Not a smidgen of evidence our border isn't secure..

Right! Your thread title is so dripping with sarcasm that most FFOs believed you were defending this stupid statement made by Obama:
White House stands by claim that border security is stronger than ever
Under the heading “border security” on the White House website's section on President Obama's immigration proposal, the website gives the president credit for having "doubled the number of Border Patrol agents," saying "today border security is stronger than it ever has been."

The White House says the statement is true despite the estimated 52,000 unattended children who have crossed the southwest border so far this year and the roughly 90,000 expected by fall.

White House stands by claim that border security is stronger than ever Washington Examiner
The article is over a year old and the kids crossing the border were picked up by border agents and detained.

YOU IDIOT; you're making a claim that a border is secure because 100,000 or so CHILDREN were detained AFTER crossing it?

no wonder libs cant be taken seriously
I didn't make the claim that the border was secure, in fact I commented that it would take far more border control agents than anyone is willing to pay for. Using a year old article does not address the problem, nor does using an arbitrary violation of the border. The issue will not be addressed until serious bipartisan debate and cooperative dedication to problem solving becomes a reality. That will include making a consensus regarding funding, whether by building walls and fences or deploying a larger border patrol force. As long as a segment and faction insist there will be no new revenue raising programs (taxes) the issue will be nothing more than talk and more talk with no solution being implemented. My view is that the border is not as secure as it could or should be because congress is not willing to raise the revenue that is need to accomplish such a goal.

um no; clearly you did at a minimum imply the border is secure when you commented on how the children were picked up and detained. stop trying to back out of it now coward

(by the way not so hard to pick up illegal border crossers of ANY age when they are running TOWARD Border Patrol Agents you clown.)
You can rant as long and hard as you want about people obsessed with obama; but facts are facts; illegals know they wont be sent home, and THEY WERENT, in fact they were bused ALL OVER THE COUNTRY AND DROPPED OFF IN CITIES AND TOWNS, RELEASED.
THAT IS how bad it's gotten under obama
so cry a million tears and accuse others of ODS; which is simpy a copy of left-wing BDS

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Our concerns appear to be ignored. Where do we go from here? Wait patiently while our leaders try to solve the problem(s)? Maybe we need someone brash and radical to move us in the right direction. Restore us to our destined place in the world. Scare the shit out of the progressive pansies.
Donald Trump has been a progressive his entire adult life. He has changed his script because the Tea Party and radical right are the easiest folks to scam. You make fun and criticize the Huff Post, but the conservative news media is not showing you the Trump from the past, they are showing you the Trump that Trump wants them to show today.

maybe he is following obama's example and "evolving" :2up:
I have always been a pragmatist. I believe in doing things and solving problems in a practical, pragmatic way that solves the problem with the least coast and effort and ignores emotional impulses that distract from accomplishing the goal.

more shameless hypocrisy and self-delusion

not only are Democrats not doing anything about the border; they USE EMOTIONAL IMPULSES and pandering to accuse anybody that DOES want to do something, of being "racist"
raising revenue is a red herring when the administration isnt even enforcing CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAW

it gets so old having to remind you of your self-deceptions
Right! Your thread title is so dripping with sarcasm that most FFOs believed you were defending this stupid statement made by Obama:
White House stands by claim that border security is stronger than ever
Under the heading “border security” on the White House website's section on President Obama's immigration proposal, the website gives the president credit for having "doubled the number of Border Patrol agents," saying "today border security is stronger than it ever has been."

The White House says the statement is true despite the estimated 52,000 unattended children who have crossed the southwest border so far this year and the roughly 90,000 expected by fall.

White House stands by claim that border security is stronger than ever Washington Examiner
The article is over a year old and the kids crossing the border were picked up by border agents and detained.

YOU IDIOT; you're making a claim that a border is secure because 100,000 or so CHILDREN were detained AFTER crossing it?

no wonder libs cant be taken seriously
I didn't make the claim that the border was secure, in fact I commented that it would take far more border control agents than anyone is willing to pay for. Using a year old article does not address the problem, nor does using an arbitrary violation of the border. The issue will not be addressed until serious bipartisan debate and cooperative dedication to problem solving becomes a reality. That will include making a consensus regarding funding, whether by building walls and fences or deploying a larger border patrol force. As long as a segment and faction insist there will be no new revenue raising programs (taxes) the issue will be nothing more than talk and more talk with no solution being implemented. My view is that the border is not as secure as it could or should be because congress is not willing to raise the revenue that is need to accomplish such a goal.

um no; clearly you did at a minimum imply the border is secure when you commented on how the children were picked up and detained. stop trying to back out of it now coward

(by the way not so hard to pick up illegal border crossers of ANY age when they are running TOWARD Border Patrol Agents you clown.)
You can rant as long and hard as you want about people obsessed with obama; but facts are facts; illegals know they wont be sent home, and THEY WERENT, in fact they were bused ALL OVER THE COUNTRY AND DROPPED OFF IN CITIES AND TOWNS, RELEASED.
THAT IS how bad it's gotten under obama
so cry a million tears and accuse others of ODS; which is simpy a copy of left-wing BDS

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I notice you often insist on your own interpretations of what people "meant" in there comments. This is an amazing skill you seem to have. And by the way clown, I have actually ridden the entire US/Mexican border three times and lived in New Mexico for several months out of the year for several years. I rode tripped the border once by motorcycle, once by Cadillac and once by RV. I think you know very little to nothing about the ease of border crossing.
raising revenue is a red herring when the administration isnt even enforcing CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAW

it gets so old having to remind you of your self-deceptions
It sounds like you have your masters talking points down pat. Now if only you could back your bullshit up with real factual data.
raising revenue is a red herring when the administration isnt even enforcing CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAW

it gets so old having to remind you of your self-deceptions
It sounds like you have your masters talking points down pat. Now if only you could back your bullshit up with real factual data.

of course i can; and i WILL. now if you could only be man enough to admit it when i'm done.........................

stand by
"backing bullshit up with real data"


obama changed the definition of deportations to make false claims he has deported more than any other President

how many sources do you want?
now because you cried that i distorted the meaning of what you were trying to say; to use your Messiah's expression, let me be clear. did you not tell me i cant back up what i claimed, which was that obama isnt enforcing CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAW; and is distorting the numbers to seem like he is?
"backing bullshit up with real data"


obama changed the definition of deportations to make false claims he has deported more than any other President

how many sources do you want?
The one you provided from the Washington Post is an opinion commentary and perhaps you didn't notice the correction it makes at the bottom of the page. Kind of null and voids the whole rant.
"backing bullshit up with real data"


obama changed the definition of deportations to make false claims he has deported more than any other President

how many sources do you want?
The one you provided from the Washington Post is an opinion commentary and perhaps you didn't notice the correction it makes at the bottom of the page. Kind of null and voids the whole rant.

good one nutjob; i got about a hundred more. i'm sure you'll find something wrong with all of them. you're showing everybody watching what a brainwashed lemming you are
now because you cried that i distorted the meaning of what you were trying to say; to use your Messiah's expression, let me be clear. did you not tell me i cant back up what i claimed, which was that obama isnt enforcing CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAW; and is distorting the numbers to seem like he is?
Your source, the Washington Post had to come back and add a correction to your "factual data" that informed readers that the comparisons the blogger was making should not really be made. So your source disavowed the contents of the article.
Again, commentaries and opinions are not the same as factual data.

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