Normal people: What kinds of things do we want to teach our impressionable young ones?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
What kinds of things do we want to teach our impressionable young ones?

Let's make a long list

Here's one:

They should know that EVERYTHING the democrats do is political. Period. End o'sentence!

And I will add to the list but that's good for now bc it is a very very important truth young people need to know.

The requirement for being a normal person leaves out many of this site's most prolific posters.

As a mostly normal person, though, I taught my boys to not sweat the small stuff, to not get sucked into doing things just because others did them, to think for themselves and to take responsibility for their own actions rather than blaming them upon some imaginary sense of victimhood.
NO sex b4 (without) marriage

Sex is of such a nature that yu just can't ... play with that "fire"

Even in marriage, one needs to control one's "natural" urges. I've been celibate for a LONG time and while it took some time for my body to.. uh... get the picture that it wasn't going to be indulged or what have you..

I --no, Jesus and I-- managed to tame the wild beast that... our human sexuality is..

And today, I don't even think about such "needs"... as some people call it. If a human needs sex to live... How do some (priests, nuns..) survive w/o it?

So, young people, don't listen to those who say or imply that you have to have sex.. a big LIE from the Father of Lies

I hope you wait.. and be willing to wait even longer.. for the right one. I've met so many I thought were that... only to be deeply disappointed/heartbroken down the road when i found out (by waiting on God) just how NOT right some person or other was... been "in love" so many times... I found out what a fool I was to think that I (a person very messed up from all I've been through) could actually figure out who was right and who was not...
What kinds of things do we want to teach our impressionable young ones?

Let's make a long list

Here's one:

They should know that EVERYTHING the democrats do is political. Period. End o'sentence!

And I will add to the list but that's good for now bc it is a very very important truth young people need to know.


Go ahead. Young people will figure out soon enough that you're a moron and a lemming.
Go ahead. Young people will figure out soon enough that you're a moron and a lemming.

If more children had learned that elections have consequences, the country would be as fucked up as it is under Biden.

Or maybe we just shouldn't let you children vote, like we did in 2020.
The requirement for being a normal person leaves out many of this site's most prolific posters.

As a mostly normal person, though, I taught my boys to not sweat the small stuff, to not get sucked into doing things just because others did them, to think for themselves and to take responsibility for their own actions rather than blaming them upon some imaginary sense of victimhood.

That's good. I hope you pray and read the wisdom found in Scripture because what I've learned is that wisdom does not come easily to humans.. unless they really want to find it and utilize it in their lives and the lives of their loved ones.. You have to want it.. looks like... as you -- LOL-- imply in the first part of you post... that most people don't want it (much)

the Bible is disparaged these days. . said to be antiquated, but there is so much wisdom there... Even those who dn't believe the Bible is the Word of God realize that.

Example: "Love your neighbor as yourself"

who can argue with that? If eveyrone did that.. the world would be unrecognizable
Teach 'em how to call-up and kill a wild turkey gobbler.

Teach them early how to bait their own hook.
but not every child is interested in fishing or hunting... what say you to them?
If more children had learned that elections have consequences, the country would be as fucked up as it is under Biden.

Or maybe we just shouldn't let you children vote, like we did in 2020.

If we upped the age of voting.. we'd have to up the age at which a man could serve in the military. If you can die for our country, you must be allowed to vote... but hey... Why not make military the exception to the rule?

sounds good
Vote Early. Vote Often!
Only the good die young. Be evil. Live forever. (like my MIL).
Rocks are not free, Citizen!
A Bat and a smile go further than just a Bat.
That's good. I hope you pray and read the wisdom found in Scripture because what I've learned is that wisdom does not come easily to humans.. unless they really want to find it and utilize it in their lives and the lives of their loved ones.. You have to want it.. looks like... as you -- LOL-- imply in the first part of you post... that most people don't want it (much)

the Bible is disparaged these days. . said to be antiquated, but there is so much wisdom there... Even those who dn't believe the Bible is the Word of God realize that.

Example: "Love your neighbor as yourself"

who can argue with that? If eveyrone did that.. the world would be unrecognizable
I am not religious, but think there is a world of wisdom in the sermon on the mount.
Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be. Hamlet
Don't get High off your own Supply. Scarface
Read as many books as you can. Me
Never ask a question you don't know the answer to. Con Law Prof
Don't ride your motorcycle where there's loose gravel on the road. Dad
Look through the shot or else your muzzle will come off the target. Stoeger
If you can see a target you should be shooting the target. Stoeger
If you can't see the target you should be running. Team Mate
Jesus is coming. Everyone look busy! Jesus.
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You and surada are doing a good job of displaying the difference in attitudes between the Stalinists and the non-Stalinists.
You're a little off. Its from this:

I guess I will have to cite sources.
Also Grandpa escaped the Bolsheviks, thanks.
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