Not a Single CNN Show Placed in Top 20 During First Quarter of 2019


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
How on earth do they still have advertisers?

Things are so bad for CNN that Fox & Friends First, which airs at 4 a.m., earns more viewers than CNN’s hideous New Day (562K viewers to 561K).

Fox News owned 12 of the top 20 shows last quarter (MSNBC held the rest), including the four of the top five. Here’s that breakdown which includes total viewers in millions:

Sean Hannity (3.121M) – Fox

Rachel Maddow (3.057M) – MSNBC

Tucker Carlson (2.982M) – Fox

The Five (2.575M) – Fox

Laura Ingraham (2.434M) – Fox

I almost never watch Hannity but do my best not to miss Tucker.

As of now, though, those numbers could look dramatically different come next quarter. Since the release of the Mueller Report two weeks ago, the cable news landscape has shifted dramatically. It’s not just CNN taking a hit. President Trump’s exoneration in the Russia Collusion Hoax has also driven down MSNBC’s ratings, most especially Rachel Maddow, who spent years promising her audience Trump’s arrest would be televised live from the Oval Office after the next commercial break.

I bet steam’s coming out of Jim Acosta’s ears.

Much more @ Not a Single CNN Show Placed in Top 20 During First Quarter of 2019
How on earth do they still have advertisers?

Things are so bad for CNN that Fox & Friends First, which airs at 4 a.m., earns more viewers than CNN’s hideous New Day (562K viewers to 561K).

Fox News owned 12 of the top 20 shows last quarter (MSNBC held the rest), including the four of the top five. Here’s that breakdown which includes total viewers in millions:

Sean Hannity (3.121M) – Fox

Rachel Maddow (3.057M) – MSNBC

Tucker Carlson (2.982M) – Fox

The Five (2.575M) – Fox

Laura Ingraham (2.434M) – Fox

I almost never watch Hannity but do my best not to miss Tucker.

As of now, though, those numbers could look dramatically different come next quarter. Since the release of the Mueller Report two weeks ago, the cable news landscape has shifted dramatically. It’s not just CNN taking a hit. President Trump’s exoneration in the Russia Collusion Hoax has also driven down MSNBC’s ratings, most especially Rachel Maddow, who spent years promising her audience Trump’s arrest would be televised live from the Oval Office after the next commercial break.

I bet steam’s coming out of Jim Acosta’s ears.

Much more @ Not a Single CNN Show Placed in Top 20 During First Quarter of 2019
I'm always facinated by the ratings. CNN and MSNBC must be asking, "What are we doing wrong?" Our answer....Nothing! Keep up the good work.
As always, ratings and credibility are not the same thing.
As always, ratings and credibility are not the same thing.

In this instance they're identical. Both the ratings and credibility for CNN are absolute crap.

Funny FNC was the ONLY major news network to not buy the Russia collusion story and was the only one proven correct. Amazingly they have the highest ratings.

Might want to rethink the "ratings and credibility aren't the same" thing.
Without The Collusion Hoax
Their Rating Should Drop Back To Normal
With MSNBC Back Under Threat
To Be Dropped From Cable Bundles
How on earth do they still have advertisers?

Things are so bad for CNN that Fox & Friends First, which airs at 4 a.m., earns more viewers than CNN’s hideous New Day (562K viewers to 561K).

Fox News owned 12 of the top 20 shows last quarter (MSNBC held the rest), including the four of the top five. Here’s that breakdown which includes total viewers in millions:

Sean Hannity (3.121M) – Fox

Rachel Maddow (3.057M) – MSNBC

Tucker Carlson (2.982M) – Fox

The Five (2.575M) – Fox

Laura Ingraham (2.434M) – Fox

I almost never watch Hannity but do my best not to miss Tucker.

As of now, though, those numbers could look dramatically different come next quarter. Since the release of the Mueller Report two weeks ago, the cable news landscape has shifted dramatically. It’s not just CNN taking a hit. President Trump’s exoneration in the Russia Collusion Hoax has also driven down MSNBC’s ratings, most especially Rachel Maddow, who spent years promising her audience Trump’s arrest would be televised live from the Oval Office after the next commercial break.

I bet steam’s coming out of Jim Acosta’s ears.

Much more @ Not a Single CNN Show Placed in Top 20 During First Quarter of 2019

ANSWER: Just as liberal talk radio bombed, the Left was never concerned about turning a profit. These are not true capitalists. No one listens to their crap. Anyone can see it has no ring of validity. If they have to go out there and 100% fund their own media themselves they will because all they care about is getting out their liberal hate propaganda.
As always, ratings and credibility are not the same thing.

Ratings reflect popularity across a potential viewership. Funny how when it comes to presidents, Leftards claim popularity is EVERYTHING.

That's why the DNC has NO credibility.

But if CNN was killing it in their ratings, you'd be the first to produce that as absolute proof that liberalism was actually popular and winning in this country!

These ratings show that you Leftards and your message are not only UNpopular, but held by only a tiny faction in the USA.

The only people more concerned about CNN's ratings than the right wing losers is.... wait; nobody is concerned with it more than you guys.
The only people more concerned about CNN's ratings than the right wing losers is.... wait; nobody is concerned with it more than you guys.
Their lack of ratings is proof that even Liberals don't watch them. Makes one wonder where Liberals get their news.
The only people more concerned about CNN's ratings than the right wing losers is.... wait; nobody is concerned with it more than you guys.
Their lack of ratings is proof that even Liberals don't watch them. Makes one wonder where Liberals get their news.
In my case...
NPR, AP, CNN when there is something worth watching on television
The only people more concerned about CNN's ratings than the right wing losers is.... wait; nobody is concerned with it more than you guys.
Their lack of ratings is proof that even Liberals don't watch them. Makes one wonder where Liberals get their news.
In my case...
NPR, AP, CNN when there is something worth watching on television
If you want just the news with no spin watch cspan. I am assuming they still do the dull and boring stick they did decades ago when I was in the Army. Wonder what their ratings are like.
How on earth do they still have advertisers?

Things are so bad for CNN that Fox & Friends First, which airs at 4 a.m., earns more viewers than CNN’s hideous New Day (562K viewers to 561K).

Fox News owned 12 of the top 20 shows last quarter (MSNBC held the rest), including the four of the top five. Here’s that breakdown which includes total viewers in millions:

Sean Hannity (3.121M) – Fox

Rachel Maddow (3.057M) – MSNBC

Tucker Carlson (2.982M) – Fox

The Five (2.575M) – Fox

Laura Ingraham (2.434M) – Fox

I almost never watch Hannity but do my best not to miss Tucker.

As of now, though, those numbers could look dramatically different come next quarter. Since the release of the Mueller Report two weeks ago, the cable news landscape has shifted dramatically. It’s not just CNN taking a hit. President Trump’s exoneration in the Russia Collusion Hoax has also driven down MSNBC’s ratings, most especially Rachel Maddow, who spent years promising her audience Trump’s arrest would be televised live from the Oval Office after the next commercial break.

I bet steam’s coming out of Jim Acosta’s ears.

Much more @ Not a Single CNN Show Placed in Top 20 During First Quarter of 2019
I'm always facinated by the ratings. CNN and MSNBC must be asking, "What are we doing wrong?" Our answer....Nothing! Keep up the good work.
Pogo in three...two...
Just imagine how low CNNs ratings would be if the thousands of airport TVs weren't forced to tune in to CNN. Hell, CNN has killed more people than the Mac 8, so If they want to make our flying experience better, they should do like the rest of the country and just tune out.
How on earth do they still have advertisers?

Things are so bad for CNN that Fox & Friends First, which airs at 4 a.m., earns more viewers than CNN’s hideous New Day (562K viewers to 561K).

Fox News owned 12 of the top 20 shows last quarter (MSNBC held the rest), including the four of the top five. Here’s that breakdown which includes total viewers in millions:

Sean Hannity (3.121M) – Fox

Rachel Maddow (3.057M) – MSNBC

Tucker Carlson (2.982M) – Fox

The Five (2.575M) – Fox

Laura Ingraham (2.434M) – Fox

I almost never watch Hannity but do my best not to miss Tucker.

As of now, though, those numbers could look dramatically different come next quarter. Since the release of the Mueller Report two weeks ago, the cable news landscape has shifted dramatically. It’s not just CNN taking a hit. President Trump’s exoneration in the Russia Collusion Hoax has also driven down MSNBC’s ratings, most especially Rachel Maddow, who spent years promising her audience Trump’s arrest would be televised live from the Oval Office after the next commercial break.

I bet steam’s coming out of Jim Acosta’s ears.

Much more @ Not a Single CNN Show Placed in Top 20 During First Quarter of 2019

They are a functionally bankrupt cable station kept alive by bundled cable packages that include CNN, for subscription fees in addition their global airport monopoly scam. Which, ironically, has boomeranged to help discredit them and their DNC benefactors.

I was in the lobby of my new bank yesterday. CNN was on in the lobby. While I waited my turn , I emailed the boss and thanked him for their excellent services and said my only complaint was them having CNN on in the lobby which was an ongoing insult to my PRESIDENT and thus to me. Most INAPPROPRIATE selection. I do that now whenever I can. PUSH BACK against CNN/DNC propaganda.
How on earth do they still have advertisers?

Things are so bad for CNN that Fox & Friends First, which airs at 4 a.m., earns more viewers than CNN’s hideous New Day (562K viewers to 561K).

Fox News owned 12 of the top 20 shows last quarter (MSNBC held the rest), including the four of the top five. Here’s that breakdown which includes total viewers in millions:

Sean Hannity (3.121M) – Fox

Rachel Maddow (3.057M) – MSNBC

Tucker Carlson (2.982M) – Fox

The Five (2.575M) – Fox

Laura Ingraham (2.434M) – Fox

I almost never watch Hannity but do my best not to miss Tucker.

As of now, though, those numbers could look dramatically different come next quarter. Since the release of the Mueller Report two weeks ago, the cable news landscape has shifted dramatically. It’s not just CNN taking a hit. President Trump’s exoneration in the Russia Collusion Hoax has also driven down MSNBC’s ratings, most especially Rachel Maddow, who spent years promising her audience Trump’s arrest would be televised live from the Oval Office after the next commercial break.

I bet steam’s coming out of Jim Acosta’s ears.

Much more @ Not a Single CNN Show Placed in Top 20 During First Quarter of 2019

They are a functionally bankrupt cable station kept alive by bundled cable packages that include CNN, for subscription fees in addition their global airport monopoly scam. Which, ironically, has boomeranged to help discredit them and their DNC benefactors.

I was in the lobby of my new bank yesterday. CNN was on in the lobby. While I waited my turn , I emailed the boss and thanked him for their excellent services and said my only complaint was them having CNN on in the lobby which was an ongoing insult to my PRESIDENT and thus to me. Most INAPPROPRIATE selection. I do that now whenever I can. PUSH BACK against CNN/DNC propaganda.

If the people of the country didn't like the TV station shown in various businesses, it would be changed. That's why they took Limbaugh off all those TVs.
How on earth do they still have advertisers?

Things are so bad for CNN that Fox & Friends First, which airs at 4 a.m., earns more viewers than CNN’s hideous New Day (562K viewers to 561K).

Fox News owned 12 of the top 20 shows last quarter (MSNBC held the rest), including the four of the top five. Here’s that breakdown which includes total viewers in millions:

Sean Hannity (3.121M) – Fox

Rachel Maddow (3.057M) – MSNBC

Tucker Carlson (2.982M) – Fox

The Five (2.575M) – Fox

Laura Ingraham (2.434M) – Fox

I almost never watch Hannity but do my best not to miss Tucker.

As of now, though, those numbers could look dramatically different come next quarter. Since the release of the Mueller Report two weeks ago, the cable news landscape has shifted dramatically. It’s not just CNN taking a hit. President Trump’s exoneration in the Russia Collusion Hoax has also driven down MSNBC’s ratings, most especially Rachel Maddow, who spent years promising her audience Trump’s arrest would be televised live from the Oval Office after the next commercial break.

I bet steam’s coming out of Jim Acosta’s ears.

Much more @ Not a Single CNN Show Placed in Top 20 During First Quarter of 2019

They are a functionally bankrupt cable station kept alive by bundled cable packages that include CNN, for subscription fees in addition their global airport monopoly scam. Which, ironically, has boomeranged to help discredit them and their DNC benefactors.

I was in the lobby of my new bank yesterday. CNN was on in the lobby. While I waited my turn , I emailed the boss and thanked him for their excellent services and said my only complaint was them having CNN on in the lobby which was an ongoing insult to my PRESIDENT and thus to me. Most INAPPROPRIATE selection. I do that now whenever I can. PUSH BACK against CNN/DNC propaganda.

If the people of the country didn't like the TV station shown in various businesses, it would be changed. That's why they took Limbaugh off all those TVs.

You did not understand my post. Cable subscription packages and airport contracts are free from the usual market forces you are trying to inject.

Oddfor the undisputed leader in talk radio with an audience that is exponentially higher than CNN"s. ( 30 million listeners.)

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