Not supporting the war BUT supporting our troops

"Okay you are correct, thankyou for the clarity. shes not communist.
However, she does have a flawed worldview.
Its anti-communism to the EXTREME, entrusting everything on large multi-national corporations, she thinks they will solve all our problems, freemarket, corporations writing the rules for themselves, etc.
Instead of US we the people deciding on what the rules of the game are.
Our rules or get-the-f***-out."


Government "help" to business is just as disastrous as government persecution... the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off. - Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand was not for "big business" she was for the individual...

Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). - Ayn Rand

You clearly have a fundamental misunderstanding of Libertarian points of view.
no1tovote4 said:
Ayn Rand was not for "big business" she was for the individual...
Whatever the case may be, the freemarket still is breeding ground for monopolies.
You clearly have a fundamental misunderstanding of Libertarian points of view.
I hope not! Reading the toxic thought could corrupt my path. Nice quotes though.
xen said:
The path of righteousness, thats all.

A libertarian worldview is not an obstacle to a righteous life and in fact gives one the freedom and understanding of one's choices that will help one find such a path.
xen said:
We would also have a 100 million man army at our fingertips, ready to die for our country's survival. If i was to decide anyway. But no standing army, beside special forces and few other sectors.
nobody could f*** with that!

Wow......xen........great idea. Now, how would you create this standing army of 100 million? Remember, I like specific examples; not platitudes.

Also, how would you arm them if corporations were abolished?
ProudDem said:
He appeared insane when he was on the Chris Matthews show and challenged him to a duel. That's not normal behavior. Also, when he spoke at the Republican National Convention, his anger towards democrats was way too much. It made him look unstable.

He appeared offended, and rightly so. I'm neither Republican nor Democrat, and I enjoyed watching Zell tell it like he sees it. For once I thought a politician was being truthful and not pandering.

Love the "spit ball" analogy!
no1tovote4 said:
A libertarian worldview is not an obstacle to a righteous life and in fact gives one the freedom and understanding of one's choices that will help one find such a path.
Good on you. Me? I prefer an American born idealogy, and the best one is obviously the one we started with.
xen said:
Whatever the case may be, the freemarket still is breeding ground for monopolies.

I hope not! Reading the toxic thought could corrupt my path. Nice quotes though.

Care to share with us what made you turn Socialist, xen? Was it when you realized you lacked the talent to compete in a capitalist system? Did you decide you were just too jealous of the middle class? Did some big, bad capitalist steal your tricycle at a young age? Did you get fired by a some large corporation and now you hate them all?
Abbey Normal said:
Care to share with us what made you turn Socialist, xen? Was it when you realized you lacked the talent to compete in a capitalist system? Did you decide you were just too jealous of the middle class? Did some big, bad capitalist steal your tricycle at a young age? Did you get fired by a some large corporation and now you hate them all?

How astute of you Abbey! :clap1:
"The free market is a breeding ground for monopolies." -- THis is the most retarded thing I've ever read. eliminating free markets ensures a government monopoly which has all the negative aspects of a private monopoly, plus the absolute power of government.
rtwngAvngr said:
"The free market is a breeding ground for monopolies." -- THis is the most retarded thing I've ever read. eliminating free markets ensures a government monopoly which has all the negative aspects of a private monopoly, plus the absolute power of government.
This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. eliminating free markets ensures that people have the most power in this country. government IS the people.
xen said:
This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. eliminating free markets ensures that people have the most power in this country. government IS the people.

You're completely illogical and insane. I just want you to know that. I might make your quote my signature.
The freemarket is illogical and insane. You're saying WE THE PEOPLE shouldnt be allowed to regulate our own market!? :duh3:
The ClayTaurus said:
From my own personal opinion. We appear to disagree on that. Especially the cogent part. I'm willing to agree to disagree, are you?

What is your opinion BASED ON. Unless you're saying your opinion is based on your opinion. IS that what you're saying?
xen said:
The freemarket is illogical and insane. You're saying WE THE PEOPLE shouldnt be allowed to regulate our own market!? :duh3:

No. Read again. You're illogical and insane. The government is not equipped to regulate a market effectively. Price controls and vendor lists nearly ensure, corruption, shortages and gluts. You're really a little performing ape, aren't you?
rtwngAvngr said:
The government is not equipped to regulate a market effectively.
Are you kidden me? we frickin CREATED the market. No PRIVATE multi-national entity can tell US what are future is going to be like.
rtwngAvngr said:
No. Read again. You're illogical and insane. The government is not equipped to regulate a market effectively. Price controls and vendor lists nearly ensure, corruption, shortages and gluts. You're really a little performing ape, aren't you?

What does this discussion have to do with the subject I raised in this thread? Supposedly, we're not supposed to go outside the scope of the original post.

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