
Feb 15, 2004
I put this under this thread simply because the man scares me and so much of what I read twenty years ago seem to be occuring in todays world.

Some time back - and I do mean twenty plus years - there was a documentory on Nos. and it had stated, as in the translated books - that in addition to many other occurances, Nos. predicted three Anti Christs.
The first was Napoleon.
The secon Hitler
and the third?
This is what was said about the third anti christ twenty plus years ago:

A man would be born in a middle easter country. He would rise to power in another middle eastern country. He would create many followers over the years. No one would pay notice to him - as he was not any political leader - untill one day.
There were other things written on this subject as well...but it went on to state about two missles hitting New York and so on...

About ten years when the American Emb. was destroyed in Saudi Arabia - the name OBL came up and I thought to myself - I wonder if this is that third anti christ?

Does anyone else read Nos.

I know some think its insane - but take a moment and read a book translated a while back ago - when it was impossible to tell what would happen today.

Anyway, according to Nos. this war - ww3 actually - would last many many years and the 'good' guys would win.
Ive never had any reason to believe anything people say Notrodomus says. Maybe he was accurate. but half the stuff going around claiming to be things he said are fabrications. So there just isnt enough information to make a conclusion.
I have not read Nostradomas. I have watched a few documentaries on him. It seems his writings are so vauge you could apply them to just about any world situation.
I would like to belive the qutranes(spelling?) of Nastradamus, however the originals were in french dialetic and the message losses meaning in translation to english. I have seen many documentries on the man however and the notion of the two "Missles" has come up before. However it was stated that the interpitation could not be bended to read "two airpalnes" and i am still convinced that the 3rd anti-christ will come out of eastern Europe. And that the man will become political, because the bible says that the anti-christ will be the great untiter and will usher fourth 3 years of peace, or something like that. OBL has ushered no peace, he is not a uniter, and he will not be responsible for a one world government.

However something creppy to think about, if you look at a barcode on most consumer items there are three two-pair black lines wich are longer than the rest, they are at the beging, middle and end. Those lines in computer code stand for the number 6. So the sign of the beast is already on our barcodes, kind of, also the EU is close to establishing a one region govt. Just rember if some of our members dissapear and we find our slefs looking at a pile of clothes, it's time to invest in a fallout shelter because armagedan is here....well at least that's what the bible says. However I really don't put ot much stock in predictions and prophisy, it can be changed jsut a little to help one side of an argument or the other. Take hitler for example, he changed nostradmus to say that germany will win the war!!!!

Anyway enough of this end of days thing i'll be going to wash my hands and turn off the history channel, and also to go buy the thrid addition of the left behind serice. I'm not religious but end times stuff really gets my attention.
Nostradomus is really interesting, but a lot of his stuff isn't clear and so it can be used with many situations, at least that is my understanding from the documentaries and hours of Art Bell.
Is Art Bell still on the air? I never did hear what happened to him a few years ago when he was gone.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Is Art Bell still on the air? I never did hear what happened to him a few years ago when he was gone.

Oh yeah, coast to coast is still on but art rarely hosts anymore. Once in a while he does...Hey any of you guys remember Ian Punnit, I really like him.
I remember Ian Punnit. He was a much better host than George Noory. And Art is still comes on every Saturday at 8 central.
Ive read Nostradomas extensively. I used several quotes of his in my dissertation.

Interesting, fascinating stuff.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Ive read Nostradomas extensively. I used several quotes of his in my dissertation.

Interesting, fascinating stuff.

So do you agree that most of his ramblings are so vague that they could be applied to many events after the fact?

Is there one event he predicted that you find just too difficult to dismiss?

Do you have any predictions for us?
Oh, I love Nostradamus, scary monk. Smart too; he had to write his visions in verses (as in poetry). He would write his messages of doom in a way that would hide the fact tht he was seeing the future. Yes, he predicted the future, including the rise and fall of the last Tzar of Russia and his family, Napoleon, Hitler, and many other things. In the form of quatraines, he would include in his writing truth and lies in order to counfound the members of the Inquisition. He predicted that the world qs we know it would end about the year 7000. He said that at the turn of the century, a middle eastern prince would rise from the East and after years of wars would obliterate "infidels" meaning Christians and he would rule for about a 100 years. At th end of this period, Christian would rise and obliterate his people. For a time, I thought it would be Khadafi, now I dont know. Ben Laden????
I predict..............
that someone will piss someone else off somewhere on this board and probably sometime soon.

Is that vague enough for ya? ;)
Various interpretations can be made from in his writings to apply to any period of history. His writings are vauge enough to get a "hit" but consider also than his predictions are were voluminous enough to do so. In the aggregate, it's wrong.

Some urbans myths also fuel these "hits". The "missile" reference (itself being a modern term) is suspect and relates to this orginal falsehoold on the web:

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder,
Two brothers torn apart by Chaos,
while the fortress endures,
the great leader will succumb,
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"

Nostradamus 1654
He had to be vague, if he werent vague he would be stretched and quartered. How woul you like to be steetched and quartered!!
Kind of hard to be right when WW3 is over already. Reagan won.
When I see children run
I look around, horror already tightening my heart,at the same time, I wish my team is winning
deep in my heart know
that even if they win, they'll never know

The blood is everywhere, it seeps into the ruble
the only way that this polluted land
will now

I scream into the wind and
ask permission to go on, it is about time, I get new eyes, as they were promised me, I see no more.

Well you can put my limbs together if you now
I think his references to a renewed threat from the Middle East helped the church in opposing Islam, and served their agenda carried forward from the crusades.

Given the "great battle" refers to the rise of an anti-Christ, consistent with the bible, there is no reason his "predictions" were none other than Church sponsored proganda.

LOL, please don't tell me that some sort of eulogy a suicide bomber wrote! Oh please no!

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