North Korea Attacks!


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
The invasion force is at sea! We're DOOMED!


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Your either very ignorant or naïve.

In 2010, the North Koreans sank a South Korean warship, killing 46, and launched an artillery barrage on an island that killed two of its civilians and two South Korean marines.
North Korean forces are arrayed along the demilitarized zone with 10,000 artillery pieces capable of reaching Seoul, said Bruce Klingner, a former CIA analyst now at the Heritage Foundation.

That proximity would let them cause a lot of casualties and damage in the initial stages of an attack. The North Koreans have about 1.1 million troops in their armed forces. Three-quarters of them are staged within 60 miles of the DMZ, Klingner said.

They also have long-range missiles capable of reaching targets in Japan and U.S. bases in Guam, Okinawa and the Japanese mainland.

Any conventional attack from the North would likely begin with an artillery barrage, which could include chemical weapons. The North Koreans have 5,000 tons of chemical warheads.

"They would try to overwhelm U.S. and Korean forces with volume," he said.

The artillery barrage would probably be followed by a blitzkrieg of tanks. The North has at least 4,000 tanks, though most of them are older Soviet-era models. Mechanized forces and infantry could also pour across the border. The North's special forces could infiltrate south in advance of an assault.

U.S. warplanes would attempt to destroy the artillery and tanks quickly in precision airstrikes, said Michael O'Hanlon, a military analyst at the Brookings Institution. The worst case: a nuclear missile or aircraft carrying such a weapon could slip through the South's defenses.

Any initial assault would face about 28,500 U.S. troops and about 600,000 troops in the South Korean armed forces.

North Korean forces are arrayed along the demilitarized zone with 10,000 artillery pieces capable of reaching Seoul, said Bruce Klingner, a former CIA analyst now at the Heritage Foundation.

That proximity would let them cause a lot of casualties and damage in the initial stages of an attack. The North Koreans have about 1.1 million troops in their armed forces. Three-quarters of them are staged within 60 miles of the DMZ, Klingner said.

They also have long-range missiles capable of reaching targets in Japan and U.S. bases in Guam, Okinawa and the Japanese mainland.

Any conventional attack from the North would likely begin with an artillery barrage, which could include chemical weapons. The North Koreans have 5,000 tons of chemical warheads, Klingner said.

"They would try to overwhelm U.S. and Korean forces with volume," he said.

The artillery barrage would probably be followed by a blitzkrieg of tanks. The North has at least 4,000 tanks, though most of them are older Soviet-era models. Mechanized forces and infantry could also pour across the border. The North's special forces could infiltrate south in advance of an assault.

U.S. warplanes would attempt to destroy the artillery and tanks quickly in precision airstrikes, said Michael O'Hanlon, a military analyst at the Brookings Institution. The worst case: a nuclear missile or aircraft carrying such a weapon could slip through the South's defenses.

Any initial assault would face about 28,500 U.S. troops and about 600,000 troops in the South Korean armed forces.

"In the war game simulations eventually we prevail, but it's World War I (levels of) casualties," Klingner said.
I really hope North Korea doesn't collapse before I'm able to visit there. That culture is an obsolete artifact of the darkest days of the 20th century. I find an archaic Orwellian society so heavy on brain washing and bullshit utterly fascinating.

And North Korea isn't scary because of North Korea. North Korea is scary because they're a puppet of China and any trigger in that area could start a World War scenario.


I wonder if they pooped their pants when Obama sent those stealth bombers over there for South Korea's training exercises. They know their nation is crumbling...


What do you expect out of a country whose most sophisticated tool is a broom?
I'm guessing Kim Jong-dumbya......

What're the chances Daddy Bush did some screwin'-around (around the Koreas), when he was running the CIA?


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