I have to wait and that woman in red skirt was already helped/served/taken to the operating room- well because she is a doctors/a teachers/an administrators wife, niece, daughter, whatever - and that is one of the other moments nobody never ever addresses in the leftard circles - enormous corruption in all the areas of life - to the point where corruption in Latin America seems nothing.
If you don't bribe or don't know "somebody" - you are not going to get medical help, education, services, whatever. If the government is everything - so is corruption.

You know, the hell of it is that these 20-30 somethings that are so damned rabidly behind this crap will learn one day - but by then it will be too late.

Few need medical services when they are young (duh!) but once you turn 35-45 years old, the body starts it's "old age" decline and by the time you are 50-55, you are beginning to suffer from those common maladies that afflict "older folks".

They'll find out just how "great" this crap is when they (due to medical circumstances) have to schedule days off in order to sit for 6-8 hours in a Doctor's office (IF they can find a family physician) only to be told that "Sorry, regulations prevent me from treating that".

You "punk-assed" kids screamed for this nonsense to "make a difference" (whatever the hell that means). Now you have it. Enjoy it!
#2 You see what you want to see.

#3 I support health care reform, hence I support any effort to improve health care for all American citizens. The GOP an the echo chamber only say, "ain't it awful" sans any intelligent and thoughtful examples.

#4 If Pos Reps and Neg Reps mean anything I have a good deal of credibility. The few NR's I receive come from the same four or five people, all of whom are dumb as a box of rocks and post nothing but echoes.

#2. What about the twitter post indicates that the poster was intellectually capable of sarcasm?

#3. Effective health care reform IS needed. I've yet to see anything from the left that would be effective at anything other than forcing the productive support the nonproductive and increasing the size and reach of government.

#4. Sorry, but I don't feel that you are qualified to judge the intellectual capacity of a box of rocks.

#2 Nothing, nor did any evidence exist that the author wasn't bright and capable of using a rhetorical device.

#3 You see what you want to see. Anyone who uses public transportation, eats in a restaurant or rides in an elevator deserves protection from communicable disease. Universal health care protects all of us. Besides, all of us 'productives' already pay for the medical care of the diseased, many times at a cost much greater because the uninsured wait too long and then require longer and more expensive treatment.

#4 I'm well qualified. If and only if I comport the intelligence of a box rocks with the posts by CrusaderFrank, Stephanie, Willow Tree, or other proud and loud members of the echo chamber.
#2. So, you missed the grammatical error in the tweet? Perhaps a shortcut, but you played grammar police first.

#3. obamacare will protect us from communicable disease? Care to elaborate? Or did I miss the part where the CDC is now part of obamacare?

What is wrong in asking that people be responsible for their own obligations?

#4. You are not as qualified as a box of rocks to assess the intelligence of even a single rock.
What an asinine idea.

A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.
Denying people Obamacare?? That makes no sense. Obamacare is basically health insurance regulation, not healthcare regulation.

Not really. Obama's fascist care sets "care standards." So what is and isn't covered for treatment is determined by fascist care. As the providers are cut to just two or three, Blue Cross, Kaiser, and Cigna, what is provided will be strictly regulated by bureaucrats and overseers. Since there is no choice in care, one cannot simply shop for better terms.

The death panels won't take you on a one by one basis, but rather as a statistic. Care for a Republican who smoked and is 70 will be limited to hospice - as an example. A 29 year old democrat with AIDS will have unlimited care. When the death panels decide where to allocate resources, voting habits of the patient will be a factor.
Hell. They won't deny anyone Obamacare.

They need everyone participating so they can pay for the damned thing.

Gonna be lots out there "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

They will need all those tax dollars to fund all those "subsidized" folks.
Hell. They won't deny anyone Obamacare.

They need everyone participating so they can pay for the damned thing.

Gonna be lots out there "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

They will need all those tax dollars to fund all those "subsidized" folks.

The structure is designed so that care will be denied based on certain criterion. There is no question that party affiliation is one of those standards.
They'll eventually want to gas you under some guise in this albatross.

Or go the NHS route of not giving one food and liquids when one is in the hospital. That's a quick way to get rid of Inconvenient Old and Sick People.

Boomers Beware!
Denying people Obamacare?? That makes no sense. Obamacare is basically health insurance regulation, not healthcare regulation.

Not really. Obama's fascist care sets "care standards." So what is and isn't covered for treatment is determined by fascist care. As the providers are cut to just two or three, Blue Cross, Kaiser, and Cigna, what is provided will be strictly regulated by bureaucrats and overseers. Since there is no choice in care, one cannot simply shop for better terms.

The death panels won't take you on a one by one basis, but rather as a statistic. Care for a Republican who smoked and is 70 will be limited to hospice - as an example. A 29 year old democrat with AIDS will have unlimited care. When the death panels decide where to allocate resources, voting habits of the patient will be a factor.

29yo democrat with AIDS will also end up in hospice - because there are many 29 yo democrats without AIDS and treatments are expensive

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