North Korean Soccer Coach Put Into Labor Camp After Disappointing World Cup


Dec 9, 2008
North Korea Soccer Team Punished For World Cup Loss | SportsGrid
The North Korean soccer team, after losing all three of their games in the 2010 World Cup, sat through six hours of public shaming upon their return to their home country.

After their surprisingly close opening game against Brazil, North Korean officials agreed to show the team’s next two games on air. Bad idea. North Korea lost 7-0 to Portugal, then 3-0 to the Ivory Coast. Naturally, then, they dealt with this when they got home:

Earlier this month the team and manager were forced onto a stage at the People’s Palace of Culture in front of 400 government officials, students, and journalists. According to the Guardian, the athletes were subjected to a “six-hour barrage of criticism” for their poor performances that was led by a TV commentator and sports minister Pak Myong-chol.

If that wasn’t enough, players were then forced to go on stage and make disparaging comments about their coach, Kim Jong-hun, who has since been put into a labor camp.

The reason that he’s been singled out is because the team’s poor performance is “seen as a personal betrayal of Kim Jong-un,” who is the son of current crazy North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il. A strong showing at the Cup would have been credited to Jong-un, thus making the transition of power easier. That was not the case, and now the coach must pay.

North Korean Soccer Coach Put Into Labor Camp After Disappointing World Cup
He's probably lucky he wasn't killed for "treason". Kim Jong-il is the definition of looney tunes.
I recall stories of members of Iraq's national soccer team being subjected to torture by one of Saddam Hussein's crazy sons after embarrassing defeats. Maybe those loons in favor of doing away with score keeping in youth sports here should export their ideas to places where it's obviously needed.
North Korea Soccer Team Punished For World Cup Loss | SportsGrid
The North Korean soccer team, after losing all three of their games in the 2010 World Cup, sat through six hours of public shaming upon their return to their home country.

After their surprisingly close opening game against Brazil, North Korean officials agreed to show the team’s next two games on air. Bad idea. North Korea lost 7-0 to Portugal, then 3-0 to the Ivory Coast. Naturally, then, they dealt with this when they got home:

Earlier this month the team and manager were forced onto a stage at the People’s Palace of Culture in front of 400 government officials, students, and journalists. According to the Guardian, the athletes were subjected to a “six-hour barrage of criticism” for their poor performances that was led by a TV commentator and sports minister Pak Myong-chol.

If that wasn’t enough, players were then forced to go on stage and make disparaging comments about their coach, Kim Jong-hun, who has since been put into a labor camp.

The reason that he’s been singled out is because the team’s poor performance is “seen as a personal betrayal of Kim Jong-un,” who is the son of current crazy North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il. A strong showing at the Cup would have been credited to Jong-un, thus making the transition of power easier. That was not the case, and now the coach must pay.

North Korean Soccer Coach Put Into Labor Camp After Disappointing World Cup

Yes...they are very crazy there.
After they lost to Portugal 7-0, I seriously wondered if the team would have faced punishment when they returned home.

FIFA should suspend North Korea for this.
They have to blame someone so why not scapegoat the coach. They are all nuts.
I agree that FIFA should suspend them for this.

It is interesting that the crown prince is having a bit of a problem on his way to the inheritance.

He badly bungled the currency reform back in November. If this guy becomes even more damaged goods, Dear Leader may have to consider another heir.
problem is studies have shown that when you put this much pressure on people they actually perform WORSE.
Terrible news, but I was expecting it. I'd regularly say before and during the Cup that I was rooting for North Korea, cuz if they lost they'd all get put up against the wall. Seems like it only happened to the coach though.

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