What Could Have Caused This? CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers

So beautiful.

Fake dead news.

Bye, CNN.

You lying fucks lost.

Just look at how they handled the border issue. Jim Acosta made an ass of himself calling trump a liar about a large number of people at the border, then all of a sudden, the entire MSM says we have a crisis at the border.
Homosexual, TDS idiot Don Lemon still has a job there for some reason. :p
What Could Have Caused This? CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers

CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers in Wake of Plummeting Ratings
May 6, 2019 ~ By Paula Bolyard
CNN is planning to cut up to 300 jobs, "many being older employees with years at the network," according to a report on Monday. According to FTVLive, a website that monitors the television industry, "Word is that just under 200 people will be pink slipped and just over 100 will be offered a buyout." Staffers are reportedly calling the cuts a "massive brain drain" because so many veteran employees are being given pink slips. The reported cuts come just as CNN is moving many of its New York operations and studios from the Time Warner Center to Hudson Yards.
The cuts come on the heels of devastating April ratings for CNN, with the lowest number of total viewers in five years. The network's prime-time lineup plummeted 26 percent in April compared to the same month last year. CNN's total audience in prime time was a pathetic 767,000. Compare that to Fox News, with 2.395 million viewers and third-place MSNBC with 1.660 million. CNN's Cuomo Primetime was one of the hardest hit, with a mere 971,000 viewers in April -- the worst month in the show's history. Sean Hannity, Cuomo's Fox counterpart in the 9 p.m. slot, dominated the ratings with a total audience of 3.086 million. Fox's Tucker Carlson Tonight came in second, with 2.834 million viewers and MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show was third with 2.630 million viewers.
There's no indication that the worst offenders -- Chris Cuomo, Brian Stelter, Manu Raju, Don Lemon, and Jim Acosta -- are going anywhere. Likely it's mostly the behind-the-scenes employees -- who have nothing to do with the network's editorial spin -- slated lose their jobs.

Bu, bu, but, cut the pay of the goons at the top and those folks can keep their jobs, it's for the children! They can always learn to code, though. Wealth redistribution for thee, but not for me! That seems to be the executive motto at CNN, the DNC, etc.
This is what happens when you are nothing more than a subsidiary of Pravda for over 30 years. This is what happens when you chomp at the Russian bit for over two years and it EXPLODES in your STUPID commie faces. Next up: Federal charges against these seditious freaks of nature.

Pajamas Media? Get real. I'll wait for a reliable source.
Nobody in the history of mankind has more deserved to lose their jobs than these people.

Jesus...you blurt out some of the silliest statements.

So all the guards at the Nazi concentration camps that executed millions of people - IN YOUR OPINION - did not deserve to lose their jobs as much as those 300 who worked for CNN?

Either you don't think before you make such ridiculous statements and/or you don't have the capacity to think before you make such ridiculous statements.
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Wow story from FTVlive, I wonder how many employees do they have besides the President and VP.

Quote - A number of Reporters will only report when the press release comes out, which let's be honest is not reporting at all

Sounds like no sources

So it seems they like to take shots in the dark and I wonder how many targets they hit

Well I guess some like their jib
A network dedicated to the hate and stupidity of Trump Derangement Syndrome and then they wonder why they have so few viewers.

If if it wasn't for the captive TV monitors at several major airports in the US they would have even fewer viewers.
The people who run CNN made the business decision to engage in "Yellow Journalism" which is the practice of unethical journalism to boost ratings.

Now it's time to pay the piper.

Also to sway elections, to push "polls" that then push new laws and regulations, possible wars we have been in, WMD was accused and then never found, my guess is the presstitute scum knew all along there were no WMD in Iraq, but let lots of people die just so they could screw GW.
What Could Have Caused This? CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers

CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers in Wake of Plummeting Ratings
May 6, 2019 ~ By Paula Bolyard
CNN is planning to cut up to 300 jobs, "many being older employees with years at the network," according to a report on Monday. According to FTVLive, a website that monitors the television industry, "Word is that just under 200 people will be pink slipped and just over 100 will be offered a buyout." Staffers are reportedly calling the cuts a "massive brain drain" because so many veteran employees are being given pink slips. The reported cuts come just as CNN is moving many of its New York operations and studios from the Time Warner Center to Hudson Yards.
The cuts come on the heels of devastating April ratings for CNN, with the lowest number of total viewers in five years. The network's prime-time lineup plummeted 26 percent in April compared to the same month last year. CNN's total audience in prime time was a pathetic 767,000. Compare that to Fox News, with 2.395 million viewers and third-place MSNBC with 1.660 million. CNN's Cuomo Primetime was one of the hardest hit, with a mere 971,000 viewers in April -- the worst month in the show's history. Sean Hannity, Cuomo's Fox counterpart in the 9 p.m. slot, dominated the ratings with a total audience of 3.086 million. Fox's Tucker Carlson Tonight came in second, with 2.834 million viewers and MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show was third with 2.630 million viewers.
There's no indication that the worst offenders -- Chris Cuomo, Brian Stelter, Manu Raju, Don Lemon, and Jim Acosta -- are going anywhere. Likely it's mostly the behind-the-scenes employees -- who have nothing to do with the network's editorial spin -- slated lose their jobs.

Bu, bu, but, cut the pay of the goons at the top and those folks can keep their jobs, it's for the children! They can always learn to code, though. Wealth redistribution for thee, but not for me! That seems to be the executive motto at CNN, the DNC, etc.
This is what happens when you are nothing more than a subsidiary of Pravda for over 30 years. This is what happens when you chomp at the Russian bit for over two years and it EXPLODES in your STUPID commie faces. Next up: Federal charges against these seditious freaks of nature.

How bout "plummeting ratings?"

Sounds like a winner to me. LOL
Great news! Trump wins again, dragon energy.

CNN has been a Democrat propoganda machine for years; to the point of egregiously sitting on stories or ignoring them all together if they hurt the Agenda. To a fault, CNN minimizes opposing views or outright shuns them.

Now, in a free enterprise market, the problem with this model /choice is that the market is saturated with other mouthpieces and Democrat Party propoganda machines.

Fox may be a Conservative propoganda outlet but the the have two things going for them that CNN does not: 1) they go out of their way to get liberal / opposing views and personalities 2) they are simply filling a void created by CNN and the other propoganda machines.
Nobody in the history of mankind has more deserved to lose their jobs than these people.

Ultimately it's the networks responsibility.....ya do what the boss wants or allows. They f*cked up and instead of changing up the format to real news, they keep yacking TDS and now it's costing them a future


Yes, you are full of shit. Thanks for pointing that out. The Clinton news network is cutting jobs because they stuck so bad people are not watching anymore.

If you had any brains at all you should dump their stock that you no doubt own.

You would drop AT&T stock because CNN's ratings?
What Could Have Caused This? CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers

CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers in Wake of Plummeting Ratings
May 6, 2019 ~ By Paula Bolyard
CNN is planning to cut up to 300 jobs, "many being older employees with years at the network," according to a report on Monday. According to FTVLive, a website that monitors the television industry, "Word is that just under 200 people will be pink slipped and just over 100 will be offered a buyout." Staffers are reportedly calling the cuts a "massive brain drain" because so many veteran employees are being given pink slips. The reported cuts come just as CNN is moving many of its New York operations and studios from the Time Warner Center to Hudson Yards.
The cuts come on the heels of devastating April ratings for CNN, with the lowest number of total viewers in five years. The network's prime-time lineup plummeted 26 percent in April compared to the same month last year. CNN's total audience in prime time was a pathetic 767,000. Compare that to Fox News, with 2.395 million viewers and third-place MSNBC with 1.660 million. CNN's Cuomo Primetime was one of the hardest hit, with a mere 971,000 viewers in April -- the worst month in the show's history. Sean Hannity, Cuomo's Fox counterpart in the 9 p.m. slot, dominated the ratings with a total audience of 3.086 million. Fox's Tucker Carlson Tonight came in second, with 2.834 million viewers and MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show was third with 2.630 million viewers.
There's no indication that the worst offenders -- Chris Cuomo, Brian Stelter, Manu Raju, Don Lemon, and Jim Acosta -- are going anywhere. Likely it's mostly the behind-the-scenes employees -- who have nothing to do with the network's editorial spin -- slated lose their jobs.

Bu, bu, but, cut the pay of the goons at the top and those folks can keep their jobs, it's for the children! They can always learn to code, though. Wealth redistribution for thee, but not for me! That seems to be the executive motto at CNN, the DNC, etc.
This is what happens when you are nothing more than a subsidiary of Pravda for over 30 years. This is what happens when you chomp at the Russian bit for over two years and it EXPLODES in your STUPID commie faces. Next up: Federal charges against these seditious freaks of nature.

CNN's Jake Tapper
In November 2017, in the immediate aftermath of the 2017 New York City truck attack wherein a terrorist shouted "Allahu Akbar", Fox News distorted a statement by Jake Tapper to make it appear as if he had said "Allahu Akbar" can be used under the most "beautiful circumstances".[158] Fox News omitted that Tapper had said the use of "Allahu Akbar" in the terrorist attack was not one of these beautiful circumstances.[158] A headline on FoxNews.com was preceded by a tag reading "OUTRAGEOUS".[158] The Fox News Twitter account distorted the statement even more, saying "Jake Tapper Says 'Allahu Akbar' Is 'Beautiful' Right After NYC Terror Attack" in a tweet that was later deleted.[158] Tapper chastised Fox News for choosing to "deliberately lie" and said "there was a time when one could tell the difference between Fox and the nutjobs at Infowars. It's getting tougher and tougher. Lies are lies."[158] Tapper had in 2009, while a White House correspondent for ABC News, come to the defense of Fox News when Obama criticized the network for not being a legitimate news organization.[159]

Fox News guest host Jason Chaffetz apologized to Tapper for misrepresenting his statement.[160] After Fox News had deleted the tweet, Sean Hannity repeated the misrepresentation and called Tapper "liberal fake news CNN's fake Jake Tapper" and mocked his ratings.[160][159]

read about you fake fox news: Fox News - Wikipedia

(only I have seen right wing news outlets posting this, so I call it fake, but it might be true, as CNN is world wide)
The people who run CNN made the business decision to engage in "Yellow Journalism" which is the practice of unethical journalism to boost ratings.

Now it's time to pay the piper.
Ratings? Quick, someone cue pogo!
Like Fox and MSNBC, CNN stopped being a real news network, long ago.

It's just that people came to expect more of CNN, which started small and evolved into the premier news outlet for many years.

Once you're viewed as the Ultimate Independent News Agency, then destroy that reputation with extreme political bias, it's all over.

People never expected anywhere near as much from either Fox or MSNBC, who are both hopelessly drowning in political sewage.

Damned shame, all of that.

The next question is... can CNN ditch the politics and re-convert itself back to a legitimate news outlet, in time to save itself?

Frankly, I doubt it.
The people who run CNN made the business decision to engage in "Yellow Journalism" which is the practice of unethical journalism to boost ratings.

Now it's time to pay the piper.
Ratings? Quick, someone cue pogo!

Pogo's already been here yesterday. You could have noticed by the way the hacks were going :lalala: in unison.
What Could Have Caused This? CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers

CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers in Wake of Plummeting Ratings
May 6, 2019 ~ By Paula Bolyard
CNN is planning to cut up to 300 jobs, "many being older employees with years at the network," according to a report on Monday. According to FTVLive, a website that monitors the television industry, "Word is that just under 200 people will be pink slipped and just over 100 will be offered a buyout." Staffers are reportedly calling the cuts a "massive brain drain" because so many veteran employees are being given pink slips. The reported cuts come just as CNN is moving many of its New York operations and studios from the Time Warner Center to Hudson Yards.
The cuts come on the heels of devastating April ratings for CNN, with the lowest number of total viewers in five years. The network's prime-time lineup plummeted 26 percent in April compared to the same month last year. CNN's total audience in prime time was a pathetic 767,000. Compare that to Fox News, with 2.395 million viewers and third-place MSNBC with 1.660 million. CNN's Cuomo Primetime was one of the hardest hit, with a mere 971,000 viewers in April -- the worst month in the show's history. Sean Hannity, Cuomo's Fox counterpart in the 9 p.m. slot, dominated the ratings with a total audience of 3.086 million. Fox's Tucker Carlson Tonight came in second, with 2.834 million viewers and MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show was third with 2.630 million viewers.
There's no indication that the worst offenders -- Chris Cuomo, Brian Stelter, Manu Raju, Don Lemon, and Jim Acosta -- are going anywhere. Likely it's mostly the behind-the-scenes employees -- who have nothing to do with the network's editorial spin -- slated lose their jobs.

Bu, bu, but, cut the pay of the goons at the top and those folks can keep their jobs, it's for the children! They can always learn to code, though. Wealth redistribution for thee, but not for me! That seems to be the executive motto at CNN, the DNC, etc.
This is what happens when you are nothing more than a subsidiary of Pravda for over 30 years. This is what happens when you chomp at the Russian bit for over two years and it EXPLODES in your STUPID commie faces. Next up: Federal charges against these seditious freaks of nature.

How bout "plummeting ratings?"

Sounds like a winner to me. LOL

In ONE book? aaaaah no. The world doesn't work that way. If it did no broadcast outlet would ever last more than six months.
Wow story from FTVlive, I wonder how many employees do they have besides the President and VP.

Quote - A number of Reporters will only report when the press release comes out, which let's be honest is not reporting at all

Sounds like no sources

So it seems they like to take shots in the dark and I wonder how many targets they hit

Well I guess some like their jib

It's astounding that there's several oozing among us so partisan-hack brain dead that they can't recognize an echobubble circle jerk when they see one. The power of self-delusion.
Nobody in the history of mankind has more deserved to lose their jobs than these people.

Ultimately it's the networks responsibility.....ya do what the boss wants or allows. They f*cked up and instead of changing up the format to real news, they keep yacking TDS and now it's costing them a future

Bullshit what? Do you disagree? Please explain why CNN's ratings have sunk so fast and they have to lay off 300 workers.

I have no reliable source that indicates such a layoff is even real, besides which that's not what happens as a result of ONE, count 'em, ONE ratings book. There's no cause-and-effect even possible there, much as you'd like there to be.

Ratings rise and fall all the time. Like the stock market does. What they mean is that the broadcaster is doing a better, or worse, job at grabbing eyeballs to deliver to the advertiser. That's got ZERO to do with what you think of their news. Eyeballs can be grabbed by rummaging around abandoned storage lockers, onstage paternity tests, fake wrestling and friggin' naked people wandering an island. Whether you grabbed somebody's eyeballs has ZERO to do with whether those eyeballs "agree with it" or not.

It's like this post. You read this far. Gotcha.

I know you partisan hacks would love for the world to work this way so that you can have your one-party state. It's still delusion.
Always the grunts who loses their jobs first and not those who deserve it....

How the fuck people like Bill Kristol or David Brooks is being paid to be in front of anyone's camera is beyond me

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