Not supporting the war BUT supporting our troops

xen said:
Whatever man, im gettin tired. I get your points, dont get me wrong. I suppose capitalism, is a balance is between a freeforall system and an extremely regulated one. I am not an advocate of either, balance is good.
What I DONT agree with is large multi-national corporations undermining our democracy.

RIGHT NOW corporations have a bigger vote in this country than a person. this is wrong. Sure OWNERS of corporations may have a bit more influence due to their resources, but the corporation itself, is on totally different level.

In this we find agreement.
ey wheres your beer? its friday night! :beer: Im goin down to octoberfest, nice talkin with you.
dmp said:
Dude - just a suggestion - don't f with Zhuk. He's owned you about 6 times in this thread, and I am not sure i can take how badly you'll get owned if you continue down this line of thought...


Hell, who HASN'T owned him?
xen said:
ey wheres your beer? its friday night! :beer: Im goin down to octoberfest, nice talkin with you.

You too, it has been fun. :D I think I will go down to the store to get me some beer... Too bad I quit smoking, tough to go without when drinking beer.

eh, octoberfest was a bit too small, but was lots of fun considering the short time i was there.

Hagbard Celine said:
Typical. "If you don't love America then you can just get out." Such respect for the views of others. But who am I kidding. This is the same disrespect doled out by all of you Conservative posters for anyone displaying a non-militaristic point of view.

And I agree with you on the statement that every citizen is a member of the political PROCESS, but every citizen isn't a member of the outcome of that process.

With the three branches of the government dominated by the Republican party, every Conservative agenda is passing through with almost no opposition. Almost half of Americans have been left with practically no voice in the affairs of their country and it's extremely frustrating.

hate to tell you this but .... you lost .... lost ... see this isn't a big hug fest .... you don't get a do over .... we kept score and you lost .... which means you don't get your way .... stay if you like .... but stop being a poor sport .... complaine if you like .... blame the ref ... call the other side cheats .... tell yoursef that you are better and you should have won rationalize your failure all you like .... at the end of the day .... you lost and you are bitter .... if you spent more time figuring out how to win and less time complaining about how you were cheated or balming the other team or the wahtever or claiming the won beacuse they cheated or whatever excuse you would like to use for you own failure .... it is this simple ..... people do not see complainers and blamers as leaders
manu1959 said: lost...lost..this isn't a big hug don't get your way...being a poor sport.... complaine... .... blame.. failure....u lost... you are bitter...complaining...cheated ...balming .... claiming ...cheated ...excuse... you own failure ...complainers and blamers as leaders
Is that all you have, whining, no rebuttal? you sound like the mainstream media. :lame2:

-EDIT- HAHHA, your post is hilarious!! I cut out all your FLUFF.
xen said:
Is that all you have, whining, no rebuttal? you sound like the mainstream media. :lame2:

interesting .... i am whining ...

what would you like me to rebut for you?

Hagbard Celine's post.....

why do i need to rebut to it? are there rules that i need to follow to make you happy? am i not allowed an opinion or an observation of the lefts beahviour?

is my opinion wrong? is the left exhibiting traits of a good looser? are they complimenting the victor? are they trying harder....if you children lost a sporting event would you want them behaving as the left has?

the original question was suppot of the troops vs support of the war....i answered that....
I don't believe the above was an answer to a question, just fluffed up intimidation. Sorry mate.
xen said:

-EDIT- HAHHA, your post is hilarious!! I cut out all your FLUFF.

that's it .... thank you .... i feel further convicted in my beliefs ... i am sure that as you on the left continue to insult those on the right you remain confident that those on the right will eventually embrace and support you because you are so funny and so wise ..... arrogance and a condescending attitude seems to have worked well for you all….
xen said:
I don't believe the above was an answer to a question, just fluffed up intimidation. Sorry mate.

sorry but you are obviuosly one of those brilliant folks from the left and i am just a dumb hick so the above makes zero sense to me....what are you trying to communicate to me....speak slow now and use small words
manu1959 said:
..speak slow now and use small words
I already do that...and I'M the dumb hick. You are rich city boy or SOMETHIN.
Anyway, no rebuttal for me?
so back on topic:

Everytime I see pictures of anti-war protestors,

I see those who support the war holding signs that say, "Support Our Troops."

Can someone please explain to me why people assume that just because
someone does not support the war that it means that person also does not
support the troops?

the question posed does not acurately depict the event.

you can oppose the war if you like ... this is much different than protesting in public against the war.

i do not belive we should be at war .... however we are .... but, i will not "boo" my team in public because i do not like what they have done .... that gives momentem to the other side .... it makes the other side belive that they can win .... and i do not want the other side to win .... and from where i stand .... you should not do things that will help the other team, give them hope or hurt you team .... vote bush out of office ... write your represenatives ... write bush a letter .... but don't celebrate in the streets chanting that your team are a buch of idiots and you own team is a bunch of murderers .... for fucks sake they are not the ones that are trying to kill you
xen said:
I already do that...and I'M the dumb hick. You are rich city boy or SOMETHIN.
Anyway, no rebuttal for me?

hardly .... and don't sell yourself short .... not rich ... and not a city boy .... just a dude from california .... grew up dirt poor in a broken home and put myself through college .... i will ask again ... what would you like me to rebut for you?
manu1959 said:
Can someone please explain to me why people assume that just because
someone does not support the war that it means that person also does not
support the troops?
I would like to know also. Its almost like, if the opposition was in the same place. They wouldn't support the troops.. I DONT GET IT!!

but don't celebrate in the streets chanting that your team are a buch of idiots
It does get a bit overly celebratory. "Haha we can protest, no war" etc.

wouldn't a calm, serious, and somber attitude be more appropriate though?

But, I think it is traitorous to treat the opposition as a possible threat. Putting them in cages at national events. Pushing them around, threatening them while they protest.

-EDIT- Sorry, im wasted. let me switch things around a bit.
rtwngAvngr said:
Yes. It's what I think because you continually spout socialist crap.


1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.


1. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
2. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.


An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.

RW....I think one would have to understand the differences between socialism, communism and capitalism before they can understand that the propaganda they are espousing makes them look like a socialist. Perhaps xen is confused.........either he is espousing socialism or communism......because he sure doesn't sound like a capitalist to me.
kurtsprincess said:
.....either he is espousing socialism or communism......because he sure doesn't sound like a capitalist to me.
What makes you say that?

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