Not Anymore You Don't...

Essentially, she is the very model of an immigrant who the right hates (when they are not married to Trump).

She came to the country and has contributed nothing; apparently, she has done nothing to add to the culture, didn't join the Army or Navy; and came over claiming that she had exceptional ability....very little about her is exceptional. She seems like a nice person and I wish her all the best.
She also first came here illegally and brought her parents by chain migration. Her freeloading parents may be here illegally as well. now you don't like illegals?
Who would have thought on a political message board the First Ladies have to be so viciously attacked for no good reason? Is that what politics amounts to? All of you that had nasty things to say about either of them should be ashamed.

Yes, this is what politics amounts to. Reason is dead. You can't expect a mature, rational society to emerge from a purposefully dumbed-down human livestock farm. Just pay your "fair share", pick between the two options we present, and vent your frustrations on the message boards, or in designated "free speech zones".

In a society where every person is expected to have an opinion about things they have no business in, or don't understand, this is what you get. The news helps politicians establish two opposing viewpoints on every issue and divide the nation along a thousand such lines. People regurgitate the opinions they hear instead of thinking for themselves, just as they were taught to do during their 12 year government indoctrination program. It's all by design and working marvelously.

When the cattle cars come, you can be sure it'll be "All aboard!" for the American people. After all, we elected "representatives" to think and act on our behalf, so who are we to get in the way of them doing their job?
"Pagan idols"??? If this is true, just what kind of an idiot is this woman? We know she spreads her legs for trash, but what is the rest about.

The "rest" is about you of course....drowning in hatred without your water wings......glug glug glug
Essentially, she is the very model of an immigrant who the right hates (when they are not married to Trump).

She came to the country and has contributed nothing; apparently, she has done nothing to add to the culture, didn't join the Army or Navy; and came over claiming that she had exceptional ability....very little about her is exceptional. She seems like a nice person and I wish her all the best.
She also first came here illegally and brought her parents by chain migration. Her freeloading parents may be here illegally as well. now you don't like illegals?
And you do? WTF?
Who would have thought on a political message board the First Ladies have to be so viciously attacked for no good reason? Is that what politics amounts to? All of you that had nasty things to say about either of them should be ashamed.

Yes, this is what politics amounts to. Reason is dead. You can't expect a mature, rational society to emerge from a purposefully dumbed-down human livestock farm. Just pay your "fair share", pick between the two options we present, and vent your frustrations on the message boards, or in designated "free speech zones".

In a society where every person is expected to have an opinion about things they have no business in, or don't understand, this is what you get. The news helps politicians establish two opposing viewpoints on every issue and divide the nation along a thousand such lines. People regurgitate the opinions they hear instead of thinking for themselves, just as they were taught to do during their 12 year government indoctrination program. It's all by design and working marvelously.

When the cattle cars come, you can be sure it'll be "All aboard!" for the American people. After all, we elected "representatives" to think and act on our behalf, so who are we to get in the way of them doing their job?
pick between the two options we present, and vent your frustrations on the message boards, or in designated "free speech zones".
We in Northern Virginia did a little more than just bitch and moan, we were proactive.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses re-election bid
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., was stunned Tuesday, after being booted from his seat in the Republican primary by David Brat, an upstart tea party-backed economics professor.
Liberals on the other hand are too stupid to know better, so continue to vote for the very people who keep them poor.
Essentially, she is the very model of an immigrant who the right hates (when they are not married to Trump).

She came to the country and has contributed nothing; apparently, she has done nothing to add to the culture, didn't join the Army or Navy; and came over claiming that she had exceptional ability....very little about her is exceptional. She seems like a nice person and I wish her all the best.
She also first came here illegally and brought her parents by chain migration. Her freeloading parents may be here illegally as well. now you don't like illegals?
And you do? WTF?

What kind of fricken response is that? If you don't want illegals here turn them away at the border.
I kinda miss Dubya....seems like a thousand years ago but that ol boy knew how to have some fun.....

Yup, lot's of fun... Dancing in the desert, blowing up the sunshine...

The liberals are always the one enacting the DRAFT which they know will end up with dead poor men. That is how they work out of a depression. Republicans go to war, with a volunteer force, to eradicate the scum of the Muslim religion that is hell bent on killing US. Not all are poor who join the volunteer force, or die protecting US either.

Tillman was the first professional football player to be killed in combat since Bob Kalsu, who died in the Vietnam War in 1970. Tillman was posthumously promoted from specialist to corporal.

Pat Tillman - Wikipedia

Wait.. you believe that they're over there fighting to protect us from people who are hellbent on killing us? Ok, first, ask yourself why they would be hellbent on killing us? Could it have anything to do with the fact that we've been a foreign power occupying their lands for over 30 years? Then ask yourself if they're actually a threat to this nation.

More importantly, you have a moral responsibility to listen to the words of the most decorated marine in history at the time of his death - Major General Smedley Butler - before speaking another word about the motivations for war. It's only an hour. Do your patriotic duty and listen to the whole thing; at your leisure, of course:

Who would have thought on a political message board the First Ladies have to be so viciously attacked for no good reason? Is that what politics amounts to? All of you that had nasty things to say about either of them should be ashamed.

Yes, this is what politics amounts to. Reason is dead. You can't expect a mature, rational society to emerge from a purposefully dumbed-down human livestock farm. Just pay your "fair share", pick between the two options we present, and vent your frustrations on the message boards, or in designated "free speech zones".

In a society where every person is expected to have an opinion about things they have no business in, or don't understand, this is what you get. The news helps politicians establish two opposing viewpoints on every issue and divide the nation along a thousand such lines. People regurgitate the opinions they hear instead of thinking for themselves, just as they were taught to do during their 12 year government indoctrination program. It's all by design and working marvelously.

When the cattle cars come, you can be sure it'll be "All aboard!" for the American people. After all, we elected "representatives" to think and act on our behalf, so who are we to get in the way of them doing their job?
pick between the two options we present, and vent your frustrations on the message boards, or in designated "free speech zones".
We in Northern Virginia did a little more than just bitch and moan, we were proactive.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses re-election bid
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., was stunned Tuesday, after being booted from his seat in the Republican primary by David Brat, an upstart tea party-backed economics professor.
Liberals on the other hand are too stupid to know better, so continue to vote for the very people who keep them poor.

Liberal vs Conservative.
Black vs White.
Gay vs Straight.
Urban vs Rural.
Young vs Old.
Man vs Woman.
Christian vs Muslim.

I kinda miss Dubya....seems like a thousand years ago but that ol boy knew how to have some fun.....

Yup, lot's of fun... Dancing in the desert, blowing up the sunshine...

The liberals are always the one enacting the DRAFT which they know will end up with dead poor men. That is how they work out of a depression. Republicans go to war, with a volunteer force, to eradicate the scum of the Muslim religion that is hell bent on killing US. Not all are poor who join the volunteer force, or die protecting US either.

Tillman was the first professional football player to be killed in combat since Bob Kalsu, who died in the Vietnam War in 1970. Tillman was posthumously promoted from specialist to corporal.

Pat Tillman - Wikipedia

Wait.. you believe that they're over there fighting to protect us from people who are hellbent on killing us? Ok, first, ask yourself why they would be hellbent on killing us? Could it have anything to do with the fact that we've been a foreign power occupying their lands for over 30 years? Then ask yourself if they're actually a threat to this nation.

More importantly, you have a moral responsibility to listen to the words of the most decorated marine in history at the time of his death - Major General Smedley Butler - before speaking another word about the motivations for war. It's only an hour. Do your patriotic duty and listen to the whole thing; at your leisure, of course:

Whoah now, hold on a sec there. While you make some valid points, this stuff about crusading against "foreign Invaders" is horseshit. In lieu of slaughtering westerners, the evil fundie islamists have instead engaged in campaigns of genocide and torture against fellow Muslims and any other groups among them that do not subscribe to their particular beliefs . These are not "foreign Invaders" they are slaughtering, torturing, and raping. These are indigenous people.

So I have to call bullshit. They want to kill us, because we are infidels who do not buy into their evil, disgusting religion, for one, and the "foreign invader" nonsense is just their attempt at a rally cry to pull people to their cause.

For example, bin Laden's favorite little bit of deception was to rally people to him by claiming he was fighting against the western presence in Saudi arabia, and other places. The fact is, it wasn't the presence of the west that bothered him, but the fact that the royal family being in power meant that said Arabia could not be part of the caliphate of bin Laden's design. He did not desire ejection of westerners, ultimately, depsite his constant stream of propaganda.

Bin Laden desired a fundamental, Islamic caliphate , governed by the nauseating horseshit in the Quran. The fact that this required the US to leave Saudi Arabia is incidental.

I know you find thinking boring, but I've got my patriotic duty, and you've got your adolescent mudslinging. Let's stick to our roles and handle our own business.

Go start your own thread and readers instead of trying to poach mine with your horseshit, boy. Your "the unfairness of it all" is juvenile and boring.....GET THE FUCK OUT.

Melania Trump has been trashed by the commies for her modeling career, her accent, her husband's "other women", even smiling at something Barry said to her at the Bush funeral. A far cry from the fawning praise the last "first lady" came to expect. Melania has no bulge in her slacks, no massive thighs and shoulders, and doesn't use ghetto ebonics to illustrate her rise to fame while having accomplished nothing on her own. Melania is her own woman, all woman, and the dark cloud of the Michelle Obama years in the White House has finally been lifted.

I doubt Melania would approve of your racist misogyny. And the White House was built in part by slaves. That's part of American history.
Tom if you want to be a racist motherfucker, that's your right. But don't bring in the first lady without her agreeing. Asshole.
I kinda miss Dubya....seems like a thousand years ago but that ol boy knew how to have some fun.....

Yup, lot's of fun... Dancing in the desert, blowing up the sunshine...

The liberals are always the one enacting the DRAFT which they know will end up with dead poor men. That is how they work out of a depression. Republicans go to war, with a volunteer force, to eradicate the scum of the Muslim religion that is hell bent on killing US. Not all are poor who join the volunteer force, or die protecting US either.

Tillman was the first professional football player to be killed in combat since Bob Kalsu, who died in the Vietnam War in 1970. Tillman was posthumously promoted from specialist to corporal.

Pat Tillman - Wikipedia

Wait.. you believe that they're over there fighting to protect us from people who are hellbent on killing us? Ok, first, ask yourself why they would be hellbent on killing us? Could it have anything to do with the fact that we've been a foreign power occupying their lands for over 30 years? Then ask yourself if they're actually a threat to this nation.

More importantly, you have a moral responsibility to listen to the words of the most decorated marine in history at the time of his death - Major General Smedley Butler - before speaking another word about the motivations for war. It's only an hour. Do your patriotic duty and listen to the whole thing; at your leisure, of course:

Whoah now, hold on a sec there. While you make some valid points, this stuff about crusading against "foreign Invaders" is horseshit. In lieu of slaughtering westerners, the evil fundie islamists have instead engaged in campaigns of genocide and torture against fellow Muslims and any other groups among them that do not subscribe to their particular beliefs . These are not "foreign Invaders" they are slaughtering, torturing, and raping. These are indigenous people.

So I have to call bullshit. They want to kill us, because we are infidels who do not buy into their evil, disgusting religion, for one, and the "foreign invader" nonsense is just their attempt at a rally cry to pull people to their cause.

For example, bin Laden's favorite little bit of deception was to rally people to him by claiming he was fighting against the western presence in Saudi arabia, and other places. The fact is, it wasn't the presence of the west that bothered him, but the fact that the royal family being in power meant that said Arabia could not be part of the caliphate of bin Laden's design. He did not desire ejection of westerners, ultimately, depsite his constant stream of propaganda.

Bin Laden desired a fundamental, Islamic caliphate , governed by the nauseating horseshit in the Quran. The fact that this required the US to leave Saudi Arabia is incidental.


So the well-documented relationship between the Bush's and the Bin Laden's is mere coincidence? It's a pro-wrestling style con-job. You're regurgitating the company line without understanding how power works. There's no such thing as Americans defending freedom around the world, any more than there's such a thing as Hulk Hogan, the hero who fights the bad guys out of love for his fans. Tough pill to swallow, but we owe it to humanity to face reality.

Whatever you think of me and my position, please listen to the audiobook I recommended. That is a man who was in the trenches and behind the scenes. His word is better than mine about what the motivations for war truly are. And when you understand them, you can decide if they make more sense than what comes across the political podium.
I doubt Melania would approve of your racist misogyny. And the White House was built in part by slaves. That's part of American history. sure told me....."racist misogyny"....perfect.
I know you find thinking boring, but I've got my patriotic duty, and you've got your adolescent mudslinging. Let's stick to our roles and handle our own business.

Go start your own thread and readers instead of trying to poach mine with your horseshit, boy. Your "the unfairness of it all" is juvenile and boring.....GET THE FUCK OUT.

White people rule. Michelle is a man. God Bless America.

We good now?
Who would have thought on a political message board the First Ladies have to be so viciously attacked for no good reason? Is that what politics amounts to? All of you that had nasty things to say about either of them should be ashamed.
Welp, i know you arent talking about me as i complimented michelles penis size :D
Ignoring that.....
So the well-documented relationship between the Bush's and the Bin Laden's blah blah blah

Hey Tinkerbelle....this thread is about Melania and're no long welcome here and if you had any dignity you'd leave.

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