Norway to ban full face veil in nurseries,universities,and schools

Muslim women in Europe have circumvented draconian anti-veil laws by legally wearing surgical face masks when in public. ..... :thup:

It is very difficult to communicate with people who shroud their faces in black cloths. Children, in particular, should not be made to do this.
Also, we shouldn't be sending out signals to children that hiding your identity in this way is in any way normal.
If women in Muslim countries want to hide themselves away in this manner, then fine, but I'd go as far as to say I don't think people should be able to mask up anywhere in public.
People dressing like this are also giving the finger to the very idea of integrating. I don't want to see this kind of backwardness in the West.
Dressing as though you just came in on the last camel should not be supported imho.
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Why is that great news? ..... :dunno:
Muslims don't belong in Europe. They belong in Muslim countries. Muslim culture doesn't belong in Europe as well.

Then hop to it snowflake....full burka NOW! MOVE IT WOMAN! I would LOVE to see leftist femitards treated like Muslim women are :D
I agree with this. Any overt religious expression, particularly a religion that does not have anything in common with our Western values or tends to separate those that practice that religion as a separate nation or people, should be banned.
I agree with this. Any overt religious expression, particularly a religion that does not have anything in common with our Western values or tends to separate those that practice that religion as a separate nation or people, should be banned.

That would mean banning any visable means of religious identification. Freedom of religion IS a western value.
Why is that great news? ..... :dunno:
Muslims don't belong in Europe. They belong in Muslim countries. Muslim culture doesn't belong in Europe as well.

Then hop to it snowflake....full burka NOW! MOVE IT WOMAN! I would LOVE to see leftist femitards treated like Muslim women are :D

Stop whining, wack job. You're clearly the snowflake who cries every time anyone points out that you're a disgusting bigot.

Grow up and acknowledge that you're a hate-filled, ignorant twit who gets all bent out of shape when anyone tells the truth about you.

Now run along.
Why is that great news? ..... :dunno:
Muslims don't belong in Europe. They belong in Muslim countries. Muslim culture doesn't belong in Europe as well.

Then hop to it snowflake....full burka NOW! MOVE IT WOMAN! I would LOVE to see leftist femitards treated like Muslim women are :D

Stop whining, wack job. You're clearly the snowflake who cries every time anyone points out that you're a disgusting bigot.

Grow up and acknowledge that you're a hate-filled, ignorant twit who gets all bent out of shape when anyone tells the truth about you.

Now run along.
LOL bitch you think I care if people know I am a white supremacist? ROFLMAO! That's hilarious. I could snuff someone's life out and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest especially if it was an enemy,I am a PROUD white supremacist,I don't try to hide my beliefs behind silly little crap like "diversity" and "multiculturalism" because you are to much of a pussy to admit what you truly want. An end to the white race and white ruled countries. Its a mental disease you have.
Why is that great news? ..... :dunno:
Muslims don't belong in Europe. They belong in Muslim countries. Muslim culture doesn't belong in Europe as well.

Then hop to it snowflake....full burka NOW! MOVE IT WOMAN! I would LOVE to see leftist femitards treated like Muslim women are :D

Stop whining, wack job. You're clearly the snowflake who cries every time anyone points out that you're a disgusting bigot.

Grow up and acknowledge that you're a hate-filled, ignorant twit who gets all bent out of shape when anyone tells the truth about you.

Now run along.
LOL bitch you think I care if people know I am a white supremacist? ROFLMAO! That's hilarious. I could snuff someone's life out and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest especially if it was an enemy,I am a PROUD white supremacist,I don't try to hide my beliefs behind silly little crap like "diversity" and "multiculturalism" because you are to much of a pussy to admit what you truly want. An end to the white race and white ruled countries. Its a mental disease you have.

Diversity and tolerance, the new gods of the mentally challenged progressives.

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