Nonbelievers Should Be Denied Obamacare

If they are denied medical care based on their political beliefs, this has become a totalitarian society based on patronage. You get according to how loyal you are to the government. Medical care would not be universal, but depend on how much you contribute to the slavemaster government. If the unbeliever infidels are denied medical care, then they shouldn't have to pay for it. Unbelievers should not have to pay taxes.

They will also be denied food based on their political beliefs. We're almost there.
#1. The apostrophe is properly placed for a plural possessive., though your verb conjugation sucks.

#2. I see nothing in the twitter post that indicates enough intelligence to use sarcasm effectively or intentionally.

#3. A better thread supporting obamacare would include supporting facts not shrill tantrums employing words like hysterical and ridiculous.

#4. You might have some credibility if people at USMB were unfamiliar with you.

Thanks so much for sharing, I always appreciate comments from each corner of the echo chamber. That said, you are correct and I was wrong on the use of the apostrophe. Mea culpa that; however, the rest of your babble was just that.

Care to dispute what I said? Declaring my comments babble, is just..... babble.

#2 You see what you want to see.

#3 I support health care reform, hence I support any effort to improve health care for all American citizens. The GOP an the echo chamber only say, "ain't it awful" sans any intelligent and thoughtful examples.

#4 If Pos Reps and Neg Reps mean anything I have a good deal of credibility. The few NR's I receive come from the same four or five people, all of whom are dumb as a box of rocks and post nothing but echoes.
I think it's getting high time to start looking for other places to live or drop out entirely and life off the radar here.

Don't let Lady Liberty's boot hit you in the ass.

God, if only these people weren't just talking shit. How great would this country be if the cretins would leave.
Re. George Bush in 2000:
Eddie Vedder – “I’m moving to a different country if little Damien II gets elected.”

Alec Baldwin – was never quoted directly, but reportedly made a statement to his wife Kim Basinger, who was later quoted in Focus magazine saying that Alec “might leave the country if Bush is elected president … and then I’d probably have to go too.”

Barbara Streisand – “I don’t think you’ll see me around here for at least four years.”

Alec Baldwin – was never quoted directly, but reportedly made a statement to his wife Kim Basinger, who was later quoted in Focus magazine saying that Alec “might leave the country if Bush is elected president … and then I’d probably have to go too.”

Barbara Streisand – “I don’t think you’ll see me around here for at least four years.”

The outcome:

Eddie Vedder was “extremely disappointed”, but not enough to leave the US. He did go to Hawaii, however.

Alec Baldwin claims that he never made the statement, but even if he did it wouldn’t matter since Bush wasn’t really elected, he was “selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines”. (He originally claimed his wife never spoke with Focus magazine, a claim which he later recanted.)

Barbara Streisand, who was at a White House dinner when she made the statement, claims that when she said she would not be seen “around here” that she was only referring to not being seen around the White House.

Robert Altman, despite being caught on film, later insisted that he was misquoted, saying “Here’s what I really said. I said that if Bush gets elected, I’ll move to Paris, Texas, because the state will be better off if he’s out of it.”

Pierre Salinger moved to France the only man of his word where he died October 16, 2004.
A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

The democrats are just the Khmer Rouge reincarnated.
I think it's getting high time to start looking for other places to live or drop out entirely and life off the radar here.

Like where?

We've been running from scumbags like these for 2,000 years. Where do we go next?

Outer Space?

There's nowhere else to run to. We left Europe and their murderous totalitarian, idiotic ways and now the dimocraps want to bring Europe to us.

It's time we stopped running. We need to take our Country back before it's too late.

And it almost is
A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

This is an exemplary leftard nut without a mask of "considerate compassion" which they all pull on for masquerade :D

Not that it is unknown, but there are idiots who still consider " the dimocraps will give us a bone with some meat on it" - :puke3:
So conservatives tell us for months that there are no benefits to having Obamacare,

now conservatives are throwing a tantrum over some idiot's wiseass remark about denying people Obamacare.

lol, tell us conservatives, what do they lose if they don't get it?

Oh, and while we're on the subject, if the idea that some would be denied Obamacare is bad,

let's not forget that Republicans want to deny EVERYONE Obamacare.

That must then be even worse, eh?

We opposed your fascist scheme on the grounds that political considerations would be used to deny health care to enemies of your shameful party.

Now you of the Khmer Rouge want to deny all healthcare to the enemies of your shameful party.

This is why we didn't want you fascists in charge of health care - let's use a market approach.
A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

The democrats are just the Khmer Rouge reincarnated.


They're the Khmer Rouge or the Nazis or the Stalinists or the Maoists with TWO very important exceptions......

) They just don't have that kind of power yet

2) We're still a very well armed populace.

Other than that, there's very little difference. In fact, I'd say there's NO difference.

God help us all if they ever get that kind of power.... And they're working on it. You just don't see it out in the open. There's some very subtle changes being made in the Military. Very subtle, very slowly, very quietly
  • Thanks
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If they are denied medical care based on their political beliefs, this has become a totalitarian society based on patronage. You get according to how loyal you are to the government. Medical care would not be universal, but depend on how much you contribute to the slavemaster government. If the unbeliever infidels are denied medical care, then they shouldn't have to pay for it. Unbelievers should not have to pay taxes.

They will also be denied food based on their political beliefs. We're almost there.

That is what happened in Ukraine in 1932-33 - 10 million were starved to death through artificially created famine in order to get rid of the "enemy political class" - the farmers who did not want to join the collectivization.

Welcome to the USSR :D

there is nothing new under the sun. All has already been tried.
utopia of "economic equality" is achievable only as utopia of equality in poverty and behind the barbed wire of labor camp. With millions slaughtered in order to achieve this "happiness".

Our leftards still will shriek that "this time" it will be better :lol:
So conservatives tell us for months that there are no benefits to having Obamacare,

now conservatives are throwing a tantrum over some idiot's wiseass remark about denying people Obamacare.

lol, tell us conservatives, what do they lose if they don't get it?

Oh, and while we're on the subject, if the idea that some would be denied Obamacare is bad,

let's not forget that Republicans want to deny EVERYONE Obamacare.

That must then be even worse, eh?

We opposed your fascist scheme on the grounds that political considerations would be used to deny health care to enemies of your shameful party.

Now you of the Khmer Rouge want to deny all healthcare to the enemies of your shameful party.

This is why we didn't want you fascists in charge of health care - let's use a market approach.

Oh, they'll succeed in denying care to some based on certain factors...

If you're a smoker? Forget about receiving recuperative care. They're just gonna let you die.

If you're overweight? About the same.

If you're this or if you're that.... Decisions will be made based whether or not you followed their 'rules'.

These things are already a given.

Now, as to which party affiliation you have?

Yah, that will happen. It will be very hush-hush, but it will happen. Especially for party members at or near the top.

Certain care will be rationed out on an 'exception' basis. And you and I will never hear about it.

Well, I won't. I'll be gone by the time it all comes around to that.

But you younger people?

If this thing goes through...... You're fucked. Especially your children. But..... You don't care them anyway. :dunno:

Obviously. Just look at the debt you're gonna make them repay for you
a ucsf fundraiser says that nonbelievers in obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...

Frankly, i'm getting tired of the reactionary liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

the democrats are just the khmer rouge reincarnated.


they're the khmer rouge or the nazis or the stalinists or the maoists with two very important exceptions......

) they just don't have that kind of power yet

2) we're still a very well armed populace.

Other than that, there's very little difference. In fact, i'd say there's no difference.

god help us all if they ever get that kind of power.... And they're working on it. You just don't see it out in the open. There's some very subtle changes being made in the military. Very subtle, very slowly, very quietly

If they are denied medical care based on their political beliefs, this has become a totalitarian society based on patronage. You get according to how loyal you are to the government. Medical care would not be universal, but depend on how much you contribute to the slavemaster government. If the unbeliever infidels are denied medical care, then they shouldn't have to pay for it. Unbelievers should not have to pay taxes.

They will also be denied food based on their political beliefs. We're almost there.

That is what happened in Ukraine in 1932-33 - 10 million were starved to death through artificially created famine in order to get rid of the "enemy political class" - the farmers who did not want to join the collectivization.

Welcome to the USSR :D

there is nothing new under the sun. All has already been tried.
utopia of "economic equality" is achievable only as utopia of equality in poverty and behind the barbed wire of labor camp. With millions slaughtered in order to achieve this "happiness".

Our leftards still will shriek that "this time" it will be better :lol:

It was called the"Holodomor"
So conservatives tell us for months that there are no benefits to having Obamacare,

now conservatives are throwing a tantrum over some idiot's wiseass remark about denying people Obamacare.

lol, tell us conservatives, what do they lose if they don't get it?

Oh, and while we're on the subject, if the idea that some would be denied Obamacare is bad,

let's not forget that Republicans want to deny EVERYONE Obamacare.

That must then be even worse, eh?

What we've been telling you for months is that Obamacare is a ploy to subjugate and control the masses, and that medical will be granted or denied according to the whims of bureaucrats.

And guess what, your erstwhile leaders are actually saying that is exactly their intention.
Thanks so much for sharing, I always appreciate comments from each corner of the echo chamber. That said, you are correct and I was wrong on the use of the apostrophe. Mea culpa that; however, the rest of your babble was just that.

Care to dispute what I said? Declaring my comments babble, is just..... babble.

#2 You see what you want to see.

#3 I support health care reform, hence I support any effort to improve health care for all American citizens. The GOP an the echo chamber only say, "ain't it awful" sans any intelligent and thoughtful examples.

#4 If Pos Reps and Neg Reps mean anything I have a good deal of credibility. The few NR's I receive come from the same four or five people, all of whom are dumb as a box of rocks and post nothing but echoes.

#2. What about the twitter post indicates that the poster was intellectually capable of sarcasm?

#3. Effective health care reform IS needed. I've yet to see anything from the left that would be effective at anything other than forcing the productive support the nonproductive and increasing the size and reach of government.

#4. Sorry, but I don't feel that you are qualified to judge the intellectual capacity of a box of rocks.
So conservatives tell us for months that there are no benefits to having Obamacare,

now conservatives are throwing a tantrum over some idiot's wiseass remark about denying people Obamacare.

lol, tell us conservatives, what do they lose if they don't get it?

Oh, and while we're on the subject, if the idea that some would be denied Obamacare is bad,

let's not forget that Republicans want to deny EVERYONE Obamacare.

That must then be even worse, eh?

We opposed your fascist scheme on the grounds that political considerations would be used to deny health care to enemies of your shameful party.

Now you of the Khmer Rouge want to deny all healthcare to the enemies of your shameful party.

This is why we didn't want you fascists in charge of health care - let's use a market approach.

Oh, they'll succeed in denying care to some based on certain factors...

If you're a smoker? Forget about receiving recuperative care. They're just gonna let you die.

If you're overweight? About the same.

If you're this or if you're that.... Decisions will be made based whether or not you followed their 'rules'.

These things are already a given.

Now, as to which party affiliation you have?

Yah, that will happen. It will be very hush-hush, but it will happen. Especially for party members at or near the top.

Certain care will be rationed out on an 'exception' basis. And you and I will never hear about it.

Well, I won't. I'll be gone by the time it all comes around to that.

But you younger people?

If this thing goes through...... You're fucked. Especially your children. But..... You don't care them anyway. :dunno:

Obviously. Just look at the debt you're gonna make them repay for you

yep. that what has been called the IV th Division of the medical departmen in the USSR ( or other name - they changed) - the special clinics, special treatment, special doctors, special hospitals for the "elite" .

The left is always hiding the better part for the "elite" and kicking a bare bone to the "masses"

That is their core essence.
They will also be denied food based on their political beliefs. We're almost there.

That is what happened in Ukraine in 1932-33 - 10 million were starved to death through artificially created famine in order to get rid of the "enemy political class" - the farmers who did not want to join the collectivization.

Welcome to the USSR :D

there is nothing new under the sun. All has already been tried.
utopia of "economic equality" is achievable only as utopia of equality in poverty and behind the barbed wire of labor camp. With millions slaughtered in order to achieve this "happiness".

Our leftards still will shriek that "this time" it will be better :lol:

It was called the"Holodomor"

yes, I know.
We opposed your fascist scheme on the grounds that political considerations would be used to deny health care to enemies of your shameful party.

Now you of the Khmer Rouge want to deny all healthcare to the enemies of your shameful party.

This is why we didn't want you fascists in charge of health care - let's use a market approach.

Oh, they'll succeed in denying care to some based on certain factors...

If you're a smoker? Forget about receiving recuperative care. They're just gonna let you die.

If you're overweight? About the same.

If you're this or if you're that.... Decisions will be made based whether or not you followed their 'rules'.

These things are already a given.

Now, as to which party affiliation you have?

Yah, that will happen. It will be very hush-hush, but it will happen. Especially for party members at or near the top.

Certain care will be rationed out on an 'exception' basis. And you and I will never hear about it.

Well, I won't. I'll be gone by the time it all comes around to that.

But you younger people?

If this thing goes through...... You're fucked. Especially your children. But..... You don't care them anyway. :dunno:

Obviously. Just look at the debt you're gonna make them repay for you

yep. that what has been called the IV th Division of the medical departmen in the USSR ( or other name - they changed) - the special clinics, special treatment, special doctors, special hospitals for the "elite" .

The left is always hiding the better part for the "elite" and kicking a bare bone to the "masses"

That is their core essence.
Very Orwellian. Yes, the pigs are more equal.
Oh, they'll succeed in denying care to some based on certain factors...

If you're a smoker? Forget about receiving recuperative care. They're just gonna let you die.

If you're overweight? About the same.

If you're this or if you're that.... Decisions will be made based whether or not you followed their 'rules'.

These things are already a given.

Now, as to which party affiliation you have?

Yah, that will happen. It will be very hush-hush, but it will happen. Especially for party members at or near the top.

Certain care will be rationed out on an 'exception' basis. And you and I will never hear about it.

Well, I won't. I'll be gone by the time it all comes around to that.

But you younger people?

If this thing goes through...... You're fucked. Especially your children. But..... You don't care them anyway. :dunno:

Obviously. Just look at the debt you're gonna make them repay for you

yep. that what has been called the IV th Division of the medical departmen in the USSR ( or other name - they changed) - the special clinics, special treatment, special doctors, special hospitals for the "elite" .

The left is always hiding the better part for the "elite" and kicking a bare bone to the "masses"

That is their core essence.
Very Orwellian. Yes, the pigs are more equal.

It was the reality for 70 years for 220 million people and for 50 years for 70 million more
A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

Thank God there are no reactionaries on the right. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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