Not Good: Federal Judge Rules Ohio's Traditional Marriage Laws Unconstitional

This is insane forcing Ohio to follow other states that have superceded it on allowing same sex marriages valid. This is what I call a travesty of epic proportions pertaining to established states rights. Traditional marriage has been in place since this nations inception and it has been a mainstay that helped form this nation and our value system. To have that nullified is outrageous. This radical judge abusing his powers is U.S. District Judge Timothy S. Black appointed by our constitutionally ineligible president Barack Obama.

Fed. Judge Rules Ohio Must Follow Other States' Marriage Laws Instead of Its Own

Oh yeah god forbid we ever let gay people marry! Next thing you know people will be eating cereal for dinner! Total anarchy!

Come on Steve, be honest. You aren't mad because of how a judge has interpreted the law of marriage, you are mad because you are a shallow bigot. How can anyone take you seriously with an avatar like that? You're a fake.
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It's up to the people in Ohio. They don't have to accept these couples as married.


The people lack the authority – either through their elected representatives or referenda – to decide who will or will not have his civil rights.

One’s civil liberties are not subject to ‘majority rule.’

Poppycock. People retain the absolute right to decide what they will or will not accept. There is no civil right to another person's good will. I can give you examples if you don't know how it works.

You and others on the social right in fact demonstrate your ignorance as to ‘how it works.’

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; Proposition 8 and Utah’s Amendment 3 are proof of that.

Residents of a given state are first and foremost citizens of the United States, their civil liberties protected by the Federal Constitution, where the people lack the authority to deny citizens their civil rights.

When the people of Colorado amended their state constitution to deny gay Americans access to anti-discrimination laws, the Supreme Court invalidated that measure as a violation of the 14th Amendment, where the people of Colorado lacked the authority to deny gay Americans their civil liberties (Romer v. Evans (1996)).

When the people of Texas enacted a measure criminalizing homosexuality, the Supreme Court invalidated that measure as a violation of the 14th Amendment, where the people of Texas lacked the authority to deny gay Americans their civil liberties (Lawrence v. Texas (2003)).

Those are the only examples that matter.

You and others on the right are at liberty to retain your hate and ignorance with regard to gay Americans in your private lives and places; but you are not at liberty to seek to codify that hate and ignorance into secular law, in violation of the Constitution.
You know that what gays want is that individual acceptance. That's what they believe the law will give them. The law just cannot force individuals to give it to them.
You know that what gays want is that individual acceptance. That's what they believe the law will give them. The law just cannot force individuals to give it to them.

Gay Americans seek only their comprehensive civil liberties, something every citizen is entitled to. Whether you and others on the hateful social right ‘accept’ gay Americans is solely your personal concern, having no bearing on the civil rights of other Americans.
It's up to the people in Ohio. They don't have to accept these couples as married.

What are you going to do, convict them and put them in jail?


There are those on the social right who seek to have Lawrence overturned and allow jurisdictions to criminalize ‘homosexual acts,’ subjecting gay Americans to criminal prosecution as a means to intimidate them, to keep them in hiding, second-class citizens, and out of public venues.
Another ruling finding anti gay laws unconstitutional? How many does this make now? And how many have ruled the other way? Oh, none?

Why are people still tilting at windmills? This is a done deal. At this point, we're just waiting for the inevitable, marriage equality in all 50 states.

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