Norquist and Islam?

Sorry for placing this in the incorrect section or whatever. I will learn how to post correctly. Your assumption as to the validity of his having ties to the Islamic community is unfortunate. Let me clarify if this asshole may.

If you care to research Mr. Norquist you will find a great deal of information regarding him and his involvement in the Islamic community. The article I find very interesting can be found in the American Thinker dated July 28, 2011.

Perhaps it is of my own ignorance to explore why an individual such as Mr. Norquist can have a strangle hold on the right over a pledge on taxes with congress and their willingness to do harm to the economy and middle class while protecting the wealthy was very much a mystery to me.

I am not attempting to anything but to find out who the hell he is and where he is coming from and in doing so found information that concerned me and requested others input. So excuse me to those who self proclaimed superiority on the issues is offended. Take a minute, check the guy out then shoot your ignorant mouth off on a subject you clearly have read nothing on and only get your freakin marching orders and information fron freakin one sided media outlets. Again sorry about where this thread ended up but I never put on up or whatever as I usually do my confronting face to face and not behind the medium of electronics.

Name calling really is not nice. I would have been more than happy to comply with yopur request if asked in a civil adult manner.
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Sorry about placement, new to this type of format. Read just one article on this guy. Start with American Thinker July 28, 2011 and there is much more that is why I asked for opinions. No need to be unpleasant.
Can you provide a link or something? As far as I can read, he is simply a Conservative Activist.....
Can you provide a link or something? As far as I can read, he is simply a Conservative Activist.....
Archived-Articles: Grover Norquist's Jihad

I think I have more problems with this article than I do with Norquist. The only thing it lacks is the Illuminati.

Just, for example - the article states:

Grover Norquist's ties to Islamic supremacists and jihadists have been known for years. He and his Palestinian wife, Samah Alrayyes -- who was director of communications for his Islamic Free Market Institute until they married in 2005 -- are very active in "Muslim outreach." Just six weeks after 9/11, The New Republic ran an exposé explaining how Norquist arranged for George W. Bush to meet with fifteen Islamic supremacists at the White House on September 26, 2001 -- to show how Muslims rejected terrorism.

Boy is that loaded with red-flag language: his wife is identified as "Palestinian" (which has what to do with anything?) - Muslim outreach (what's wrong with that?) - 15 Islamic Supremicists????

Let's check out one of those Islamic Supremicists:

Salam Al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council: article claims that he told a Los Angeles public radio audience that "we should put the State of Israel on the suspect list" on the afternoon of September 11.

A quick search brings up numerous articles he has written, including this one on blasphemy laws, that starts with this paragraph:

Blasphemy laws or laws prohibiting defamation of a religion are incompatible with Islamic thought and philosophy. The concept of Defamation of Religions denies a person their free will to choose -- one of God's greatest gifts to humanity -- and deprives individuals of their right to free speech and expression. It also creates a climate of intolerance that can breed discrimination and violence...

That doesn't sound much like an Islamic "Supremist" - but I'm guessing the author considers any criticism of Israel sufficient to render the verdict of "Supremist".

Or, how about Muzammil Siddiqi? Another quick search show that on July 28, the group he heads issued a fatwa condemning all acts of terrorism and religious extremism as fundamentally un-Islamic. That's an "Islamic Supremicist"?

I'm suspecting that this author has cherry-picked selective quotes in which to condemn these individuals and if he is this wildly inaccurate on the this, the rest of his article and his conclusions are quite suspect.

Do I have a problem with Grover Norquists ties to Islamic supremacists and Jhadists? Nope, no more than I have a problem with bogles or the tooth fairy. My problem with Norquist is that he's a conservative ;)
Can you provide a link or something? As far as I can read, he is simply a Conservative Activist.....
Archived-Articles: Grover Norquist's Jihad

Not a very persuasive article. It CLAIMS, for example, that Mr. Norquist was "on the Islamic payroll" (whateverthefuck that means) but offers a highlighted LINK that establishes only that Abdurahman Alamoudi gave some checks ($10K each) to something called the Islamic institute.

AA making donations to the Islamic Institute does NOT constitute proof that Norquist is in the "islamic payroll."

Shooddy shit like that doesn't provide much proof of the theme of the OP.
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Sorry for placing this in the incorrect section or whatever. I will learn how to post correctly. Your assumption as to the validity of his having ties to the Islamic community is unfortunate. Let me clarify if this asshole may.

If you care to research Mr. Norquist you will find a great deal of information regarding him and his involvement in the Islamic community. The article I find very interesting can be found in the American Thinker dated July 28, 2011.

Perhaps it is of my own ignorance to explore why an individual such as Mr. Norquist can have a strangle hold on the right over a pledge on taxes with congress and their willingness to do harm to the economy and middle class while protecting the wealthy was very much a mystery to me.

I am not attempting to anything but to find out who the hell he is and where he is coming from and in doing so found information that concerned me and requested others input. So excuse me to those who self proclaimed superiority on the issues is offended. Take a minute, check the guy out then shoot your ignorant mouth off on a subject you clearly have read nothing on and only get your freakin marching orders and information fron freakin one sided media outlets. Again sorry about where this thread ended up but I never put on up or whatever as I usually do my confronting face to face and not behind the medium of electronics.

Name calling really is not nice. I would have been more than happy to comply with yopur request if asked in a civil adult manner.

Very interesting eclectic style from what appears to be the use of an online translator to a full fledged, intimate knowledge of the English language......... Uuummmmmm.........
Now what would you say if his name where Barrack Hussain Obama?

Pretty much the same, something along the lines of your being so full of it your eyes are brown, giving yourself an enema would constitute suicide.......... :dunno:
Norquist is one dude of 300,000,000. I am more bothered by folks who assign weird authorities to private citizens for scare tactics.

Also posing it as a weasily question is annoying. Go right out and say that your think that Grover is a lobbyist for Arab groups, and that is a bad idea because....... whatever.

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