Not a Joke: Syria blames Israel for "ignoring human rights"

Just for proportions: In the last 2 year bloodshed in Syria, the number of dead Syrians moves from 100-120 THOUSAND people.

That's much more than the Syrian casualties of ALL the wars with Israel.
due to the Palestinian prisoner's death:cuckoo:

Source: rotter.
That's like Pol Pot criticizing other countries for human rights violations. Ha ha ha. Nothing beats the hypocrisy and of "Arab Outrage" . Is there anything more fake than that?
due to the Palestinian prisoner's death:cuckoo:

Source: rotter.

Is this the same Syria whose rebels signed a Fatwa for Sexual Jihad the other day? That is open season for rape with allahs blessing...
Part of what Mohammad promised all the criminals and thugs that followed him in Jihad. Of course the grand prize was those 72 virgins in heaven.
Last edited:
Is this the same Syria whose rebels signed a Fatwa for Sexual Jihad the other day? That is open season for rape with allahs blessing...

You literally just made that up, no such thing ever existed or happened....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

» Islamic Cleric Issues Fatwa Permitting Rape of Syrian Women Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Whatever BecauseKnowsJackshit denies, the opposite is true. Ha ha ha.
I didn't make up anything. Read the story for yourself, BIK. - Jeremiah

Islamic Cleric Issues Fatwa Permitting Rape of Syrian Women

NATO-backed rebels enjoy “sexual jihad”

Paul Joseph Watson
April 3, 2013

Another Islamic cleric has gone public to announce a fatwa that permits US-backed FSA rebels to rape non-Sunni women in Syria as part of a “sexual jihad” that has seen girls as young as 14 transported into the country to service the needs of anti-Assad militants.

Image: Wikimedia Commons
“Salafi Sheikh Yasir al-‘Ajlawni, a Jordanian of origin who lived in Damascus, Syria for 17 years, posted a YouTube video last week where he said he was preparing to issue a “legitimate fatwa” making it legal (in the eyes of Islam) for those Muslims fighting to topple secular president Bashar Assad and install Sharia law to “capture and have sex with” all non-Sunni women, specifically naming Assad’s own sect, the Alawites, as well as the Druze and several others, basically, all non-Sunnis and non-Muslims,” reports Human Events.

As CNS News reported earlier this week, girls as young as 14 are being sent to Syria from other middle eastern and north African countries following a call by Saudi scholar Sheikh Mohamed al-Arifi for rebels to engage in “sexual jihad,” a so-called “temporary marriage” that amounts to little more than sex slavery.

Though he later backtracked after pressure, “al-Arifi had issued a fatwa saying Syrian rebels can “temporarily marry” Syrian girls as young as 14, and promising “paradise” to the “wives” concerned,” states the report.

The fatwa allowed “intercourse marriage” with captive Syrian women that lasts for a few hours “in order to give each fighter a turn,” which as the Human Events report notes, is “also known as gang-rape.”

Egyptian Sheikh Ishaq Huwaini also once urged “infidel captives” to be taken to “the slave market, where slave-girls and concubines are sold” and distributed amongst jihadists.

“You go to the market and buy her, and she becomes like your legal mate—though without a contract, a guardian, or any of that stuff—and this is agreed upon by the ulema…. In other words, when I want a sex-slave, I go to the market and pick whichever female I desire and buy her,” said Huwaini.

While innumerable reports of FSA militants raping Syrian women have been ignored by the mainstream media, the Atlantic Wire today claims that a mere 1 per cent of all rapes in Syria are carried out by opposition fighters and that the vast majority are committed by “regime soldiers,” despite evidence that Assad troops have repeatedly been ordered not to sexually molest women.

Syrian girls are also being raped by Jordanians in refugee camps,

“Men – usually from Saudi Arabia and other gulf states – are given free rein at the camp. Coming in the guise of benefactors offering charity, in return many want a wife, reports Channel 4 News. “But these are marriages of convenience – for the men at least. So called “pleasure marriages”, they give cover – a sheen of respectability – to what is often wealthy men exploiting vulnerable women for sex.”

It’s particularly ironic that extremist Salafist militants – who believe their cause is pious and righteous as they behead prisoners while screaming “Allahu Akbar” in anticipation of their 72 virgins – are still being labeled “freedom fighters” by the mainstream media, even as they gang-rape children and commit a plethora of other atrocities.

Raymond Ibrahim, an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum, noted that extremist Muslim support for making rape acceptable in Syria and elsewhere is by no means an aberration and that, “The only aberration seems to be the United States’ wholesale support for self-professed rapists and terrorists—quite laughably, in the name of “democracy.”


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

This article was posted: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 10:47 am


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79 Responses to “Islamic Cleric Issues Fatwa Permitting Rape of Syrian Women”
BR549 says:
April 3, 2013 at 10:31 am
This is about as stupid as Bush getting all those brain dead bible-thumpers to justify his invasion of Iraq. Nothing about this “fatwah” is either legal or even related to Islam; it’s manipulation of an angry and ignorant population for strictly political purposes.

This so-called “cleric” idiot needs an attitude adjustment by his own people, but as we saw in this country 13 years ago, their Christian counterparts got swept up in the lies and said nothing. All it will seek to do is further divide the Muslim people, which is EXACTLY what the globalists want.

First the globalists break down the US, then the Muslims, then who is next? China? People around the globe better start waking the fcuk up and dealing with this.


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:44 pm

BS. Who the hell is this ass and what right does he have to issue a fatwa.

Fatwa are issued through a collegiate process and not by some sex pervert.

It is worth noting that “Human Events” is a zi0nist neocon propaganda organ. They are linked to the hoax concerning the Egyptian government supposedly legalizing necrophilia with a dead wife.


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:51 pm

This is propaganda right out of the Mossad’s steaming scum basements. The same garbage feeding the American mind for 12 years now. The “cleric” is likely being paid by Israel or is Jewish or being blackmailed. Jordan is Israeli run basically. WAKE THE HELL UP ALL OF YOU.

And Paul … you need to wake up too.

Are girls being raped… likely… they are in all wars. Yes it is horrendous but the Bearded Muslim who hates women idea is a too familiar line of propaganda and I am surprised you would write this… without that caveat… this is Israeli PROPAGANDA DUH!


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 5:31 pm

This is about as stupid as Bush getting all those brain dead bible-thumpers to justify his invasion of Iraq.

yep no different

they use and abuse the most idiot zombies never forget that.

those awake are safe from these evil minds


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 6:41 pm

Since when did a true Christian ever support an unjustified war?


4 Israel Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 5:35 pm

Thats what will happen when Islamic Law is put in the US … or any version of it.

It will start by Liberal rights claims that their client can only be judged by Islamic Law
then some judge who says OK , then a trial is held in the US for a muslim person that judges them according to the Koran

Its called precedent , once it is set or happens there is no going back
The Muslim heart of Obama will grow


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 5:57 pm

obvious troll is obvious.

4 Israel huh gimme a break


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 6:42 pm

Still think Islam is a “religion”?? Islam justifying the rape of Syrian women. Not just justifying rape, but SYRIAN women, at a time when Syria is under attack. Hmmm?!??

Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:57 pm

Ok if you’re gonna use some random cleric to condemn Islam, then I’m gonna use the Westboro Baptist Church to condemn Christianity. We square?

Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 9:40 pm

Where in the article did the cleric condemn Islam?

Anonymous Reply:

April 4th, 2013 at 4:37 am

Anonymous 7:57 pm


Tom is a ziochristian nut. He is classified as a Westboro type freak. In future decades, sociologists and psychologies will be researching these freaks to understand how vested interests can manipulate stupid people into psychotic belief systems.

Anonymous Reply:

April 4th, 2013 at 12:01 pm

This story is a hoax & total Israeli PROPAGANDA DUH!
if you want the truth you should see what they do to women in Israel
or just type in
Israel Sex Slavery
in your search browser
see who is really rapeing women & children.

& F#%k you ZioCon Trolls on this site,
go back to hell where you truly belong with you gay satan.


Nebuchadnezzar Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 9:58 pm

Kaaba-Worshippers conquered Syria,Palestine,Antoly,Persia … through by these Sex Fatwas.


Anonymous Reply:

April 4th, 2013 at 8:21 am

You sir and several others in the top posts sound like troll Muslims and other Atheist scum… You would blame this on Israel and Bush? Only the twisted mind would draw this conclusion when the evidence is out in daylight on these sick Muslims and camel jockeys. They would sell their daughter to the highest bidder if they could make a buck and buy a new goat to rape.


BR549 Reply:

April 4th, 2013 at 1:04 pm

It only goes to show that if enough followers of the Judeo-Christian leaning were true to their faith, any darkness would have been blinded by now, but instead, you continue to spew this racist crap that serves no purpose other than to illustrate how much further Christianity has to go.

And likewise for Islam. If that was THE one and only path to God (Allah), wouldn’t believers be asking themselves why that religion is still in second place? The reason is that BOTH sides are each still seeing itself as THE only side and denying its relationship with the other.

So, go right ahead and continue to wallow in that hate crap and see where it gets you. When the truly IGNORANT on both sides decide to grow another brain cell, perhaps then we might have a chance world peace. Until then, the globalists are going to continue to fan the flames of separation between these two groups, while they plan their next area of takeover. I can see you with an equally misinformed Muslim, each of you still trying to choke the living shit out of each other while you share the same jail cell in the detention camp. Ignorance knows no bounds.


Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 11:15 am
If Mohammed can marry a six year old & consenmate when she was eight. Why shouldn’t good modern Muslims be allowed to gang rape fourteen year olds?


hammerhead Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:12 pm

mahommad and his sand dwellers are nothing but a bunch of de-humanized pigs .
if this is what islam is about , i say turn the whole god forsaken place into glass .

this shit pisses me off . i cant stand these animals.


Bart Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 2:47 pm

So I guess the prophets of before are in hell as well. Did they not preach that God is one. I guess Jesus is in hell as well did he not preach that God is one. It was Paul that changed his teachings. You ignorant imbeciles that believe that Jesus is God need to wake up to reality. I have some questions maybe one of you war mongering ignorant racist who claim they are Christian and love Jesus who by the way was a “towel head, sand n*****r, in other words he was not a white Anglo European as most of you would like to think”.

1. Who did Jesus pray too?
2. Where is the word trinity in the bible?
3. Where does Jesus say “I am God worship me”


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 6:45 pm

Islam is evil. Allah’s “prophets” are in hell, but the LORD’S are not. There is a difference.

(Answer) #1 – His Father.
(Answer) #2 – Does it matter? Why do you ask? What is bugging you?
(Answer) #3 – He doesn’t. He says no one gets to the Father except through the Son.

Jesus was NOT a towel-head sandn*gger. He is your Lord & Savious, like it or not!

Anonymous Reply:

April 4th, 2013 at 6:23 am

Are you aware that Abraham, Moses and Jesus are all important prophets in the Quran? Are they in hell too?

Bart Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 3:12 pm

[MENTION=19516]Hammerhead[/MENTION]: You are the pig your talking about. I’m pretty sure you have eaten a lot of pork in your lifetime and you know the saying you are what you eat. You disgusting animal maybe you will be the one to burn in hell.


hammerhead Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 4:35 pm

claim they are Christian and love Jesus who by the way was a “towel head, sand n*****r,

really bart ?
i made no religious cliam and you have distorted my comment.

WHY does this “GOD” the sand dwellers purport to be so wonderful CONDONE AND PROMOTE the rape and murder of the innocent ?

HOW is this possible ? it is indefensible to me . no lower form of existance is possible .

if you can somehow justify this type of behavior , please explain.

Anonymous Reply:

April 4th, 2013 at 8:29 am

Bart. Are you defending the Muslim scum that rape as part of their religious belief? It is a known fact that Muslims live in a lawless evil world of such unspeakable acts. I’ve talked to people that lived in Iraq and they confirm the evil that exists there. These accounts were made by Muslims about Muslims. Quit defending the religion of evil.

Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 6:12 pm

[MENTION=19516]Hammerhead[/MENTION]: Are you serious you got to be joking. How can someone make such an ignorant claims. Do you have no shame? You’re making yourself look ridiculous and very uneducated PLEASE pickup a book and try reading it. Maybe a little education might purify the hate and the lies that spewing from you. I feel sorry for people like you. You’re probably a little coward that sits behind his keyboard, hating everything that doesn’t look like you, scared of your own shadow, and would never talk like that to the face of those you hate. Get a life you little coward.


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 6:59 pm

Ignorant claims? Islam has 33 “commandments”, 31 of which call for the murder of the Jews from Israel. Still want to blame Israel for Middle East violence?!!

And if you DID talk to one of them to their face, you’d have to get your tongue gargling in the back of your throat like an orgasmic goat in order for them to understand you.

hammerhead Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:11 pm

i will not call you names , however , you have NOT put forth anything to defend your position that it is appropriate for muslim men to rape children .

if you have defense , put it out , or shut the hell up .
recomend a book , i WILL read it , dont make generic attacks , back it up .

HATE ? should i love a child rapist ? i should pray for his soul , but i will not .

the next time i deliver goats to detroit , i may just inject their bellies with pigs blood.
will that fullfill your hate fantasy ?

Max Reason Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Because it’s Zionist Talmudic sodomy. The FSA is a member of the sodomy ring. They’re nothin’ but a pack of dirty dicks
struttin’ around, working for the globalists. They’re gettin’ a free ride … free guns and ammo, free food, free dope, free young teen girls to rape. All they’ve gotta do is do what they’re told.
If the American people don’t stop paying income tax ( all at the same time by the way ) to support all this crap, then it’s gonna continue and it’s gonna get a whole lot worse.


my2cents Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:42 pm

Alex won’t go there.


Max Reason Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:49 pm

hammerhead Reply:
April 3rd, 2013 at 12:12 pm

mahommad and his sand dwellers are nothing but a bunch of de-humanized pigs .

You need to wake up sir.


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 2:20 pm

i assure you that i am wide awake

ZERO tolerance for this kind of bullshit , WHOEVER it is .
mohammad aint shit to me , and if this is what islamist’s do for their false bastard profit they deserve to rot in hell for a thousand eternities .


dracula Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 1:14 pm

for a dumba$$ that you are you have not read who created this cult you say talmudic jews zionist problem with that you have schitt for brains who created the zionist is more of interest than your dumb logic is totally brain dead like you are yeah i attack am i a jew no my ancestors were but not me or my family got that duma$$$ you are nothing but vermin

the real truth is the vatican created the islamic cult of madness for the popes have always been pedophiles
lay odds you are like dianna fienstein huh


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Zionists DO in fact control most governments & militaries. Islam doesn’t read the Talmud, however. And they said RAPE, not SODOMY.

But you got the income tax part right.


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:33 pm

im muslim Mohammad didnt marry a six year…. tahats lie


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:37 pm

im muslim Mohammad didnt marry a six year…. thats lie
I heared that from your media


Max Reason Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:59 pm

I’m not a Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu nor a Buddist …
But I agree with your rebuttal to those Zionist trolls.
Islam has been demonized by the Zionist Talmudic
vampires. They have rewritten the Koran to suit their needs and to help secure their global agenda.

If the trolls actually read the Koran, which IS on the internet, they would see that they’re nothing but a pack of liars. But they won’t do that … they just want to be on the winning team … just win baby !!!!!!

Thank you for your comment.

Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:01 pm

Seems everyone “rewrites” the Bible, Talmud, Koran. Idiot.

Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 11:24 am
Seriously? Whatever the motive, muslim do live by sexual assault and death to non-muslims. They think it is their right. They worship lucifer with another name, but satan still the same. muhammad is rotting in hell right now for his push against Jesus Christ being the son of God and dying for our sins.


wiggins Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 2:44 pm

They are just like the Yehuda then?


Bart Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 2:57 pm

exactly !


Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 11:44 am
Friend of mine visited Libya before 12/30/2010 and saw people, clean well-lighted streets, good free schools, good free health care where no insurance is needed because doctors treated you for free, affordable good housing food water, a country with gold and cash reserves, a country with a balanced budget, hope for better life and development of aquifer that would help agriculture.

But Federal Reserve, mental health establishment, rulers of Saudi Arabia, IMF, world bank , European central bank, did false accuse, unjust punish, playing one person against another, brainwashing, making promises, imprison, torture, murder of many Libyans and continue doing this now in 2013.

No person is perfect but in 2007 Libyans & Syrians along with most Americans and Europeans had more housing, food, money, jobs, friendships, hope, freedom, water, safety; than we have in 2013.

same “people” who screwed Libya & Cyprus now screwing Syria. How sad that Syrians, Americans, Libyans have NO SAY

We not required to love/trust/follow Assad, Gaddafi, Green Book

We not required to hate/reject/blame Assad, Gaddafi, Green Book

but the deceiver-oppressors say we ARE required to hate/blame/destroy them and,,,


Billo says:
April 3, 2013 at 11:44 am
This guy must be a Zio/muslim, kind of like minister Hagee is a jewish christian. Only zionists are evil enough to think up something like this.


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:02 pm

This is everyday Islam stuff. That’s why they wear robes from head to foot, ’cause they can’t even be trusted with their own bodies.


Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 11:46 am
It is time for the honest, awake, hardworking, compassionate, responsible, pragmatic Syrians to take over Syria; Syrians must lead, govern, and represent themselves.

It is time for the honest, awake, hardworking, responsible, compassionate, pragmatic Libyans to take over Libya; Libyans must lead, govern, and represent themselves.

It is time for the honest, awake, hardworking, responsible, compassionate, pragmatic Americans to take over America; Americans must lead, govern, and represent themselves.

It is time for the honest, awake, hardworking, responsible, compassionate, pragmatic Cypriots to take over Cyprus; Cypriots must lead, govern, and represent themselves.

Earth must be governed by logic, fairness, fair honest fearless free trade, lots of fast affordable mass-transit such as subways trains & magnetic rails &busses, never punish good behavior or hard work, never reward bad behavior or laziness, science, freedom, pragmatism and the PEOPLE. Only then will we have peace, security, prosperity, freedom and good-quality lives.


Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 11:50 am
The new “improved” Cyprus plan (over which citizens of Cyprus have NO control) people with 100,000 or more Euros in Bank(s) will lose 60 – 100% of their money, due to ‘debt crisis’. When I mentioned this at work; nobody knew, but wanted me to tell them so I did. They instinctively recognized that this is unfair, illogical, alarming, oppression of workers. When I mention of (Federal Reserve, Romney , Bush, Obama, Clinton, Feinstein, Boehner, etc) how “our’ govt is watching this; they became aware that the theft & injustice done to workers in Cyprus and soon Italy could soon happen in USA. In Cyprus it costs minimum of 136,000 to buy 3 bedroom house in nice place. The majority of these “wealthy” despositors are in fact small – med business(s), start-up founders who as result of most money stolen and all of it frozen are NOT able to pay their employees. Others will FIRE all employees and move to place deemed safer. Also caught in the net are retirees who worked whole life, saved up money and now it gone. Cyprus is basically destroyed and this was preventable. Cypriots did NOT give consent to this but it happen anyway; but supposedly those with less than 100,000 in bank are safe. And since Federal Reserve, Bernake, Obama, Clinton, Boehner SUPPORT European central bank. Since ‘our’ & EU government regulating factories, farms, businesses, OUT of existence, smothering them in paperwork, (read of CA restaurant dealing with 67 regulatory agencies , read of great ideas canNOT even get started due to regulatory agencies , hear of man canNOT grow/farm on his OWN PROPERTY due to regulatory agencies) doing this cause helplessness, anger, confusion, alienation and kills jobs workers & job-seekers need along with increasing need/usage of SSI, SSD, foodstamps, etc and shrinks tax-base. We could close these regulatory agencies down, saving money in budget and allowing creation of jobs which would decrease unemployment.
I then explained how few years back the same bankers had come after Iceland; but Iceland behaved much differently than Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Obama etc. I describe how Iceland told the bankers to screw themselves, paid off some workers mortgages, allowed citizens to pay debts with foreign currency, and ARRESTED THE BANKERS! I then described how the Iceland economy has recovered; and is doing well.
Nobody criticized Iceland!
It is time for USA leaders to speak up for the American workers, job-seekers and children; the way Iceland leaders spoke up for theirs.


Because the same “people” screwing Cyprus are the same “people” screwing Syria.

And those same “people’ will soon be screwing USA.


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Well said.


swede Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 1:14 pm

I completely respect your view. Hi-five to you!

p.s. I cannot read more than three or lines due to a condition I have, but I used to. I got up, and did it even though It took 20 minutes. I’m glad I did.


swede Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 1:14 pm

Thank goodness It was the same as the other one I had read!

Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 11:57 am
They all look like extras from “The Planet of the Apes.”


swede Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:00 pm



Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 12:02 pm


Thoughtcriminal Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:03 pm

^ Mine.


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 12:44 pm

Yes… lets cave to the propaganda and put a racial tent on it. Wake up brothers if… … you are not in our Ally’s local in the Middle East.


bproman says:
April 3, 2013 at 12:26 pm
Beware the scorpion.


Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 12:40 pm
Obviously Mossad Propaganda playing the same Muslims are crazy card that Neocons and the adolescent WASPY flag wavers and Zionist “Christians” love to hear.

Basically it is a form of Dual Citizen Jewish Political Porn.


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:03 pm



Nebuchadnezzar Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:50 pm

Accept the fact the Kaaba-Worshippers are cousins of Zews and much worse than them.


Nebuchadnezzar says:
April 3, 2013 at 1:07 pm
The Judeo-Salafi Alliance is based on Rape.
Sexual Rape,
Financial Rape,
Cultural Rape.

Maybe it’s time for us to go to Jerusalem or Mecca and start to have “sexual Jihad” over there.


dracula says:
April 3, 2013 at 1:19 pm
this is pure insanity why do that at all that is rape and is not sanctioned but with pedophiles any thing goes these freaks are insane and need to be terminated bleep you and your stupidity you dumb sand n**** what is with you and why is behind this garbage should be plain and clear now cant you see you are in violation of peoples rights to be free from this garbage and i mean safe from pedators like this !


allyson says:
April 3, 2013 at 3:03 pm
I wonder if Sheikh al’obama is a Sunni?


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 6:02 pm

pretty sure he’s an agnostic pretending to be a christian


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:05 pm

He’s a foriegn-born, uneligible to be President, Chicago homos*xual, Muslim, anti-American, Kenyan goat herders son*.

* = Many thanks to the originator of the phrase!!


rozario Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:59 pm


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 9:42 pm

That’s right, rozario, wow. And he was elected the first time, and selected the second time. He needs a fair trial, followed by a first class hanging.

hazel says:
April 3, 2013 at 3:12 pm
Mohammad is a false prophet and said himself that he wasn’t sure if he was hearing the voice of god or of satan. Mohammads own wet nurse was convinced he was possessed by an evil spirit. The hatred of womankind will eventually be the undoing of the human race itself because ultimately it is woman who give birth to the future generations. The act murdering the females of the species, for whatever divine reasoning, is not condusive to the continuation of the species, or in other words it is a non-survival trait. We are one of, but not the only species on earth that involves the murder of one sex, in the act of sex itself,or just after, some insect varieties after impregnating the female either die, as with fruit flies, or some female insects tear the head off their mate and devour it after insemination. Usually it is the male who dies and is eaten by the female to nourish the unborn. I think in our lust for war and inhibiting the natural instincts of harmony, we have bent our antennaie and are self destructing on many levels, the anti survival traits and hatred of the sexes being one of the most predominant and obvious, and lethal. perhaps this is as natural an inevitable as a black widow eating her mate, perhaps humans have outlived our purpose and nature is cleansing itself of us through us, we are done, done for, done in, and devoured, rotted from the inside out. The inherent hatred of woman globally, is a stronger drive than that of survival itself.


Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 3:55 pm
This is the scum we align with?


jeffydiver says:
April 3, 2013 at 4:58 pm
I just hope and pray they’re carrying a gun when the rag-head idiot tries to rape one of them.


Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 5:08 pm
So infowars claims that 9/11, madrid and 7/7 were all staged terrorattacks, yet still they buy into, or are more than happy to fabricate lies and/or post suggestive reports about Muslims and Islam, without establishing any proof what so ever. Shame on you, if you know what shame is.

I just browsed through a Snoop Lion item full of cry baby talk about what an hypocrite Snoop D.O double G supposedly is… You might want to check the stats on rape in Iraq and Afghanistan commited by illegal foreign troops and mercenaries, or the flourishing stats of opium production in parts of the world that suffer from illegal occupation by so called civilized secular capitalsitic democratic states. Or just compare the number of Iraqi women that are forced into prostitution with the prostitution data of the Hussein era. Facts, non-fiction reports, unlike this piece you produced. It’s just pathetic.

The longer I visit this site, the more it becomes clear that you definitly don’t have any alternative for the poor status quo in the united states. A million and one items and videos spend crying about a lame constitution, which constitutes the basis of all you current day problems. Your system failure, in all aspects of life, eminated from your failed creed. As long as you don’t have the intelligence and the sincerity to acknowlegde this, you will continue to fail. And Muslims will keep pushing to remove all those marionet regimes, who happily for over 80 years implemented all types of oppression in their attempts to please their foreign (neo colonial) masters. No matter how many times your site claims the flag of Islam is an unique Al Qaida flag and no matter how many Muslims your site tries to link to Al Qaida. Shame on you, if you know what it is.
That type of rethoric is comparable to saying: All gun owners are southern racist biggots
Sounds familiar ?

Anti Islamic rethoric. Yo Infowars, what was that word again in that Snoop Lion item… uh oh ohw-yeah; “Bandwagon”
Now: jump jump


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:06 pm

Islam is evil. Need proof? How about hundreds of years of Middle East violence. That good enough for you?


Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 6:48 pm
I’m pretty certain that academic scholars deeply familiar with the teachings of the Koran and Allah will speak out loudly regarding this cleric’s personal interpretation.


Tom Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 7:07 pm

Personal interpretation? You mean blood-lust command.


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 11:37 pm

Nah. Non-secular academics in University departments who specialize in this sort of thing.


Anonymous Reply:

April 3rd, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Correction – Secular humanist with non religious leanings and objectivity who would analyze whether this type of thing would be ok with the teachings.


Anonymous says:
April 3, 2013 at 8:43 pm
“”Another Islamic cleric has gone public to announce a fatwa that permits US-backed FSA rebels to rape non-Sunni women in Syria as part of a “sexual jihad” that has seen girls as young as 14 transported into the country to service the needs of anti-Assad militants.”"

i’m converting to islam asap.


robert says:
April 3, 2013 at 10:48 pm
May God have mercy on this cleric’s soul. There is not enough justice for such a person on earth. What religion would do this to women? Do all islamic people believe in this crap? Would they,could they get out in the streets and denounce this jerk? Right in his face?! They should spit upon this freak! He is not a man, but a monster parading around as a Godly man. Now the big question,why in the hell are we over there in this God forsaken hole in the middle east? Oh yeah! Oil! Let the oil companies hire men to do their dirty work! Get our goddamn military men and women back home!


Anonymous Reply:

April 4th, 2013 at 2:49 am

He’s a nobody. No one in the Islamic world has heard off him. It’s propoganda.


Anonymous says:
April 4, 2013 at 12:18 am
Absolute non-sense. Its actually the other way around it goes more like this… the united states backs the FSA militants and the syrian troops. they pay to see this fight happen and their ultimate goal is to see the sunni muslims in syria (rebels) die and be tortured (while americans people believe that America backs the rebels).

Muslim sunni women are the ones being raped and the sunni men and children are being murdered at a daily basis. this type of news is to keep you americans goofed up about their plans…this is a religious war and the syrian dog bashar al asad with the help of a few other nations are carrying out their genocide against the muslims…but why?
This is how all Islamic prophecies become true..

But worry not americans….before you say someone should denounce Islam make sure that the info you’re getting is correct and you are not being manipulated to think something.
the truth is that massacres will happen here in the united states soon as well and you will realize how you didnt care about families in other countries and now its happening to you…. and yes even during those times the media will not tell you the reality, only lies till the very end.


Anonymous says:
April 4, 2013 at 2:40 am
Hahahahaha what a crap story……I mean common propoganda at its worst spread by the farcical Israel. I expect better from infowars.
I mean this Sheikh Yasir al-‘Ajlawni, who the hell is he? As a Muslim, this is like saying your local nut job on the high street bellowing out chapters from the bible saying the world ends in 2012 represents Christianity.
People I’m sick of the misinformation on Islam, it absolute bullshit.
Infowars talks about media integrity, and spreading the truth, but lately it feels like its a constant attack on Sunni Muslims. The problem is you actually don’t really know anything about the middle east, or Islam. In such cases don’t report on it or go do some research. For starters why not just look at the simple case of Iraq, whereUS govt choose the Shia coalition, the Shia govt is funded by the Iranians and the US, but Iran is a mortal enemy to the US and Israel, Iran also has the largest Jewish population in the middle east, apart from Israel. Iraq, Babylon used to be the Jewish Capitol. The Sunni shia split in Islam, was caused by Abu Lu Lu the Jew, who Persian Shias glorify to this day. Starting to get the picture.
People all I will say is do your own research before jumping to conclusions, these fatwas are ridiculous unless they come from authentic sources. No one has even heard of this guy.


Anonymous says:
April 4, 2013 at 6:04 am
Yes, Because Islam teaches that raping innocent women and children is a godly thing to do.
The LORD rebuke them.


Anonymous says:
April 4, 2013 at 6:17 am
I can’t wait for this war against islam to fully begin. These animals deserve to be exterminated like rats.
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BecauseIKnow, et al,

I had to chuckle at this as well.

Who cares what the Syrian Regime says?

The Palestinians are linked to the Assad Government, which has always supported the Palestinians. Hezbollah is in direct support of the Syrian Government, and both Hamas and Hezbollah are direct allies to the Iranian Government which is funneling political and military support to Assad.

Their political position, relative to the suppression of the general populace, is clear. Any charge leveed by the Syria is merely a continuation of the pre-existing support of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance under the influence of Iran. It is part and parcel of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance. There is a fracture in the Arab League; the Kingdoms opposed to the Iranian Hegemony, and the non-Kingdoms which are under the influence of the various Islamic Resistance Movements (Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc). The Palestinians are on the side of the Iranian Hegemony.

Most Respectfully,
Is this the same Syria whose rebels signed a Fatwa for Sexual Jihad the other day? That is open season for rape with allahs blessing...

You literally just made that up, no such thing ever existed or happened....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

» Islamic Cleric Issues Fatwa Permitting Rape of Syrian Women Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Infowars? :lmao:

Yeah that's reliable. Same site that says 9/11 was an inside Job.

No such thing happened.
BecauseIKnow, et al,

I had to chuckle at this as well.

Who cares what the Syrian Regime says?

The Palestinians are linked to the Assad Government, which has always supported the Palestinians. Hezbollah is in direct support of the Syrian Government, and both Hamas and Hezbollah are direct allies to the Iranian Government which is funneling political and military support to Assad.

Their political position, relative to the suppression of the general populace, is clear. Any charge leveed by the Syria is merely a continuation of the pre-existing support of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance under the influence of Iran. It is part and parcel of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance. There is a fracture in the Arab League; the Kingdoms opposed to the Iranian Hegemony, and the non-Kingdoms which are under the influence of the various Islamic Resistance Movements (Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc). The Palestinians are on the side of the Iranian Hegemony.

Most Respectfully,

What are you trying to say? Hamas and Islamic Jihad are against the Syrian government. You don't know what you're talking about and that was a very random attack. No, the Palestinians rely more on Egypt and Qatar now. Whatever you mean by Palestinians.
BecauseIKnow, et al,

I had to chuckle at this as well.

Who cares what the Syrian Regime says?

The Palestinians are linked to the Assad Government, which has always supported the Palestinians. Hezbollah is in direct support of the Syrian Government, and both Hamas and Hezbollah are direct allies to the Iranian Government which is funneling political and military support to Assad.

Their political position, relative to the suppression of the general populace, is clear. Any charge leveed by the Syria is merely a continuation of the pre-existing support of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance under the influence of Iran. It is part and parcel of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance. There is a fracture in the Arab League; the Kingdoms opposed to the Iranian Hegemony, and the non-Kingdoms which are under the influence of the various Islamic Resistance Movements (Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc). The Palestinians are on the side of the Iranian Hegemony.

Most Respectfully,
Don't interrupt BecauseKowsJackshit's thought flow with the facts. And I am using the term "thought flow" very loosely here.
Jeremiah get your garbage alex jones conspiratorial loon sites out of here. Show us one credible report or reliable news source. Those conservative conspiratorial loon sites don't count as a reliable source. That's stuff idiots like you feed off of.

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