North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities


Are you really stupid or is this just an act? School districts are required to enroll illegal aliens. Fact. End of story!

Show us the law that says they have to. I said law, not court opinion.

I guess you are unfamiliar with the term case law. Maybe you should have studied harder in your civics class. That is what Plyer v, Doe is.

I also have a Master's degree in school administration, so I am not wrong.

Unfortunately, you are wrong about sanctuary cities. Tucson, for example, would have no problem detaining undocumented illegals who have been collared for probably cause, but only if the feds reimburse the city for such detention.

They won't. That makes them a 'sanctuary city".

So why is that a city responsibility? A sanctuary city will NOT arrest or even report illegals to ICE. You are wrong.
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I seriously doubt Americans will work on these jobs. The most they will get is minimum wage it's not like $20/hour. And I also seriously doubt prices will only go up by cents.

That is where you are wrong. Americans will work at those jobs, when the market forces the employers to raise wages to a point where Americans will be willing to accept the job.
All that matters is---------->this is the hot button issue (illegal immigration) of the upcoming election. Over 70$ of Americans agree we have to shutdown the border, stop them from taking American jobs, and yes.........even send some back.

So no matter what the lefties say on here, they are in the vast minority of Americans; including some of their own politically like minded friends. They can beat the drums each and every day, and twice on Sunday, and all they are really trying to do as usual, is shut people up by making them believe, they are in the minority.

Don't fall for it, and this is one of the wedge issues, that is going to cost them big time in the next election, if it is explained correctly; which is exactly why they want all of us to SHUT-UP!
I seriously doubt Americans will work on these jobs. The most they will get is minimum wage it's not like $20/hour. And I also seriously doubt prices will only go up by cents.

That is where you are wrong. Americans will work at those jobs, when the market forces the employers to raise wages to a point where Americans will be willing to accept the job.

The United States has been hiring immigrants for over 200 years at sub living wage levels to do jobs nobody else wants to do, but suddenly, the Right knows of a way to change that! I can't wait to share this information with the Irish and Chinese who were the only ones that would hire on to build the transcontinental railroad, the Erie canal, etc., etc....
The United States has been hiring immigrants for over 200 years at sub living wage levels to do jobs nobody else wants to do

So you mean to tell me that all of a sudden the left supports eliminating the minimum wage and paying workers slave wages?

Oh, I misunderstood. You meant to say that the left has always advocated for people being subjected to poverty.
I guess you are unfamiliar with the term case law. Maybe you should have studied harder in your civics class. That is what Plyer v, Doe is.

Yes indeed. Even judges use that term and admit they are writing laws, even though the constitution says only congress can write laws. THINK.
The United States has been hiring immigrants for over 200 years at sub living wage levels to do jobs nobody else wants to do

So you mean to tell me that all of a sudden the left supports eliminating the minimum wage and paying workers slave wages?

Oh, I misunderstood. You meant to say that the left has always advocated for people being subjected to poverty.

Why, of course, Swim! Since the Left has been in charge of this nation since 1782, that is why this nation has always had immigrants digging our canals, building our railroads, and harvesting our vegetables! (idiot).
This law is 95% political postering. Sanctuary cities are nothing more than cities that do not ask for documentation of alien status without probable cause, which is unconstitutional anyway. Only the E-Verify part of the law is actually something that is being implemented that is new.

More like 100 percent political postering.

Indeed, there actually isn't any such thing as a 'sanctuary city'; jurisdictions aren't 'sheltering' those undocumented, they're in no way 'interfering' with the implementation of Federal immigration law, and they are not 'facilitating' criminal activity.

Jurisdictions are verifying that persons are authorized to work in their capacity as employers and are providing assistance to Federal authorities when requested to detain a person suspected of being in the country absent authorization.

There is nothing in Federal immigration law compelling local jurisdictions to do anything more because the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from forcing state and local governments to enforce Federal laws.
Oh? Then why did the OBAMA Dept of Justice SUE the state of Arizona for making a state law that essentially mirrored the federal law?

...a suit that was upheld by the courts.....
And was summarily dismissed by Arizona. They went and enforced their state law anyway.
Anyway, my response is to a contradiction of the liberal narrative that the federal government is a "supreme power"...
I guess you are unfamiliar with the term case law. Maybe you should have studied harder in your civics class. That is what Plyer v, Doe is.

Yes indeed. Even judges use that term and admit they are writing laws, even though the constitution says only congress can write laws. THINK.
The judicial branch exists so that the people have a place to seek redress from government. The courts also represent the one place where the individual may be represented.
At times, rulings actually do make new law. Or change it.
Every time this occurs, it is up to the respective legislation to act..
This law is 95% political postering. Sanctuary cities are nothing more than cities that do not ask for documentation of alien status without probable cause, which is unconstitutional anyway. Only the E-Verify part of the law is actually something that is being implemented that is new.

More like 100 percent political postering.

Indeed, there actually isn't any such thing as a 'sanctuary city'; jurisdictions aren't 'sheltering' those undocumented, they're in no way 'interfering' with the implementation of Federal immigration law, and they are not 'facilitating' criminal activity.

Jurisdictions are verifying that persons are authorized to work in their capacity as employers and are providing assistance to Federal authorities when requested to detain a person suspected of being in the country absent authorization.

There is nothing in Federal immigration law compelling local jurisdictions to do anything more because the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from forcing state and local governments to enforce Federal laws.
Oh? Then why did the OBAMA Dept of Justice SUE the state of Arizona for making a state law that essentially mirrored the federal law?

...a suit that was upheld by the courts.....
And was summarily dismissed by Arizona. They went and enforced their state law anyway.
Anyway, my response is to a contradiction of the liberal narrative that the federal government is a "supreme power"...

Arizona was trying to make laws regarding national immigration, which is clearly outside of it's jurisdiction, and has been slapped down by the federal court. AZ can not enforce laws that intrude of established federal jurisdiction, and vice versa.
I seriously doubt Americans will work on these jobs. The most they will get is minimum wage it's not like $20/hour. And I also seriously doubt prices will only go up by cents.

That is where you are wrong. Americans will work at those jobs, when the market forces the employers to raise wages to a point where Americans will be willing to accept the job.

The United States has been hiring immigrants for over 200 years at sub living wage levels to do jobs nobody else wants to do, but suddenly, the Right knows of a way to change that! I can't wait to share this information with the Irish and Chinese who were the only ones that would hire on to build the transcontinental railroad, the Erie canal, etc., etc....

It never cease to amaz me at how confused/ or at how the left loves to blur the lines

Natural climate change +pollution + junk manipulated incomplete science = all the same

Legal immigrants + illegal immigrants = all the same..

You guys are so dishonest in your hype and talking points it's pathetic.
I seriously doubt Americans will work on these jobs. The most they will get is minimum wage it's not like $20/hour. And I also seriously doubt prices will only go up by cents.

That is where you are wrong. Americans will work at those jobs, when the market forces the employers to raise wages to a point where Americans will be willing to accept the job.

The United States has been hiring immigrants for over 200 years at sub living wage levels to do jobs nobody else wants to do, but suddenly, the Right knows of a way to change that! I can't wait to share this information with the Irish and Chinese who were the only ones that would hire on to build the transcontinental railroad, the Erie canal, etc., etc....

It never cease to amaz me at how confused/ or at how the left loves to blur the lines

Natural climate change +pollution + junk manipulated incomplete science = all the same

Legal immigrants + illegal immigrants = all the same..

You guys are so dishonest in your hype and talking points it's pathetic.

Ok, Bear, I get it. you are saying that, before we give the jobs below the poverty level to the immigrants, we should make sure that they are legal. That way, we are able to exploit foreigners to do jobs that we don't want to do, and still make the Right happy about having no illegal immigrants. I guess that is a win/win situation. I am not sure that you have thought it out, though.These legal immigrants would then have full citizenship privileges, and be able to vote, collect SS, and unemployment, etc. In fact, I am somewhat confused, because I did not know that you were a democrat. So, since this is your position, you are in favor of Obama's path to citizenship amnesty immigration program, right?
That way, we are able to exploit foreigners to do jobs that we don't want to do

That's what it always comes to with the left, isn't it? Exploit someone else, force them to do something you don't want to do, and be stuck in poverty while doing it.
Arizona was trying to make laws regarding national immigration, which is clearly outside of it's jurisdiction, and has been slapped down by the federal court. AZ can not enforce laws that intrude of established federal jurisdiction, and vice versa.

The constitution grants congress authority "to establish a uniform rule of naturalization". That is it. By the tenth amendment, everything else re immigration is under state jurisdiction. AZ was in the right and should have told the feds FO.
I seriously doubt Americans will work on these jobs. The most they will get is minimum wage it's not like $20/hour. And I also seriously doubt prices will only go up by cents.

That is where you are wrong. Americans will work at those jobs, when the market forces the employers to raise wages to a point where Americans will be willing to accept the job.

Actually I already gave you an example post #133. Home care are being audited by Health and labor department. There are no illegals working on these establishments. Only legal immigrants making minimum wage. Only people that works there are Asian and Hispanics. NO Americans. Yes they applied for these jobs but after witnessing that they have to wipe people ass etc. they walked out. You make such claim when you have not proven any facts. You are correct if you are talking about high end jobs but illegals are even there yet.
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Actually I already gave you an example post #133. Home care are being audited by Health and labor department. There are no illegals working on these establishments. Only legal immigrants making minimum wage. Only people that works there are Asian and Hispanics. NO Americans.

Seeing as I personally know Americans who have and do work in home care, I call bullshit.
Actually I already gave you an example post #133. Home care are being audited by Health and labor department. There are no illegals working on these establishments. Only legal immigrants making minimum wage. Only people that works there are Asian and Hispanics. NO Americans.

Seeing as I personally know Americans who have and do work in home care, I call bullshit.
The jobs are open. I do not hear them applying. You can bullshit however you want but I rely on facts. Even my gardener will not work for these jobs. You... What you got to tell me?

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