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North Korea preparing EMP strike on the United States.

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Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Would the effect of an EMP be permanent, irreversible, or would certain things be fixable and be able to be up and running again?

I once read that an EMP just melts everything, resulting in the damage being irreversible.

Didn't the North Koreans send some kind of satellite up and it flew directly over the stadium in low orbit during the last Superbowl when it was being played ? That's what got me thinking about their capability to hit us with a low yield EMP.
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Would the effect of an EMP be permanent, irreversible, or would certain things be fixable and be able to be up and running again?

I once read that an EMP just melts everything, resulting in the damage being irreversible.

Yes and no. It'll blow the transformers, reportedly we don't have enough of the things to replace them all, so power would be out for years before we could replace them all most likely. Fucking dipshits in the urban areas can't even make it a day without freaking the fuck out and rioting (well they riot about almost anything so whatever.)

Good news, us rural folk can hang without power a good while... The preppers stocked up, they're ready and they'll weather months. Thing is, people will come to steal the food/water from folks who planned ahead (sound familiar to anyone?) Shit will get bloody in the lower 48, I feel bad for ya'll...
North Korea has had exactly ONE successful launch from the water. North Korea's submarine fleet are old ass former Russian and Chinese subs that would be a museum in the United States.
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Would the effect of an EMP be permanent, irreversible, or would certain things be fixable and be able to be up and running again?

I once read that an EMP just melts everything, resulting in the damage being irreversible.

Here's a good thingy to read on EMP's




Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh

You guys can stand down. If Kim Jung Looney wanted to make a first strike --- it wouldn't be on the Yukon. Because about 20 minutes later -- his whole Looney bin would be fused and molten basic chemistry. .

Meh depends which way idiot boy wants to go, he /could/ decide to take out the US's Space Missile Defense (Up here primarily) first, although if he's going to go that far, I imagine EMP is the least of the lower 48s problems cause I bet a nuke follow shortly heh

Also: Alaska will /never/ stand down Sir.

Well good. Because we need you guys to watch them come in, track them and watch them land. Any INTERCEPTION capability that we're left with since the Reagan SDI concept was gutted --- is just sketchy. We were told you couldn't detonate ANYTHING in space -- the point at which the nuclear payload is at its' slowest. So we were relegated to trying to shoot a bullet with bullet type of defensive missile system. One that works less than 50% of the time on SIMPLE tests.

Here's the sorry conquences of Congress NOT PLANNING 20 years out for partisan political reasons.. They've just been dicking around rather than working on TRUE continental defense system..

US missile defense: Getting to 'ready' on North Korea threat

Since 2004, the US has deployed rocket interceptors at Ft. Greeley, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Currently there are 36; that number is scheduled to rise to 44 by the end of 2017.

The three-stage interceptors are intended to target missile warheads in the middle of their ballistic course from launch to target. They carry “kill vehicle” warheads of their own, which separate from the launcher and maneuver towards the coasting nuclear warheads. An upgraded Redesigned Kill Vehicle is in the works. Testing won’t begin for a few years; deployment is currently scheduled for 2020.

Testing record: 9 of 17 attempts successful

Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh

You guys can stand down. If Kim Jung Looney wanted to make a first strike --- it wouldn't be on the Yukon. Because about 20 minutes later -- his whole Looney bin would be fused and molten basic chemistry. .

Meh depends which way idiot boy wants to go, he /could/ decide to take out the US's Space Missile Defense (Up here primarily) first, although if he's going to go that far, I imagine EMP is the least of the lower 48s problems cause I bet a nuke follow shortly heh

Also: Alaska will /never/ stand down Sir.

Well good. Because we need you guys to watch them come in, track them and watch them land. Any INTERCEPTION capability that we're left with since the Reagan SDI concept was gutted --- is just sketchy. We were told you couldn't detonate ANYTHING in space -- the point at which the nuclear payload is at its' slowest. So we were relegated to trying to shoot a bullet with bullet type of defensive missile system. One that works less than 50% of the time on SIMPLE tests.

Here's the sorry conquences of Congress NOT PLANNING 20 years out for partisan political reasons.. They've just been dicking around rather than working on TRUE continental defense system..

US missile defense: Getting to 'ready' on North Korea threat

Since 2004, the US has deployed rocket interceptors at Ft. Greeley, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Currently there are 36; that number is scheduled to rise to 44 by the end of 2017.

The three-stage interceptors are intended to target missile warheads in the middle of their ballistic course from launch to target. They carry “kill vehicle” warheads of their own, which separate from the launcher and maneuver towards the coasting nuclear warheads. An upgraded Redesigned Kill Vehicle is in the works. Testing won’t begin for a few years; deployment is currently scheduled for 2020.

Testing record: 9 of 17 attempts successful

Are you trying to say NORAD wouldn't be able to track missiles from North Korea? Do you think an EMP would really disrupt NORAD's abilities? It is so well protected and I'm sure it has it's own power source...
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Would the effect of an EMP be permanent, irreversible, or would certain things be fixable and be able to be up and running again?

I once read that an EMP just melts everything, resulting in the damage being irreversible.

It depends on what they use, how they do it. Hell the Sun could give an EMP like attack on us. Of course the term used would be solar flare but it could do the same thing wipe out the power grid.

It is said if an EMP was set off they would do it in the center of the Country which would take out a large portion of the main grids...

"It is said if an EMP was set off they would do it in the center of the Country which would take out a large portion of the main grids..."

This is what I was meaning, an EMP directed centrally, the ray spreading out melting everything electrical in it's path and melting your main grids, that would be then Coast to Coast.

How would any of that not be irreversible?

Also what is considered the central point in America, I looked at a map and I think perhaps Missouri, yes?
Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh

You guys can stand down. If Kim Jung Looney wanted to make a first strike --- it wouldn't be on the Yukon. Because about 20 minutes later -- his whole Looney bin would be fused and molten basic chemistry. .

Meh depends which way idiot boy wants to go, he /could/ decide to take out the US's Space Missile Defense (Up here primarily) first, although if he's going to go that far, I imagine EMP is the least of the lower 48s problems cause I bet a nuke follow shortly heh

Also: Alaska will /never/ stand down Sir.

Well good. Because we need you guys to watch them come in, track them and watch them land. Any INTERCEPTION capability that we're left with since the Reagan SDI concept was gutted --- is just sketchy. We were told you couldn't detonate ANYTHING in space -- the point at which the nuclear payload is at its' slowest. So we were relegated to trying to shoot a bullet with bullet type of defensive missile system. One that works less than 50% of the time on SIMPLE tests.

Here's the sorry conquences of Congress NOT PLANNING 20 years out for partisan political reasons.. They've just been dicking around rather than working on TRUE continental defense system..

US missile defense: Getting to 'ready' on North Korea threat

Since 2004, the US has deployed rocket interceptors at Ft. Greeley, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Currently there are 36; that number is scheduled to rise to 44 by the end of 2017.

The three-stage interceptors are intended to target missile warheads in the middle of their ballistic course from launch to target. They carry “kill vehicle” warheads of their own, which separate from the launcher and maneuver towards the coasting nuclear warheads. An upgraded Redesigned Kill Vehicle is in the works. Testing won’t begin for a few years; deployment is currently scheduled for 2020.

Testing record: 9 of 17 attempts successful

Are you trying to say NORAD wouldn't be able to track missiles from North Korea? Do you think an EMP would really disrupt NORAD's abilities? It is so well protected and I'm sure it has it's own power source...

Yeah but it seems there is always a counter defense to take anything out. Meaning when we make something to beat everyone else's bs, they up us one and build something to then take that out. Them meaning whatever the hell Country is out to Trump our defense systems .
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Would the effect of an EMP be permanent, irreversible, or would certain things be fixable and be able to be up and running again?

I once read that an EMP just melts everything, resulting in the damage being irreversible.

It depends on what they use, how they do it. Hell the Sun could give an EMP like attack on us. Of course the term used would be solar flare but it could do the same thing wipe out the power grid.

It is said if an EMP was set off they would do it in the center of the Country which would take out a large portion of the main grids...

"It is said if an EMP was set off they would do it in the center of the Country which would take out a large portion of the main grids..."

This is what I was meaning, an EMP directed centrally, the ray spreading out melting everything electrical in it's path and melting your main grids, that would be then Coast to Coast.

How would any of that not be irreversible?

Also what is considered the central point in America, I looked at a map and I think perhaps Missouri, yes?

Oh yes I've heard that too, if it was set off right in the center of our Country it would wipe everyone out.
So is my post correct? Did the Norks send a satellite directly over the game during the Superbowl?
So is my post correct? Did the Norks send a satellite directly over the game during the Superbowl?

You are correct Steve, I just Googled.

February 8th, 2016 article:

North Korea's new satellite flew over Super Bowl site

"TOKYO - Here's a bit of Super Bowl trivia: North Korea's newest satellite passed almost right over the stadium just an hour after it ended.

Whatever motives Pyongyang may have about using its rocket launches to develop nuclear-tipped long-range missiles, it now has two satellites circling the Earth, according to NORAD, the North American Aerospace Command, which monitors all satellites in orbit.

Both of the Kwangmyongsong, or "Shining Star," satellites complete their orbits in about 94 minutes and based on data released by international organizations tracking them, the new one passed almost right over Levi's Stadium about an hour after the Super Bowl ended.

"It passed almost directly overhead Silicon Valley, which is where I am and where the stadium is," tech watcher Martyn Williams said in an email to The Associated Press. "The pass happened at 8:26 p.m., after the game. I would put it down to nothing more than a coincidence, but an interesting one."

The game in Santa Clara, California, ended at 7:25 p.m. local time.

In a statement, North Korea's National Aerospace Development Administration, in typical propaganda-laden language, praised "the fascinating vapor of Juche satellite trailing in the clear and blue sky in spring of February on the threshold of the Day of the Shining Star." Juche is a North Korean philosophy focusing on self-reliance; the Day of the Shining Star refers to the Feb. 16 birthday of former dictator Kim Jong Il. North Korea has previously staged rocket launches to mark important anniversaries.

North Korea claims Sunday's successful satellite launch was its fourth."

Here's the article.

North Korea's new satellite flew over Super Bowl site

More articles:

North Korea's new satellite flies over Super Bowl as Pyongyang celebrates | Daily Mail Online

It wasn't just Beyonce who made an appearance at the Super Bowl, North Korea turned up too

A North Korean satellite passed over Levi’s Stadium after the Super Bowl ended

North Korean satellite flew over Levi's Stadium just after Super Bowl | FOX Sports
Kim gonna hit us with his CGI army? :badgrin:

They don't have that kind of technology. Somebody over there is quite proficient with CGI, though.
Last edited:
Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh

You guys can stand down. If Kim Jung Looney wanted to make a first strike --- it wouldn't be on the Yukon. Because about 20 minutes later -- his whole Looney bin would be fused and molten basic chemistry. .

Meh depends which way idiot boy wants to go, he /could/ decide to take out the US's Space Missile Defense (Up here primarily) first, although if he's going to go that far, I imagine EMP is the least of the lower 48s problems cause I bet a nuke follow shortly heh

Also: Alaska will /never/ stand down Sir.

Well good. Because we need you guys to watch them come in, track them and watch them land. Any INTERCEPTION capability that we're left with since the Reagan SDI concept was gutted --- is just sketchy. We were told you couldn't detonate ANYTHING in space -- the point at which the nuclear payload is at its' slowest. So we were relegated to trying to shoot a bullet with bullet type of defensive missile system. One that works less than 50% of the time on SIMPLE tests.

Here's the sorry conquences of Congress NOT PLANNING 20 years out for partisan political reasons.. They've just been dicking around rather than working on TRUE continental defense system..

US missile defense: Getting to 'ready' on North Korea threat

Since 2004, the US has deployed rocket interceptors at Ft. Greeley, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Currently there are 36; that number is scheduled to rise to 44 by the end of 2017.

The three-stage interceptors are intended to target missile warheads in the middle of their ballistic course from launch to target. They carry “kill vehicle” warheads of their own, which separate from the launcher and maneuver towards the coasting nuclear warheads. An upgraded Redesigned Kill Vehicle is in the works. Testing won’t begin for a few years; deployment is currently scheduled for 2020.

Testing record: 9 of 17 attempts successful

Are you trying to say NORAD wouldn't be able to track missiles from North Korea? Do you think an EMP would really disrupt NORAD's abilities? It is so well protected and I'm sure it has it's own power source...

Yeah but it seems there is always a counter defense to take anything out. Meaning when we make something to beat everyone else's bs, they up us one and build something to then take that out. Them meaning whatever the hell Country is out to Trump our defense systems .

Ok let's go over a few things first. It is already pretty well known despite the U.S. trying to hide it, we can hack North Korean missiles and make them explode or crash. Secondly, despite you thinking it is funny, North Korea's fleet of subs are almost entirely old Russian and Chinese subs that would be retired from the the United States Navy. Thirdly, once again something you thought was funny, North Korea has had ONE successful "water" launch of a missile. Lastly, let's go over a series of events that would have to happen:

1. North Korea would have to send out their subs without the U.S. satellite systems noticing it.
2. The U.S. Navy would have to lose track of those subs.
3. North Korea would have to have a successful "water" launch.
4. The U.S. would have to fail to hack the missile.
5. The U.S. missile defense system which is a little different than how FlaCalTenn has mentioned... in which a missile tracks the other missile and then explodes in front of it sending out multiple projectiles in order to damage/destroy the other missile. It is not quite the same as "shooting a bullet with another bullet."

So ALL that would have to happen in order for North Korea to detonate a nuclear missile over the U.S. main land in order to create an EMP.
You guys can stand down. If Kim Jung Looney wanted to make a first strike --- it wouldn't be on the Yukon. Because about 20 minutes later -- his whole Looney bin would be fused and molten basic chemistry. .

Meh depends which way idiot boy wants to go, he /could/ decide to take out the US's Space Missile Defense (Up here primarily) first, although if he's going to go that far, I imagine EMP is the least of the lower 48s problems cause I bet a nuke follow shortly heh

Also: Alaska will /never/ stand down Sir.

Well good. Because we need you guys to watch them come in, track them and watch them land. Any INTERCEPTION capability that we're left with since the Reagan SDI concept was gutted --- is just sketchy. We were told you couldn't detonate ANYTHING in space -- the point at which the nuclear payload is at its' slowest. So we were relegated to trying to shoot a bullet with bullet type of defensive missile system. One that works less than 50% of the time on SIMPLE tests.

Here's the sorry conquences of Congress NOT PLANNING 20 years out for partisan political reasons.. They've just been dicking around rather than working on TRUE continental defense system..

US missile defense: Getting to 'ready' on North Korea threat

Since 2004, the US has deployed rocket interceptors at Ft. Greeley, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Currently there are 36; that number is scheduled to rise to 44 by the end of 2017.

The three-stage interceptors are intended to target missile warheads in the middle of their ballistic course from launch to target. They carry “kill vehicle” warheads of their own, which separate from the launcher and maneuver towards the coasting nuclear warheads. An upgraded Redesigned Kill Vehicle is in the works. Testing won’t begin for a few years; deployment is currently scheduled for 2020.

Testing record: 9 of 17 attempts successful

Are you trying to say NORAD wouldn't be able to track missiles from North Korea? Do you think an EMP would really disrupt NORAD's abilities? It is so well protected and I'm sure it has it's own power source...

Yeah but it seems there is always a counter defense to take anything out. Meaning when we make something to beat everyone else's bs, they up us one and build something to then take that out. Them meaning whatever the hell Country is out to Trump our defense systems .

Ok let's go over a few things first. It is already pretty well known despite the U.S. trying to hide it, we can hack North Korean missiles and make them explode or crash. Secondly, despite you thinking it is funny, North Korea's fleet of subs are almost entirely old Russian and Chinese subs that would be retired from the the United States Navy. Thirdly, once again something you thought was funny, North Korea has had ONE successful "water" launch of a missile. Lastly, let's go over a series of events that would have to happen:

1. North Korea would have to send out their subs without the U.S. satellite systems noticing it.
2. The U.S. Navy would have to lose track of those subs.
3. North Korea would have to have a successful "water" launch.
4. The U.S. would have to fail to hack the missile.
5. The U.S. missile defense system which is a little different than how FlaCalTenn has mentioned... in which a missile tracks the other missile and then explodes in front of it sending out multiple projectiles in order to damage/destroy the other missile. It is not quite the same as "shooting a bullet with another bullet."

So ALL that would have to happen in order for North Korea to detonate a nuclear missile over the U.S. main land in order to create an EMP.

Thanks for taking the time to explain that. :udaman:
Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh

You guys can stand down. If Kim Jung Looney wanted to make a first strike --- it wouldn't be on the Yukon. Because about 20 minutes later -- his whole Looney bin would be fused and molten basic chemistry. .

Meh depends which way idiot boy wants to go, he /could/ decide to take out the US's Space Missile Defense (Up here primarily) first, although if he's going to go that far, I imagine EMP is the least of the lower 48s problems cause I bet a nuke follow shortly heh

Also: Alaska will /never/ stand down Sir.

Well good. Because we need you guys to watch them come in, track them and watch them land. Any INTERCEPTION capability that we're left with since the Reagan SDI concept was gutted --- is just sketchy. We were told you couldn't detonate ANYTHING in space -- the point at which the nuclear payload is at its' slowest. So we were relegated to trying to shoot a bullet with bullet type of defensive missile system. One that works less than 50% of the time on SIMPLE tests.

Here's the sorry conquences of Congress NOT PLANNING 20 years out for partisan political reasons.. They've just been dicking around rather than working on TRUE continental defense system..

US missile defense: Getting to 'ready' on North Korea threat

Since 2004, the US has deployed rocket interceptors at Ft. Greeley, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Currently there are 36; that number is scheduled to rise to 44 by the end of 2017.

The three-stage interceptors are intended to target missile warheads in the middle of their ballistic course from launch to target. They carry “kill vehicle” warheads of their own, which separate from the launcher and maneuver towards the coasting nuclear warheads. An upgraded Redesigned Kill Vehicle is in the works. Testing won’t begin for a few years; deployment is currently scheduled for 2020.

Testing record: 9 of 17 attempts successful

Heh. My Father was the Commander of Space Missile Defense in Alaska. He told me 'don't worry about it' regarding Russia, so I don't.

We've come a long way since 2004. Check out the newest toy they've told us about - Army demonstrates integration of laser weapon on combat vehicle
So is my post correct? Did the Norks send a satellite directly over the game during the Superbowl?
So is my post correct? Did the Norks send a satellite directly over the game during the Superbowl?

Hi Steve, sorry it took me a few to get back to you. You were right and I did recall that incident as well. Here yah go.


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