Not Anymore You Don't...

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015

Melania Trump has been trashed by the commies for her modeling career, her accent, her husband's "other women", even smiling at something Barry said to her at the Bush funeral. A far cry from the fawning praise the last "first lady" came to expect. Melania has no bulge in her slacks, no massive thighs and shoulders, and doesn't use ghetto ebonics to illustrate her rise to fame while having accomplished nothing on her own. Melania is her own woman, all woman, and the dark cloud of the Michelle Obama years in the White House has finally been lifted.

Melania’s past as a hooker and her current life as the golddigging wife of a monster make her a poor role model.
The lefts war on women continue :/
You guys gotta give michelle credit where it is due... she is a show'er :D
Essentially, she is the very model of an immigrant who the right hates (when they are not married to Trump).

She came to the country and has contributed nothing; apparently, she has done nothing to add to the culture, didn't join the Army or Navy; and came over claiming that she had exceptional ability....very little about her is exceptional. She seems like a nice person and I wish her all the best.
Essentially, she is the very model of an immigrant who the right hates (when they are not married to Trump).

She came to the country and has contributed nothing; apparently, she has done nothing to add to the culture, didn't join the Army or Navy; and came over claiming that she had exceptional ability....very little about her is exceptional. She seems like a nice person and I wish her all the best.
She also first came here illegally and brought her parents by chain migration. Her freeloading parents may be here illegally as well.
Essentially, she is the very model of an immigrant who the right hates (when they are not married to Trump).

She came to the country and has contributed nothing; apparently, she has done nothing to add to the culture, didn't join the Army or Navy; and came over claiming that she had exceptional ability....very little about her is exceptional. She seems like a nice person and I wish her all the best.
....very little about her is exceptional
And you are married to whom? Bwaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa......

Melania Trump has been trashed by the commies for her modeling career, her accent, her husband's "other women", even smiling at something Barry said to her at the Bush funeral. A far cry from the fawning praise the last "first lady" came to expect. Melania has no bulge in her slacks, no massive thighs and shoulders, and doesn't use ghetto ebonics to illustrate her rise to fame while having accomplished nothing on her own. Melania is her own woman, all woman, and the dark cloud of the Michelle Obama years in the White House has finally been lifted.


Really? You're cheering for the Mistress? You have no self-respect. The old Mistress was right - that house was built by slaves and continues to be maintained by slaves like you. Go lick your master's boots, you dog.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams
Melinia seems like a good person. I wish her well.

I wonder why she is embraced but others from SOTB, conservatives argue, should be shot on sight crossing the border.

Melania Trump has been trashed by the commies for her modeling career, her accent, her husband's "other women", even smiling at something Barry said to her at the Bush funeral. A far cry from the fawning praise the last "first lady" came to expect. Melania has no bulge in her slacks, no massive thighs and shoulders, and doesn't use ghetto ebonics to illustrate her rise to fame while having accomplished nothing on her own. Melania is her own woman, all woman, and the dark cloud of the Michelle Obama years in the White House has finally been lifted.


Really? You're cheering for the Mistress? You have no self-respect. The old Mistress was right - that house was built by slaves and continues to be maintained by slaves like you. Go lick your master's boots, you dog.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams
Sometimes I wish that the Africans just killed those blacks who came across in the Muslims ships. We never hear about those blacks who enslaved blacks, then sold them off to be slaves in another land....
Melanie seems like a class act to me. Look at how well she got along with these other families. Looks like they accepted her also. Too bad her husband won't ever grow up and act decently also.
Melanie seems like a class act to me. Look at how well she got along with these other families. Looks like they accepted her also. Too bad her husband won't ever grow up and act decently also.
Just seems like night and day with those 2

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