North Carolina bans "Banned Books Week" and then unbans it following publicity

No one is doing that in this country,

BUT your government does that very thing and you're here whining about America where anyone can read any book they want and not have to worry about getting arrested for it.
that is exactly what is being done. Hence "banned books week".
Retards have been given vetos over knowledge.
You guys....passionately defending child porn in public and school you actually understand what you are doing, or are you just repeating the last talking point given out by the democrats?
Moron alert.
Any parent can order any book from any bookstore including Amazon...if a parent wants to expose their young child to oral sex with adults, they can get the books you are defending just about in any bookstore....
So books should only be available to people eho can afford them, Fuck off nazi boi.
If anyone can read a book the book is not banned.

If there are no legal consequences of reading a book it is not banned.

If you can buy a book it is not banned.

You're whining that you can't get a book for free from the fucking government. It's not the responsibility of the government to get books for you.

Tell me what library stocks every single book that has ever been written?
People may not want to pay for it. If they read a lot then that is quite common. Nazis have a problem with books.
Well, I think you are a gross fuck because you somehow, through some sort of malfunction, harbor the delusion that children should have access to material on gay blow jobs and ass sex. It is just … EWWWW! You are a sick fuck.
^ Severely delusional.
People like you should stop defending kiddie porn
I hope the people with delusional beliefs as expressed above get the help they need to understand the difference between fantasy and reality before they do any more harm.

See above.




And here's a thought:

Stop attacking free speech and demanding book bans, and it won't be an issue. :)
I am not defending book bans BECAUSE THERE ARE NO BOOK BANS
that is exactly what is being done. Hence "banned books week".
Retards have been given vetos over knowledge.

We already know you can't discern propaganda from truth

And the books that are not being stocked in school libraries have little to do with knowledge because they are children's story books

What are you doing about your government and it's arresting people for reading books that are actually banned in your country?

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