North Korea's Kim Isn't The Only One Who Knows How to Send a Message


Your answer misses the question but it always takes two to tango. I mean, what are these innocent nuclear B-52 in South Korea about?

B-52's in Seoul justify trying to nuke Japan? :eek:


Look, when we went after Iraq, they pulled the shit about the 3rd most powerful army, which was utter shit. (America, China, Britain, Russia, France - get real) North Korea has nukes with no reliable delivery system. If the US decided to go after them, it would be nothing like the first go round, they would fall in days. NK depends on China to keep us from obliterating them.

NK Fires their missiles to threaten Japan over the Senkaku Islands on behalf of their master, China. It is openly provocative. It is proxy moves on behalf of the two actual powers.
It was a missile test of new conventional missiles.
Nah, war mainly exists because of ignorant Warmongers like you.

Now THAT is some true ignorance.

I doubt you believe you own bullshit. I assure you no one else does.

Most probably don't believe it. Most Americans have been fully indoctrinated on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've actually grown to expect us to be invading and killing all around the world. And that's very sad. Our Founding Fathers would not approve of this aggressive interventionist foreign policy. We need revolutionary change. Time to end the wars and come home.
How do they do that?

Firing ballistic missiles into the sea of Japan, to start with.
Your answer misses the question but it always takes two to tango. I mean, what are these innocent nuclear B-52 in South Korea about?
Shitforbrains thinks North Korea is defending itself from the US military in South Korea.

Morons like you is what made the Democratic party obsolete.
I even received the Peter Thiel e-mail because they say I supported the Republican Party.

"You are on this list because you supported the Republican party, attended one of our events, or signed up on our website in the last 18 months."

Looks like I intervened in US elections... Foreign intervention in US elections. I did it. How many years does this earn? Hopefully, Trump will pardon me.
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Most probably don't believe it. Most Americans have been fully indoctrinated on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've actually grown to expect us to be invading and killing all around the world. And that's very sad. Our Founding Fathers would not approve of this aggressive interventionist foreign policy. We need revolutionary change. Time to end the wars and come home.

And you can quantify this by noting that prior to America, there was no war.

You can't POSSIBLY be this stupid.
NK already has precision system. They do not go nuclear with each weapon - they couldn´t use that weapons in war - because they are nuclear.

So "precision" they end up in the ocean hundreds of miles from their targets.

They have no viable guidance system.

Again, the ONLY thing NK has is the nuclear weapons, they cannot stand with conventional weapons. They would crumble even faster than Saddam did if the USA went after them.
NK already has precision system. They do not go nuclear with each weapon - they couldn´t use that weapons in war - because they are nuclear.

So "precision" they end up in the ocean hundreds of miles from their targets.

They have no viable guidance system.

Again, the ONLY thing NK has is the nuclear weapons, they cannot stand with conventional weapons. They would crumble even faster than Saddam did if the USA went after them.
They had no targets.

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