North Pole Sees Unprecedented July Cold – Arctic Sees Shortest Summer On Record — ‘No


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Who is right?

I know one thing, the end of July and the beginning of August have been colder then I remember.

No Trend In US July Temperatures Since 1895: ‘July was the 59th coolest on record in the US, and was almost 2C cooler than 1934, 1901 and 1983′


North Pole Sees Unprecedented July Cold – Arctic Sees Shortest Summer On Record — ‘Normally the high Arctic has about 90 days above freezing. This year there was less than half that’

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It is not global warming, nor is it global cooling. It is global weirding. Kinda like the way the republicans act. Weird.

But you know scientists did say that weather patterns would change in an unpredictable way as more and more heat entered the atmosphere. Wonder if that's what we are seeing?
It is not global warming, nor is it global cooling. It is global weirding. Kinda like the way the republicans act. Weird.

But you know scientists did say that weather patterns would change in an unpredictable way as more and more heat entered the atmosphere. Wonder if that's what we are seeing?

Yeah. It's called weather.


Why is it reading your post I'm thinking Carlin?

Seems to me the first problem is agreeing on the freakin' data.

We can't have a constructive conversation on climate change when both "sides" of the debate bring entirely different data to the table. One day I'll hear the earth is cooling, the next day I'll hear the earth is warming.

As usual, both "sides" need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.

What is your point? Local temperatures do not mean anything, particularly when you are taking a snapshot of a single month.

Seems to me the first problem is agreeing on the freakin' data.

We can't have a constructive conversation on climate change when both "sides" of the debate bring entirely different data to the table. One day I'll hear the earth is cooling, the next day I'll hear the earth is warming.

As usual, both "sides" need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.


Actually on the linked site they are saying no measurable change over time.
Its one thing to argue about what things mean. That is perfectly understandable.

But when we find ourselves dealing with two diametrically opposed sets of data?

Well then you know somebody is either a liar or a damned fool.

Seems to me the first problem is agreeing on the freakin' data.

We can't have a constructive conversation on climate change when both "sides" of the debate bring entirely different data to the table. One day I'll hear the earth is cooling, the next day I'll hear the earth is warming.

As usual, both "sides" need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.


There was big money in it Mac. Think about it. Taxes galore all for "the planet". They all went into a spending frenzy over in Europe. But you should have been watching your Al Gore.

It was all bullshit and the politics of the EU drove it. Now they are broke and impacting the rest of us.

It's not both sides. Not at all. The liberal crazies are driving this bullshit and have been for decades.

Why do you go trying to make it equal in it's insanity? Both sides? Fuck you. It's bullshit. And I knew it from the beginning.


Seems to me the first problem is agreeing on the freakin' data.

We can't have a constructive conversation on climate change when both "sides" of the debate bring entirely different data to the table. One day I'll hear the earth is cooling, the next day I'll hear the earth is warming.

As usual, both "sides" need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.


What is your take? Which "side" do you fall on?

While I am not in any way activist on this issue, I am convinced that we are experiencing climate change and that our activities are contributing to it.
It is not global warming, nor is it global cooling. It is global weirding. Kinda like the way the republicans act. Weird.

But you know scientists did say that weather patterns would change in an unpredictable way as more and more heat entered the atmosphere. Wonder if that's what we are seeing?

But IS more heat entering the atmosphere?

Unlike the chicken little global warming people I asked a simple question..
"how much heat is manmade?"

AND here is a VERY common sense, logical response.
Please read in it's entirety as it is very informative!
For example:
Facts about man and earth.
There are about 6 billion people on this planet.
They would all fit standing up in a space 25 miles by 25 miles.
The earth has a little less than 200 million square miles on its total surface.
Spread the 6 billion out equally and there would be 30 of us per square mile.
Each group of 30, with their autos and power plants, produces approximately 3 billion BTU's per year (my best assumption). This is 108 BTU per square foot per year.

If all that heat was put into the ocean for 5,000 years, it would heat it 1°F; but just 13 feet of ocean evaporation in those 5,000 years would take back that 1°F increase. However, putting that amount of heat into our atmosphere for only 100 years would heat our air by 21°F (with everything else staying constant).

If you understand the last paragraph, you'll appreciate our oceans more than ever. Perhaps the reader can now better appreciate the climate stabilizing influence of our oceans, and realize that any global warming predictions read or heard which ignore the ocean should be viewed with deep skepticism

Part 3 of Global Warming: Man-made Heat
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What is your point? Local temperatures do not mean anything, particularly when you are taking a snapshot of a single month.

Or when you delete Serbia from data or when you move a data collector (I'm being generous here) to a black top parking lot in Phoenix and skew results.


they almost got away with it and thank the good lord they didn't.

I still think they all need to be outed and punished, but that's for another day.
Okey dokey here comes the hippie dippy weatherman aka al gore......

weather tonight.....


turning partially light by morning......
I like the way people like to look at historical weather data and draw the conclusion that nothing is changing that hasn't happened before. Of course the before part was before there were billions of humans on the planet.

But what the hell.

The question I like to ask is WHEN in the history of the earth has man burned trillions of pounds of coal and oil and then put that carbon back into the atmosphere?

Seeing as how we have never done that till the past couple hundred years or so, seems like there would be no historical evidence to point to and say; not a problem.

We really don't know what burning trillions of tons of carbon will do eventually. Especially considering that the best carbon traps (huge forests) are being cut down.

The last time we had this much carbon in the atmosphere, the volcanoes of the earth wee going bat shit crazy spewing shit everywhere.

Do you think those volcanoes and that carbon had any impact on the earth or are those scientists lying about that also?

Seems to me the first problem is agreeing on the freakin' data.

We can't have a constructive conversation on climate change when both "sides" of the debate bring entirely different data to the table. One day I'll hear the earth is cooling, the next day I'll hear the earth is warming.

As usual, both "sides" need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.


What is your take? Which "side" do you fall on?

While I am not in any way activist on this issue, I am convinced that we are experiencing climate change and that our activities are contributing to it.

I am a serious conservationist. I am actually thrilled for your honesty and that you are thinking about it.

Granted I am not my usual best this morning. Puppy is killing me (just dewormed and really chewing on my ankles as I type)

My deal has always been water. I take on local issues. Why? Because the Al Gores of the planet will always find a way to make money on a so called global issue that just doesn't exist.

It's all a lie. Got to run her again but did you know they all set up a carbon trading system?
I like the way people like to look at historical weather data and draw the conclusion that nothing is changing that hasn't happened before. Of course the before part was before there were billions of humans on the planet.

But what the hell.

The question I like to ask is WHEN in the history of the earth has man burned trillions of pounds of coal and oil and then put that carbon back into the atmosphere?

Seeing as how we have never done that till the past couple hundred years or so, seems like there would be no historical evidence to point to and say; not a problem.

We really don't know what burning trillions of tons of carbon will do eventually. Especially considering that the best carbon traps (huge forests) are being cut down.

The last time we had this much carbon in the atmosphere, the volcanoes of the earth wee going bat shit crazy spewing shit everywhere.

Do you think those volcanoes and that carbon had any impact on the earth or are those scientists lying about that also?

I have a problem with so called scientests who loved being climate rock stars skewing data.
"North Pole Sees Unprecedented July Cold – Arctic Sees Shortest Summer On Record"


"that's the decline we were trying to hide, sOns!"

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