Nonbelievers Should Be Denied Obamacare

A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

It's Official: Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four

It's Official: Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four - Forbes

Hey, remember the standard response:

"Tough shit".

A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

It's Official: Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four

It's Official: Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four - Forbes

Oh no no no AA. Surely you must be mistaken. I saw with my own eyes our Messiah promise it would be lowered by $2500.
"Nonbelievers"? They use the same term for people who argue against man-made global warming. The left is starting to behave like a religious cult. I bet most people would rather opt out of Obamacare but Barry Hussein is planning to arm the IRS gestapo in charge of enforcement.
If they are denied medical care based on their political beliefs, this has become a totalitarian society based on patronage. You get according to how loyal you are to the government. Medical care would not be universal, but depend on how much you contribute to the slavemaster government. If the unbeliever infidels are denied medical care, then they shouldn't have to pay for it. Unbelievers should not have to pay taxes.

This was one of the major concerns expressed from the beginning.

It's another hallmark of cognitive dissonance. The same Barking Moonbats who support the Occupy movement and oppose Corporate Welfare also believe that the same government can impartially administer health care to everyone. Or, they really do want it doled out based on ideology.

They really do want it doled out based on ideology.

And they'd prefer it was funded that way too.
A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

LOL, are your panties to tight, maybe you ought not wear them around your head? #1 there is no such thing as "Reactionary Liberals'"; even if you knew where an apostrophe is properly place your thread would still be ridiculous.

#2, a bit of sarcasm seasoned with hyperbole is a legitimate rhetorical device, especially in a tweet.

#3, a better thread opposing those who support for "Obamacare" would include a real critique of the ACA and that would not include an hysterical and equally ridiculous use of the term "Socialism".

#4, you might have some credibility if your source wasn't a ridiculous one.
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This is a tweet - a sarcastic quip on the internet. So it's stupid to pretend it reflects policy goals. But it does highlight a reasonable concern. As the federal government gains control, health care will become a political football, and will be used by both sides to reward their friends and punish their enemies (depending on who is in power and who is lobbying them).
In order to understand dimocrap politicians and their supporters, you first have to attempt to understand their sick minds.

And no, I'm not being snarky about the sick part. They really are.

Here's a little Primer on their thought processes. Of course, calling what goes on inside the typical libturd brain 'thought' is a bit of reach but.....

H/T: Ace of Spades HQ

Living the Politicized Life

Because being liberal means that every aspect of life - no matter how mundane, human and apolitical - must be about politics, judging and feeling superior. And yet remaining oblivious to this very aspect of themselves.

Here Jonathon Last calls out a a particularly egregious example of this:

When you live in Washington, one of the things that's supposed to happen is that, by bumping around casually with folks from the other side you learn to empathize with them and come to understand that they put their pants on one leg at a time, too.

So here's a Tweet from a guy who just met Don Rumsfeld:


"Evil"? I'm sorry. Are you fucking kidding?

...You know who's evil? Mohammad Atta was evil. And I wouldn't make such a big deal over Geer not being able to make moral distinctions between Donald Rumsfeld and Mohammad Atta, except that he tweeted this on, you know, the fucking anniversary of September 11.

Twelve years before Donald Rumsfeld had the pleasure of meeting Stephen Geer, he spent his morning helping to carry wounded colleagues out of the burning Pentagon.


dimocraps ain't right. That's the first thing you have to accept if you choose to become effective in your fight to save America.
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A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

LOL, are your panties to tight, maybe you ought not wear them around your head? #1 there is no such thing as "Reactionary Liberals'"; even if you knew where an apostrophe is properly place your thread would still be ridiculous.

#2, a bit of sarcasm seasoned with hyperbole is a legitimate rhetorical device, especially in a tweet.

#3, a better thread opposing support for "Obamacare" would include a real critique of the ACA and that would not include an hysterical and equally ridiculous use of the term "Socialism".

#4, you might have some credibility if your source wasn't a ridiculous one.

#1. The apostrophe is properly placed for a plural possessive., though your verb conjugation sucks.

#2. I see nothing in the twitter post that indicates enough intelligence to use sarcasm effectively or intentionally.

#3. A better thread supporting obamacare would include supporting facts not shrill tantrums employing words like hysterical and ridiculous.

#4. You might have some credibility if people at USMB were unfamiliar with you.
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A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

LOL, are your panties to tight, maybe you ought not wear them around your head? #1 there is no such thing as "Reactionary Liberals'"; even if you knew where an apostrophe is properly place your thread would still be ridiculous.

#2, a bit of sarcasm seasoned with hyperbole is a legitimate rhetorical device, especially in a tweet.

#3, a better thread opposing support for "Obamacare" would include a real critique of the ACA and that would not include an hysterical and equally ridiculous use of the term "Socialism".

#4, you might have some credibility if your source wasn't a ridiculous one.

#1. The apostrophe is properly placed for a plural possessive., though your verb conjugation sucks.

#2. I see nothing i9n the twitter post that indicates enough intelligence to use sarcasm effectively or intentionally.

#3. A better thread supporting obamacare would include supporting facts not shrill tantrums employing words like hysterical and ridiculous.

#4. You might have some credibility if people at USMB were unfamiliar with you.

It's Official: Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four[/B]

It's Official: Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four - Forbes

Like this is a surprise.

It sure is for those who reelected him....:lmao:

No... they will keep denying.. keep insisting their personal upkeep being handled and paid for by others, is a right... and keep claiming it saves the people and the government money...

As we laugh at their ignorance
I think it's getting high time to start looking for other places to live or drop out entirely and life off the radar here.
A UCSF fundraiser says that Nonbelievers in Obamacare should be denied health care.

Looks like the politicized death panels are being prepped...


Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ?nonbelievers?; Nick Searcy shreds | Twitchy

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Reactionary Liberals' constant shrieks about how anyone who opposes a government program that they are forced to pay for should be denied the benefits of that program (at best), or should shut up, or (more increasingly) should die.

LOL, are your panties to tight, maybe you ought not wear them around your head? #1 there is no such thing as "Reactionary Liberals'"; even if you knew where an apostrophe is properly place your thread would still be ridiculous.

#2, a bit of sarcasm seasoned with hyperbole is a legitimate rhetorical device, especially in a tweet.

#3, a better thread opposing support for "Obamacare" would include a real critique of the ACA and that would not include an hysterical and equally ridiculous use of the term "Socialism".

#4, you might have some credibility if your source wasn't a ridiculous one.

#1. The apostrophe is properly placed for a plural possessive., though your verb conjugation sucks.

#2. I see nothing in the twitter post that indicates enough intelligence to use sarcasm effectively or intentionally.

#3. A better thread supporting obamacare would include supporting facts not shrill tantrums employing words like hysterical and ridiculous.

#4. You might have some credibility if people at USMB were unfamiliar with you.

Thanks so much for sharing, I always appreciate comments from each corner of the echo chamber. That said, you are correct and I was wrong on the use of the apostrophe. Mea culpa that; however, the rest of your babble was just that.
So conservatives tell us for months that there are no benefits to having Obamacare,

now conservatives are throwing a tantrum over some idiot's wiseass remark about denying people Obamacare.

lol, tell us conservatives, what do they lose if they don't get it?

Oh, and while we're on the subject, if the idea that some would be denied Obamacare is bad,

let's not forget that Republicans want to deny EVERYONE Obamacare.

That must then be even worse, eh?
Well considering that I still have to pay for Obamacare via taxes or increased premiums...
I think it's getting high time to start looking for other places to live or drop out entirely and life off the radar here.

Don't let Lady Liberty's boot hit you in the ass.

God, if only these people weren't just talking shit. How great would this country be if the cretins would leave.
Good. I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE for you to deny me Obamacare. I utterly detest it! I loathe it with a passion! I will openly blaspheme it's name from the roofs and mountaintops! I am freely a heretic. I don't not believe in Obamacare!

Well, to be completely accurate, she says you should be denied Health Care altogether.

Even better! I'd love to see her try it. That is no different from me saying she can't have an abortion or access to other feminine healthcare needs.

Speaking of abortions, have you seen this?

Fourth Trimester Abortion: Are You Serious? | Dr. Robert M. Myers

Dan went to George Mason armed with his petition and gave the usual pro-choice rhetoric as students passed by. Few students asked about the definition of a fourth trimester abortion and many simply signed the petition.


I thought our college students were suppose to be the best and the brightest. This does not bode well for our future.
I think it's getting high time to start looking for other places to live or drop out entirely and life off the radar here.

Don't let Lady Liberty's boot hit you in the ass.

God, if only these people weren't just talking shit. How great would this country be if the cretins would leave.

That's okay. Even if I can leave, I'll still get to feel Uncle Sam's hand squeezing my tit no matter where I go. You want me gone, but not enough to change the tax laws to exclude expats.
LOL, are your panties to tight, maybe you ought not wear them around your head? #1 there is no such thing as "Reactionary Liberals'"; even if you knew where an apostrophe is properly place your thread would still be ridiculous.

#2, a bit of sarcasm seasoned with hyperbole is a legitimate rhetorical device, especially in a tweet.

#3, a better thread opposing support for "Obamacare" would include a real critique of the ACA and that would not include an hysterical and equally ridiculous use of the term "Socialism".

#4, you might have some credibility if your source wasn't a ridiculous one.

#1. The apostrophe is properly placed for a plural possessive., though your verb conjugation sucks.

#2. I see nothing in the twitter post that indicates enough intelligence to use sarcasm effectively or intentionally.

#3. A better thread supporting obamacare would include supporting facts not shrill tantrums employing words like hysterical and ridiculous.

#4. You might have some credibility if people at USMB were unfamiliar with you.

Thanks so much for sharing, I always appreciate comments from each corner of the echo chamber. That said, you are correct and I was wrong on the use of the apostrophe. Mea culpa that; however, the rest of your babble was just that.

Care to dispute what I said? Declaring my comments babble, is just..... babble.

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