Not supporting the war BUT supporting our troops

rtwngAvngr said:
Zell miller is cogent, honest, and a great american. Where do you get that he's insane?

From my own personal opinion. We appear to disagree on that. Especially the cogent part. I'm willing to agree to disagree, are you?
xen said:
Hehhe, well good then.. The democratics are a bunch of morons, sell-out, republican wannabes. I am expecially DISGUSTED by clinton's DLC. You can quote me on that.

Was that sarcastic? I can't tell... and...DLC, help an idiot out here...
The ClayTaurus said:
From my own personal opinion. We appear to disagree on that. Especially the cogent part. I'm willing to agree to disagree, are you?

I hope he's not. Words mean something...remember? You claimed Miller to be 'insane'. What, specifically, leads you to that conclusion?
dmp said:
I hope he's not. Words mean something...remember? You claimed Miller to be 'insane'. What, specifically, leads you to that conclusion?

ugh... if it's easier to just take back the insane comment then to get into a whole thing about Zel Miller, I'm willing to do that. I just don't have much interest in talking about him, if it's unfair for me to call him insane and then say this... then i was unfair. I take it back.
Zhukov said:
Call the Republicans Nazis. How original and intelligent.
They are not nazis, just the 4th reich.

Sorry to disappoint however, but I don't happen to be a Republican. I just tend to agree with them more often than not these days.
Do you like Ayn Rand? shes a commie, commie worldview, booogus.

Your posts are mediocre by liberal standards. No problem with the illogic of them however, as that is par for the course. Were logic to creep in, it would cease to be liberal.
So its impossible for me to be logical, because im liberal? you know this country was founded on liberal principles. They called for us to become 'ever more liberal'.
It seems it has lost its meaning for you, how sad.

What a colossaly stupid line. Let me guess, that's you own (not Jefferson's), though no doubt a grotesque bastardization of something Jefferson once said.
You dont even KNOW why its stupid, hehehehe. you just says it is. NICE.
Everything I say is a bastardization of what jefferson stood for.
I figure, if i only listen to him and few of his founder buddies, madison, etc. Then sooner or later, ill get it right.
xen said:
You dont even KNOW why its stupid, hehehehe. you just says it is.

Dude - just a suggestion - don't f with Zhuk. He's owned you about 6 times in this thread, and I am not sure i can take how badly you'll get owned if you continue down this line of thought...

dmp said:
Dude - just a suggestion - don't f with Zhuk.
who said i f'ed with zhuk?? and who cares, i have no respect for someone who does not respect me. period.
Hes the one who says something stupid without giving his reasoning! equivalent to 'nerrr, Your a dumbass'.
xen said:
who said i f'ed with zhuk?? and who cares, i have no respect for someone who does not respect me. period.
Hes the one who says something stupid without giving his reasoning! equivalent to 'nerrr, Your a dumbass'.

Let me put it in a way you might understand:

Intellectually, you've been pwn3d several times in this thread; instead of admitting those points which Zhuk has 'got you' on, you move on to NEW points. In every case, Zhuk has replied back with a MUCH more convincing argument...

Now...this last reply...

You bring up 'respect'...and then point fingers....instead of taking responsibility of your own actions, you blame HIM for your lack of respect to his intellectual arguments.

see where i'm going, brother?
This was what i said:
America will ALWAYS have enemies.
You either choose to fight them forever, or have a successful nation.

This is Zhuk's reply:

What a colossaly stupid line. Let me guess, that's you own (not Jefferson's), though no doubt a grotesque bastardization of something Jefferson once said.

How is this statement 'owning me' if It does not make a counter-point at all?
xen said:
They are not nazis, just the 4th reich.
Right. So your weasling out of your own vitriolic statement? Can't even stand behind your own accusations, let alone defend them? Admirable.

Do you like Ayn Rand? shes a commie, commie worldview, booogus.
Ayn Rand's a 'commie'? Wow, I'm just going to move on.

So its impossible for me to be logical, because im liberal? you know this country was founded on liberal principles. They called for us to become 'ever more liberal'.
It seems it has lost its meaning for you, how sad.
Liberal has not lost meaning for me, it has changed meaning over the course of the last four decades. It no longer means open-minded like it once did.

You dont even KNOW why its stupid, hehehehe. you just says it is. NICE.
You've run away from everything else so far, why bother explaining this to you I figured. It's not as if you'd be receptive, and anyone who agrees with me doesn't need an explanation from me, so I figured I'd not waste my time.

But if you insist, one who does not defend his nation against it's enemies will soon find themselves without a nation at all.

Everything I say is a bastardization of what jefferson stood for.
Yes, I've noticed that.

I figure, if i only listen to him and few of his founder buddies, madison, etc. Then sooner or later, ill get it right.
One can only hope.
Zhukov said:
....your weasling.....vitriolic statement? .....accusations...

Ayn Rand's a 'commie'? Wow, I'm just going to move on.

She was born in russia, raised a commie, lived in their worldview. Then moved out and changed her views...coooomie.

Liberal has not lost meaning for me, it has changed meaning over the course of the last four decades. It no longer means open-minded like it once did.
How can something change meaning? only the people who claim to be liberal can change. To me, it still means open-minded, giving. I dont even consider myself liberal. I also want to conserv. many many things, founding ideals, natural treasure. So i cant be put in one or the other catagory. I carve my own path!

one who does not defend his nation against it's enemies will soon find themselves without a nation at all.

Most Americans want to defend this nation. we just all want to do it different ways. You think I dont? really?

One can only hope.
I would say its the best way to form my own political ideals in its purest form.
Dontcha you think?

Anyway, I gotta go, nice talkin to you zhuk!
Do you like Ayn Rand? shes a commie, commie worldview, booogus.

There is almost nobody more opposite to a communist worldview than Ayn Rand. This simply shows a total lack of understanding of the word communist. It might even be one of the most ill thought out remarks I have ever seen on this message board and that would really be saying something...


xen said:
She was born in russia, raised a commie, lived in their worldview. Then moved out and changed her views...coooomie.

If somebody has a "commie worldview" then changes their views they no longer have a "commie worldview". Can I make it any more simpler to you?

She lived under the communist thumb, moved and fought against every aspect of communism the rest of her life. Beyond any doubt at all this is the most inaccurate statement I have ever seen on the board.
xen said:
She was born in russia, raised a commie, lived in their worldview. Then moved out and changed her views...coooomie.


So...I was born in Washington State, Raised a democrat, then moved to Texas and became a republican - am I still a Democrat?

Sorry I am a bit confusing, in a hurry.
If I move to canada because i hate this administration, im still going be in the 'we rule ourselves' state of mind.
And she is a commie, hehehe.
xen said:
Sorry I am a bit confusing, in a hurry.
If I move to canada because i hate this administration, im still going be in the 'we rule ourselves' state of mind.
And she is a commie, hehehe.

Anybody who fights against communism with the vitality and success of Ayn Rand cannot be considered a communist any more than the US can be considered Britain after the revolutionary war.
xen said:
How can something change meaning? only the people who claim to be liberal can change.

Most Americans want to defend this nation. we just all want to do it different ways. You think I dont? really?
I just love being put into the position where I have to explain people to themselves. It really makes me feel as if I'm speaking to someone of intelligence and I'm spending my time wisely.

you said:
America will ALWAYS have enemies.
You either choose to fight them forever, or have a successful nation.

This is what you said. It is an "either-or" statement. See the 'either' and the 'or'? So, according to you, the only way to have a successful nation is to fight your enemies only some of the time, if at all.

Therefore I think what you would consider defending this coutry, and actually physically defending this country, are two different things.

Which brings us to a wonderful two part question. Who are our enemies and how would you defend this country against them? (during the some of the time you are actually fighting them of course)
xen said:
How can something change meaning? only the people who claim to be liberal can change. To me, it still means open-minded, giving. I dont even consider myself liberal. I also want to conserv. many many things, founding ideals, natural treasure. So i cant be put in one or the other catagory. I carve my own path!

Liberalism today standsfor authoritarianism, socialism and anti americanism.

Wanting to conserve many things doesn't make you a conservative. Words mean things, not just what you want them to mean.
no1tovote4 said:
Anybody who fights against communism with the vitality and success of Ayn Rand cannot be considered a communist any more than the US can be considered Britain after the revolutionary war.
Okay you are correct, thankyou for the clarity. shes not communist.
However, she does have a flawed worldview.
Its anti-communism to the EXTREME, entrusting everything on large multi-national corporations, she thinks they will solve all our problems, freemarket, corporations writing the rules for themselves, etc.
Instead of US we the people deciding on what the rules of the game are.
Our rules or get-the-f***-out.

Zhukov said:
This is what you said. It is an "either-or" statement. See the 'either' and the 'or'? So, according to you, the only way to have a successful nation is to fight your enemies only some of the time, if at all.

Which brings us to a wonderful two part question. Who are our enemies and how would you defend this country against them?
Let me clarify, You either fight them forever, or have a fruitful nation. Can't have both.

Wow, thats a hard question, mighty long list you're asking for. I'll make it simple: 1. We can have as many enemies as we like.
2. Defend ourselves through peaceful coercion and with superior force when in imminent danger arrives.
We would also have a 100 million man army at our fingertips, ready to die for our country's survival. If i was to decide anyway. But no standing army, beside special forces and few other sectors.
nobody could f*** with that!
dmp said:
I hope he's not. Words mean something...remember? You claimed Miller to be 'insane'. What, specifically, leads you to that conclusion?

He appeared insane when he was on the Chris Matthews show and challenged him to a duel. That's not normal behavior. Also, when he spoke at the Republican National Convention, his anger towards democrats was way too much. It made him look unstable.

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