Nonbelievers Should Be Denied Obamacare

BTW, if that mole is a cancerous tumor, a month is a death sentence.

Correct. Unfortunately, if you suffer from a cancerous tumor, by the time you are seen (and your treatment "approved") there is a 80-20 chance that it won't make any difference.

Problem solved.

Ask folks that live in England, Ireland, Scotland, or any other country that embraces this nonsense. You want service? You'd better have CASH.

EXACTLY. our libtards are too dumb to ever get interested WHY our outcomes, life expectancy or cure rates in different cancers are TWICE better than UK and 40% better than Canada ( the latter figure is skewed because Canadians come to the US for faster cancer treatments and then sue their provincial healthcare for cost reimbursement)
A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

LOL, are your panties to tight, maybe you ought not wear them around your head? #1 there is no such thing as "Reactionary Liberals'"; even if you knew where an apostrophe is properly place your thread would still be ridiculous.

#2, a bit of sarcasm seasoned with hyperbole is a legitimate rhetorical device, especially in a tweet.

#3, a better thread opposing those who support for "Obamacare" would include a real critique of the ACA and that would not include an hysterical and equally ridiculous use of the term "Socialism".

#4, you might have some credibility if your source wasn't a ridiculous one.


#1. Liberals today are Reactionary. They want race relations to be freeze framed in the 1950s, despite the legislative progress and vast sums of government money to promote equality. Sadly, the latter has actually made lives worse for the "colored" they wish to keep on the Democrat Plantation.

#2. She means it, despite it being on Twitter. Otherwise, why bother posting it.

#3. blah blah blah blah, more boring non-content from WC

#4. To criticize credibility, one must first have established one's own bona fides, which you have not done.

Now, go back to pulling wings off of flies, or whatever it is you do IRL.
Pierre Salinger moved to France the only man of his word where he died October 16, 2004.

To be perfectly honest, Pierre Salinger moved to France because he loved the Burger King on the Champs Elysee.
Denying people Obamacare?? That makes no sense. Obamacare is basically health insurance regulation, not healthcare regulation.

Not really. Obama's fascist care sets "care standards." So what is and isn't covered for treatment is determined by fascist care. As the providers are cut to just two or three, Blue Cross, Kaiser, and Cigna, what is provided will be strictly regulated by bureaucrats and overseers. Since there is no choice in care, one cannot simply shop for better terms.

The death panels won't take you on a one by one basis, but rather as a statistic. Care for a Republican who smoked and is 70 will be limited to hospice - as an example. A 29 year old democrat with AIDS will have unlimited care. When the death panels decide where to allocate resources, voting habits of the patient will be a factor.


Diabetes is a disease caused by a variety of factors, the biggest factor being genetics. Your Mom had diabetes? You have a 96% chance of being pre-disposed to diabetes.

Funny though, the "medical community" rarely links diabetes to anything but "obesity", which is hogwash. I personally have a friend who was in the 3rd Special Forces Group. 170 pounds all his life. Ran marathons and competed in Iron Man competitions. I have never seen an individual that takes better care of himself.

He is now 62 and has suddenly developed type II diabetes (adult onset) and is on pills and insulin and is also taking medication for high blood pressure.

On the other hand, I have a brother-in-law that is 6'7" and 320 pounds. Eats like a pig (Burger King, Wendy's etc) and is as healthy as a horse. Never been sick a day in his life.

No. this isn't about "disease" - rather "money". When Uncle Sugar has to shell out X amount of dollars for the treatment of diabetics - rather than "social welfare programs" for potential voters, Diabetics will be told "sorry". The same applies to most every other "debilitating" diseases out there today.

It will ALWAYS come down to the bottom line on a spreadsheet for Uncle Sugar. You're old - you won't be much of a voting concern in 5-10 years - or you belong to the "wrong" party..go ahead and die. We're not going to "invest" any more cash on you.

I saw this hundreds of times in the USSR. You're a young Kommisar? Well, come right in, Comrade!! You're a 70 year old Babushka? Sorry, go home and die.
So conservatives tell us for months that there are no benefits to having Obamacare,

now conservatives are throwing a tantrum over some idiot's wiseass remark about denying people Obamacare.

lol, tell us conservatives, what do they lose if they don't get it?

Oh, and while we're on the subject, if the idea that some would be denied Obamacare is bad,

let's not forget that Republicans want to deny EVERYONE Obamacare.

That must then be even worse, eh?

We opposed your fascist scheme on the grounds that political considerations would be used to deny health care to enemies of your shameful party.

Now you of the Khmer Rouge want to deny all healthcare to the enemies of your shameful party.

This is why we didn't want you fascists in charge of health care - let's use a market approach.

Oh, they'll succeed in denying care to some based on certain factors...

If you're a smoker? Forget about receiving recuperative care. They're just gonna let you die.

If you're overweight? About the same.

If you're this or if you're that.... Decisions will be made based whether or not you followed their 'rules'.

These things are already a given.

Now, as to which party affiliation you have?

Yah, that will happen. It will be very hush-hush, but it will happen. Especially for party members at or near the top.

Certain care will be rationed out on an 'exception' basis. And you and I will never hear about it.

Well, I won't. I'll be gone by the time it all comes around to that.

But you younger people?

If this thing goes through...... You're fucked. Especially your children. But..... You don't care them anyway. :dunno:

Obviously. Just look at the debt you're gonna make them repay for you

And ironically, many of the people they deny Health Care are covered by the ADA and SS disability.

To one branch of government, they'll be EVUL users, and to another, they are Protected Victims.

Go figure.
Hell. They won't deny anyone Obamacare.

They need everyone participating so they can pay for the damned thing.

Gonna be lots out there "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

They will need all those tax dollars to fund all those "subsidized" folks.

They will take the money and refuse care !!
The NHS Have been doing it for decades in the UK!!
Hell. They won't deny anyone Obamacare.

They need everyone participating so they can pay for the damned thing.

Gonna be lots out there "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

They will need all those tax dollars to fund all those "subsidized" folks.

They will take the money and refuse care !!
The NHS Have been doing it for decades in the UK!!

Again - BINGO!

Great example - the USPS. They are currently on the verge of bankruptcy. Why? is it because of the internet? Yes. However, no one ever questions why the Federal Government TAKES the vast majority of their yearly budget for "other" programs. They are actually being ran out of business by the government that mandates that they "be in business".

Social Security is yet another program. Every year, without fail, Congress robs from the SSA , and they have been doing this for the last 45-50 years. Got to rob "Peter to pay Paul" don't you know.

Hell, we ALL know that Washington DC is nothing more than a giant shell-game - a ponzy scheme that would make Bernie Madoff look like a angel. Why the hell would it surprise ANYONE that a program like Obarrycare (who Nancy Pelosi claimed would be completely funded - another dip-stick liar) doesn't have enough money to operate NOW, let alone 10 years from now.

Folks, we are digging our own graves here.

Diabetes is a disease caused by a variety of factors, the biggest factor being genetics. Your Mom had diabetes? You have a 96% chance of being pre-disposed to diabetes.

Funny though, the "medical community" rarely links diabetes to anything but "obesity", which is hogwash. I personally have a friend who was in the 3rd Special Forces Group. 170 pounds all his life. Ran marathons and competed in Iron Man competitions. I have never seen an individual that takes better care of himself.

He is now 62 and has suddenly developed type II diabetes (adult onset) and is on pills and insulin and is also taking medication for high blood pressure.

On the other hand, I have a brother-in-law that is 6'7" and 320 pounds. Eats like a pig (Burger King, Wendy's etc) and is as healthy as a horse. Never been sick a day in his life.

No. this isn't about "disease" - rather "money". When Uncle Sugar has to shell out X amount of dollars for the treatment of diabetics - rather than "social welfare programs" for potential voters, Diabetics will be told "sorry". The same applies to most every other "debilitating" diseases out there today.

It will ALWAYS come down to the bottom line on a spreadsheet for Uncle Sugar. You're old - you won't be much of a voting concern in 5-10 years - or you belong to the "wrong" party..go ahead and die. We're not going to "invest" any more cash on you.

I saw this hundreds of times in the USSR. You're a young Kommisar? Well, come right in, Comrade!! You're a 70 year old Babushka? Sorry, go home and die.

It is not. adipose tissue has hormonal activity. Obese people have hypertension 100% and diabetes 90% - if they don't lose weight. I am talking about BMI > 30

Diabetes is not genetics only and not obesity only.
It is an autoimmune process and the trigger might differ in different people.
However, we weren't designed to be whales and our organs are not equipped to serve 350 lbs of adipose. Just to pump blood through that mass the poor heart has to increase almost twice and that is why blood pressure rises ( there are other factors, but that is the main one).

Human body is extremely nicely and really effectively designed mechanism.
When it is normal.

You skew the features too much in one direction - you have broken the mechanism.
A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

LOL, are your panties to tight, maybe you ought not wear them around your head? #1 there is no such thing as "Reactionary Liberals'"; even if you knew where an apostrophe is properly place your thread would still be ridiculous.

#2, a bit of sarcasm seasoned with hyperbole is a legitimate rhetorical device, especially in a tweet.

#3, a better thread opposing those who support for "Obamacare" would include a real critique of the ACA and that would not include an hysterical and equally ridiculous use of the term "Socialism".

#4, you might have some credibility if your source wasn't a ridiculous one.


#1. Liberals today are Reactionary. They want race relations to be freeze framed in the 1950s, despite the legislative progress and vast sums of government money to promote equality. Sadly, the latter has actually made lives worse for the "colored" they wish to keep on the Democrat Plantation.

#2. She means it, despite it being on Twitter. Otherwise, why bother posting it.

#3. blah blah blah blah, more boring non-content from WC

#4. To criticize credibility, one must first have established one's own bona fides, which you have not done.

Now, go back to pulling wings off of flies, or whatever it is you do IRL.

1. (l)iberals today are not of one set, unlike the callous conservative echo chamber of which you are a card carrying member; legislation has created a path for minorities to get past institutional racism, sadly is has brought the individual racists out of the closet and onto bulletin boards and forums such as this.

2. As noted, likely a rhetorical device. But in spite of you arrogance no one knows the motivation of the author for certain.

3. If I bore you, why bother to respond? I don't find bigots and those of lesser intelligence boring, in fact they provide entertainment and an avenue to explore - as I did on this thread. A foolish troll, yes, bot one worthy of ridicule.

4. In your opinion, which after reading many of your posts is surely not a considered one.
1. (l)iberals today are not of one set, unlike the callous conservative echo chamber of which you are a card carrying member; legislation has created a path for minorities to get past institutional racism, sadly is has brought the individual racists out of the closet and onto bulletin boards and forums such as this.

oh, don't lie. the die hard leftards are all the same as if produced on the conveyer :lol:

Diabetes is a disease caused by a variety of factors, the biggest factor being genetics. Your Mom had diabetes? You have a 96% chance of being pre-disposed to diabetes.

Funny though, the "medical community" rarely links diabetes to anything but "obesity", which is hogwash. I personally have a friend who was in the 3rd Special Forces Group. 170 pounds all his life. Ran marathons and competed in Iron Man competitions. I have never seen an individual that takes better care of himself.

He is now 62 and has suddenly developed type II diabetes (adult onset) and is on pills and insulin and is also taking medication for high blood pressure.

On the other hand, I have a brother-in-law that is 6'7" and 320 pounds. Eats like a pig (Burger King, Wendy's etc) and is as healthy as a horse. Never been sick a day in his life.

No. this isn't about "disease" - rather "money". When Uncle Sugar has to shell out X amount of dollars for the treatment of diabetics - rather than "social welfare programs" for potential voters, Diabetics will be told "sorry". The same applies to most every other "debilitating" diseases out there today.

It will ALWAYS come down to the bottom line on a spreadsheet for Uncle Sugar. You're old - you won't be much of a voting concern in 5-10 years - or you belong to the "wrong" party..go ahead and die. We're not going to "invest" any more cash on you.

I saw this hundreds of times in the USSR. You're a young Kommisar? Well, come right in, Comrade!! You're a 70 year old Babushka? Sorry, go home and die.

It is not. adipose tissue has hormonal activity. Obese people have hypertension 100% and diabetes 90% - if they don't lose weight. I am talking about BMI > 30

Diabetes is not genetics only and not obesity only.
It is an autoimmune process and the trigger might differ in different people.
However, we weren't designed to be whales and our organs are not equipped to serve 350 lbs of adipose. Just to pump blood through that mass the poor heart has to increase almost twice and that is why blood pressure rises ( there are other factors, but that is the main one).

Human body is extremely nicely and really effectively designed mechanism.
When it is normal.

You skew the features too much in one direction - you have broken the mechanism.

I stand by my statement. Diabetes is caused BY A VARIETY OF FACTORS - THE BIGGEST BEING GENETICS.

How the hell can you account for a 3 year old with childhood diabetes if NOT genetics? How can you account for the statistics that put 5 generations of diabetics with the same common denominator? Passed from parent to child. How can you account for the sudden onset of Type II diabetics that have been previously healthy? What? You eat a Quarter Pounder with cheese and you're suddenly a diabetic? BS. If that were the case, I would have contracted Type II YEARS ago.

By all means - we should ALL get more exercise. Hell, I'm completely in favor of that. I see too damned many fat-assed kids running around. The majority of those kids "grow out" of their fat-assedness over time. However, in lieu of "government re-education camps for the weight challenged", What is the answer for our illustrious "government"? Let them die?

Just like I said.

Diabetes is a disease caused by a variety of factors, the biggest factor being genetics. Your Mom had diabetes? You have a 96% chance of being pre-disposed to diabetes.

Funny though, the "medical community" rarely links diabetes to anything but "obesity", which is hogwash. I personally have a friend who was in the 3rd Special Forces Group. 170 pounds all his life. Ran marathons and competed in Iron Man competitions. I have never seen an individual that takes better care of himself.

He is now 62 and has suddenly developed type II diabetes (adult onset) and is on pills and insulin and is also taking medication for high blood pressure.

On the other hand, I have a brother-in-law that is 6'7" and 320 pounds. Eats like a pig (Burger King, Wendy's etc) and is as healthy as a horse. Never been sick a day in his life.

No. this isn't about "disease" - rather "money". When Uncle Sugar has to shell out X amount of dollars for the treatment of diabetics - rather than "social welfare programs" for potential voters, Diabetics will be told "sorry". The same applies to most every other "debilitating" diseases out there today.

It will ALWAYS come down to the bottom line on a spreadsheet for Uncle Sugar. You're old - you won't be much of a voting concern in 5-10 years - or you belong to the "wrong" party..go ahead and die. We're not going to "invest" any more cash on you.

I saw this hundreds of times in the USSR. You're a young Kommisar? Well, come right in, Comrade!! You're a 70 year old Babushka? Sorry, go home and die.

It is not. adipose tissue has hormonal activity. Obese people have hypertension 100% and diabetes 90% - if they don't lose weight. I am talking about BMI > 30

Diabetes is not genetics only and not obesity only.
It is an autoimmune process and the trigger might differ in different people.
However, we weren't designed to be whales and our organs are not equipped to serve 350 lbs of adipose. Just to pump blood through that mass the poor heart has to increase almost twice and that is why blood pressure rises ( there are other factors, but that is the main one).

Human body is extremely nicely and really effectively designed mechanism.
When it is normal.

You skew the features too much in one direction - you have broken the mechanism.

I stand by my statement. Diabetes is caused BY A VARIETY OF FACTORS - THE BIGGEST BEING GENETICS.

How the hell can you account for a 3 year old with childhood diabetes if NOT genetics? What? You eat a Quarter Pounder with cheese and you're suddenly a diabetic? BS. If that were the case, I would have contracted Type II YEARS ago.

agree by highlighted portion, don't agree with the genetic factor, because diabetes is not caused by the defect in one of the genes and if you have the defect - you are going to be sick or have the tendency. It is much more variable ( like breast cancer - there is a genetic form Brca gene, but there are also many others as well)

How the hell can you account for a 3 year old with childhood diabetes if NOT genetics?

a 3 yo with diabetes is NOT genetics. It is an autoimmune process and often after a viral illness which kills the islets cells.
How can you account for the statistics that put 5 generations of diabetics with the same common denominator? Passed from parent to child. How can you account for the sudden onset of Type II diabetics that have been previously healthy?
Lifestyle choices are often the same in families. there are some forms with predisposition but it is not a genetic disease. It is a multifactorial disease and genetic predisposition does not account even for the majority of cases.

there is no "sudden onset" - there can be "sudden manifestation" and disease has been insidiously causing harm without a person noticing it.

Adult onset diabetes can be caused by severe stress, for example. has absolutely nothing to do with genetics or obesity. But a prolonged stress. which changes a hormonal picture of the body. Insulin is one of the major hormones the body produces. They all are interrelated - if there is a major shift in some - that can produce diabetes.

There are a lot of medications which can cause diabetes - and combinations of medications - do you hear it often? I bet, you don't. But that is well known fact which medical students learn while mastering pharmacology. For some reason it is never highlighted later, in clinical medicine.
And how many medications a standard American takes if he/she is 45+? I can tell you - at least 2. 5-10 is not rare. >15 - and you don't have even to see the patient - one can list the problems they are going to have ( because it is standard)

By all means - we should ALL get more exercise. Hell, I'm completely in favor of that. I see too damned many fat-assed kids running around. The majority of those kids "grow out" of their fat-assedness over time. However, in lieu of "government re-education camps for the weight challenged", What is the answer for our illustrious "government"? Let them die?

Just like I said.

No disagreement here.

but the main issue is - DON'T EAT THAT MUCH, AMERICANS!!!! nobody needs more than 1500 cal per day with a typical American lifestyle, unless they are Amish ;)

Now, calculate how much is it going it be in amount of food per day ;)

kids need even much less than that.
LOL, are your panties to tight, maybe you ought not wear them around your head? #1 there is no such thing as "Reactionary Liberals'"; even if you knew where an apostrophe is properly place your thread would still be ridiculous.

#2, a bit of sarcasm seasoned with hyperbole is a legitimate rhetorical device, especially in a tweet.

#3, a better thread opposing those who support for "Obamacare" would include a real critique of the ACA and that would not include an hysterical and equally ridiculous use of the term "Socialism".

#4, you might have some credibility if your source wasn't a ridiculous one.


#1. Liberals today are Reactionary. They want race relations to be freeze framed in the 1950s, despite the legislative progress and vast sums of government money to promote equality. Sadly, the latter has actually made lives worse for the "colored" they wish to keep on the Democrat Plantation.

#2. She means it, despite it being on Twitter. Otherwise, why bother posting it.

#3. blah blah blah blah, more boring non-content from WC

#4. To criticize credibility, one must first have established one's own bona fides, which you have not done.

Now, go back to pulling wings off of flies, or whatever it is you do IRL.

1. (l)iberals today are not of one set, unlike the callous conservative echo chamber of which you are a card carrying member; legislation has created a path for minorities to get past institutional racism, sadly is has brought the individual racists out of the closet and onto bulletin boards and forums such as this.

2. As noted, likely a rhetorical device. But in spite of you arrogance no one knows the motivation of the author for certain.

3. If I bore you, why bother to respond? I don't find bigots and those of lesser intelligence boring, in fact they provide entertainment and an avenue to explore - as I did on this thread. A foolish troll, yes, bot one worthy of ridicule.

4. In your opinion, which after reading many of your posts is surely not a considered one.

"I don't find bigots and those of lesser intelligence boring"

That's nice because on most occasions your blatherings are more like circus productions in which you are constantly trying to elucidate your own ineptitude. However, your ability to compartmentalize such drivel is fun to read and worthy of deep guttural laughter. You really are a jewel of thousands of inclusions.

As far as ocare, please spare us the indignation as you watch the majority in america act in complicity to rid this country of this most absurd and worthless law.
Last edited:
It is not. adipose tissue has hormonal activity. Obese people have hypertension 100% and diabetes 90% - if they don't lose weight. I am talking about BMI > 30

Diabetes is not genetics only and not obesity only.
It is an autoimmune process and the trigger might differ in different people.
However, we weren't designed to be whales and our organs are not equipped to serve 350 lbs of adipose. Just to pump blood through that mass the poor heart has to increase almost twice and that is why blood pressure rises ( there are other factors, but that is the main one).

Human body is extremely nicely and really effectively designed mechanism.
When it is normal.

You skew the features too much in one direction - you have broken the mechanism.

I stand by my statement. Diabetes is caused BY A VARIETY OF FACTORS - THE BIGGEST BEING GENETICS.

How the hell can you account for a 3 year old with childhood diabetes if NOT genetics? What? You eat a Quarter Pounder with cheese and you're suddenly a diabetic? BS. If that were the case, I would have contracted Type II YEARS ago.

agree by highlighted portion, don't agree with the genetic factor, because diabetes is not caused by the defect in one of the genes and if you have the defect - you are going to be sick or have the tendency. It is much more variable ( like breast cancer - there is a genetic form Brca gene, but there are also many others as well)

a 3 yo with diabetes is NOT genetics. It is an autoimmune process and often after a viral illness which kills the islets cells.
How can you account for the statistics that put 5 generations of diabetics with the same common denominator? Passed from parent to child. How can you account for the sudden onset of Type II diabetics that have been previously healthy?
Lifestyle choices are often the same in families. there are some forms with predisposition but it is not a genetic disease. It is a multifactorial disease and genetic predisposition does not account even for the majority of cases.

there is no "sudden onset" - there can be "sudden manifestation" and disease has been insidiously causing harm without a person noticing it.

Adult onset diabetes can be caused by severe stress, for example. has absolutely nothing to do with genetics or obesity. But a prolonged stress. which changes a hormonal picture of the body. Insulin is one of the major hormones the body produces. They all are interrelated - if there is a major shift in some - that can produce diabetes.

There are a lot of medications which can cause diabetes - and combinations of medications - do you hear it often? I bet, you don't. But that is well known fact which medical students learn while mastering pharmacology. For some reason it is never highlighted later, in clinical medicine.
And how many medications a standard American takes if he/she is 45+? I can tell you - at least 2. 5-10 is not rare. >15 - and you don't have even to see the patient - one can list the problems they are going to have ( because it is standard)

By all means - we should ALL get more exercise. Hell, I'm completely in favor of that. I see too damned many fat-assed kids running around. The majority of those kids "grow out" of their fat-assedness over time. However, in lieu of "government re-education camps for the weight challenged", What is the answer for our illustrious "government"? Let them die?

Just like I said.

No disagreement here.

but the main issue is - DON'T EAT THAT MUCH, AMERICANS!!!! nobody needs more than 1500 cal per day with a typical American lifestyle, unless they are Amish ;)

Now, calculate how much is it going it be in amount of food per day ;)

kids need even much less than that.

Curious. I'm by no means well-versed in those things "medical". My Wife is a Nurse and I don't understand 90% of what she says.

Since you apparently are in the medical community, please answer (or riddle me) this: How do you explain men that are nearly 400 pounds playing football? There MAY be some with diabetes, but I can't honestly see how they could play in that condition.

Why does a man - that took care of himself - 6 feet tall, 171 pounds, suddenly come down with type II diabetes? The guy eats more damned salad than 5 men put together and RARELY eats red meat! Ran 7-10 miles per day EVERY day. The only relative factor is that his MOTHER had diabetes.

Not genetics, huh? You and I are going to have to agree to disagree here.
#2. What about the twitter post indicates that the poster was intellectually capable of sarcasm?

#3. Effective health care reform IS needed. I've yet to see anything from the left that would be effective at anything other than forcing the productive support the nonproductive and increasing the size and reach of government.

#4. Sorry, but I don't feel that you are qualified to judge the intellectual capacity of a box of rocks.

#2 Nothing, nor did any evidence exist that the author wasn't bright and capable of using a rhetorical device.

#3 You see what you want to see. Anyone who uses public transportation, eats in a restaurant or rides in an elevator deserves protection from communicable disease. Universal health care protects all of us. Besides, all of us 'productives' already pay for the medical care of the diseased, many times at a cost much greater because the uninsured wait too long and then require longer and more expensive treatment.

#4 I'm well qualified. If and only if I comport the intelligence of a box rocks with the posts by CrusaderFrank, Stephanie, Willow Tree, or other proud and loud members of the echo chamber.
#2. So, you missed the grammatical error in the tweet? Perhaps a shortcut, but you played grammar police first.

#3. obamacare will protect us from communicable disease? Care to elaborate? Or did I miss the part where the CDC is now part of obamacare?

What is wrong in asking that people be responsible for their own obligations?

#4. You are not as qualified as a box of rocks to assess the intelligence of even a single rock.
Communicable diseases are not specifically addressed in the law. However as a part of preventive care a number of healthcare procedures are available at no cost to the patient, for example inoculations for:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Herpes Zoster
Human Papillomavirus
Influenza (Flu Shot)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis

Obamacare won't protect the population against communicative diseases. However, if the public takes advantage of the preventive care options, it should reduce the number of cases and in general lead to a healthier population. The law just removes the cost barrier. People still have to make the effort the get themselves and their family inoculated.

Diabetes is a disease caused by a variety of factors, the biggest factor being genetics. Your Mom had diabetes? You have a 96% chance of being pre-disposed to diabetes.

Funny though, the "medical community" rarely links diabetes to anything but "obesity", which is hogwash. I personally have a friend who was in the 3rd Special Forces Group. 170 pounds all his life. Ran marathons and competed in Iron Man competitions. I have never seen an individual that takes better care of himself.

He is now 62 and has suddenly developed type II diabetes (adult onset) and is on pills and insulin and is also taking medication for high blood pressure.

On the other hand, I have a brother-in-law that is 6'7" and 320 pounds. Eats like a pig (Burger King, Wendy's etc) and is as healthy as a horse. Never been sick a day in his life.

No. this isn't about "disease" - rather "money". When Uncle Sugar has to shell out X amount of dollars for the treatment of diabetics - rather than "social welfare programs" for potential voters, Diabetics will be told "sorry". The same applies to most every other "debilitating" diseases out there today.

It will ALWAYS come down to the bottom line on a spreadsheet for Uncle Sugar. You're old - you won't be much of a voting concern in 5-10 years - or you belong to the "wrong" party..go ahead and die. We're not going to "invest" any more cash on you.

I saw this hundreds of times in the USSR. You're a young Kommisar? Well, come right in, Comrade!! You're a 70 year old Babushka? Sorry, go home and die.

It is not. adipose tissue has hormonal activity. Obese people have hypertension 100% and diabetes 90% - if they don't lose weight. I am talking about BMI > 30

Diabetes is not genetics only and not obesity only.
It is an autoimmune process and the trigger might differ in different people.
However, we weren't designed to be whales and our organs are not equipped to serve 350 lbs of adipose. Just to pump blood through that mass the poor heart has to increase almost twice and that is why blood pressure rises ( there are other factors, but that is the main one).

Human body is extremely nicely and really effectively designed mechanism.
When it is normal.

You skew the features too much in one direction - you have broken the mechanism.

Meh, high blood pressure and cholesterol is not just attributable to weight. You might have slightly high bp if you're fat...but if it's dangerous it would be dangerous regardless. And there are lots and lots of people who stroke/heart attack out with high blood pressure who never eat an ounce of fat, run 5 miles a day and play racquetball. And there are lots and lots of fat people who live long and prosper.

Each person needs to walk their own walk with weight/diet and not worry about ways to control the caloric intake of others.

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