North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities

I seriously doubt Americans will work on these jobs. The most they will get is minimum wage it's not like $20/hour. And I also seriously doubt prices will only go up by cents.

That is where you are wrong. Americans will work at those jobs, when the market forces the employers to raise wages to a point where Americans will be willing to accept the job.

The United States has been hiring immigrants for over 200 years at sub living wage levels to do jobs nobody else wants to do, but suddenly, the Right knows of a way to change that! I can't wait to share this information with the Irish and Chinese who were the only ones that would hire on to build the transcontinental railroad, the Erie canal, etc., etc....

It never cease to amaz me at how confused/ or at how the left loves to blur the lines

Natural climate change +pollution + junk manipulated incomplete science = all the same

Legal immigrants + illegal immigrants = all the same..

You guys are so dishonest in your hype and talking points it's pathetic.

Mr. Bear... There is a big difference between illegals and legal immigrants. Legal immigrants came through the legal way of immigration process. Some wait several years. Just like my grandparents when they came to America in early 30s. Why would you call that pathetic and dishonest?
The jobs are open. I do not hear them applying.

Considering that unemployment is pretty damn low nowadays, I don't hear people applying for very many jobs. Hell, I've been desperate to hire people myself, paying more than minimum wage. Few and far between are the applicants.
All that matters is---------->this is the hot button issue (illegal immigration) of the upcoming election. Over 70$ of Americans agree we have to shutdown the border, stop them from taking American jobs, and yes.........even send some back.

So no matter what the lefties say on here, they are in the vast minority of Americans; including some of their own politically like minded friends. They can beat the drums each and every day, and twice on Sunday, and all they are really trying to do as usual, is shut people up by making them believe, they are in the minority.

Don't fall for it, and this is one of the wedge issues, that is going to cost them big time in the next election, if it is explained correctly; which is exactly why they want all of us to SHUT-UP!

No one is shutting you up. This is a free country. What is that 70$? What made you think these GOP clown will win 2016? LOL. Last debate by CNBC.... all bunch of complainers. The best you got... They cannot even handle the moderator.
We do not have open borders.
Speaker Ryan is like a double side tape. See Paul Ryan stand on illegal immigration and amnesty in 2013. I'm having problem attaching the link but you can google it. This is screen shot from Google.

Don't expect this to stand. Liberals will start the legal challenges, and if nothing else they'll have the law tied up in the court system.

I'm all for this, but all's we really need to do is go after ALL employers with an iron fist who hire these people, and eventually a sizable percentage of illegals will leave on their own.
This law is 95% political postering. Sanctuary cities are nothing more than cities that do not ask for documentation of alien status without probable cause, which is unconstitutional anyway. Only the E-Verify part of the law is actually something that is being implemented that is new.

More like 100 percent political postering.

Indeed, there actually isn't any such thing as a 'sanctuary city'; jurisdictions aren't 'sheltering' those undocumented, they're in no way 'interfering' with the implementation of Federal immigration law, and they are not 'facilitating' criminal activity.

Jurisdictions are verifying that persons are authorized to work in their capacity as employers and are providing assistance to Federal authorities when requested to detain a person suspected of being in the country absent authorization.

There is nothing in Federal immigration law compelling local jurisdictions to do anything more because the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from forcing state and local governments to enforce Federal laws.
Oh? Then why did the OBAMA Dept of Justice SUE the state of Arizona for making a state law that essentially mirrored the federal law?

...a suit that was upheld by the courts.....
And was summarily dismissed by Arizona. They went and enforced their state law anyway.
Anyway, my response is to a contradiction of the liberal narrative that the federal government is a "supreme power"...

Arizona was trying to make laws regarding national immigration, which is clearly outside of it's jurisdiction, and has been slapped down by the federal court. AZ can not enforce laws that intrude of established federal jurisdiction, and vice versa.
WRONG.....The suit was all about Obama's ego. He wants an open border with mexico. ICE is being told to stand down. AZ got sick of it. So the AZ legislature wrote and passed a law that mandates local LEO's enforce the US law.
Obama would have none of it, so he had the DOJ sue.
Jan Brewer told Obama to stick it. THAT is why Obama went to AZ to see Gov Brewer.
AZ is STILL enforcing the Law.....Despite what some stupid liberal federal judge says.
NC is SPOT on here. And NC is not the only state going down this road....
Interesting how you libs piss and moan about jobs and unions. Yet you support illegal immigration. These are the very people that through their willingness to work for low pay are driving wage levels downward.....
Proving once again that to score political points, you libs would throw your own under the freight train...
Considering that unemployment is pretty damn low nowadays, I don't hear people applying for very many jobs. Hell, I've been desperate to hire people myself, paying more than minimum wage. Few and far between are the applicants.

Unemployment low??? You think that 5.2% number pathological liar obozo gives us is correct???HAHA?? It's more like 20%. If you can't get workers it's because you don't pay enough. Welfare pays better than MW.
I'm all for this, but all's we really need to do is go after ALL employers with an iron fist who hire these people, and eventually a sizable percentage of illegals will leave on their own.

Lots of them are on welfare. I'm all for not giving them jobs but we also have to stop giving them welfare and health care and free k-12.

More like 100 percent political postering.

Indeed, there actually isn't any such thing as a 'sanctuary city'; jurisdictions aren't 'sheltering' those undocumented, they're in no way 'interfering' with the implementation of Federal immigration law, and they are not 'facilitating' criminal activity.

Jurisdictions are verifying that persons are authorized to work in their capacity as employers and are providing assistance to Federal authorities when requested to detain a person suspected of being in the country absent authorization.

There is nothing in Federal immigration law compelling local jurisdictions to do anything more because the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from forcing state and local governments to enforce Federal laws.
Oh? Then why did the OBAMA Dept of Justice SUE the state of Arizona for making a state law that essentially mirrored the federal law?

...a suit that was upheld by the courts.....
And was summarily dismissed by Arizona. They went and enforced their state law anyway.
Anyway, my response is to a contradiction of the liberal narrative that the federal government is a "supreme power"...

Arizona was trying to make laws regarding national immigration, which is clearly outside of it's jurisdiction, and has been slapped down by the federal court. AZ can not enforce laws that intrude of established federal jurisdiction, and vice versa.
WRONG.....The suit was all about Obama's ego. He wants an open border with mexico. ICE is being told to stand down. AZ got sick of it. So the AZ legislature wrote and passed a law that mandates local LEO's enforce the US law.
Obama would have none of it, so he had the DOJ sue.
Jan Brewer told Obama to stick it. THAT is why Obama went to AZ to see Gov Brewer.
AZ is STILL enforcing the Law.....Despite what some stupid liberal federal judge says.
NC is SPOT on here. And NC is not the only state going down this road....
Interesting how you libs piss and moan about jobs and unions. Yet you support illegal immigration. These are the very people that through their willingness to work for low pay are driving wage levels downward.....
Proving once again that to score political points, you libs would throw your own under the freight train...

Well, I'll be! I live here in AZ, and I have not seen anyone enforcing any law that was declared unconstitutional by federal courts. How could I possibly miss something so obvious in my own home state? Of course, if you have links, please share them.
All that matters is---------->this is the hot button issue (illegal immigration) of the upcoming election. Over 70$ of Americans agree we have to shutdown the border, stop them from taking American jobs, and yes.........even send some back.

So no matter what the lefties say on here, they are in the vast minority of Americans; including some of their own politically like minded friends. They can beat the drums each and every day, and twice on Sunday, and all they are really trying to do as usual, is shut people up by making them believe, they are in the minority.

Don't fall for it, and this is one of the wedge issues, that is going to cost them big time in the next election, if it is explained correctly; which is exactly why they want all of us to SHUT-UP!

No one is shutting you up. This is a free country. What is that 70$? What made you think these GOP clown will win 2016? LOL. Last debate by CNBC.... all bunch of complainers. The best you got... They cannot even handle the moderator.
We do not have open borders.
Speaker Ryan is like a double side tape. See Paul Ryan stand on illegal immigration and amnesty in 2013. I'm having problem attaching the link but you can google it. This is screen shot from Google.

And a LOL to you too-) Maybe you are right! No, you can't be right, because you are left, which means we will say "you might be correct." But, after Bevin won in Kentucky, and most of the states have Republican senates and Houses; acquired after Obama (the messiah, praise be his name) was elected, I would kinda start to question your own parties propaganda how it is "in the bag" if I was you.

All that matters is---------->this is the hot button issue (illegal immigration) of the upcoming election. Over 70$ of Americans agree we have to shutdown the border, stop them from taking American jobs, and yes.........even send some back.

So no matter what the lefties say on here, they are in the vast minority of Americans; including some of their own politically like minded friends. They can beat the drums each and every day, and twice on Sunday, and all they are really trying to do as usual, is shut people up by making them believe, they are in the minority.

Don't fall for it, and this is one of the wedge issues, that is going to cost them big time in the next election, if it is explained correctly; which is exactly why they want all of us to SHUT-UP!

No one is shutting you up. This is a free country. What is that 70$? What made you think these GOP clown will win 2016? LOL. Last debate by CNBC.... all bunch of complainers. The best you got... They cannot even handle the moderator.
We do not have open borders.
Speaker Ryan is like a double side tape. See Paul Ryan stand on illegal immigration and amnesty in 2013. I'm having problem attaching the link but you can google it. This is screen shot from Google.

And a LOL to you too-) Maybe you are right! No, you can't be right, because you are left, which means we will say "you might be correct." But, after Bevin won in Kentucky, and most of the states have Republican senates and Houses; acquired after Obama (the messiah, praise be his name) was elected, I would kinda start to question your own parties propaganda how it is "in the bag" if I was you.

I am right. This means YOU lost.
All that matters is---------->this is the hot button issue (illegal immigration) of the upcoming election. Over 70$ of Americans agree we have to shutdown the border, stop them from taking American jobs, and yes.........even send some back.

So no matter what the lefties say on here, they are in the vast minority of Americans; including some of their own politically like minded friends. They can beat the drums each and every day, and twice on Sunday, and all they are really trying to do as usual, is shut people up by making them believe, they are in the minority.

Don't fall for it, and this is one of the wedge issues, that is going to cost them big time in the next election, if it is explained correctly; which is exactly why they want all of us to SHUT-UP!

No one is shutting you up. This is a free country. What is that 70$? What made you think these GOP clown will win 2016? LOL. Last debate by CNBC.... all bunch of complainers. The best you got... They cannot even handle the moderator.
We do not have open borders.
Speaker Ryan is like a double side tape. See Paul Ryan stand on illegal immigration and amnesty in 2013. I'm having problem attaching the link but you can google it. This is screen shot from Google.

And a LOL to you too-) Maybe you are right! No, you can't be right, because you are left, which means we will say "you might be correct." But, after Bevin won in Kentucky, and most of the states have Republican senates and Houses; acquired after Obama (the messiah, praise be his name) was elected, I would kinda start to question your own parties propaganda how it is "in the bag" if I was you.

I am right. This means YOU lost.

No, you are left, a lib, a socialist, a climate changer, an economy killer, a messiah supporter. I think, you may have won the last time, but have a very good chance of losing this time around!
All that matters is---------->this is the hot button issue (illegal immigration) of the upcoming election. Over 70$ of Americans agree we have to shutdown the border, stop them from taking American jobs, and yes.........even send some back.

So no matter what the lefties say on here, they are in the vast minority of Americans; including some of their own politically like minded friends. They can beat the drums each and every day, and twice on Sunday, and all they are really trying to do as usual, is shut people up by making them believe, they are in the minority.

Don't fall for it, and this is one of the wedge issues, that is going to cost them big time in the next election, if it is explained correctly; which is exactly why they want all of us to SHUT-UP!

No one is shutting you up. This is a free country. What is that 70$? What made you think these GOP clown will win 2016? LOL. Last debate by CNBC.... all bunch of complainers. The best you got... They cannot even handle the moderator.
We do not have open borders.
Speaker Ryan is like a double side tape. See Paul Ryan stand on illegal immigration and amnesty in 2013. I'm having problem attaching the link but you can google it. This is screen shot from Google.

And a LOL to you too-) Maybe you are right! No, you can't be right, because you are left, which means we will say "you might be correct." But, after Bevin won in Kentucky, and most of the states have Republican senates and Houses; acquired after Obama (the messiah, praise be his name) was elected, I would kinda start to question your own parties propaganda how it is "in the bag" if I was you.

I am right. This means YOU lost.

No, you are left, a lib, a socialist, a climate changer, an economy killer, a messiah supporter. I think, you may have won the last time, but have a very good chance of losing this time around!

Means you don't know nothing.
Well, I'll be! I live here in AZ, and I have not seen anyone enforcing any law that was declared unconstitutional by federal courts. How could I possibly miss something so obvious in my own home state? Of course, if you have links, please share them.

Sorry but the constitution says all legislative powers rest with congress. Courts cannot repeal laws.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

yeah, it's good thing, lets get all this cheap labore and keep wages low, nice job democrats. So you hate low wages, but love illegals, hmmmmmmmm
Yes I hate low wages. Thats why when I got a better job then opened my own business. I've never fallen in love with an illegal and I dont know where you got the idea I had.

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